4. Riau International Nursing Conference 2015


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    A. Daftar Isi Riau International Nursing Conference 2015
    Currently, the incidence of urinary tract infection in patients with indwelling urinary catheter ranges between 10-80%. They are at risk for other problems that can cause death. Appropriate action is required to decrease the risk of urinary tract infection by periurethral area cleaning. The aim of this study was to analyze the differences of the effectiveness of the use of normal saline and 10% povidone iodine for periurethral area cleaning in decreasing the risk of urinary tract infection. Research method was true experimental design with the population of patients who used indwelling urinary catheter in one of the hospitals in West Java. Samples size were obtained by consecutive and allocated by block randomization which were divided into 2 groups, each group were 17 respondents. In the treatment group, periurethral area was cleaned with normal saline and in the control group with 10% povidone iodine. Urinary tract infection risk assessment was carried out by the leukocyte esterase dipstick test at 8 hours after insertion. The results indicated that the incidence of urinary tract infections risk in the group using normal saline was smaller than 10% povidone iodine with a comparison of 1:1.3. Number need to treat in this study was 6. The conclusion of this study is normal saline is more effective in reducing the risk of urinary tract infection.
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    Effectiveness Methods Of Demonstrations To Increase Knowledge About Maternal Postpartum Breast Care At The Health Center Of Harapan Raya Pekanbaru 2014
    (2016-01-13) Siwi, Tri; Norlita, Wiwik
    Breast care in the postpartum period is a series of breast care and breast nipple in the postpartum period are very useful for improving milk production and prevent swelling in the breast that often causes mastitis. During pregnancy, a mother must prepare knowledge of postpartum breast care in order to avoid problems in the breast in the postpartum period. Lecture and demonstration is a method often used to provide health education. This research was conducted to obtain a picture of how the effective of the method of demonstration against the increase in knowledge of pregnant women at health centers of Harapan Raya Pekanbaru. This study uses a quasi-experimental design with two approaches group pretest posttest design with a sample of 190 respondents were divided into two groups of intervention. The first group performed gift giving health education interventions using the lecture method, while the second group performed gift giving health education interventions using demonstration method. Data analysis was performed using paired t test . The result showed p value of 0.000 so that H0 is rejected. , This shows that the method is more effective demonstration improving pregnant women knowledge about postpartum breast care. To the Health Center of Harapan Raya Pekanbaru, specifically responsible for MCH (Maternal and Child Health) should do a combination of the provision of health education to pregnant mothers about postpartum breast care by using a demonstration of postpartum breast care.
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    Parents’ Perception Towards Quality Of Life Children With Leukemia In Arifin Achmad And Eria Bunda Hospital : A Mixed Methods Study
    (2016-01-13) Hendriyani; Mediani, Henny Suzana; Apriany, Dyna
    Leukimia is a cancer which has the most prevalence to the kids. During the treatment is important to concern with their life quality. Children with leukemia experience avariety of physical and psychological problems which affect quality of life of the children. Purpose of this study was to explore perceptions and description toward the quality of life of children with leukemia. Considering the impact and the cure of physicale, psychological and social quality of life of them. This research used mixed method research with the sequential explanatory design by the total sample 34 parents ‘ leukimia sufferers with is intensive care in children ward of Arifin Ahmad and EriaBunda hospital. The result of quantitative research,showed that the parents’ perception score was 74 in average with deviance standard 10,725 meanwhile life quality score was 71,44 in average with deviance standard 13,948. Correlation test between parents’ perception with the quality of children life p 0’028. Qualitative data aimed to strengthen, deepen and widen qualitative data, The results found that parents’ negative perception was stated by considering the children are weak/ risky. In addition the life quality of the children in term of physical and emotional domain experiences the change such as so weary, feeling painful, physical activity decay and the children easily tend to be angry, afraid and feeling sad. Based on the result of the research , it is recommended that by the paradigm of children’s nurse family center care involves the parents in children treatment by giving information and educate the parents based on evidence based practice, so it can form the positive perception of the parents with leukemia child.
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    The Relationship Between Education , Length Of Work And Motivation Nurse With Documentation Of Nursing Care At Dr. M. Zein Hospital, Painan, West Sumatera
    (2016-01-13) Harahap, Afrida Sriyani; Andrianto, Mufida
    Documentation is an important record for nursing care in hospitals. It is evidence of nursing implementation that uses method of nursing process approach, and record about patient response to medical intervention, nursing intervention or reactions of patients to disease. Type of this research was correlational study analytic with cross sectional design. The population was all of nurses in inpatient unit in RSUD M. Zein Painan with a sample of 56 nurses. Sampling design was proportional sampling with simple random sampling technique. This research was conducted in 18 - 31 of May, 2015. Data were collected by observation sheet and questionnaire as research instrument.The result showed 55,4% of nurses had poor nursing documentation, 80,4% of nurses was vocational nurse, 58,5% of nurses had worked for a long time and 57,1% of nurses had low motivation. Chi-square test showed that there was significant correlation between education with documentation,and motivation with documentation. But there was no significant correlation between length of work with documentation of nursing. It’s suggested to nurses to be more fully aware that the documentation is a thing that can’t be separated in the implementation of nursing care and nurses need a training about documentation of nursing care to improve the quality of nursing care especially in field of nursing documentation
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    Correlation Of Socialisation Stimulation Intervention Toward The Pre School Children Age 36 – 47 Months Socialisation Development At Integrated Public Health Care, Pintu Kabun Region, Bukittinggi City
    (2016-01-13) Jafri, Yendrizal; Ovari, Isna
    Stimulation is an effort to stimulate children external environtment which can be arranged as an exercise or playing activities. Stimulation is an important basic need for children growth and development progress. Children who experienced with targetted stimulation will quickly developed. The purpose of this research is to reveal the correlation of socialization stimulation intervention towards the preschool children socialization development. The research design is Quasi Experiment with prospective methodology. The research population are pre-school children aged 36-47 months with 23 samples where questionnaires and observation sheets were obtained as the research instruments. The research progress was conducted for sample’s socialication stimulation in order to calculate their socialization development. Data were processed for their frequency distribution, mean value and Chi-Square Test. Finally, the research result revealed that early stimulation intervention catagorized in good position (47.8%), however, after socialization stimulation intervention has showed a better category for 87.0 percent on that group of age. On the other hand, the statistical test result has revealed that there is a significant correlation stimulation interventionwith children’s socialization development.It can be concluded that personal social developmentis strongly influenced by environment and interactionbetween children and parents or other adults. It will optimalize children development when social interaction intervention is stimulated based on their developmental stage.
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    The Effect Of Peer Group Education Toward Snacks Behaviour In School Age Children In SDN 07 (Elementary School), Bukittinggi
    (2016-01-13) Yaslina; Yuliano, Aldo; Primal, Def
    Almost all of school age children (95-96 %) tend to have school snacks at school. Beside the relativity of lower level of nutrition ingredients, the food safety is the one thing should be concerned. The health problem related to unhealthy picking up school snacks for children are hazard poisonous, cancer, food borne disease and some children body’s growth and developmental problem. Unhealthy picking up school snacks can be prevented and reduced by giving them a health education which can be implemented by involving these children directly as a peer educator group to the school’s health program. In these circumstance, this research was aimed to describe the effect of peer group education towards the picking up of school snacks behaviour in SDN 07 (elementary school), Bukittinggi. The research design was pre and post test quasi experiment, and it was picking up of school snacks behaviour differentiation between pre and post peer group education hypothesis. There were 10 students in a peer educator group while 57 students as respondent. Picking up school snacks identified by giving samples some questionaires beside the peer educator group were prepared almost 6 weeks in a purpose to act as an educator for their friends as research samples. Demonstration method and booklet media were conducted along thesee research processes. It revealed that the mean rate of pre-education for picking up the school snacks behaviour is 12.66 with 1.065 deviated standard, while the post-education is 15.5 with 1.025, respectively. Finally, the statistical test figured with 0.0000 p-value and tent to 5% of alpha value which indicated that there is a significant differentiation between pre and post aducation relating to picking up of school snacks behaviour at school.for sum up, it is very important to the health program parliament and school coordinator to involve students as a peer group health educator in controlling and persuasing health behaviour and attitude related to school age children
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    Risk Factors In The Event Of Stunting Children Age 24-59 Months (Case Study In Kelurahan Balai Gadang, Health Center Of Air Dingin Padang City In 2015)
    (2016-01-13) Dara, Widia; Deska, Silmi; Gusnedi
    Stunting reflects chronic undernutrition during the most critical periods of growth and development in early life. Data from health department of Padang in 2013 showed the prevalence of stunting in the region of Health Center Air Dingin was 43.3%. The aim of research is to determine the risk factors of stunting children aged 24-59 months in Kelurahan Balai Gadang, Health Center of Air Dingin Padang city in 2015. This research is a retrospective case control study. The study was conducted in April-May 2015 in Kelurahan Balai Gadang, Health Center of Air Dingin. The total samples were 90 children with aged 24-59 months. The data about the immunization status, birth weight, exclusive breastfeeding status, number of family members, mother's education, mother's occupation were obtained using questionaire (primary data). Collecting data sanitation and water sources with direct observation in the home of the respondents (primary data). The anthropometric data and age were obtained from Health Centers of Air Dingin (secondary data). Sampling in the case group was done by using simple random sampling and calculated based on the formula and obtained as many as 45 children aged 24-59 months. The selected control group is children aged 24- 59 months are normal nutritional status with same in gender. The number of children in the control group was similar to the case. Data was analyzed by univariate. Bivariate analysis used Chi-Square test. In the case group there as much as 75.6% children are not fully immunized. 26.7% children with low birth weight. 68.9% children were not given exclusive breastfeeding. 40% of infants with a large number of family members. 64.4% children with low maternal education. 2,2 % of children with working mothers. 55,6% family do not have basic sanitation. 37,8% family do not have a protected water source. In the control group there as much as 35,6 % are not fully immunization. 6,7 % children with low birth weight. 48.9% children were not given exclusive breastfeeding. 24,4% of infants with a large number of family members. 28,9 % children with low maternal education. 6,7% of children with working mothers. 22,2% family do not have basic sanitation. 28,9% family do not have a protected water source. Statistical analysis showed risk factors for the incidence of stunting children aged 24-59 months are immunized (OR = 5,6), birth weight (OR=5,02), maternal education (OR = 4,46), and basic sanitation (OR = 4,3) which was obtained p <0.005. While the status of exclusive breastfeeding, the number of the members of family, work and the source of water were not a risk factor for the incidence of stunting. Although exlusive breasfeeding is not a risk factor for the occurrence of stunting, but there is the tendency, so the need for counseling to mother’s children to give baby’s exlusive breasfeeding aged 0-6 month.
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    Factors Related To Obesity In Children In Work Area Health Center Harapan Raya Pekanbaru In 2014
    (2016-01-13) Syahda, Syukrianti
    Obesity will give affects to children under five, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, asthma and psychological effect. The child receive ridicule from his friends because the child difficult to follow the movements of the teacher in the classroom. The goal of this study was to determine the factors associated with obesity in children. This study was analytical design by using case control with simple random sampling technique. The total number of samples were 70 respondents which divided into 35 samples cases and 35 samples as a control. Results of univariate analysis showed that income families were high in the cases (62.9%) than in controls (25.7%), eating poorly in the cases (54.3%) were high than in controls (28.5%), low physical activity at cases (62.9%) were high than in controls (28.5%). The results of chi square test showed that the correlation between family income and obesity (p = 0.004; α 0.05), the relationship between diet and obesity (p = 0.052; α 0.05), the relationship between physical activity and obesity (p = 0,008; α 0.05). Recommendation of this study for preventing obesity in children by providing counseling on nutrition and motivating for mothers to provide balanced nutrition in infants.
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    The Relationship Between Family Support And Tuberculosis Drug’s Compliance In Pekanbaru
    (2016-01-13) Septia, Asra; Rahmalia, Siti; Sabrian, Febriana
    Tuberculosis until now is still a health problem in Indonesia and global. A cross sectional study was conducted determines the relationship between family support and tuberculosis drug’s compliance in Pekanbaru. A total of 58 patients were included in the study that admitted in the ward and came to the respiratory discipline clinic that consume anti tuberculosis drug more than three month. Data collection was done by family support and tuberculosis drug’s compliance questionnaire had been valid (0.96 and 0.79). The questioner had been test to 20 respondent in Petalabumi Hospital . The data was analyzed by chi square test. The result study showed that 74.14% had positive family support and 65.52% was compliance to consume drug for tuberculosis. However there was relationship between family support and tuberculosis drug’s compliance with p value 0.036. Compliance and family support are the great of Tuberculosis control. To improve Tuberculosis drug’s compliance need to understand non-compliance and need to adopt a very and comprehensive view of patient compliance
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    Factors Associated With Intradialytic Hypotension In Chronic Renal Failure Patients Undergoing Hemodialysis Therapy In Hemodialysis Unit Dr. Achmad Mochtar General Hospital, Bukitinggi
    (2016-01-13) Chaidir, Reny; Putri, Meyliza Esha
    Hypotension is a potential complication of hemodialysis. Hypotension is considered the most important risk factor for the development of cardiovascular complications that are main cause of morbidity and mortality in hemodialysis patients. Hypotension associated with excess mortality.Purposes of this study was to examine factors that related to the intradialytic hypotension in patients undergoing hemodialysis at Dr. Achmad Hemodialisa Mochtar General Hospital, Bukittinggi. This research is analytical correlation with cross sectional approach. Sample of this research were patients who underwent hemodialysis who met inclusion criteria. Sampling technique is purposive sampling with the number of samples as much as 39 respondents.Data Collection in this study used by observation sheets and other instruments, namely a sphygmomanometer to measure blood pressure and hemodialysis machine monitors to see the rate of ultrafiltration. Analysis of univariate and bivariate with Chi Square Test. Twovariables analysis showed there was no correlation between intradialysis hypotension and age and gender (p value> 0.005) and ultrafiltration rate intradialisis had no association with hypotension (p value <0.05). The study conclude that hemodialysis associated with hypotension remains one of the main complications of hemodialysis In suggestions for future studies for the addition of other risk factors of hypotension intradialisis is a important challenge to the nephrologist
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    The Factors Of Nurse’s Behaviour Which Appertains Of Nursing Nurture Documentation At Tampan Mental Institution In Pekanbaru 2014
    (2016-01-13) Sukarni, Putri Wulandini
    Behaviour is all the human’s action and activity, it can directly or undirectly be watched by other people. Documentation behaviour of nurse is a report and note prove that is belonged by the nurse to operating the nursing note to get the assessment, diagnoses, intervention, implementation and even nursing evaluation. The factors that relate with documentation behaviour are knowledge, attitude, work load, suggestion, intensive and leadership. The kind of the reseach is analitics section study with overall of the samples are 93 nurses. The data analysis is done univariately, bivariately and multivariately with the multiple logictic regression. The reserch result is obtained that the unrelated Variable with the nursing nurture documentation behaviour is the leadership. Where as related variable with documentating behaviour is he knowledge OR 2-696 (95% CI.161-6.256), attitude OR 2.969 (95% CI 1.274-6.920), insentive OR 0.293 (95% CI 0.121-0.708) and work load OR 3.569 (95% CI 1.510-8.433). conclusion, the most related variable is attitude. It is suggesed for the nurse management at Asylum of tampan in pekanbaru operates the education on colloquium and training rutinely
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    Relationship Of Knowledge, Occupation And Cultural Aspects To The Exclusive Breastfeeding In Infants Aged 0-6 Months In Kuok Community Health Centers Kampar Regency In 2015
    (2016-01-13) Afrinis, Nur
    The data of basic health research (Riskesdas) in 2013 show that mothers gave exclusive breastfeeding in Indonesia only 30.2%. In 2014 , the achievement of exclusive breastfeeding in Kampar regency only 76.4 %. Kuok Community Health Centers is one of the health centers with the achievement of the lowest breastfeeding, only 49.31 %. The purpose of this research was to identify relationship of knowledge, occupation and cultural aspects of the exclusive breastfeeding in infants aged 0-6 months in Kuok Health Centers Kampar regency in 2015. This research used cross sectional study design with 83 subjects that chosen by simple random sampling technique. The research population was all mothers with babies aged 0- 6 months in Kuok Health Centers Kampar Regency in 2015. The data was collected by questionnaires. Statistic analysis used univariate and bivariate analysis. Chi-square test showed that there are significant relationship between knowledge (p value 0,00 <α 0,05), occupation (p value 0,001 <α 0,05), cultural aspects (p value 0,00 <α 0.05) to giving of exclusive breastfeeding. The suggestion to Kuok Health Centers to improve the percentage of exclusive breastfeeding, that is to give exclusive breastfeeding counseling for pregnant and breastfeeding mothers.
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    Factors Related To Filariasis Drug Compliance In Jaya Rokan Hilir Public Health Center Area In 2014
    (2016-01-13) Nislawaty
    Filariasis is an infectious disease which is caused by worms filariasis and transmitted by various species of mosquitoes. The disease impacted on the decline in work productivity of patients, family burden and cause economic loss for patients as well state. One of the main strategies in implementing the elimination of filariasis is by cutting the transmission with mass treatment in endemic areas. This study aims to determine what factors are associated with compliance in Jaya Rokan Hilir Public Health Center area in 2014. This study used analytic survey research design with cross sectional approach. This study population of this study is as many as 2,352 people with a total sample size of 341 people by using systematic random sampling technique. Analysis of the data used univariate and bivariate analysis. The result showed no correlation between demographic characteristics and health education with filariasis drug compliance (p value = 0.774; p value = 0.095), whereas and a significant relationship between health workers with drug use filariasis (P Value = 0.049). It is expected that government, health professionals and the public to cooperate in order to increase filariasis drug compliance on a regular basis in order to reduce morbidity due to filariasis.
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    The Correlation Between Age And Iud (Intrauterine Devices) Period Towards The Incidence Of Pelvic Inflamatory Diseases At Gulai Bancah Bukittinggi Public Health Center, 2015
    (2016-01-13) Delima, Mera; Kartika, Kalpana
    IUD is a non-hormonal contraception devices. Some IUD advantages are higher effectivity, do not interfere sexual activity, do not impair the breast feeding volume as well as the quality it self. How ever, some planned family with IUD had complained some pain and infection experiences where located in pelvic regio (pelvic inflamatory disease/ PID). These kind of infection related to superior reproductive duct infection which almost one million women diagnosed between 25 and 35 years old. Pelvic infection risk with IUD has raised twice compared with they do not as an acceptor. The purpose of this research was to determine the correlation between age and IUD (intrauterine devices) period towards the incidence of pelvic inflamatory diseases to plan family as an acceptor Gulai Bancah Bukittinggi Public Health Center. The research design was descriptive correlation with 131 samples by using cross sectional approach. Every single planned family as an acceptor with IUD catagorized as research population which consecutive sampling technique for those criteria. Collecting data was conducted and observed by using some questionaire with chi-square analysis. The research result showed that more than a half of respondent (53.4%) were on the age of young adult (more than 25 years old). The longest period in using IUD were counted 61.8% of respondent for 5 years and more. Furtheremore, about two third of the respondent (67.9%) were not experienced with infection related to PID. Statistical test revealed the P value for age and period were< α (0,005<0,05) and < α (0,000<0,05), respectively. Finally, it has a correlation between age and IUD (intrauterine devices) period towards the incidence of pelvic inflamatory diseases to plan family as an acceptor at Gulai Bancah Bukittinggi Public Health Center at 2015.
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    The Effect Of Play Theraphy On Fine Motor Development In Autism Children At Azzamul Al-Ikhlas Foundation Autism Inclusive School Of Bukittinggi City
    (2016-01-13) Andriani, Marlina; Armenda, Rizka
    Children with autism was difficult in imitating the skills taught by the therapist, and also have difficulties to express their imagination. When they playing, most children with autism are not focus to the game and the development of fine motor skills, they have difficulty in grasping, opening and closing the first two hands, fighting finger, thumb fighting, and wiggled her fingers. One of the factors that influence the development of fine motor stimulation is given such play activities because playing is afun activity and can stimulate the child's fine motor development. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of therapy on the development of fine motor skills in children with autism. This type of study is pre experiment with one group pretest and posttest design without control. The population is children with autism aged 4-6 years in the Azzamul Al Ikhlas foundation Bukittinggi as many as 25 children, and Samples were taken by using purposive sampling as many as 10 childred. The research instrument is the observation sheet. Analysis of research data using univariate and bivariate analysis, with paired sample test method . The average of univariate fine motor development of children with autism, before therapy was 8.50 and after play therapy is 12.40 while the results of the bivariate analysis was p = 0.000 (p value of α ≤ 0.05). It shows that there is effect of play therapy to the development of fine motor skills of children with autism. It suggested to the therapists and parents to always motivate the children, so that children are not forced to do so and and do it comfortably. Cooperation therapists and parents in the treatment of children with autism will further enhance the fine motor skills of children with autism. The therapist should be able to provide direction, motivation and guidance so that parents can follow the program and the stages are given by the therapist.
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    Effectiveness Of Reproductive Health Education On Parent As Prevention Of Sexual Abuse In School Age Children (7-12 Years) In Pekanbaru
    (2016-01-13) Indriati, Ganis; Dewi, Yulia Irvani
    The research on the effectiveness of reproductive health education on parents as prevention of sexual abuse in school age children (7-12 years) was performed on 60 parents as respondent, in Pekanbaru. This study is quasy experiments used pre and post test approach so that the respondent will be divided into an experimental group. The purpose of this study was to identify the effectiveness of reproductive health education for prevention sexual abuse in school age children. Statistical’s test by Wilcoxon and Man Whitney showed that health education is more effective to increase respondent’s knowledge. The study found that health education effective to increase respondent’s knowledge about reproductive’s health on experimental group than control group (p < a). However, this study suggest that community health workers in primary health centers, should continue to give health education about reproductive’s health, to parents who have school age children, as to prevent the occurrence of sexual abuse of schoolage children
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    Relationship Between Family Developmental Tasks Achievement With Communication Pattern Among Families And Adolescents With Deviant Behavior
    (2016-01-13) Yunere, Falerisiska; Basya, Anil
    Adolescents tend to do deviant behaviors such as fighting, smoking, conducting sexual behavior, etc. The aim of the research is to identify the relationship between family developmental tasks achievement with communication pattern among families and adolescents with deviant behaviors in Bukittinggi. The type of the research is descriptive correlational study. The study was conducted at SMK Negri 1 Bukittinggi. Samples were taken using total sampling with 50 respondents. The form of a questionnaire instrument with cross-sectional research design. Data analysis was done using univariate and bivariate descriptive statistics such as frequency.distributions.and.percentages. The results showed that more than half of respondents ( 52 % ) had a family developmental tasks that are not good, half of respondents ( 50 % ) had a dysfunctional communication patterns, more than half of respondents ( 60 % ) that did not have deviant behavior. Implementation of the developmental tasks that are not good family occur misbehavior 69,2 % with p = 0,005 and OR = 24,750 and dysfunctional communication patterns of deviant behavior 72 % occurred with p = 0.005 and OR = 29,571. This study suggests that there is a relationship between the development of family duties and family communication patterns with occurrence of deviant behavior and suggested that teachers should provide the information and understanding of the consequences of deviant behavior / sanction so no fear of students - students to perform deviant behavior
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    The Relationship Between Nurse Characteristics And Performance In Nursing Implementation At Lubuk Basung Hospital
    (2016-01-13) Ernalinda, Rosya
    Performance of nurse is a good activity that taken fucntionally and structurally but the optimal performance had not seen that is given by nurses., such as services in the infusion nursing where nurses often do not provide an explanation of benefits and usefulness of the infusion. Researcher has obtained preliminary data from a new nurse’s performance at Lubuk Basung Hospital done around 60%. This study aims to determine the relationship between nurse characteristics and performance in nursing implementation at Lubuk Basung Hospital. This study design used correlation studies conducted between 11 and 23 February 2014 at Lubuk Basung Hospital. The population of this study were nurses with samples are 33 respodents with using accidental sampling technique using C instruments and questionaires. This study showed that there is more than half of nurses poor performance (57.6%). Most of the nurses showed the young adult category (75.8%). More than half of college-educated nurses (54.5%). And more than half the working lives of nurses showed ≥ 5 years. This study incated that there is relationship between age and nurse performance (p=0.047), relationship between education and nurse performance (p=0.043) and relationship between time working and nurse performance (p=0.02). The point of this study, there is relation between nurse characteristics and performance in nursing implementation at Lubuk Basung Hospital. Therefore, expected Lubuk Basung Hospitals can set the Standart Operational Procedures (SOP) of nursing implementation and can apply it, Lubuk Basung Hospital given reward and punishment to every nurses who apply it or not
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    The Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence And The Performance Of Nurses In Nursing Care Documentation In Inpatient Rooms At Public Hospital Of Rokan Hulu Regency
    (2016-01-13) Kasumayanti, Erma
    Nurses in providing patient care often involves feelings and emotional, so it can affect their performance and quality of service. Therefore,it is necessary for every nurse to have a high emotional intelligence. Nurses who have high emotional intelligence can recognize and control her emotions and be able to be empathetic to patients and their families. This study aims to determine the relationship between emotional intelligence and the performance of nurses in nursing care documentation. The design of this research with a quantitative analytical technique of a total population of 100 respondents. The results show that the majority of respondents (62%) have a negative emotional intelligence and the majority of respondents (57%) had a poor performance in the documentation. Based on the results of chi square test show that there is a relationship between emotional intelligence with the performance of nurses in nursing care documentation (p = 0.001). The results of this study are expected to be the basis for nurses to manage their emotions at work, so that they are able to provide the best services and perform a complete documentation of nursing care
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    The Relationship Between Implementation Of Antenatal Service Standard That Was Done By Village Midwife With The Incident Of Anemia In Larantuka Regency
    (2016-01-13) Harahap, Dewi Anggriani; Parmin, Joria
    Every year Indonesian women die due to obstetric complication. More than 90 percent is caused bleeding, preeclampsia/eclampsia and infection. It can be effectively prevented if communities are well informated about emergency signs as well as the provision of qualified health service in primary care. WHO has developed standard of midwifery service which had been adjusted for its application in Indonesia. This research was aimed to know the relationship between implementation of antenatal service standard that was done by village midwife with the incident of anemia. This was an observational research with historical cohort design. The number of samples in this study were 40 people. Data were analysed using univariate and bivariate analysis. The result showed that pregnant mothers who received non standard antenatal service had risk of anemia with OR=3.404 (95% CI: 1.303