Public Participation in the Implementation of Forest Fire Control Policy and Land in Rokan Hilir Distric The Province of Riau

dc.contributor.authorYuliani, Febri
dc.description.abstractPublic participation 1n forest and land fire control starts from the planninq phase of land and forest fire control. f1re prevention staqe, the staqe of f1re suppression and phase refresive handlinqParticipate in f1re control and forest land, meaninq co-reduc1nq impact of fire on the people residing around the area. such as the presence of smoke that Interferes with health and their daily act1v1t1es as well as the loss of the1r livel1hoocs in the reqion. Further. commun1t1es can mon1tor and superv1se the area 1n the villaqe and in fire-prone forests 1n the quest for the prevention of forest f1res and land at a t1me when that Will comePublic participatbn as an important role in achiev1nq the qoals and ob1ectives of a development proqram Commun1tv participation 1s a means to obtain information atx:Jut the conditions. needs and attitudes of local people. if thev feel involved in the process of preparation and planninq and democratic riqhts. Societv has the power to inhibit the activ1tv if thev are not Involved 1n the decision makinq process. Catastrophic forest fire is a serious problem that must be faced by Indonesia almost every year durinq the drv season. Forest fires are the cause of forest destruction disadvantaqe because in a short t1me can cause both a loss rn economic. ecoloqical, aesthetic. and politicai.Riau forests and lands have huqe potential to develop the plantation sectors aqr1culture. settlement and forestry Accordinq to Requlation (No. 10 of 1994), about Spatial R1au province of Riau's forest area was 9.5 million hectares (hal Covennq an area of 1.9 million reserved as protected forest and 4.9 million hectares (hal is planned as a non-forestry cultivation area and the remaininq 2 7 million hectares (hai is plotted as an area of forestrv sector development Based an the resource potential of forest and qa rdens R1au Prov1nce Year 2008-2009 of the M1n1stry of Forestry and Plantations (of the Mm1stry) R1au marnland temtory has been divided 1nto Forest Tenure IHPHl the number 1s 3.481.868 hectares (hal. t1moor estates (HTI l1 ,621,693 hectares (hal. With a total area of9.456 mi llion hectares Riau province (Ha), the remaininq land 1n Rau just stay 3,035,837 hectares (hal Utilization of peatlands and forests for coal development. land c1ear1nq For plantations and aqnculture and loqqinq activities (loqqlnCI). Identified as the act1v1ties of surface f1res Forest and land fires or not 11 can occur natural IV. but can also be caused bv the combustion procedure ionores that area fires oocome uncontrollable. Land and forest fires 1n Riau are often starts 1997 with Widespread forest fires 26153.466 hectares (ha) to 2009, the total area of lard and forest fires in Riau Province reached 121.051.55 acres. Forest fi res, but can cause economic loss damaqe soil surface and damaqe the health. also can reduce Indonesia's imaqe 1n the eves of the 1nternat1onal communitv Forests are one of the life support system welfare. qenet1c resources. reoulat1no water manaoement. ecosvstems. and habitats of flo ra and fauna. Forest damaoe caused bv theft. natural disasters 1ncludino forest fires (approximately 50,000 ha I vear, 90% due to human act1v1tvl.There ate several reasons that an activ1tv to include the community 1n environmental and resource manaqement includinq control of land and forest fires. it 1s possible to: (1i formulate the problem mare effectively, (2) obta1n Information and understanding of the world beyond the reach of science. (31 formulate alternative problem solv1nq be sac1ally acceptable and 14) establish a plan and a sense of belonqinq to the settlement. so as to facilitate the application. Althouqh th1s participatory approach mav recuire more time in the early staqes of planning, but the subsequent processing that this approach would minimize or avo1d any conflict.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipUniversitas Riau Universitas Malaysiaen_US
dc.identifier.otherwahyu sari yeni
dc.subjectpublic policy government regulation public partic!pafionen_US
dc.subjectland and forest firesen_US
dc.titlePublic Participation in the Implementation of Forest Fire Control Policy and Land in Rokan Hilir Distric The Province of Riauen_US


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