Analisis Faktor-faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Pembangunan Perikanan Propinsi Riau


This research aims to construct a model of fisheries development in Riau Province. This research focuses specifically on: 1.Analyze the competitiveness and determine the bases sector/non fishery bases in Riau Province. 2. Analyze factors that influence development of fisheries in Riau Province . Based on the LQ analysis, fisheries became the basis sectors in Rokan Hilir, Bengkalis, Dumai, Siak, Indragiri Hilir, Indragiri Hulu and Meranti Islands whereas aquaculture has been the basis sector for the District of Kampar , Pelalawan, Rokan Hulu, Kuansing and Pekanbaru . Based on analysis of competitiveness (shift share) indicates that the fisheries sector Bengkalis, Siak, Indragiri Hilir, Pelalawan, Kampar, Indragiri Hulu, and Pekanbaru is reside in quadrant I, which means that growth is rapid but not relative competitiveness, while Rokan Hilir, Dumai, Rokan Hulu, Kuansing and Meranti Islands reside in quadrant III, which means that the growth of the fisheries sector is relatively slow and not competitive, so it takes effort to improve the provision of supporting the development of fisheries infrastructure. The results of the econometric model analysis, fishing production influenced by wide of public territorial water and existence of TPI and PPI, whereas aquaculture product influenced by amount of aquaculture household and fish seed production have an effect on to fishery product so that required government support for the provision and support society for aquaculture.



catch fishing, aquaculture, econometric
