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Item IMPLEMENTASI PROGRAM KELUARGA BERENCANA MEDIS OPERASI PRIA (MOP) DIKECAMATAN TENAYAN RAYA KOTA PEKANBARU TAHUN 2011(2012-11-06) Indah Pertiwi, PoppyAbstract : Implementation Programs Medical family planning Had Out Man (MOP) at Tenayan Raya's district Year 2011. This research intent to know Medical family planning Program Implementation Man Operation (MOP) at Tenayan Raya's district year 2011. Fact that is at field point out that following low man in having family planning. This observational result points out that there is umpteen factor in following's low man in having family planning. Lows causative factors its following family planning men for example is first , Social environmental condition, culture, society and family that stills to look on man participation haven't or inessential at do, both of , Science and man and family consciousness in having low family planning., third , Accepting limitation and accessbility (reaching) men contraceptive service, fourth , Mark sense assumption, wont and view and incorrect thinking one stills to tend turn over family planning's accountability and Reproduction health utterly to wives or female, to five, communication that insufficiently smooth among giver to family planning's information receiver.Item PEMBINAAN PEMERINTAH KECAMATAN ROKAN IV KOTO KABUPATEN ROKAN HULU TERHADAP PELAKSANAAN PROGRAM PEMBERDAYAAN DESA (PPD) TAHUN 2011 (Study Pada Desa Rokan Koto Ruang)(2012-11-07) ARIA, DESKIDistricts Commanding construction Rokan IV Koto Rokan Hulu Regency Upstream for Performing To Program Village Empowerment (PPD) Year 2011 (Study On Silvan Rokan Koto Ruang). This research intent to word. First are its reducing communication among Commanding Silvan and Commanding district begets Construction problem Programme Empowerment Village not effective as it were that wanted by currently government. Both of Consciousness of society, benefit and organizer is still low enough in going and utilizes PPD's programm. Third As thing that gets bearing with society complaint to the payment of loan time that so laconic, it indirectly cause society perceives was given chance that adequately deep developmental their effort. Accordingly at single-sided undeveloped effort with every consideration.Item OPINI MASYARAKAT TERHADAP CALON WALIKOTA PEREMPUAN PADA PEMILU KADA KOTA PEKANBARU TAHUN 2011(2012-11-07) Rizki, ShellyThe city of Pekanbaru held two mayoral elections. The first election was held on May. 18, 2011 and the second on Dec. 21, 2011. In the local elections of Pekanbaru, there are two candidates Mayor and Deputy Mayor are validated by the Election Commission in the city of Pekanbaru. One of the candidates are women that Septina Primawati. Candidate is the first female mayor in the city of Pekanbaru. As one female candidate for mayor, running Septina Primawati get special attention in the community. The emergence of women candidates for mayor, a conversation as well as the pros and cons in the community. The purpose of this research was to determine public opinion of the female candidates for mayor on Election Pekanbaru City in 2011 and to know the cause of the defeat of couples Septina Erizal Primawati-Muluk in Pekanbaru City Election in 2011. As for the theory (approach) used as a tool of analysis in of this research is public opinion, political communication, voter behavior and election. While research method used was a qualitative analysis. Data collection techniques include: documentation and interviews. In-depth interviews on several community representatives and supporting informants.Item PELAKSANAAN PROGRAM REHABILITASI SOSIAL -RUMAH TIDAK LAYAK HUNI (RS-RTLH) BAGI KELUARGA MISKIN DI KECAMATAN BINTAN TIMUR KABUPATEN BINTAN TAHUN 2011(2012-11-07) Dewinta, NadiaThis study aims to look at the implementation of the programs social rehabilitation – house no livable (RS – RTLH) in district east bintan of bintan regency. Which is the purpose of the program is that housing needs are met and proper sanitation to improve the social welfare of poor people. This study uses qualitative research analysis technique such as descriptive analysis techniques. From the result of this study , it is known that the process of implementation of this program is going pretty well because the results could have been felt by people directly in the implementation of its own though there are still shortcomings, weakness and barriers. But the implemention is expected to be better in the future both in terms of socialization, so that the delivery of programs to society can be more detail and in depth.Item ANALISIS SENGKETA PEMILUKADA DI PROVINSI RIAU (STUDI PERBANDINGAN PEMILUKADA KOTA PEKANBARU DAN KABUPATEN KUANTAN SINGINGI)(2012-11-07) ISWAHYUDIThrough the local elections at Riau Province, has made some conflics in any region, such as at Pekanbaru City and Kuantan Singingi. That conflics ended in constitutional court with dispute between the candidates. This research made to known the dispute of the elections in Pekanbaru City and Kuantan Singingi. Second to find what factor cause the dispute in elections at Pekanbaru City and Kuantan Singingi. The theory and conflic theory. This research used, qualitative method with descriptive approach, qualitative method as a procedure which get data with written word or oral word from the subject. The final result from this research are : first, the local elections at Pekanbaru City are, money politic, out of schedule campaign, abuse of authority and political agreement. The local elections violations at Kuantan Singingi regency are, money politic, intimidation and out of scedule compaign. Second, dispute at Pekanbaru City local elections couse by mobiling citizens, lobby to the election commission of Pekanbaru City, and campaign carried out scedule. And for kuantan singingi regency, the dispute couse by : are the position to influence the pulblic, do the social activity with covert campaign. The individual involved in local election dispute come from the a candidates success. Impact from the local election dispute at Pekanbaru City are cancelled the election counting. Repsat the local election, demonstration and punishment for persons involved.Item ANALISIS PARTISIPASI POLITIK MASYARAKAT KOTA PEKANBARU PADA PEMILUKADA 2011 ( STUDI PADA KELURAHAN SIMPANG BARU KECAMATAN TAMPAN )(2012-11-08) SIMARMATA, MONANGIt is behind me doing this study because of differences in the level of community participation in the first round of the election with a vote re (PSU). In the first round of Election 50.24% participation rate and the Birthday Ballot participation rate decreased to 48.34%. The purpose of the authors conducted this study was to analyze the factors that influence the low level of political partsisipasi Simpang Baru Village, District Charming. . Qualitative research is generating descriptive data in the form of words written or spoken of persons or behaviors that can be observed. Data collection technique is to interview techniques. Key informants in this study were Simpang Baru village chief, the head of the KDP and the Simpang Baru Village. The results of the study authors is the low level of community participation Simpang Baru influenced by two factors: socio-economic factors and structural factors. In the socio-economic factors, the Simpang Baru Village was not an iota of influence election results later against the value of their lives later. While the structural factors can be seen from the decrease in the number of voters list (DPT) from 82,546 in the first phase election to 80 068 on Voting Re.Item ANALISIS PELAKSANAAN PROGRAM NASIONAL PEMBERDAYAAN MASYARAKAT RURAL INFRASTRUCTURE SUPPORT (RIS-PNPM) MANDIRI DI KECAMATAN KUANTAN HILIR KABUPATEN KUANTAN SINGINGI(2012-11-08) Yovi, Alwiriin support of poverty alleviation in rural areas, the ministry of public works by the directorate general of copyrighted works have been implementing various programs. including, subsidy reduction compensation program in the field of fuel oil in 2005 for rural infrastructure, rural infrastructure support in 2006, rural infrastructure development program which began in 2007 until 2011 and RIS-RIS-PNPM independent starting in 2009 until 2011. rural infrastructure support national community empowerment program (RIS-PNPM), known as self-RIS-PNPM is a self empowerment program under the umbrella of self PNPM. This program seeks to create and improve the quality of people's lives, both individually and collectively through participation in solving a variety of problems related to poverty and underdevelopment of the village in an effort to improve the quality of life, independence and prosperity. study sites are some of the villages in the district kuantan downstream, while the village is Lumbok, Pengalihan, Koto Rajo, the village Danau. election of four villages is to see a comparison of the implementation of community development programs RIS-PNPM independent downstream sub kuantan Kuantan Singingi District. that the analysis of the implementation of RIS-PNPM program independent downstream sub kuantan Kuantan Singingi District was less well in practice. it can be seen from the results of the analysis of the responses recapitulation implementation of RIS-PNPM independent sub-districts downstream kuantan Kuantan Singingi, ie as many as 26 people respondents (55.31%) who responded "not good", and 13 respondents (27,67%) that responded "not good", the next eight respondents (17.02) that provide "good".Item PELAKSANAAN PROGRAM HIBAH KEUANGAN KEPADA KELOMPOK MASYARAKAT DESA/KELURAHAN DI DESA TUALANG KECAMATAN TUALANG KABUPATEN SIAK TAHUN 2008-2009(2012-11-21) Wahyudi, MhdThis study aims to look at the implementation of the programs of financial grants to rural communities in Tualang Village of the Tualang District. Which is the purpose of the program is to reducing isolated areas, increase income and to increase active role of the public. This study uses qualitative research analysis technique such as descriptive analysis techniques. From the result of this study , it is known that the process of implementation of this program is not going well because the results could have been felt by people directly in the implementation of its own though there are still complaint because they don’t get a chance in that implementation of the programs of financial grants to rural communities. But the implemention is expected to be better in the future both in terms of socialization, so that the delivery of programs to society can be more detail and in depth.Item POLITIK BIROKRASI : STUDI KASUS MUTASI PEJABAT ESELON II DI KABUPATEN ROKAN HILIR TAHUN 2010-2012(2012-11-21) BAYHAQIIn the principle of Good Governance (Good Governance) Governments have a variety of institutions and agencies that help to be able to perform the task with good government. Good for the central government level and to the level of local government. In the implementation of policies and policy at the local government level assisted by government agencies called Office. At the local government level, these agencies are headed by officials of the rank or faction called Echelon II. In making policy on the appointment and dismissal as well as the level of structural mutations Echelon II officials formed a body called Baperjakat (Agency Position and Rank) are regulated in Law No. 100 of 2000 Section 14-16. In the PP No 100 of 2000 stated that Baperakat established to ensure objectivity in the appointment and dismissal as well as mutations echelon II. However, in the Government of Rokan Hilir very frequent appointment, dismissal, and a structural mutation echelon II officials. The number of appointment, dismissal, and structural mutations echelon II officials in the Government of Rokan Hilir very high. Based on initial observations that I do, on June 3, 2010 and the inauguration of the 15 mutations Echelon II, III, and IV within the Government of Rokan Hilir. Then on August 20th, 2010 happening again and mutation induction 10 Echelon 11 Echelon II and III as well as a number of leaders. This indicates the impression that frequent mutations in the Local Government Rokan Hilir.Item POLITIK ANGGARAN PEMERINTAH PROVINSI RIAU (STUDI KASUS PADA KONTROVERSI PEMBANGUNAN TUGU ZAPIN DI KOTA PEKANBARU TAHUN 2011)(2012-11-21) SUSANTO, AGUSIn the perspective of the political autonomy of local government budgets are to allocate resources and revenue or local revenue intended for local development in one fiscal year. Budget policy in question are in favor of the public interest is not a policy that protects the interests of the group even more personal interest. Budget countries or regions belongs to the people who cater only to the people's interests. As political decisions, budgetary policy through the political process is often lengthy and complex. The process includes policy objectives and the way decision-making, the people or groups involved, either as planners, implementers and beneficiaries of budget policy. While the realm of macro democratic governance, policies, budgets are political mandate citizens the public resources that are mandated to institute local government (executive and legislative) authority as the owner of budget management. Authoritative nature of the government so of course only valid as long as the local government able to implement the allocation or distribution of the budget based on the values of the interests of citizens.Item ANALISIS IMPLEMENTASI STRATEGI PENJUALAN PRODUK BISNIS RITEL MODERN (STUDI PADA METRO PLAZA PASAR SWALAYAN PEKANBARU)(2012-11-28) Yulianto, AgusStrategy is a pattern of actions and resource allocations designed to achieve the objectives that integrate organizational objectives (goals). Market Metro Plaza to provide products that are very diverse and have covered the whole entire product a staple of day-to-day (groceries). The purpose of this study was to Knowing implementation strategy of modern retail sales in Metro Plaza Supermarket Pekanbaru. This study aimed to determine the efforts undertaken by the company in terms of increased product sales in particular face competition. The research method used in this research is descriptive method. And research is measured using a Likert scale. Likert scale used to measure the attitudes of opinion and perception of a person or group of people about social phenomena. From the research terhadapap 30 respondents as a whole on the implementation of Product Sales Strategy Modern Retail Business Supermarkets In Metro Plaza. From the results of these studies can be obtained product sales strategy, in which the highest percentage of approximately 50.78% respondents agreed, 34.46% of the respondents strongly agreed, 9.39% of the respondents disagree, 4.32% of respondents said they did not agree, and 0.56% respondents strongly disagreed.Item Evaluasi Pelaksanaan Tugas Penghulu Dalam Pembangunan Kepenghuluan Bagan Bhakti Periode 2010-2011(2012-11-28) Anggreany S, RenziniAbstract The study wanted to know the Penghulu performance of duties in construction of Kepenghuluan Bagan Bhakti period 2010-2011. The problem that found is the Penghulu performance of duties period 2010-2011 did not run optimally yet and inversely in first period of Penghulu Ahmad Esron as Penghulu Bagan Bhakti. In the second period 2010-2011 physical and non physical development run slowly and same of them did not realized. This study used theory framework of evaluation and kualitative method as a tool to find the research of data. This study was done in Kepenghuluan Bagan Bhakti Kecamatan Bgan Sinembah Kabupaten Rokan Hilir period 5 months (June-October 2012). Based on study can be known that the Penghulu performance of duties in construction of Kepenghuluan Bagan Bhakti period 2010-2011 did not run well yet. It is evident from same constructions program that have formulated in Anggaran Pendapatan Belanja (APB) Kepenghuluan Bagan Bhakti did not run well. But a constructions program have been planed well through Musrenbang Kepenghuluan Bagan Bhakti that is done every year. There were some factors that affect the Penghulu Performance of duties in construction of Kepenghuluan Bagan Bhakti. They are style of leader human resources agencies and low of society participation. And the external factors were less of support of government and private in construction of Kepenghuluan Bagan Bhakti in period 2010-2011.Item STRATEGI BADAN PELAYANAN PERIZINAN TERPADU KABUPATEN ROKAN HULU(2012-12-03) RADIUSPublic service is one reason why there is regional autonomy. Granting autonomy to the regions is basically an attempt to manage the development of the region empowerment regions. Creativity, innovation, and independence are expected to be held by each region, so as to reduce dependence on the central government. And even more important is that with the regional autonomy, quality of services provided to the community will increase, such as the creation and construction of public facilities and other social amenities, in other words, the provision of public goods and public services. While it is a step-by-step strategy which contains indicative programs to realize its vision and mission. Strategy is a whole step (policies) with exact calculations to achieve a goal or to solve a problem. The formulations of the problem of this research are: 1. How Integrated Service Agency licensing strategy Rokan Hulu years 2007-2011 that could be crowned as the best in the province of Riau and in Indoneisa? This study uses a qualitative descriptive type. Based on field research there are ten strategies that make it deserve to be the best service in Indonesia. 1. The importance licensing socialization to the community. 2. Implementation services to the community. 3. The cost of transparency. 4. Prevention of corruption and brokering. 5. Implementation of pro-investment licensing service. 6. Development of human resource capacity in integrated service licensing agency. 7. Improvement of working conditions through increased support facilities and office equipment supplies. 8. Increased strengthening of the Internet for online licensing services. 9. Implementation Spipise and Iso (international Standardization, Organization) and (investment licensing information service system electronically). 10. Implementation of the relevant promotion potential ofItem PROBLEMATIKA PERIZINAN USAHA PANTI PIJAT DI KOTA PEKANBARU(2012-12-03) Septian Imar, AudiThis Research want to know why many owner massage parlor didn’t have a license in his Operation in Pekanbaru. Its actually against the local regulation of Pekanbaru No. 7 Tahun 2000 about the Permission place of busines and mayor circular of Pekanbaru No. 503/BPT/175.a about Permission and operasional of massage parlor business. Altough it has been against the rules of Pekanbaru Government, but the fact this massage parlor who against the rules it still allowed to operation. This is caused by mechanisms permission place of business it takes a long time and complicated. Besides permission has a significance for Government, specifically to know a data about massage parlor in order to making appropriate policy for them and as a source income for Pekanbaru Government. This Research using a qualitative method, analysis techniques of research using a descriptive analysis. This research was conducted in integrated service agency of Pekanbaru, health department of Pekanbaru, Civil Service Police Force of Pekanbaru and message parlor around Pekanbaru with using key informan specified by snowball sampling technique. Primary data and secondary data research obtained from interview with informan and observation of the object research. Based on research findings can be seen that cause the massage parlor owner in Pekanbaru disposed didn’t have permission license because by coordinationand service of agencies have not been implemented well and there are many illegal massage parlor operation caused by less control from government such as directly control and intern control in agency, consequently abuse of authority was happen.Item PROBLEMATIKA PELAKSANAAN PROGRAM DESA/KELURAHAN MANDIRI TERPADU PROVINSI RIAU TAHUN 2010 (STUDI KASUS KELURAHAN LEMBAH DAMAI KECAMATAN RUMBAI PESISIR PEKANBARU)(2012-12-03) Syaputra, RahmatThis research had want to see many problems that happend at program applicaton personal village/personal neighborhood integrated province of Riau 2010 years.for more quickly processing,delelopment at village area Province of Riau,government have yo settle on 12(twelve)villages/neighborhood at 12(twelve)cities/regencies in province of riau like personal village integrated.The villages /neighborhood will mode like a good village, can stan alone and populance prosperous,and then can make a sample for other villages at Province of Riau.By means of all structure who important and relevant with development at village and must can taken integrated character and have energy, so that the village can mode a good villages,stand alone and populace can prosperous.This draft that meaning with innovation system prosperous for existence decentralitation wish and area of autonomy,and village of autonomy.This problem what become reason this research is what kind that make problems inprogram application personal village/personal neighborhood at Lembah Damai neighborhood 2010 years. This research is qualitative research and technic of research is descriptive analysis,and then the research use documentation/observation and ask to resource person as information object what benefited for take more information at this research.Kind of data at research is primary data and secondary data what have result by observation and ask to resource with informan key at this research. Foundation of analysis result what to do with data of research for knowing and answer some questions at this research that connecting with implementation problem of progam app;ication personal village/personal neighborhood at lembah Damai neighborhood pekanbaru city.From all,we can take a condusion that as far nothing a good significant results with development program application personal village/personal neighborhood at Lembah Damai neighborhood pekanbaru city,just because nothing donation from government for application program that support and less strong foundation of law at the program.Item PELAKSANAAN KEBIJAKAN DAFTAR PENILAIAN PELAKSANAAN PEKERJAAN PEGAWAI NEGERI SIPIL PADA DINAS PENDIDIKAN PROVINSI RIAU TAHUN 2011(2013-01-03) Asmurizal, RinoAbstract Appropriate assessment and job objective to encourage employees to improve their knowledge and ability in the performance of its duties. Problems that occur in the assessment of the implementation of the work through DP3 considered necessary administrative formalities for (among others: periodic salary increases, promotions regularly) so charging procedures, timeliness, and the weight value to things that are not important. The purpose of this study was to determine the Implementation of the Policy Implementation Assessment List of Civil Works In Riau Provincial Education Department. The method used in this research method kualitatifInforman research is Riau Provincial Education Department officials, in 2012. Informants in this study were employees in trouble with the DP3 by 2 people, and the employee has no problem with DP3 by 2 people and employees of Echelon III by 4 people. Data were collected through interviews and documentation. In accordance with the research objectives and the formulation of the problem that has been poured in the background of the study, it can be concluded that the informant who tend to Listing Policy Implementation Implementation Assessment Civil Works In Riau Provincial Education Department, gave a tendency to show aspects of the employee loyalty, job performance, responsibility, obedience, honesty, cooperation, initiative, and leadership. Constraints ditemuin this study the assessment of an employee who has not performed optimally, where often there are employees who "self-assess" or fill out the form DP3 alone without direction from superiors and approve the results of the assessments made by their subordinates.Item REFORMASI BIROKRASI DI INDONESIA (Studi Kasus Implementasi Pelayanan Administrasi Terpadu Kecamatan (PATEN) di Kecamatan Tualang Kabupaten Siak)(2013-01-03) Susandri, JeniThis research was done in Tualang sub-district, Siak regency (kecamatan Tualang Kabupaten Siak) which aims to know how Sub-district Integrated Administration Services (PATEN) is done and to know the restricting factors in Sub-district Integrated Administration Services (PATEN) in Tualang subdistrict, Siak regency. This research was done by using descriptive method with qualitative and quantitative approach, which is the researcher chose and clumped the datA based on their type and processed them with descriptive method. Descriptive method is an analysis which gives a detailed explanation based of the real situation in the research place and it’s presented on a table and also the explanation. The population of the research was divided in to two groups, which are the people who provide the services and the people who get the services. The number of sample who provide Sub-district Integrated Administration Services (PATEN) were 5 persons and for the people who get the services were 100 respondents from 105.553 people and the way to take the sample was with random method. Based on the research by the questionnaire from 100 persons of people in Tualang sub-district, known that (43,33%) respondents said that the administration services in Tualang sub-district were good, (50,33%) respondents said that it’s less good and (6,33%) respondents said that it’s bad. In conclusion, we can say that Sub-district Integrated Administration Services (PATEN) in Tualang subdistrict, Siak regency is not yet optimal and generally less good, because from 100 respondents who answered the questionnaires, 50 persons of respondents said that Sub-district Integrated Administration Services (PATEN) in Tualang subdistrict, Siak regency were less good which is (50,33%)Item PERAN PEMERINTAH KOTA DAN DAMPAK PASAR MALAM TERHADAP KONDISI EKONOMI MASYARAKAT DI KECAMATAN TAMPAN KOTA PEKANBARU TAHUN 2011-2012(2013-01-03) Gusti Fidiawati, DianAbstract The study objective was to determine the economic conditions of Tampan District before and after the night market in Tampan District Pekanbaru, to determine the impact of the night market on economic conditions in the Tampan District and to determine the role of the City to the night market in the city of Pekanbaru Tampan District in 2011 -2012. It can be said the City Government's role and impact of the night market on economic conditions in the Tampan District Pekanbaru on year 2011-2012 that from the night market, changes in the economy increased Tampan District. The night market in Tampan District impact on society, both positive impacts and negative impacts. Some of the positive effects of the night market, namely: to assist local governments in reducing the unemployment rate, it can increase people's income can be a means of entertainment for the community and high purchasing power. Apart from the positive effects, there are also negative impacts that damage the urban spatial Pekanbaru, stewardship is not clear, the roads became jammed and caused the surrounding area prone to accidents, irregular parking, and lack of income traders have shop ahead of the market night. Government should as soon as possible to design and make special rules to regulate the traders in these markets impromptu and so can increase Revenue (PAD).Item ANALISIS KEWENANGAN KEPALA DESA DALAM MENGKOORDINASIKAN PEMBANGUNAN DESA SECARA PARTISIPATIF DI DESA AIR TERBIT KECAMATAN TAPUNG KABUPATEN KAMPAR TAHUN 2009-2011(2013-01-03) Bayu Surachmad, BikaAbstract This research intent to know authority village head in coordination participative ala village development and also causal factor which regard authority performing carries the wind village in mengkoordinasikan participative ala village development at silvan air terbit district tapung regency Kampar year 2009-2011. Approaching that at utilizes deep observational it is kualitatif's approaching one that utilize analisis's unit informan with tech data collecting passes through visceral interview, observation and studi is document. Analisis that at utilizes is analisis descriptive kualitatif. Planning performing programs silvan development activity at goes upon on society participation principle begins from preparation phase that covers socialization, silvan deliberation and planning, performing phase and pickings preserve phase development. Result observationaling to point out that: first, society participation form on preparation phase as present and opinion or thinking contribution, on performing phase forms society participation as energy, fund and significant, on preserve phase forms society participation as energy. Both of, causal factor that regards kewenangan village head in coordination participative ala village development at strong influence because indigenous internal factor, internal factor which is authoritarian leadership style and indigent restrains governance system as must it, and also reducing satisfy approaching that gets character participativing to society. All that comes from basic factor carry the wind village Air Terbit alone (personality).Item ANALISIS PELAKSANAAN FUNGSI PEMERINTAH DESA DALAM BIDANG PEMERINTAHAN DAN KEMASYARAKATAN (Study Desa Lipatkain Selatan Kecamatan Kampar Kiri Kabupaten Kampar Tahun 2007-2011)(2013-01-03) ELMAR, ERICKAbstract Based on the law/ By the law (pilih aja salah satu) No. 32 in 2004 about local government, it is still less precise in answering the shortcomings of the problems that occurred in the village government. Yet the maximum execution village government functions in government and society in the village of South Lipatkain and lack of coordination or participation of the people causing these problems occur. Therefore, the government must be responsive and villages need to evaluate the regulation and implementation in the field. Based on this research, it turns out the implementation of the functions of village government in the field of government and society in the rural South Lipatkain is not run effectively and experiencing problems and issues in the field. In the exercise of the functions carried out by the South Lipatkain village, there are several issues arising from the implementation of the functions of village government was not as expected. The problem is the lack of funds owned by the village and the lack of infrastructure owned by the village is not the main problem with the functioning of village government maximum. As in the case of government, the village of South Lipatkain does not have Human Resources (HR) is adequate to perform its functions in terms of government and society in the field of health insurance and lack of religious facilities such as mosques still can not be enjoyed by the whole village community.