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Item Aktivitas Protokoler dalam Meningkatkan Citra(2012-11-06) Yolanda, TikaProtocol activity is as the order of a ceremony, which is completed by the order of events that generally applied in a ceremony. The basic of the implementation of this protocol activity is the Law. No. 9 of 2010 concerning keprotokol and PP No. RI. 62 of 1990 regarding the provision of protocol on the procedure places, rituals and procedures of respect. Protocol is one of public relationship activities that is rarely discussed in books, the failure of a protocol activity in a departement will cause negative impact on the institution image. Department of Mines and Energy Riau Province carry out protocol activity that is organized by general division and employee affairs.Item ANALISIS MANAJEMEN KOMUNIKASI DALAM PEMBENTUKAN KOMISI INFORMASI PROVINSI RIAU DI DINAS KOMUNIKASI INFORMATIKA DAN PENGOLAHAN DATA ELEKTRONIK PROVINSI RIAU(2013-07-05) RAHMAWATI, ANNISAPublic disclosure is required in a country, so that people can follow developments and changes that occur. So in this case there is a specialized agency that manages public disclosure, the independent agency called the Commission on Information (KI). Including Riau province late in shaping the Information Commission. So that good governance required by the Department of Communications Information Technology and Electronic Data Processing Riau Province as the executor. In this case the need for communication management to determine the level of success in achieving objectives and targets. This study aims to identify and understand the process of communication management in the establishment of Information Commission in Riau Province. This study used qualitative research methods. The selection of informants was purposive sampling based on the number of informants as many as 17 people are 8 people from the executor, 6 of the Commission on Information Riau Province 3 of the selection team. Techniques of data collection using interviews, documentation and observation participation. On the technical analysis of the data using interactive models and descriptive analysis. This study uses data validity checking techniques which includes the extension of participation, persistence observation, triangulation and member checking. These results indicate that communication management the formation Commission Information Riau Province has reached the target through the stages of planning, organizing clear, and good practice for open communication patterns. In this case, open and transparent communication is a step in the control of all parties involved, and indirectly oversee the performance of the Department of Communications Information Technology and Electronic Data Processing Riau province, while for evaluation in accordance with the Decision of the Chairman of the Central Information Commission of the Republic of Indonesia on Guidelines for Selection and Determination of members of Provincial Information Commission and Information Commission District / City.Item Analisis Strategi Kebijakan Promosi Dinas Kebudayaan Dan Pariwisata Provinsi Sumatera Barat(2013-01-16) Sonia Eko Putra, AnggaWest Sumatera is one of province in Indonesia which has many tourist destinations. However a few probloems tourism at this moment became threat on tourism development in West Sumatera. One of problem that faced like natural disaster. It was threaten continuously, and made the tourism fearness for coming to West Sumatera province. Besides, a few object tourism that is less management nicely in term of treatment and the maintenance, became break freshness of the tourist that can excacerbate West Sumatera tourism image in the view of tourist. Beside the problem that is being faced, Department Of Culture and Tourism of West Sumatera Province, as parts that have most responsibility to answer on West Sumatera tourism claimed to a part from over coming problems, they also have to keep West Sumatera tourism in order to attack not only domestic interest but also foreight tourist to increase number of visits. One of the effort camed out is with promotion activity. The purpose of this research is to know intelegence strategy promotion carried out by Department Of Culture and Tourism of West Sumatera Province in attacking interest of the tourist and attic by Department Of Culture and Tourism of West Sumatera Province in improving cooperation to upholding the promotion activityItem ANALISIS WACANA WATERFRONT CITY DALAM PEMBANGUNAN KOTA PEKANBARU(2013-03-13) Suryadarma, PanjiThis study aims to determine the extent to which the discourse of Waterfront City Pekanbaru effects on urban development. The main problem in this research is how the realization of discourse Waterfront City. Discourse of Waterfront City, taken by the government to arrange along the Siak river in Pekanbaru. The aim of Waterfront City discourse is making siak river as front page of the city of Pekanbaru, so it takes a beautifully landscaped area. This research is a qualitative study, so the data collection techniques in this study is a descriptive analysis. This study uses interviews with key informants as the object of information that aims to achieve the goal to get the information in the study. The types of data used in this study is primary data and secondary data obtained through direct observation and interviews with informants in this study. Based on the results of research in the field, it can be concluded that although the form of discourse Waterfront City, but it turned out to Waterfront City is such a policy. Just like a policy that has consequences for the budget implementation, discourse of Waterfront City, in some scenarios the consequences of its activities also got the budget, both the budget and the state budget. Based on the results of the field study, too, found not all scenarios - scenarios in discourse Waterfront City is completed. This shows the existence of barriers - barriers in implementing the program - a program in the discourse Waterfront City. Some of the obstacles in implementing Waterfront City is, the absence of local regulation that specifically regulate the implementation of Waterfront City development, the lack of coordination among agencies, overlapping land ownership, lack of political will of the Government, and lack of socialization discourse of Waterfront City is to the society.Item BERITA KEKERASAN TENTARA NASIONAL INDONESIA ANGKATAN UDARA (TNI AU) PEKANBARU TERHADAP WARTAWAN SAAT LIPUTAN PESAWAT JATUH HAWK 200 DI SURAT KABAR RIAU POS(2013-08-27) Setiawati, WiwikThe news of hardness towards the journalist happened in Riau had become the headline in both local and national media. This case was done by the officer of TNI AU, Letkol Robert Simanjuntak, towards the journalist covering the falling of Hawk 200 on 16th of October 2012. One of the victims was the photographer of Riau Pos, Didik Herwanto. Because of that case, Riau Pos had made the news of the hardness more than the news of the falling Hawk itself. This phenomenon refers to the concept of framing. This study is aimed to get the information on how the framing of hardness news done by the certain personnel of TNI AU in Pekanbaru airstrip towards the journalist of Riau Pos. Besides, it is also aimed to find out about the ideology of Riau Pos considering that news. This study used qualitative method with framing analysis method from Robert N. Entman. This model is used to know the way media construct the reality with four identifying problem category which are define problem, diagnose causes, make moral judgement, and treatment recommendation. The data collection was done with documentation technique and interview. The objects of the study are the news in Riau Pos on 17th of October until 17th of November 2012 related to the hardness towards journalist. The subjects of the study are the writer of the news, the editor, and the chief editor. The result of the study shows that Riau Pos framed the news of hardness towards the journalist as the action of military arrogance from certain personnel in TNI AU. Letkol Robert Simanjuntak was figured as the subject in this case. He is considered to have violated the moral value because he had done the hardness. Riau Pos has framed the solution to give punishment to Letkol Robert Simanjuntak. Meanwhile, the ideology of Riau Pos is not independent in informing the case. The subjectivity of the journalist and the instance to consider as the victim can not be apart to achieve the professionalism.Item CREDIBILITY PARLIAMENT RIAU OF PROVINCE AFTER ANNOUNCEMENT THE CORRUPTION OF NATIONAL SPORT EVENT XVIII IN MASS MEDIA(2013-01-16) Samosir, JhonleonardoParliament Riau of Province is representation of the people who are should give a good example for Riau of society. But sine gasping for breath the corruption of national sport event, their value in society have been changed. This research is make (1) to know is the corruption of national sport event XVIII in mass media to be a public agenda (2) to know how the credibility parliament Riau of Province after announcement the corruption of national sport event XVIII in mass media about parliament Riau of Province (3) to know how the credibility parliament Riau of Province after announcement the corruption of national sport event XVIII in mass media about society. This research use the qualitative method. To collecting data is doing by interwiew and documentation. Subjek this research is society, mass media and parliament Riau of Province, while objek is credibility parliament Riau of Province. Result this research is (1) announcement the corruption of national event XVIII in mass media have been a public agenda (2) Credibility parliament Riau of Province after announcement the corruption of national sport event XVIII in mass media about parliament Riau of Province still high (3) Credibility parliament Riau of Province after announcement the corruption of national sport event XVIII in mass media about society is down.Item EFEKTIVITAS KOMUNIKASI INTERPERSONAL PADA DINAS KEBUDAYAAN DAN PARIWISATA PROVINSI RIAU(2013-08-27) Kurniawan, SigitInterpersonal communication is communication plays an important role in organizational life. Therefore, the effectiveness of the communication is necessary to keep the organization running well in the relationship between employee relationship with the leader or fellow employees. In other words, this communication can be occur vertically, horizontally and diagonally. On this occasion, the researchers conducted the study at the Department of Culture and Tourism of Riau Province, where effective interpersonal communication will have a positive effect on the activities at the Department of Culture and Tourism of Riau Province. Be it in fostering harmonious relationships with employees, to improve the organizational climate for better, until the achievement of organizational goals. This research uses descriptive qualitative research methods, done by drawing comparisons between theory and practice in the study site and analyzed so that conclusions can be drawn and suggestions. The study subjects were 10 people, consisting of two people representing each field at the Department of Culture and Tourism Office Province of Riau. Types and sources of data consists of primary data and secondary data. Data was collected by observation, interviews, documentation, and assigned study literature. Informan setting study using purposive sampling technique to note that the informants representative of the population, this study make a selection method based on katakteristik certain informants who are considered to meet the criteria and characteristics of the population that has been known in advance. Techniques of data analysis done with a qualitative approach, while engineering data validity checking is done by extending participation and triangulation. The results of the study found that interpersonal communication effectiveness at the Department of Culture and Tourism Office Province of Riau works quite effectively. In this study also found that the intensity of communication and face-to-face communication is necessary to maintain a harmonious relationship between leadership and employees. interpersonal communication between employee needs to be done well in order to work or outside of work hours. Communication directly felt better than using the communication media viewed from effectiveness level. Interpersonal communication will work effectively if openness, empathy, being supportive, positive attitude, and equality can be occur. Motivation is a factor that needs to be improved at the Department of Culture and Tourism Provision Riau. Moreover , there are inhibiting factors, namelstructured communication make it run more rigid communicationItem FUNGSI PUBLIC RELATIONS DALAM MENSOSIALISASIKAN BUDAYA PERUSAHAAN DI HOTEL THE PREMIERE PEKANBARU(2013-01-17) Yandi Putra, RielAbstract The function of Public Relations one of them as communicator to delivere an idea and policy to support operational activity of company. Identify problem is how the funcions of Public Relations The Premiere Hotel Pekanbaru in an effort to socialized of the corporate culture and how to created of the corporate culture in The Premiere Hotel Pekanbaru. This study aims to find out about the function of Public Relations by The Premiere Hotel Pekanbaru in an effort to socialized of the corporate culture and how to created of the corporate culture. This research was with qualitative research methods where qualitative research is an attempt the social world and perspective in the world, in terms of concepts, perceptions, of behavior, and the question of consciencetious human beings. Subject this study is The Premiere Hotel Pekanbaru, ammounting to 2 (two) people, including leaders HRD & Security Manager and PR Manager. Technique performed within data collecting by interview, obesrvation, and with documentatio or photos. Tehcnical validity of data namely the extension of participation and triangulation. The results showed that the Public Relations functions perfomed The Premiere Hotel Pekanbaru to socialized corporate culture to walk as much as possible in accordance with the achievement vision and mission of company. The corporate culture The Premiere Hotel Pekanbaru has changed became more better. In the same things with applied and the socializing of corporate culture to the employee has more increaseing according the pursue of The Premiere Hotel Pekanbaru. The socializing corporate culture has doing very well by any efforts, there are by recruitment of employee,upgrading,and career development of employee.Item HUBUNGAN PROGRAM JEJAK PETUALANG DI TRANS 7 DENGAN PERILAKU MAHASISWA PECINTA ALAM DAN LINGKUNGAN HIDUP (MAPALINDUP) UNIVERSITAS RIAU(2013-01-07) Rahajeng, Yunita DwiThis experiment is meant to discover the relation of the program Jejak Petualang in Trans 7 with the audience's responses, which in this case is the university ecologists and the living environment in University of Riau. This experiment uses a quantitative method which uses observation, questionnaire, interview and documentation to collect the data. To find out whether the variable X and Y to have any significant relation, the writer uses statistic correlation analysis product moment. The X variable is the Jejak Petualang program in Trans 7 while the variable Y is Mapalindup University of Riau. The population in this experiment is 70 people. The technique that is used to gather the samples is a census method which is a method that takes the whole population as a respondent.(Kriyantono, 2008: 159). The result of this shows (1) The relation between Jejak Petualang in Trans 7 with Mapalindup University of Riau on the category of "strong and high" this is based on the data analysis that uses the correlation product moment with r count as 0,653 and r table 0,235 which results from N= 70 and α= 0.05. Which mean that H0 is rejected while H1 is accepted because there's a significant relation between Jejak Petualang in Trans 7 with Mapalindup University of Riau. (2) The understanding of Mapalindup UR in watching Jejak Petualang in Trans 7 is: to increase the knowledge and education about the states and the nature's richness in Indonesia, the episodes are interesting, the presenter guided the show sublimely, also the respondent of the environmentItem THE INFLUENCE OF SOCIAL MEDIA TWITTER TO FOLLOWER INTEREST TO LISTEN BHARABAS RADIO 97,5 FM PEKANBARU(2013-07-31) Wahyudi, DidiSocial media evolves with the development of technology. Number of social media users have increased every years. This condition by daily information needs. One of populars social media is Twitter. Through 140 characters from every users tweets, they could share many informations and get to know each other. The simple managements of Twitter use by Bharabas Radio. Bharabas FM has a twitter account named @BharabasFMPKU and has 2500 follower (June 2013 periode). Tweets publication by this account aims to invite Twitter users to listen happening programs on 97,5 FM. Purpose of this research to knows social media Twitter Influence against followers interest to listen Bharabas Radio 97,5 FM Pekanbaru. The method used in this research is quantitative method. Researcher collected data using questionnaire and documentations. This research location is in Bharabas Radio 97,5 FM at Kali Putih Street Number 3 Pekanbaru. The numbers of research are 96 respondents with random sampling technique. Data processing of questionnaire test using statistic product and service Solution (SPSS) Windows version 20 program. The Results of this study showed the influence of social media Twitter to follower interest to listen Bharabas Radio 97,5 FM. It is based on analysis of the data using a simple linear regressionis Y=2,606+0,343X and 0.006 significance level less than α=0.05. Which means there is the influence of social media Twitter follower to interest to listen Bharabas Radio 97,5 FM of 7,8%. Then Ho is rejected and Ha accepted. Then Ha accepted and Ho rejected.Item THE INFLUENCE OF SOCIAL MEDIA TWITTER TO FOLLOWER INTEREST TO LISTEN BHARABAS RADIO 97,5 FM PEKANBARU(2014-05-07) Wahyudi, DidiSocial media evolves with the development of technology. Number of social media users have increased every years. This condition by daily information needs. One of populars social media is Twitter. Through 140 characters from every users tweets, they could share many informations and get to know each other. The simple managements of Twitter use by Bharabas Radio. Bharabas FM has a twitter account named @BharabasFMPKU and has 2500 follower (June 2013 periode). Tweets publication by this account aims to invite Twitter users to listen happening programs on 97,5 FM. Purpose of this research to knows social media Twitter Influence against followers interest to listen Bharabas Radio 97,5 FM Pekanbaru. The method used in this research is quantitative method. Researcher collected data using questionnaire and documentations. This research location is in Bharabas Radio 97,5 FM at Kali Putih Street Number 3 Pekanbaru. The numbers of research are 96 respondents with random sampling technique. Data processing of questionnaire test using statistic product and service Solution (SPSS) Windows version 20 program. The Results of this study showed the influence of social media Twitter to follower interest to listen Bharabas Radio 97,5 FM. It is based on analysis of the data using a simple linear regressionis Y=2,606+0,343X and 0.006 significance level less than α=0.05. Which means there is the influence of social media Twitter follower to interest to listen Bharabas Radio 97,5 FM of 7,8%. Then Ho is rejected and Ha accepted. Then Ha accepted and Ho rejected.Item THE INFLUENCE OF SOCIAL MEDIA TWITTER TO FOLLOWER INTEREST TO LISTEN BHARABAS RADIO 97,5 FM PEKANBARU(2013-07-31) Wahyudi, DidiSocial media evolves with the development of technology. Number of social media users have increased every years. This condition by daily information needs. One of populars social media is Twitter. Through 140 characters from every users tweets, they could share many informations and get to know each other. The simple managements of Twitter use by Bharabas Radio. Bharabas FM has a twitter account named @BharabasFMPKU and has 2500 follower (June 2013 periode). Tweets publication by this account aims to invite Twitter users to listen happening programs on 97,5 FM. Purpose of this research to knows social media Twitter Influence against followers interest to listen Bharabas Radio 97,5 FM Pekanbaru. The method used in this research is quantitative method. Researcher collected data using questionnaire and documentations. This research location is in Bharabas Radio 97,5 FM at Kali Putih Street Number 3 Pekanbaru. The numbers of research are 96 respondents with random sampling technique. Data processing of questionnaire test using statistic product and service Solution (SPSS) Windows version 20 program. The Results of this study showed the influence of social media Twitter to follower interest to listen Bharabas Radio 97,5 FM. It is based on analysis of the data using a simple linear regressionis Y=2,606+0,343X and 0.006 significance level less than α=0.05. Which means there is the influence of social media Twitter follower to interest to listen Bharabas Radio 97,5 FM of 7,8%. Then Ho is rejected and Ha accepted. Then Ha accepted and Ho rejected.Item KOMUNIKASI KEPEMIPINAN DALAM MENINGKATKAN PELAYANAN PUBLIK PADA DINAS KOMUNUNIKASI INFORMATIKA DAN PENGOLAHAN DATA ELEKTRONIK PROVINSI RIAU(2014-05-07) MULYANAToday, information must be an important thing for many people. It also must be a thing which is easy to get in whenever and wherever we are. Information is provided based on the need of peple themselves. Information communication department and PDE in Riau Province have tried to increase the public service for people as good as possible in order to make them easy to get information. Diskominfo has provided two accesses people to get the information, they are by using media center and using portal. Diskominfo introduce them by socializing to people and government in workshop, interactive dialogue, and so on. This study used qualitative method which is a method that used by getting the data based on the fact in real life by using interview, documenting, and observing. There are twelve informants of this study that consist of (Kadis, UPT of Media Center and Public Information). The writer used Miles Interactive Data analysis model Hubermen model and used validation checking technique by participating ang triangulation. The result of this study shows that this communication is good enough, even though it hasn’t maximal yet. It’s caused by the leader is rarely in the office. The communication, down, and horizontal communication. In order increase the public service, we have to be able to increase the employee work ethos by working faster, discipline, on time, and responsibility with job. The leader used transformasional communication model which is giving motivation to official in doing job.Item KOMUNIKASI PERSUASIF ACCOUNT OFFICER DALAM MENYALURKAN KREDIT KEPADA CALON DEBITUR (SUDY PADA PT. BPR MITRA RAKYAT RIAU)(2012-11-12) TARIGAN, EDIANTOSince starting operations in 2005, Mitra Rakyat Riau Rural Banks have disbursed loans to micro, small, and medium enterprises is an important sector in the economy of Indonesia. Loan amount is always greater than the number is targeted by the company over the last three years (2009-2011). The purpose of this research is to investigate persuasive communication of account officer in disbursing loans (lending) to prospective debitor and to investigate the influence factors. This research using qualitative methods, with purposive sampling techniques that capture informants adapted to the purpose of research, and presented with a descriptive analysis based on primary data and secondary data through data collection techniques nonparticipant observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation. Informants were 10 people. Data analysis techniques using interactive data analysis model Milles and Huberman, where the data obtained and processed to be reduced, is presented, thus resulting a general conclusion. Then the data examination techniques using participatory extension and triangulation of data that is comparing observations with data from interviews. The results of the research indicate that account officer using in itself persuasion techniques to enhance the credibility and personal interests of the debitor starting from the preparation, the visit to the premises of debitor, to the proposed application for credit to superior and negotiating the results of decision making with prospective debitor about the credit limit, repayment period, and binding assurance. The factors that affect persuasive communication of account officer in lending to potential debitor is the human factor, intensive factors of the company, and the factor of prejudice or bias.Item KOMUNIKASI PERSUASIF SATUAN POLISI PAMONG PRAJA DALAM PENERTIBAN PEDAGANG KAKI LIMA DI KOTA PEKANBARU(2014-05-05) Efendi, MuhammadSidewalk-dealer is one of the informal business activities that we can see in many place in each city corner in Indonesia included in Pekanbaru city. The development of sidewalk-dealer more and more rapid in Pekanbaru city, this can see when many dealer who selling in sidewalk or roadside that cannot arrangement properly. Moreover, the dealer’s violation impact on traffic jam that would be an obstruction to get an access to the way, accident, and another bad impact. The effort like what the official guardian police do is committed to persuasive communication to the sidewalk-dealer. In doing persuasive approach, of course, there will be a technique, certain strategy, and persuasive communication to reach the goals. This research aims to understand the persuasive communication of the official guardian police in controlling the sidewalk-dealer in Pekanbaru city and also to know what factors influence persuasive communication of the official guardian police in controlling the sidewalk-dealer in Pekanbaru city. This research uses qualitative method with descriptive approach, and with interview, documentation and observation data collection technique. Data then processed to reduced, thus, arranged to get general conclusion. This research took place in the office of the official guardian police in Pekanbaru. The research objects are the sidewalk-dealer in Pekanbaru city and the number of subject in this research are 12 peoples based on purposive and accidental methods used by the researcher. Otherwise, checked the legality of data, the researcher uses acceleration participation and triangulation techniques. The research results showing that generally, persuasive communication of the official guardian police in controlling the sidewalk-dealer is fine. The effort done by the official guardian police such as: persuasive communication technique and persuasive communication pattern, other that, there are several factors that influence in doing persuasive communication toward the dealer, such as: personal (persuader), motivation, environment, hoodlum, and supporting facility to controlling performance.Item KOMUNIKASI POLITIK PARTAI NASIONAL DEMOKRAT (NASDEM) DALAM PEMBENTUKAN CITRA MENJELANG PEMILIHAN UMUM LEGISLATIF 2014 DI PROVINISI RIAU(2014-05-05) Nainggolan, HarryEuphoria of democracy party in Indonesia began vibrant people, it is marked after the General Elections Commission (KPU) of the Republic of Indonesia announced 15 political parties who will fight for the people's voice in the legislative elections and the 2014 presidential election. Attempt to win the direct elections in the election process will require the right political communication for reaching voters, one of the way is by political imagery. From the 15 political parties that will compete in the 2014 elections, the very phenomenal things is the presence of NasDem party as the sole new politi calparty. NasDem Party has a number of difficult challenges that must be passed in order to pass the threshold, the electoral treshold 3, 5% in order to survive on the next election. NasDem should create the image and get sympathy from the public, while the party NasDem only have a very short time to do outreach and communication to the public of political party voters in particular constituencies. Therefore, this study aims to determine the communication process in the formation of political parties NasDem image ahead of the 2014 legislative elections in Riau Province, along to find out what NasDem party's Public Relations program in image formation. This study used qualitative methods, the approach of political communication theory put forward by Dan Nimmo and use construction image models by Firmanzah. The data collection is done through observation, interviews and documentation. Informan in this study were 8 people namely, NasDem DPW Chairman, Vice-chairman of the Election Campaign Agency (BAPILU), Vice Chairman of the Public Communication Division NasDem parties and candidates legisltaif NasDem. To see the effect or result of political communication of the NasDem party in Riau, researchers also interviewed the community, students and political experts. Results of this study indicate that the process of political communication that occurs in the Regional Leadership Council (DPW) NasDem Riau is one door which conducted by the chairman to vice chairman and legislative candidate next to the cadres in the area. This communication process is done intensely and continuously. NasDem Public Relations quite effective in creating the party's image through programs conducted. As for the image of the party who want to set up NasDem in Riau is in line with the party's Central Executive Board NasDem the image formation of Surya Paloh as well as the initiator Restoration Indonesia chairman, and its image as the party of changes.Item KOMUNIKASI TERAPEUTIK PERAWAT DALAM PEMULIHAN PASIEN GANGGUAN JIWA JENIS ISOLASI SOSIAL DI RUMAH SAKIT JIWA PROVINSI RIAU(2013-08-28) SYAHROZA, AFDANISATherapeutic Communication is a recovery method applied by nurse to mental disorder patient in order to know patient’s mental problem by delivery of information so the exchange of feeling and opinion beetween both of them will influence the patient to get better. The application of therapeutic communication related with therapeutic’s phases which have to held good and maximum. The aim of this research is to explain and describe how the process of therapeutic communication applied by nurses in recovery of social isolation mental disorder at Mental Hospital of Riau Province and also to determine both supporting and inhibiting factors in application of therapeutic communication. This research is expected to be a positive input for Riau Provincial Mental Hospital as well as the author’s thoughts in the form of participation of the scientific research about community in social science studies. In adition, this research is expexted to be input for the further similar studies. This research uses descriptive qualitative research method that explain and interprete the data collected. Data were collected by means of observation, interview, and documentation. Extension participation and triangulation were used for checking it validity. Result of this research showed that the correct implementation of therapeutic communication phases play a role in the recovery of patient with mental disorder types of social isolation. The implementation of therapeutic communication also applied various types of therapies that support the recovery process. The knowledge of nurses, nurse’s experiences, facilities and infrastructure, and patient’s family are contributing factor in the implementation of therapeutic communication process. Whereas inhibiting factors encountered in therapeutic communication between nurse and patient are psychic condition of patient, nurses condition, language, and environmentItem KONSTRUKSI CITRA ISLAM DALAM FILM “?” (TANDA TANYA)(2013-01-03) Iqbal, MuhammadThis research is about the image of Islam in the movie "?" (Tanda Tanya), the movie "Tanda Tanya" is a film full of nuances that are considered controversial Islamic by Muslim leaders in Indonesia. They say the film is tarnished and increase bad image of Islam and his community. Scenes and dialogue in the film that led to the image of Islam. Scenes and dialogue can be a sign that can be interpreted on the image of Islam. This paper aims to analyze and interpretant the signs as scenes and dialogue that led to the Islamic religious imagery. The signs in this film is classified in the Muslim poverty, violence by Islamic ummah, tiongha ethnic hate and perversion committed by the Islamic religion. The results of this research indicate that the negative image of Islam and the religion of his people. (1) Islam is described as poor people so willing to do anything to get a job, (2) Like tiongha ethnic insults and looking for trouble against them, (3) Islam and the ummah is a religion of violence and acts of terrorism teaching and delivery that makes the public uneasy, (4) The person is a Muslim, who is unsteady will penderiannya, very easy to convert just because they think Islam is a very burdensome Shari'a. Results of this study, according to the authors showed that the image of Muslims is very bad in the film "?" (Tanda Tanya).Item KONSTRUKSI MAKNA DALAM UPACARA ADAT TRADISI PACU JAWI SEBAGAI KEARIFAN LOKAL KABUPATEN TANAH DATAR PROPINSI SUMATERA BARAT(2014-05-05) HIDAYAT, RIZKIPacu jawi is a culture tradition/ habit passed down from generation to generation from generation to generation, developed to date in the area of Tanah Datar Regency of West Sumatra Province, the runway is considered to be a tradition that pacu jawi is full of the philosophy, values and philosophy of life of minangkabau people. Values and this philosophy is present in the form of a cultural party activities or people's party, held as a form of entertainment, a tradition pacu jawi conjures the symbols on the commodification of heritage is understood by society flat land as part of the social life of the community system itself.Tanah Datar communities interpret this tradition from time immemorial who later inherited kinship mamak-kamanakan ( uncle - nephew . This is a qualitative research approach to the study of communication Ethnography through symbolic interaction and approaches supported by the theory of the construction of social reality. The subject of research is the traditional art actors of pacu jawi. Informants are chosen by purposive sampling technique, for key informants amounted to 4 (four) which consists of custom figures, community leaders, prominent cleric and Chairman of the porwi, and to support 6 (six) of those who were coming from the participants, cow owners and the local community supporters of 6 (six) people have derived from the participants, the owner of the cow and the local community. Research Data obtained through in-depth interviews, participant observation, documentation, studies, libraries and search data online. To test the validity of the data using the test of credibility. As for the data analysis techniques to reduce data, collecting data, presenting data, draw conclusions and evaluation. Conclusion traditional art culture pacu jawi show a symbol is understood and interpreted by the players together, where cultural values embodied in it makes this art as local wisdom Tanah Datar Regency.Item KONSTRUKSI REALITAS KORUPSI DALAM KARIKATUR (Analisis Semiotik pada Rubrik Opini Harian Metro Riau)(2013-08-28) Utomo, BudiCaricature is one of the journalistic product that shown by the media. Therefore, journalistic product is a result of the constructed reality by someone, in this case, caricature constructing is a reality of corruption to be the form of caricature. In this case, a cartoonist constructs reality corruption to be caricature. In constructing of reality, cartoonists have used a variety of elements in the drawing caricatures to give emphasis on a certain side. In addition, in the reality construct corruption to be the caricature. This research used qualitative descriptive method by using a sign and object analysis approach with method of semiotics Charles Sander Pierce, known as the triangle of meaning. This method can be interpret as a sign and object meaning in caricature. The data collected was used interview techniques, documentation and observation. The results of this study showed that a drawing of caricatures Doris M Yahya had a caricature by describing a view on a particular group or individual. The drawing caricatur had emphasied by elements that have both support and complement a view of an existing reality corruption. There was media not objective and independent presenting the reality of corruption into caricature, because the elements are shown in constructing a reality of corruption in the caricature, when compiled, narrated, disclosed, and emphasized or highlighted in some way to give the side of view and understanding of the reality of corruption displayed