6.International Seminar on Fisheries and Marine Science 2015


Recent Submissions

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    Cover Dan Daftar Isi
    (2016-08-28) Hutauruk, Ronald Mangasi; Windarti
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    Molecular Cloning and Phylogenetic Analysis of Vitellogenin Gene in Hemibagrus nemurus
    (2016-08-28) Ling, Ang Pay; Harmin, S.A.; Salwany, M.Y. Ina; O. Roshani; Z. Zulperi; S.N. Baharum; Syahril, M.Z. Mohd
    Vitellogenin is an egg yolk precursor glycophospolipoprotein, which it can be used as a biomarker indicator in sexual maturation. In this study, total of the nucleotide size for this partial VTG sequence is 574bp. The partial VTG nucleotide homology of Hemibagrus nemurus is high; showing 88-91% identity between Clarias macrocephalus and Ariopsis felis. The VTG sequences analysis has shown the highest homologous portion of the VTG gene between local H. nemurus with Ariopsis felis and Bagre marinus. VTG from different species are conserved domains, and phylogenetically related. Studies as such will certainly provide new insights to better understand the biological role of VTG in river catfish.
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    Zoonotic Fish Parasites in Riau, Indonesia
    (2016-08-28) Riauwaty S, Morina
    Clinostomum sp.is belongedto digenetic trematodethat commonly infests freshwater fishes. This parasite is zoonotic and may cause laryngopharyngitis disease in human that consume raw fish. A study aims to understand the morphology and prevalence of Clinostomum sp.in the freshwater fishesfrom Riau, Indonesia has been conducted fromFebruarytoOctober 2013. Fish samples were measured and weight and then were investigated for identifying the parasites infection. Parasites were taken manually and fixed in 10% formaline solution and stained with Semichon’s acetocarmine. Parasites were then studied using astereo microscope, the number and types of parasites were noted and examined. Morphological characteristics of the cysts are ellipse, 0,03 (0,02-0,04 mm) length and 0,02 (0,01-0,03) mm width, transparent, off white colored and attach in the fish tissue.Based on its morphological characteristics, Clinostomum sp. found were identified as C. phalacrocorasis. Results of this research prove that T. trichogaster is the 2ndintermediate host of Clinostomum sp in Riau Province, Indonesia.
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    Enrichment of Brine Shrimp (Artemia franciscana) Nauplii with Potential Probiont Strains, Bacillus JAQ04 and Micrococcus JAQ07
    (2016-08-28) Azirah M. Z., Nora; Karim, Murni; Salwany M. Y, Ina; Harmin S. A.; Marini
    The study of bacterial interaction with crustaceans used in aquaculture, such as brine shrimp Artemia is gaining importance. Thus, this study aims to evaluate the effect on survival, growth and development of Artemia nauplii enriched with potential probionts JAQ04 and JAQ07 in gnotobiotic condition. Brine shrimp lethality concentration assay (LC50) was carried out under monoxenic condition to identify the cytotoxity of these probionts. After decapsulation of the cyst, the Artemia nauplii were preincubated with high concentration of probiont Bacillus JAQ04 and Micrococcus JAQ07 at concentration of 107 CFU ml-1. These bacteria were previously isolated from juvenile of Tiger grouper (Epinephelus fuscoguttatus). Pathogenic and toxicity assay demonstrated that both probiont strains were not pathogenic to the host. Significant survival (p<0.05) was observed in Artemia nauplii enriched with Bacillus JAQ04 (73%) and Micrococcus JAQ07 (63%) as compared to the control (43%). This study also demonstrated that potential probionts significantly improve the growth of the Artemia nauplii as demonstrated by higher body length when compared to the control (p<0.05). Therefore, it is suggested that Bacillus JAQ04 and Micrococcus JAQ07 were not harmless, and had significant effect on the growth and development of Artemia.
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    Morphoanatomical and Histological Changing During The Developmental Stages of Ompok hypopthalmus Ovary
    (2016-08-28) Windarti, Windarti; Sukendi, Sukendi; Heltonika, Benny
    During the gonadal maturity process, changes are occured in the morphological and anatomical characters of fish ovary. This study aims to understand the morphoanatomical changes as the ovary of Ompok hypopthalmus develop. The fish were captured from the Kampar River. Fish that were in 2nd, 3rd and 4th maturity levels were studied directly. Morphological and anatomical characteristics of the liver, gonad and viscera were then described. Results shown that the GSI increase as the gonad developed, from 1.5529 in the 3rd maturity stage into 7.0616 in the 4th maturity stage. The VSI and HSI, however, are fluctuated, it peaked in the 3rd maturity stage (4.3479 and 1.2558 respectively) and decrease in the 4th maturity stage (2.8352 and 1.0648 respectively), indicating that the energy stored has been allocated for gamet development. Moreover the color of the liver in the 2nd and 3rd maturity stage fishes were relatively pale than that of the 4rd maturity stage fishes, indicated that part of the stored fat in the liver has been allocated for gonad development.
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    Histopathological Changes in Gonads of Blue Spotted Ray (Dasyatis kuhlii) Due to Heavy Metal Mercury (Hg)
    (2016-08-28) Tresnati, Joeharnani; Trijuno, Dody Dharmawan
    The aim of study was to analyze the effect of mercury on gonads of blue spotted ray Dasyatis kuhlii using a histological observation. The rays were placed in five tanks filled by seawater with three fishes for each tank. Blue spotted rays, Dasyatis kuhlii were treated for 12 days by using different concentrations of mercury (Hg), those are, 0 ppm (treatment A), 0.0025 (treatment B), 0.0050 ppm (treatment C), 0.010 ppm (treatment D) and 0,020 ppm (treatment E). Results of the study show that Hg exposure altered the gonads microscopic structure. Histopathological change in ovary is detachment of vitellin layer. Histopathological changes in testicular are hyperplasia of germinal epithelium, cloudy swelling, blood clots and distorted of lobules.
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    Decomposition Rate of Mangrove Litter in Kuala Indragiri Coastal
    (2016-08-28) Mariana, Mariana; Felix, Feliatra; Sukendi, Sukendi; Nasution, Syafruddin
    This study was conducted in the mangrove forest located in the Kuala Indragiri coastal areas (Riau province–Indonesia) from January to February 2015. Mangrove litter leaf is organic substance that affects the fertility of mangrove ecosystem, and support the life of organisms within that forest. The mangrove represent as nursery ground, feeding ground, and spawning ground for various fish type, prawn and other marine organisms. This forest is also produce detritus that can be used as main foods source in marine ecosystem. The objectives of this research is to understand the decomposition rate of mangrove litter in the Kuala Indragiri mangrove forest. Data were analyzed by calculating the mean dry weight of the litter and decomposition rate was counted using an exponential rank function or absolute decomposition percentage of litter leaf per day. The highest rate of litter decomposition was found in station V 44.902% with a residence time 15, 930 days. The mean coefficient of litter decomposition rate was 0.058 with residence time 19, 571 days.
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    Phylogenetic Analysis of Vitellogenin Peptides in Hemibagrus nemurus
    (2016-08-28) Roshani O; Harmin S. A.; Salwany M. Y., Ina
    Vitellogenin is a female-specific glycolipophosphoproteins and it plays a significant role in embryo development and reproduction of Hemibagrus nemurus. The vitellogenin have been characterized to have various molecular weights in different fish species and has led to questions over ways to identify the vitellogenin peptides in river catfish that has been evolutionarily conserved in teleost. In this study, the amino acid sequences for the vitellogenin peptides for H. nemurus are AYLAGAAADVLEVGVR and AYLAGAAADVLDIGVR and were used to investigate the phylogenetic relationships between vitellogenin in different fish species in the database. The phylogenetic analysis based upon the vitellogenin peptides of H. nemurus indicates a close phylogenetic relationship with vitellogenin in Clarias batrachus. Vtg is a highly conserved protein and the molecular weight or size is species-specific, thus the similarity value was obtained due to the fact that both species belong to the Asian freshwater catfish family.
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    Swimming Exercise Impact on Cardiac Activities of Jack Mackerel (Trachurus japonicus) and Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) by Electrocardiograph Measurement
    (2016-08-28) Nofrizal
    Ninety jack mackerels (18.68±0.90 cm, Fork Length (FL) (average ± S.D., n = 90) and twenty nile tilapias (14,80±1,20 cm, n = 20) were forced to swim in swimming channel of flume tank at various swimming speed level as 20.40-147.00 cm/s, which corresponded to 1.09-9.12 FL/s at 10, 15 and 22°C respectively for jack mackerel and 5.97-47.73 cm/s, which corresponded to 0.37-3.85 FL/s for nile tilapia. The heart rate was measured by impleting a pair of electrode at pericardial cavity region of both fish, which was conected to digital oscilloscope via an bio-amplifier. The highest stress level was occurred at vicinity of the maximum sustained and prolonged swimming speed. This indicated that the heart rate of jack mackerel was increasing steadily to reach 3.60 times greater than control value for 10°C, 4.03 for 15°C, and 4.20 for 22°C in prolonged swimming speed. The incremental of heart rate was reach 3.85 times greater than control value at 25°C for tilapia. The recovery time for post-exercise was monitored to be the longest (up to 543 min) at these swimming speed levels for jack mackerel. The incremental of heart rate in relation to swimming speed level are discussed deeply in this paper.
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    The Effects of Fermented Kapok (Ceiba petandra) Seed Meal Diet in Growth and Survival Rate of White Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) Juvenile
    (2016-08-28) Muskita, Wellem H.; Susilowati, Prima Endang; Hamzah, Muhaimin; Ketut, Ni Gusti
    Kapok seed meal (KSM) is a side product of kapok seed oil (KSO) processing and it can be used as protein source for shrimp feed. Unfortunately, the kapok seeds contain gossypol that plays as an anti nutrient substance and cyclopropenoic fatty acids, that could interfere the function of hepatopancreas, digestive enzymes and body fat composition. The gossypol can be eliminated by microbial activity namely the fermentation proocess. This research aims to understand the effect of fermented kapok (Ceiba petandra) seed meal the addition in the diet white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) juveniles on growth and survival rate of the shrimp. The shrimp were maintained in aquarium with a density of 15 shrimps/aquarium for 42 days. There were 4 treatments applied (3 repetition/ treatments). The control shrimp was feed on commercial pellet and they was not provided with KSM (Diet 4); while the feed of shrimp in Diet 1, Diet 2, and Diet were provided with 10, 20, and 30% of the fermented KSM. Specific growth rate, feed convertion ratio and survival rate were evaluated. Results shown that there was no different in weight gain, specific growth rate and survival rate of the shrimp, while feed convertion ratio was different diet and the best result was found in Diet 1 (2.44 ± 0.23%).
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    Study on The Smoking of Catfish (Cryptopterus bicirchis) Using The Different Kinds of Wood as The Smoke Source
    (2016-08-28) Leksono, Tjipto; Edison; Ikhsan, M. Nur
    The aim of the research was to examine the use of different kinds of wood as the smoke source for catfish selais (Cryptopterus bicirchis) smoking and to determine the best typical wood used to produce smoked fish in the Rokan Hilir Regency, Riau Province, Indonesia. The woods used were kandis (Garcinia xanthochymus), laban (Vitex pinnata), ubar (Eugeniasp.) and timahtimah (Elaeocarpaecae sp.). Results shown that catfish smoking in this regency was using the direct hot smoking method. Smoked catfish produced was blackish brown, shiny, dry with clay textured. The weight reduction was up to 25% of the initial weight. The best wood used as smoke source was ubar (Eugenia sp.), but it was not significantly different from laban (Vitex pinnata). The smoked fish produced contained moisture, ash, total phenolic and acid compound 11.02%, 4.27%, 2.60%, and 0.419%, respectively.
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    Phylogenetic and Structure Comparative Analysis of Complement Regulatory Membrane Proteins of Ginbuna Crucian Carp Carassius auratus langsdorfii
    (2016-08-28) Nur, Indriyani; Harada, Hikari; Nakamura, Ryota; Tsujikura, Masakazu; Somamoto, Tomonori
    Regulation of the complement activation (RCA) has been shown to play a key role in controlling activation of the complement cascades as the main part of innate immune system. Humans RCAs have been studied most extensively and classified into soluble and membrane type. RCAs have also been partly characterized in a limited variety of non-mammalians species, including in bony fish, such as carp and zebrafish. In recent year, we have found three isoforms of complement regulatory membrane proteins (Tecrem) in ginbuna crucian carp at mRNA level, namely gTecrem-1, gTecrem-2, and gTecrem-3 in which structurally homologous to mammalian RCA-membrane type (CD46). In this study, phylogenetic analyses and comparative study on gTecrem structure were performed to clarify fundamental molecular information. Data based on mRNA level indicated that gTecrem structure principally conserved all the features of non-mammalians and human membrane-bound RCA. In addition, the findings showed that the number of Short Concensus Repeat (SCRs) in regulatory membrane-bound protein is different across isoforms and animal spesies.
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    Preliminary Study on the Reproduction of Geso (Hemibagrus wyckii, Bagridae ) Fish from Kampar Kanan River, Indonesia
    (2016-08-28) Aryani, Netti; Suharman, Indra; Hasibuan, Saberina
    Hemibagrus wyckii is one of vulnerable Bagridae species that inhabit the Kampar Kanan Rivers, Riau, Indonesia. A preliminary study on the reproduction of the H. wyckii has been conducted from April to August 2015 in order to determine the reproductive aspects of this fish. The number of fishes sampled was 45. The fish was captured by fishermen using fishing lines. Parameters measured were total length (cm), body weight (g), sex and reproductive condition of the fish, including gonadal maturity stages, fecundity, egg diameter, and spawning type. The eggs were preserved in Gilson solution and the diameter was measured. The fecundity was calculated using a gravimetric method. Results obtained shown that 36 males (TL 42.9 to 65.2 cm and BW 961-2,898 g) and 9 females (TL 56.4 to 79.2 and BW of 1,910 to 4,710 grams) were captured. Gonadal Somatic Index of the male ranged from 0.6 to 2.00% and that of the female was 0.88-3.97%. The fecundity range from 3,876-9,588 eggs and the egg diameter was range from 1.04-2.81 mm. Data obtained indicate that the type of the oocyte development of H.wyckii is asynchronies with partial spawning.
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    Analysis Pattern of Potency and Fisheries Development in The Bengkalis Regency, Riau Province
    (2016-08-28) Amrizal; Sjafrizal; Mahdi; Junaidi
    Bengkalis waters is experiencing over fishing (DKP Riau Province, 2011). The purpose of this study is to analyze the fisheries potency and the level of exploitation in the coastal and marine zones and to understand the level of fishermen income in the Bengkalis waters. Data were obtained directly from the fishermen and the secondary data were obtained from related institutions. Results shown that the potential of sustainable fisheries in the coastal zone of the Bengkalis is 1,287.09 tons / year, while that of the marine zone is 7,608.17 tons/ year. The exploitation rate in the coastal zone is 113.04% and that of the marine zone is 90.94% in 2013. In the coastal zone, the average of Benefit Cost of Ratio (BCR) = 1.89, with the average of income revenue was Rp 19,035,000,-/year, while those of the marine zone is 1.96 and Rp 83.442.000,-/year respectively.
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    The Effectiveness of Zeolite and Activated Charcoal Media in Reducing Pollutants in Tofu Industrial Waste
    (2016-08-28) Harahap, Sampe
    Liquid waste treatment is very important because the untreated liquid waste may pollutes water bodies. To understand the effectiveness of the use of zeolit and active charcoal media to reduce the pollution in the tofu liquid waste, a study has been conducted. There were 5 treatments aplied, namely the 5, 10 and 15 days retention time. Results shown that the wastewater quality parameters of the treated waste were TSS (102.0 mg / L), pH (6.0 mg / L), DO (3.6 mg / L) BOD5 (88.0 mg / L), COD (141.0 mg / L), ammonia (1.4 mg / L), orthophosphate (1.2 mg / L) and nitrate (17.2 mg / L). The most effective treatment is the 10 days retention time and it reduced 73.3% of BOD5, 79.3% of COD and 80.9% of ammonia.
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    Strategy for Reducing Fishermen Poverty in Padang Based on Multidimensional Perspective
    (2016-08-28) Junaidi; Munzir, Abdullah; Pratimaratri, Uning
    There are 5,856 fishermen in Padang, consist of 2,472 traditional fishermen and they are classified as poor fishermen. Various programs have been launched by the government as an effort to help them to get out from the poverty. The programs such as provision of aids for tools and fishing boats, revolving funds, help for Bantuan Modal Kerja Masyarakat Pesisir (MKPEMP), and welfare of coastal communities motion program and Gerakan Pensejahteraan Masyarakat Pesisir (GEPEMP) have been launched. However, the lives of fishing communities did not change from time to time. The purpose of this research are to understand the internal factors that cause of fishermen poverty. Methods used for identifying the internal poverty causes problems in the traditional fishermen in Padang are as follows: descriptive, quantitative, and qualitative by using primary data from 100 fishermen and secondary data such as the ownership of fishing equipment, types of fishing gear owned, level of education, the prevailing culture in the community, lifestyle, fisherman's wife job, and ownership of productive assets. Results shown that 26 % fishermen do not have their own fishing gear, the dominant tools used are beach seine and hela 41%, gill net 34%, the level of education is low (53% graduated from the elementary school, 26% junior high school and 8% senior high school ). Moreover, there are fishermen with no formal education and also there is traditional beleived that women are not allowed to go to the sea. They are also prohibited to go to the sea at Friday noon, being arrogant and spoken the curse words. The poverty is also caused by the lifestyle of the fishermen, as they used to do the gambling and alcohol drunk. Most of the fisherman's wife are working as cake traders, processing fish and having small shop. In general, the fishermen have minimum assets in the form of savings and gold.
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    The Effect of Antibiotics in the Hatching of Eggs of Ornated Lobster (Panulirus ornatus)
    (2016-08-28) Yusnaini; Nur, Indriyani
    The outbreak of micro organism infection is used to controlled using antibiotics. As lobsters spawn externally, their eggs were easily infected by microorganisms. To understand the effects of antibiotics in the hatching of P.ornatus eggs, a study has been conducted by removing the eggs from from berried spiny lobsters. The eggs were then treated using two types of antibiotics; Oxytetracyclin (2, 4, 6, and 8 ppm ) and Erythromycin (10, 20, 30, and 40 ppm). The control was not treated with antibiotic. Eggs were then incubated artificially in a recirculation system and monitored at 12, 24, 30, 36, 42, 64, and 88 hours for hatching rate (HR). Results shown that the Oxytetracyclin (6 ppm) and Erythromycin (40 ppm) result significant increase in HR, they were 20% and 18.67%, respectively. Data obtained indicate that antibiotics treatment could be a strategy for increasing the HR of lobster eggs.
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    The Contribution of Lubuk Larangan on Rural Socio-Cultural and Economic Development in West Sumatera
    (2016-08-27) Munzir, Abdullah
    Socio-culturally, the Lubuk Larangan is a kind of local wisdom existing in rural areas of Sumatra Island mainly in West Sumatra Province. Ecologically, it refers to a protected aquatic ecosystem managed by inhabitant living surrounding the ecosystem. The research objective is to study the contribution of the Lubuk Larangan on rural socio-cultural and economic development. A descriptive exploratory survey method, field observation, and qualitative analytical approach were applied. Main species of fish having good economic value conserved in the Lubuk Larangan are garing, eel, mungkus, quail, and kapareh. Besides, there are found some common cultivated fish growing in the ecosystem i.e. carp, tilapia, and catfish. Lubuk Larangan plays important role and contributes on the preservation of germplas and social cultural values as well, especially the spirit of gotong royong (cooperation). The Lubuk Larangan also provides finance for public infrastructure maintenance and development and provision of income generation through informal sector development. So far, there is almost no innovation applied for increasing its contribution.
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    Strength Evaluation of Pompong Structure Made from High Density Polyethylene Plastics as Basic Materials
    (2016-08-27) Jamal; Aryawan, Wasis Dwi
    High density polyethylene plastic (HDPE) can be used as an alternative material for the construction of pompong ships in the Riau coastal waters, as the wood material is limited at this time. A study to understand the specifications of strength of pompong that are commonly used in Riau waters (3 GT, 10.2 m Length) has been conducted. The tensile strength of HDPE plastic is tested according to ASTM D638-02a standards with the intention of material strength properties and then being compared with the strength of the material that satisty the rule class standards. Results shown that the tensile strength is 17.12 MPa Yield Strength and the Ultimate Strength is 24.82 MPa. Data are then verified using a finite element method (FEM), where the ship are modelled using ANSYS Workbench 12.0 (3 models). The maximum stress of all models occur in the load cases 1 and load case 3. The load case 1 is the condition when the ship is empty, payload 100% and fuel 100%. While the load case 3 is full charge of 100%, net charge 100% and 10% fuel. The maximum tensile stress is 11.67 MPa, however, the tension does not exceed 17 MPa as required by the class rules. Its safety factor is 1.45, meanwhile the maximum compression stress is 15.82 MPa with a safety factor of 1.26 toward the standard class rule.
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    Evaluation of Motion Dynamics Characteristics of Fishing Boats in Bengkalis Island
    (2016-08-27) Nurhasanah; Utama, I Ketut Aria Pria
    Fishermen in Bengkalis Island tend to choose alternative materials such as fiberglass instead of wooden materials for constructing their ship. The fiberglass is always available, the price is affordable and it is not require many equipments in the process of ship construction. As the fiberglass is lighter than wood, the design of fiberglass fishing boat is need to be evaluated, especially the dynamics of motion of the vessel that determine whether the vessel meets the criteria for the comfort sailing. Prior to the evaluation, the vessel was redrawn and the dynamic motion parameters that were evaluated include the motions of the heave, pitch and roll. There were 4 types of ship that have same capacity (3GT), but they have different main size. Based on the value of heave motion acceleration, it can be concluded that the heave motion meets its criteria because the acceleration of vertical motion is less than 0,315 m/s2 (< 0.315 m/s2) and it is categorized as Not Uncomfortable. For the roll motion, not all of ships meet the criteria. The value of the roll periods based on the result of evaluation, the closest criteria is vessel-2 because it is in the range of 5.5 to 7.0 seconds. The size of this ship is of 10.23 meters length, 2 meters width, 1.33 meters height and 0.44 meters draft