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Item Analisis Nilai-Nilai Karakter Siswa Kelas Vi Ditinjau Dari Pekerjaan Dan Pendidikan Orang Tua Pada SDN Se-Gugus Tunas Harapan Kecamatan Kampar Kiri Tahun Pelajaran 2012/2013(2013-06-27) DarmawatiThe purpose of this study is 1) to describe the character values of six graders cluster terms of working parents; 2) to describe the character values of six graders cluster in terms of parental. The population was all female students total 162 students. Data collection techniques used were questionnaires and data analysis is the percentage. Results of this study include: 1) an average of the values of character class VI student parents who work as civil servants in middle category or fairly well with the percentage of 51.96% 2) the parents as a trader in the category with a lower percentage of 54.59% and 3) the parents work as farmers are in the low category with a percentage of 36.87% 4) parents who work as drivers in the category with a lower percentage of 53.24% 5) the average values of the character class VI student parents who work as private employees are in the low category with the percentage of 44.12% 6) the education is not complete primary school parents are in the low category with the percentage of 46.88% and 7) complete primary school education his parents were in the low category with a percentage of 44.71% 8) graduated from junior high school parents are in the middle category with a percentage of 46.21% 9) the character education of his parents graduated from high school in middle category with percentage of 55.01% 10) character education of his parents graduated from college in middle category with a percentage of 49.41%.Item The Effect Of Football Hold (Pinch) Breastfeeding Position On Pasca Sectio Caesarea Pain In Banda Aceh, Indonesia(2015-06-18) Darmawati; WanelfiSectio caesarea is an obstetric surgery to deliver the baby through abdomen wall and uterus wall incision. Sectio caesarea caused tissue destruction and pain. The pain after surgery probably caused any discomfort and difficulty for mother to breastfeeding. Hence, finding the comfortable breastfeeding position is important. The positions that commonly used to breastfeeding were sit down position and laying down position, while the football hold position is never used. By performing the football hold position, the baby will not getting contact to surgery wound. This study aimed to identify the effect of football hold breastfeeding position on pasca sectio caesarea pain in obstetric ward of Zainoel Abidin General Hospital Banda Aceh. This study was conducted on 13th until 25th Mei 2014, using quasi-experimental design by the pretest-posttest with the control group. The number of subjects in this study was 15 for intervention group and 15 for control group selected based on inclusion criteria using the purposive sampling. The data was collected by leading interview and measuring pain intensity level using Numerical Rating Scale (NRS), then analyzed by statistical paired t-Test. The findings revealed that there was significance difference level of sectio caesarea pain before and after football hold breastfeeding position with the p-value=0,0001 (≤0,05). It also indicated the significance effect of breastfeeding football hold position on pasca sectio caesarea pain. This study provided the valuable information regarding the importance of having a standard operating procedure (SOP) to advocate the hospital institution in breastfeeding position by nursing service to improve the level of patient’s comfort.Item Factors Related Community Preparedness On Earthquake And Tsunami In Coastal Area Of Banda Aceh, Indonesia(2015-06-18) Husna, Cut; Alam, T. Samsul; DarmawatiDisaster preparedness is an activity on pre disaster which purpose is to develop operational capacities and facilitate effective responses when the disaster occurred. The purpose of the research is to identify factors related community preparedness on Earthquake and Tsunami in Costal Area of Banda Aceh. The variable of the research is community preparedness with sub variables are knowledge and attitude for disaster risk, policy and guideline, planning for emergency and disaster, early warning system, mobility and resources. Research design used analysis descriptive with cross sectional study approach. Sampling technique was using proportional sampling to 140 respondents who stayed in 4 sub districts of coastal area of Banda Aceh, Indonesia such as Baitussalam, Meuraxa, Syiah Kuala and Kuta Alam. Analysis method used a simple descriptive by using software computer. the instruments of the research consisted of 2 parts, which are demographics data consisted of age, sex, long stayed in the risk villages, educational level, attending in emergency training and educational program; 31 items on disaster preparedness questionnaire by using Likert scale, and 6 items open question related community preparedness on disaster. The results showed knowledge and attitude on disaster risk were in well prepare, the policy and guideline were in fair prepare, emergency disaster plans were in fair prepare, disaster warning system was in well prepare, and mobilization of resources was in fair prepare. The conclusion showed that factors related community preparedness on earthquake and tsunami in coastal area of Banda Aceh were in well prepare. It recommended to community who stayed in the coastal area of Banda Aceh, could improve knowledge and attitude for disaster risk by attending training and education on disaster preparedness and for stakeholders to maintain effectiveness of early warning system and guidelines for victim evacuation. It is needed to provide regular training and education on disaster to community, effective policies and guidelines for victim evacuation and early warning system.Item Optimalisasi Pengembangan Laboratorium Pendidikan Biologi FKIP Universitas Riau(2013-04-18) Arnentis; Wulandari, Sri; DarmawatiPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persepsi mahasiswa yang mengambil matakuhah Metoda Teknik Laboratorium terhadap pengelolaan laboratorium untuk arah pengembangan laboratorium biologi di Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi FKIP Universitas Riau. Sampel pada penelitian ini sebanyak 100 orang. Adapun parameter yang digunakan adaiah persepsi mahasiswa dengan 6 indikator yaitu perencanaan, penataan, administrasi,pengamanan, perawatan dan pengawasan. Untuk mengetahui persepsi mahasiswa digunakan angket tertutup. Flasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa persepsi mahasiswa terhadap pengelolaan laboratorium pendidikan biologi FKIP UR pada indikator perencanaan memiliki kategori baik dengan rerata 4,10 indikator penataan memiliki kategori cukup baik dengan rerata 3,45, indikator adminislrasi memiliki kategori cukup baik dengan rerata 3,45, indikator pengamanan memiliki kategori cukup baik dengan rerata 2,99, indikator perawatan memiliki kategori baik dengan rerata 4,06 dan indikator pengawasan memiliki kategori baik dengan rerata 3,88. Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa persepsi mahasiswa yang mengambil matakuliah metoda teknik laboratorium terhadap pengelolaan laboratorium untuk arah pengembangan laboratorium biologi di Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi FKIP Universitas Riau adaiah cukup baik dengan rerata 3,67.Item Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Stad Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Matematika Siswa Kelas Vb SD Negeri 019 Muara Uwai Kecamatan Bangkinang Seberang(2013-06-26) DarmawatiThis study was conducted at SDN 019 Muara Uwai District of Bangkinang Seberang in the odd semester of the school years 2012/2013. The subject of the research is students of class V B . There are 20 student in the class, consisting 13 female and 7 male, they were heterogeneous in academic ability. The goal of this study is to improve students’ mathematics achievement, especially in Basic Competencies in Writing the symbol of time using 12 and 24 hours notation, Arithmetic operations of time unit, and Measuring an angle by applying the Cooperative Learning STAD. This study is an action research. There are two cycles and four stages in this study. Each cycle has four stages, they are planning, action, observation, and reflection. The result of research showed that the improvement of students learning achievement. The percentage of first cycle showed that students who get minimum achievement criteria, from 75% to 80%. While, in the second cycle, the percentage of students who minimum achievement criteria increase to 90%. In other words, the implementation of Cooperative Learning STAD can improve students’ mathematics achievement in class V B of SDN 019 Muara Uwai, especially in Basic Competencies in Writing the symbol of time signal using 12 and 24 hours notation, Arithmetic operations of time unit, and Measuring an angle.Item PENINGKATAN KEMAMPUAN GENERIK MAHASISWA BIOLOGI FKIP UR PADA MATAKULIAH GENETIKA DAN EVOLUSI MELALUI PENERAPAN MODEL PROBLEM BASED LEARNING (PILL)(2014-05-24) Darmawati; Mahadi, Imam; Febrita, ElyaPenelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan generik mahasiswa biologi FKIP UR melalui model pembelajaran PBL. Subjek penelitian yaitu mahasiswa biologi semester 4 (empat ) yang berjumlah 50 orang. Jenis penelitian adalah penelitian tindakan kelas. Instrumen penelitian berupa perangkat pembelajaran (Silabus, SAP, LKM, Buku Ajar ) dan alat pengumpul data (LKM dan lembar penilaian). Teknik analisa data dilakukan secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata kemampuan generik mahasiswa menyelesaikan LKM untuk siklus I yaitu 71.10 % (baik) meningkat menjadi 75,60 % ( baik ) untuk siklus II. Rata-rata kemampuan generik mahasiswa membuat peta pikir untuk siklus I yaitu 74.73 % (baik) meningkat menjadi 81.56 % ( baik sekali) untuk siklus II. Dengan demikian penerapan model PBL dapat meningkatkan kemampuan generik mahasiswa biologi FKIP UR pada matakuliah Getika dan Evolusi.Item Peningkatan Pembelajaran Kooperatif Dengan Pendekatan Struktural Think Pair Share Pada Mahasiswa Biologi(2015-07-06) Darmawati; Mariani NLTelah dilakukan penelitian tentang peningkatan pembelajaran evolusi melalui pembelaran kooperatif dengan pendekatan struktural Think Pair Share (TPS) pada Mahasiswa Biologi FKIP UNRI Tahun Ajaran 2006/2007. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan April sampai dengan bulan Juni 2007. Sampei penelitian yaitu Mahasiswa semester 6 (enam) yang betjumlah 48 orang. Jenis penelitian adalzih penelitian tindakan kelas. Instrumen penelitian berupa perangkat pembelajaran dan alat pengumpul data (test dan lembaran observasi mahasiswa). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa daya serap mahasiswa pada siklus 1 adalah 80,94 (Baik Sekali), sedangkan pada siklus 2 adalah 64,71 (Cukup). Untuk ketuntasan belajar secara klasikal adalah tuntas (97,92) pada siklus 1 dan siklus 2, tidak tuntas (70,83). Penghargaan berkelompok pada siklus 1 berkategori super (1 Kelompok = Hebat) dan pada siklus 2 semua kelompok (8 kelompok) berkategori baik. Sedangkan aktivitas mahasiswa dalam rata-rata 65,76 (baik). Dengan demikian penerapan pembelajaran kooperatif tipe TPS dapat meningkatkan pembelajaran evolusi pada mahasiswa biologi.