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Item PEMANTAATAN EKSTRAK DAUN MANGROVE Rizhopora sp. UNTUK PENGOBATAN PENYAKIT Motil Aeromonas Septiecmia(2017-11) Syawal, Henni; Karnila, Rahman; Tang, Usman MPenelitian ini bertujuan memanfaatkan ekstrak d2un mangrove Rhhopora sp. untuk mengobati ikatr air tawar (patin jambal siam) yatrg terfufeksi Aeromonas lrydrophila. Pembuaan ekstrak dlaun mangrove Nzhopora sp. menggunakan pelarut e@rc|%o/o dengan pe6andingian 1:5. Ikan uji {Pangasius hyphopthalmas.) terlebih dahulu diinfeksi dengan bakteri Aeromonas lrydrophila, dosis 0,lml/ekor, kepadatan bakteri l08cfulml. Setelah 18 jqm pascainfeksi dilakukan pengobatan sebanyak dua kali selama dua hari, dengan cara perendaqan 5 menit dalam larutan ekstrak daun mangrove Rizhopora sp. Perlakuan dosis pengobatan adalah; 1300, 1600, dan 1900 ppm, dan kontrol positif (tanpa diobati). Hasil penelitian menunjukkaa bahwa pengobatan dengan ekstrak Rizhopora sp. dosis l600ppm mampu mengobati ikan jambal siam yang terinfeksi A. hydrophilc dilihat dari gambaran darah dan kelulusanhidup ikan di akhir penelitian. Nilai rata-rata total eritrosit 346.00*22.60 x l0aseUnm3, Kadar hemoglobin 9.30+0.469ldL, Nilai hematokrit 30.67+l .53Vo, dan persentase kelulusanhidup 84,6yo-Item EFEK I{IPOGLIKEMIK PROTEIN TERIPANG PASIR (Holotharia Scabra "rJ PADA TIKUS DIABETES MELLITUS(2017-11) Karnila, RahmanTeripang past (Holothuia scabra J.) memiliki kandungan protein tinggi dan tersusun atas beberapa asam amino spesifik yang dapat menurunkan glukosa darah, sehingga bermanfaat bagi penderita penyakit Diabetes Mellitus yang prevalensinya di Indonesia terus meningkat secara nyata. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mempelajari hubungan kandungan asam amino bebas pada HPT, IPT dan KPT terhadap kemampuan sekresi insulin oleh sel beta pankreas tikus - model dan Diabetes Mellitus. Penelitian terdiri dari 3 tahap yaitu (l) persiapan dan analisis proksimat daging teripang, (2) analisis asam amino total dan bebas HPT, IPT dan KPT, dan (3) uji efek hipoglikemik pada tikus coba. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kandungan protein daging dan tepung teripang adalah 72,93yo dan 72,07Yo. Kandungan asam amino total HPT, IPT dan KPT tidak jauh berbeda yaita 48,6Yo; 48,61%o; dan 47 ,77o/o, sedangkan kandungan asam amino bebas HPT lebih tinggi dibandingkan IPT dan KPT yaitu 2,88o/o; A,22o/o; dan 0,25Ya. Hasil uji efek hipoglikemik menunjuk*an perlakuan konsentrasi 300 mg&gbb IIPT, IPT dau KPT adalah yang terbaik dalam menghambat laju kenaikan glukosa darah sesaat pada tikus coba, dengan uilai luas kurva secara berturut-turut adalah 7O'1 m#,804,33 mm', dan 910 mm2Item Pengaruh Campuran Cocopeat Dan Rock Phosphate Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Hasil Tiga Varietas Padi Gogo (oryza sativa l.) Pada Medium Ultisol(wahyu sari yeni, 2018-08-24) Yulia, Rahmi; Nelvia, Nelvia; Ariyani, ErlidaThe research aims to study the effect of mixture of cocopeat and rock phosphate on growth and yield of three varieties of upland rice in Ultisols medium. The research was conducted at the Green House of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Riau, Pekanbaru from March to August 2017. The research used Split Plot Design. The main plot were upland rice consist of three varieties (Situ Bagendit, Situ Patenggang and Inpago 8). The subplots were mixture of cocopeat 10 t ha-1 with rock phosphate (RP) doses 0, 30, 45, and 60 P2O5 kg ha-1. The parameters observed were plant height, number of maximum tillers and productive tillers, panicle length, flowering age, number of grain panicle-1, weight of dry milled grain and weight of 1000 grain. The results showed that the application of mixture of cocopeat doses 10 t ha-1 and RP doses 30 – 60 P2O5 kg ha-1 have effect to plant height, panicle length, and weight 1000 grain for Situ Bagendit, Situ Patenggang and Inpago 8 compare to without RP, but tended increase number of maximum and productive tillers and decrease flowering age. The application cocopeat doses 10 t ha-1 and RP doses 30 P2O5 kg ha-1 increased number of filled grain panicle-1 and weight of dry milled grain on three varieties, weight of dry milled grain Situ Patenggang > Inpago 8 > Situ Bagendit on each doses of RP and have number of productive tillers of these varieties 1,5 – 2 is greater than its descriptions.Item Ketersediaan P, Serapan P dan Si oleh Tanaman Padi Gogo (Oryza sativa. L) pada Lahan Ultisol yang diaplikasikan Silikat dan pupuk Fosfat(2018-08-24) Zulputra, Zulputra; Nelvia, NelviaThe research was conducted from August 2014 to January 2015 in the Ultisol land, Pematang Berangan Village, Rokan Hulu Regency, Riau Province. The study aims to determine the availability of P, P and Si uptake by upland rice plants granting silicate and phosphate fertilizer on Ultisol land. The form of this research is experimental factorial completely randomized design consist of two factors. The first factor is silicate consists of four levels (0, 50, 75, and 100 kg SiO2/ha), while the second factor is phosphate fertilizer consists of four levels (0, 36, 54, and 72 kg P2O5/ha), each combination was repeated three times. The results showed that addition of silicates and phosphates increase the availability of P, P and Si uptake of upland rice crop. Giving of 100 kg SiO2 and 36 kg P2O5 per hectare increase uptake of P and Si, each respectively increased by 208 % and 218 % compared without silicates and phosphates fertilizer.Item Ameliorasi Lahan Gambut dengan Campuran Limbah Agroindustri dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Kandungan Hara N, P, K dan Logam Berat Pb, Ni, Cr, Se,serta Pertumbuhan Dua Varietas Padi(2018-02-06) Nelvia, NelviaProvinsi Riau memiliki lahan gambut cukup luas dan berpotensi untuk pengembangan padi sawah, tetapi terkendala oleh sifat kimianya.Kendala tersebut dapat diatasi melalui amelioran. Berbagai hasil samping (limbah) agroindustri yang ada di Riau dapat diformulasi menjadi bahan amelioran. Diantaranya tandan kosong kelapa sawit (TKKS) dan dreg masing-masing hasil samping industri pengolahan kelapa sawit, industri pulp dan kertas. Kedua limbahtersebut jumlahnya sangat banyakdi Riaudanmengandung hara lengkapbaik hara makro maupun hara mikro, dreg juga mengandung logam berat Pb, Ni, Cr, dan Se meskipun kadarnya sangat rendah. Penelitian ini bertujuan mempelajari pengaruh ameliorasi lahan gambut dengan campuran kompos TKKS dan dreg terhadap pertumbuhan, kadar hara N, P, K dan logam berat Pb, Ni, Cr, Se dalam tajuk dua varietas padi. Penelitian dilakukan secara eksperimen menggunakan rancangan petak terbagi dan disusun menurut rancangan acak lengkap (RAL).Petak utama adalah varietas padi (padi lokal/Payo Besar dan IR 64), anak petak adalah amelioran yang terdiri dari campuran kompos TKKS dan dreg terdiri dari 3 taraf (5 ton kompos TKKS dicampur dengan 1,25; 2,5 dan 5 ton dreg per ha).Parameter yang diamati meliputi tinggi tanaman, jumlah anakan maksimum dan produktif, kadar hara N, P, K dan logam berat Pb, Ni, Cr, Se pada tanaman padilokal dan IR-64. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pertumbuhan padi lokal dan IR-64 sangat baik, (tinggi tanaman, jumlah anakan maksimum dan produktif yang diperoleh masing-masing tinggi), kandungan P dan K tajuk tergolong tinggidan N tergolong rendah, serta kadar logam berat Pb dan Ni tergolong sangat rendah, Cr dan Se tidak terditeksidalam tanaman padi lokal dan IR 64pada lahan gambut yang diameliorasi dengan5 ton kompos TKKS/hadicampur 1,25 ton dreg/ha, peningkatan takaran dreg ke 2,5-5 ton/ha pengaruhnya tidak significan terhadap setiap parameter tersebutItem Kajian Pemupupukan P Pada Lahan Sawah Balai Benih Induk Untuk Pertumbuhan Dan Produksi Padi (Oryza Sativa L.)(2018-02-06) Novarma, Riski; Nelvia, Nelvia; Herman, HermanPenelitian bertujuan untuk mendapatkan dosis pupuk P pada lahan sawah Balai Benih Induk (BBI) Pekanbaru Propinsi Riau untuk pertumbuhan dan hasil produksi padi yang optimal. Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap dengan 5 perlakuan yang terdiri dari 5 taraf (46; 57,5; 69; 80,5; 92 kg P2O5/ha), masing-masing perlakuan diulang 4 kali, dosis yang digunakan BBI adalah 69 kg P2O5/ha. Parameter yang diamati tinggi tanaman, jumlah anakan produktif, jumlah gabah per malai, bobot gabah bernas per sampel, bobot gabah bernas per meter persegi, bobot 1000 butir gabah dan indeks panen, serta pH, P tersedia dan P potensial tanah. Data hasil pengamatan tiap parameter dianalisis secara statistik menggunakan analisis ragam dan uji lanjut dengan DNMRT taraf 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa penurunan dosis P dari 69 kg P2O5/ha (dosis BBI) ke 46 kg P2O5/ha menghasilkan tinggi tanaman, jumlah anakan produktif, jumlah gabah per malai, bobot gabah bernas per sampel, bobot gabah bernas per meter persegi dan indeks panen lebih tinggi dibadingkan pemberian P pada dosis BBI (69 kg P2O5/ha) dan di bawah maupun di atasnya (57,5, dan 80,5, 92 kg P2O5/ha). Pemberian dosis 57,5 kg P2O5/ha terhadap bobot 1000 butir gabah menghasilkan perbedaan yang nyata dari dosis 69 kg P2O5/ha (dosis BBI).Item Pertumbuhan Dan Produksi Bawang Merah (allium ascalonicum l.) Dengan Pemberian Trichokompos Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit Terformulasi Dan Pupuk Kalium(2018-02-06) Herlina, Nofripa; Nelvia, Nelvia; Puspita, FifiPenelitian bertujuan untuk mempelajari pengaruh interaksi pemberian Trichokompos tandan kosong kelapa sawit (TKKS) terformulasi dan pupuk kalium, pengaruh utama keduanya terhadap pertumbuhan dan produksi bawang merah (Allium ascalonicum L.) di lahan gambut. Penelitian dilakukan secara eksperimen dalam bentuk faktorial 4 x 3 disusun menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL). Trichokompos TKKS terformulasi sebagai faktor I terdiri dari 4 taraf (15, 20, 25 dan 30 ton/ha) dan pupuk kalium sebagai faktor II terdiri dari 3 taraf (50, 100 dan 150 kg K₂O/ha). Parameter yang diamati antara lain tinggi tanaman, jumlah umbi berdasarkan kriteria diameter dan bobot segar umbi per rumpun sampel. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian 25 ton/ha Trichokompos TKKS terformulasi dan 100 kg K₂O/ha mengurangi umbi diameter kecil sebesar 3 kali (228,6%), sebaliknya meningkatkan umbi diameter besar sebesar 24 kali (2324,2%) dan bobot segar umbi per rumpun sampel sebesar 1,7 kali (71,3%) dibandingkan pemberian 15 ton/ha pada dosis pupuk kalium yang sama (100 kg K₂O/ha). Peningkatan dosis Trichokompos TKKS terformulasi dari 15 ke 25 ton/ha mengurangi umbi diameter kecil, sebaliknya meningkatkan umbi diameter besar dan bobot segar umbi per rumpun sampel. Peningkatan dosis ke 30 ton/ha masih berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan parameter tersebut kecuali jumlah umbi diameter kecil dan jumlah umbi diameter besar. Peningkatan dosis pupuk kalium dari 50 ke 100 hingga 150 kg K₂O/ha tidak mempengaruhi seluruh parameter yang diamati.Item Respon Bawang Merah (allium ascalonicum. l) Terhadap Pemberian Trichokompos Tkks Terformulasi Dan Pupuk Nitrogen Pada Lahan Gambut(2018-02-06) Syamsi, Azrida; Nelvia, Nelvia; Puspita, FifiPenelitian bertujuan untuk mempelajari interaksi pemberian Trichokompos TKKS terformulasi dan pupuk nitrogen, pengaruh utama keduanya terhadap pertumbuhan dan produksi bawang merah (Allium ascalonicum. L) pada lahan gambut serta serapan hara N. Penelitian dilakukan secara ekperimen dalam bentuk faktorial 4 x 3 disusun menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL). Faktor pertama yaitu Trichokompos TKKS terformulasi yang terdiri dari 4 taraf ( 15, 20, 25, dan 30 ton/ha) dan faktor ke dua yaitu pupuk nitrogen yang terdiri dari 3 taraf (150, 250, dan 350 kg/ha). Parameter yang diamati adalah tinggi tanaman, jumlah anakan dan bobot segar umbi per rumpun sampel. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa interaksi Trichokompos TKKS terformulasi 30 ton/ha dan pupuk nitrogen 350 kg N/ha meningkatkan bobot segar umbi per rumpun sampel secara nyata. Peningkatan dosis Trichokompos TKKS terformulasi dari 15 ke 30 ton/ha meningkatkan tinggi tanaman, jumlah anakan dan bobot segar umbi per rumpun sampel. Peningkatan dosis pupuk nitrogen dari 150 ke 350 kg N/ha meningkatkan tinggi tanaman dan bobot segar umbi per rumpun sampel.Item Pengaruh Pemberian Dosis Kompos Kulit Buah Kakao Dan Dolomit Terhadap Pertumbuhan Bibit Kakao (theobroma cacao l.) Di Media Ultisol(2018-02-06) Hansen, Imanuel Jhon; Nelvia, Nelvia; Amri, Al IkhsanThe aim of research to determine the effect of compost main pod husks and dolomite as well as their interaction on the growth of cocoa seedlings in media ultisol. Research conducted at the Experimental Farm, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Riau from November 2015 until February 2016. Research in the form of factorial experiment using completely randomized design (CRD). The first factor pod husks compost comprises four levels (0, 75, 100 and 125 g / polybag) and the second factor dolomite consists of three levels (0, 10, and 20 g / polybag), each combination treatment was repeated 3 times. Parameters measured were plant height, leaf number, stem diameter, and leaf area. Each parameter the observed data were statistically analyzed using analysis of variance and test of Duncan's New Multiple Range Test (DNMRT) at 5% level. The results showed the effect of compost pod husks dose of 125 g / polybag significantly increased plant height, stem diameter, number of leaves and leaf area while dolomite dose of 20 g / polybag no real effect except leaf area compared with no treatment. Interaction pod husks compost dose of 100 g / polybag and dolomite dose of 20 g / polybag increase stem diameter, number of leaves and leaf area significantly compared without compost pod husks and dolomite but less tangible than other combinations.Item Pengaruh Inokulasi Campuran Isolat Bakteri Pelarut Fosfat Indigenus Riau Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Produksi Tanaman Kedelai (glycine max l. Merr)(2018-02-06) Alfiah, Lufita Nur; Zul, Delita; Nelvia, NelviaAt this time the oportunity increasing soybean production still open through optimize the fulfill of the nutrient of plants. Phosphorus is one of element nutrient essentiality macro those as very important to growth and development of plants. The existence it in land abundance, but the concentration P who are get reserve by plant is very low. At acid land P bunching aluminum (AI) and iron (Fe) meanwhile in land Alkhalin P bounded calsium (Ca). The increasing efesiency of supply fosfat at plant can effort with exploit microorganism soluble phosphate group. Test potential solubility P by BPF isolated from peat soil Biosphere Reserve Giam Siak Kecil Bukit Batu, Riau. Test was conducted and taken in semi-quantitative which able to dissolve Ca3 (PO4) 2, FePo4 and phosphate rock. However adaptability and potential dilution BPF origin peat soils of Riau indigenus inoculated soybean in mineral soil until now unknown. This research was conducted in order to determine the effect of inoculation BPF indigenus Riau toward growth and yield of soybean. The study was conducted in factorial experiment using completely randomized design (RAL Factorial), as the first factor is soil treatment consisting of two levels ie: T0: soil without sterilization, T1: sterilized soil. The second factor is the provision isolates BPF which consists of 4 levels, namely: B0: without inoculation, B1: 2 isolates BPF (BB_UB6 and BB_K9), B2: 3 isolates BPF (BB_UB6, BB_K9 and BB_K2), B3: 4 isolates BPF (BB_UB6, BB_K9, BB_K2, and BB_HS13). The results showed soil sterilization decrease the number of primary branch becomes 5.67 and 1.49 g dry weight of the plant. The fastest time of harvest occurs in plants without inoculation of sterile soil that is 78.78. The highest weight of 100 seeds produced by the plant without inoculation of sterile soil that is 13.17 g.Item Pemberian Kompos Tkks Dan Cocopeat Pada Tanah Subsoil Ultisol Terhadap Pertumbuhan Bibit Kelapa Sawit (elaeis guineensis jacq.) Di Pre Nursery(2018-02-06) Andri, Siziko; Nelvia, Nelvia; SAPUTRA, SUKEMI INDRAPalm oil (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) is a plantation crop which is quite important in Indonesia because it accounts for foreign exchange and create employment that is high enough. Palm oil empty fruit bunches (EFB) is estimated at 20% of fresh fruit bunches ( FFB ) and coco in (cocopeat) are very much in Riau as raw material for fertilizer / compost. Subsoil ultisol a bottom layer of soil with sufficient depth within therefore very potential as a medium of palm oil nursery but has a low fertility signified by the nature of physics, chemistry and biology poor. Organic matter such as EFB compost and cocopeat can improve physical, chemical and biological subsoil ultisol. The research aimed to study the effect of EFB compost , cocopeat and a mixture of both the subsoil ultisol medium on the growth of palm oil seedlings in pre nursery. The study was conducted at the experimental station of Agriculture Faculty of the University of Riau from June to August , 2015. Research conducted an experiment using a completely randomized design (CRD) consisting of 6 treatments (K0 : without treatment , K1 : 100 g cocopeat , K2 : 100 g compost EFB , K3 : 50 g compost EFB + 50 g cocopeat , K4 : 75 g of compost EFB + 25 g cocopeat and K5 : 25 g compost cocopeat EFB + 75 g per plant) each repeated 4 times. The results showed treament EFB compost 50 g and cocopeat 50 g produce in the growth palm oil seedlings better than the other treatments on medium subsoil ultisol in pre nursery.Item Respons Fisiologi, Pertumbuhan, Produksi Dan Serapan P Bawang Merah (Allium ascalonicum L.) Terhadap Pemberian Trichokompos Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit (TKKS) Terformulasi Dan Pupuk P Di Lahan Gambut(2018-02-06) Arman, Zaldi; Nelvia, Nelvia; Armaini, ArmainiThe study aims to determine the effect of formulated PEFB trichokompos and P fertilizers on growth, physiology, production and P uptake of onion in peatlands. This research used experimental factorial randomized completely block design and three replications. Trichokompos PEFB formulated as the first factor is composed of four levels (0, 5, 10 and 15 ton ha-1) and P fertilizers as the second factor consists of four levels (0, 120, 180 and 240 kg ha-1 P₂O5). Parameters measured were chlorophyll content, photosynthesis rate, stomataH2Oconductivity , the concentration of CO2 in the cell, transpiration rate, plant height, number of tillers, number of tubers per hill, the diameter of the bulbs, fresh weight of tuber per hill, plant dry weight and P uptake. The results showed trichokompos PEFB formulated 15 ton ha-1 can increase the response of onion production as tuber diameter and fresh weight per hill and P uptake response respectively by 25.58%, 74.92% and 76.39%. While the physiological responses seen to decrease thestomatal H2O conductivity and transpiration rate of respectively 21.43% and 28.79% compared with no PEFB formulatedtrichokompos. Provision of fertilizer P 120 P2O5 ha-1 can improve physiological responses such as H2O on stomatal conductivity, increased growth responses such as plant height, such as the production response tuber diameter and fresh weight per hill and P uptake response respectively by 7.69%, 22.25%, 26.23%, 56.21% and 44.26% compared with no fertilizer P. combination trichokompos PEFB formulated 15 ton ha-1 with manure P 120 P2O5 ha-1 is the best treatment combination, with the highest production response namely 7.65 g (1.91 ton ha-1) fresh weight per hill and increased 214.81% compared with no treatment trichokompos PEFB formulated and fertilizer P.Item Pertumbuhan Bibit Kelapa Sawit (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) Di Pembibitan Utama Pada Medium Sub Soil Ultisol Yang Diberi Asam Humat Dan Kompos Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit(2018-02-06) Sembiring, Janrico Valentino; Nelvia, Nelvia; Yulia, Arnis EnUltisol have low fertility, the sub soil of ultisol have fertility and organic matter content are very low. Compost of oil palm empty fruit bunches (OPEFB) and humic acid are useful improving fertility and organic matter content so that it can support growth of the plant. The research aims to study the effect of application of compost OPEFB and humic acid on sub soil ultisol to growth of the oil palm seedling’s in the main nursery. The experiment was conducted at the Experimental Farm of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Riau, Pekanbaru. The experiment were carried out in the form of factorial with a completely randomized design. The first factor is compost of OPEFB that consists of 4 levels (0, 25, 50 and 75 g/polybag) and as the second factor is the humic acid that consists of 3 level (0, 25 and 50 g/polybag). The parameters observed were statistically analyzed using analysis of variance, followed by Duncan’s multiple range test at 5%.The parameters measured were plant height, in the number of leaves, the increase in diameter stump, root crown ratio, dry seedling weight. The results slowed that the application of compost of OPEFB 25-75 g/polybag followed by humic acid 25, 50 g/polybag significantly increased plant height, in the number of leaves, the increase in diameter stump, root crown ratio, dry seedling weight composed than without compost OPEFB and humic acid, but now significantly with the other combination actionItem Pengaruh Pemberian Pupuk Kalium Dan Campuran Kompos Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit Dengan Abu Boiler Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Hasil Tanaman Bawang Merah (Allium asacalonicum L.)(2018-02-06) Alfian, Dian Fikri; Nelvia, Nelvia; Yetti, HusnaThe research aims to study the interaction of several doses of potassium fertilizer and compost mixture of oil palm empty fruit bunches with boiler ash on growth and yield of onion. The research has been carried out experimentally in the form of Randomized Completely Design Factorial 3 × 4. The first factor is the potassium fertilizer consist of three levels and the second factor is the compost mixture of oil palm empty fruit bunches with boiler ash consist of four levels. Observation made were plants height, number of tubers, diameter of tubers and fresh weight of tuber per clumps sample and yield of tubers per plot. Data analyzed by ANOVA and further tested using by Duncan`s New Multiple Range Test (DNMRT) at the level of 5%. The results showed the application of potassium fertilizer and compost mixture of oil palm empty fruit bunches with boiler ash significantly affect on the diameter of tuber per clump samples and yield of tubers per plot but not significant for other observations. Application of 60 kg K2O/ha with a mixture of compost oil palm empty fruit bunches and boiler ash 7,5 + 0,25 tons/ha a good dose of the growth and yield of onion.Item Respon Padi Gogo (Oryza Sativa L.) Terhadap Pemberian Silikat Dan Pupuk Fosfat Pada Tanah Ultisol(2018-02-06) Zulputra, Zulputra; Wawan, Wawan; Nelvia, NelviaThe research aims to study the response of upland rice on the application of silicates and phosphate fertilizer on Ultisol. The study was conducted in land Ultisol in Pematang Berangan Village, Rokan Hulu Regency, Riau Province. Research in the form of experimental factorial completely randomized design consisting of two factors. The first factor is silicate consists of four levels (0, 50, 75, and 100 kg SiO2/ha), while the second factor that phosphate fertilizer consists of four levels (0, 36, 54, and 72 kg P2O5/ha), each combination was repeated three times. The results showed that application of silicates and phosphates increase the growth and yield of upland rice. The application of 100 kg SiO2 and 36 kg P2O5 per hectare increasing of the percentage of grain pithy and weight of dry grain per square meter, about 21% and 117% respectively compared to without silicates and phosphatesItem Response of Rice and Carbon Emission to Application of Ameliorant Dregs in The Peat Soil with Saturation and Unsaturation Condition(2018-02-06) nelvia, nelviaFertility of peat land is very poor and makes it not suitable for crop without any high input. This condition was indicated by the very high soil acidity ( low pH), low availability of macro (N, K, Ca and P), and micro (Cu, Zn, Mn and Bo) nutriens and high cation exchange capacity (CEC) but low base saturation (BS), the presence of toxic organic acid. The main organic acids, as a result of lignin biodegradation and the sources of C-release, are of aromatic group consisting mainly of derivate phenolic acids. The peat soil material was taken at depths from 0 to 30 cm, with weathering rate saprik and dregs from Indah Kiat Pulp and Paper at Perawang, Riau. These experiments using split plot design, the main plot is the condition of the water (unsaturated and saturated) and the subplot is ameliorant dregs consisting of 4 levels (0, 10, 15 and 20 ton ha-1), each combination was repeated 4 times. The activities were focused on the interaction of water condition and ameliorant dregs, and its influences to growth and yield of rice, C-emission (CO2 and CH4). The results showed that the aplication of dregs improves plant growth and increase the yield of rice (weight of dry milled grain) compared without dreg both at unsaturated condition and saturated conditions. The Cabon-release in the forms of CO2 and CH4 fluxes in saturated conditions is smaller than unsaturated conditions. The application dreg 10 t ha-1 increase the number of productive tillers and the weight of milled rice about 35 and 75% compared without dreg on saturated condition, whereas the increase is greater unsaturated conditions about 63 and 80%. The application of dregs 10 t ha-1 in saturated condition can reduce CO2 and CH4 emissions about 18.19% and 93.71% compared without dreg, otherwise the application dreg 10-20 t ha-1 increase the production of CO2 and CH4 in unsaturated conditionsItem AKUMULASI LOGAM BERAT DAN RESPON TANAMAN PADI TERHADAP AMELIORASI GAMBUT DENGAN DREGS(2018-01-02) Nelvia, NelviaPenelitian bertujuan mempelajari akumulasi logam berat Pb, Cr, Ni dan Se pada tajuk dan beras, kelarutan Pb, Cr, Ni dan Se dalam air dan Pb, Cr, Ni dan Se dapat dipertukarkan pada tanah serta respon tanaman padi terhadap ameliorasi tanah gambut dengan dregs. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Rumah Kaca, Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Riau dari bulan Agustus hingga November 2011. Tanah gambut diambil di desa Kerumutan, Kabupaten Pelalawan, sedangkan dregs berasal dari pabrik kertas Indah Kiat Pulp and Paper (IKPP) Perawang, Riau. Penelitian dilaksanakan secara eksperimen menggunakan Ranangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) yang terdiri dari 7 perlakuan (tanpa dan dengan amelioran dregs: 5, 10, 15, 20, 40 dan 60 ton/ha) tiap perlakuan diulang 3 kali. Untuk mengetahui pengaruh perlakuan yang dicobakan dilakukan analisis ragam pada taraf 5%. Sedangkan untuk mengetahui perbedaan antara perlakuan dilakukan uji lanjutan DMRT (Duncan’s Multiple Range Test). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian bahan amelioran 10 ton/ha meningkatkan jumlah anakan hampir dua kali lipat sedangkan bobot gabah kering giling meningkat 2,5 kali lipat dibandingkan dengan tanpa pemberian amelioran. Ameliorasi tanah gambut dengan dregs hingga takaran 60 ton/ha tidak menunjukkan adanya akumulasi logam berat Pb, Cr, Ni dan Se pada jerami padi maupun beras dan tidak menimbulkan pencemaran pada air dan tanahItem Contribution Of Farming Sustainable Food House Area (Krpl) On Household Economics In Pekanbaru City(2017-12-06) Eliza, Eliza; Tarumun, Suardi; Dewi, Novia; Syaifullah, MuhammadSustainable food house areais an area consisting of a set of sustainable food house to encourage increased use of yard as a source of family food and also increase food consumption and increase the role of women’s household based on additional income. The purpose of this research (1) to analyze the income of farming Sustainable Food House Area(KRPL), (2) to analyze the income of farmer household of Sustainable Food House Area (KRPL), (3) farmer income contribution of KRPL to farmer household economiy of KRPL in Pekanbaru City. The research used survey method, sampling with disproportional random sampling, the number of samples was 62 samples of KRPL member. The results obtained average farming income of KRPL is Rp 140.089 / month, average household income of farmer KRPL is Rp 3.142.669 / month, consist of husband income Rp 2.210.484, wife income Rp 666.935, and other income Rp 125.161, farmer income contribution of KRPL program to household income is 4.46%.Item Best Practice Pengarusutamaan Gender (Pug) Di Sektor Pertanian(2017-11-29) Rosnita, RosnitaPeran sektor pertanian sudah tidak diragukan lagi dalam pembangunan. Perempuan sebagai anggota rumahtangga petani merupakan faktor produksi (sumberdaya pertanian) yang akan menentukan keberhasilan pembangunan pertanian dalam meningkatkan kesejahteraan petani. Beberapa kebijakan yang dilakukan kadangkala bias gender, dimana keberadaan perempuan kurang diperhitungkan dalam merumuskan kebijakan dan program terutama yang terkait dengan inovasi teknologi dibidang pertanian. Analisis terhadap beberapa hasil penelitian menggambarkan bahwa curahan waktu perempuan pada kegiatan ekonomi secara retata lebih besar dibanding kegiatan non-ekonomi. Disisi lain peran perempuan dalam mengambil keputusan terhadap kegiatan ekonomi (rumahtangga) lebih dominan. Kaum perempuan telah memberikan kontribusi pendapatan sebesar 36,90 persenItem Analisis Kemandirian Petani Kelapa Sawit Pola Swadaya(2017-11-29) Ayusartifani, Dwinta; Rosnita, Rosnita; Yulida, RozaThis study aims to determine the self-sufficiency of the farmers than seen from (1) it self-sufficiency to take a decision in selecting the kinds of commodities, (2) it self-sufficiency to take the decisions in the fulfillment of the means of production, (3) it self-sufficiency to take decisions in pricing, (4) it self-sufficiency in taking decisions of marketing. The research was conducted using survey method in the district of Kubu Rokan Hilir with a sample of 80 farmers were taken by purposive sampling of the total of swadaya pattern palm farmers that is numbering about 1515. Data were analyzed using Likert scale. The results showed that (1) farmers are already in self-sufficiency to take decisions in selecting the kinds of commodities, (2) farmers had just been self-sufficiency enough to take decisions in the fulfillment of the means of production because it is still supported by farm group, (3) Farmers are not able to make decisions on pricing, they are determined by the employer, (4) Farmers are not able to take decision in marketing, and (5) Averagely the self-sufficiency of swadaya patterns palm farmers are less sufficiency, in spite of good in choosing the type of commodity and quite good in the fulfillment of the means of production but in pricing and marketing decisions are less sufficiency. Farmer’ self-sufficiency to take the decisions in selecting the kinds of commodities categorized as “sufficiency” with a score of 3.4. Farmer’ self-sufficiency to take the decisions in the fulfillment of production facilities categorized as “quite good” with a score of 2.88. Farmer’ self-sufficiency to make decisions of pricing categorized as “quite helpless” with a score of 1.28. Farmer’ self-sufficiency to take decisions in marketing categorized as “quite helpless” with a score of 1.71.