4. International Seminar of Fisheries and Marine (2ndISFM 2013)
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Item Histological Structure of Gill, Kidney and Liver of Ompok hypopthalmus Captured in The Upstream and downstream of The Siak River, Riau(2016-04-02) Windarti; Putra, Ridwan Manda; Ardiansyah, MuhammadOmpok hypopthalmus (Siluridae) is commonly inhabit the Siak River. This river is relatively polluted as there are human activities present in the riverside along the river and the pollutant produced flown to the river. Due to pullutant accumulation, water quality in the downstream of the river may be worse than that of the upstream. As water quality affects the health status of fish, the health condition of fish living in the upstream and downstream of the river might be different and it may be reflected in the histological structure of main organs of the fish. To understand the difference of histological structure of the gill, kidney and liver of O. hypopthalmus, a study has been conducted. Fish samples were captured from the upstream and downstream of the river. Gill, kidney and liver tissue was processed for histological study (formalin fixed, alcohol series processed and HE stained). Results indicate that the histological structure of the fish from both sampling areas showing abnormality symptoms. In the gill tissue of fish from both areas, most of secondary lamella are fused and abnormality symptoms such as hyperplasia, hypertrophy and necrosis are present. In the kidney and liver tissues, there are hemorrhage, mineralization and cell degeneration. The kidney and liver of fish from the downstream shown more mineralization spots than that of the upstream. These data suggested that the fish living in the upstream and downstream of the Siak River have been exposed to relatively polluted water that negatively affects their health in generalItem Economic Analysis of Mangrove Forest Over Land Functions Into Plantation in Damas Beach Trenggalek Regency(2016-04-02) Purwanti, Pudji; Susilo, Edi; Indrayani, ErlindaExtensive coastal mangrove forests in diminishing Damas in a span of over 10 years due to the function of mangrove land into plantations. The purpose of this study is to assess the economic benefits of mangrove forests surrounding community as well as analyze the plantations of the mangrove land has shifted function. In economics, mangrove forests still have economic value that can be enjoyed by the community. Direct use value can be identified from the catch of white shrimp, crab and green shells. And indirect use values of mangrove forests can be calculated on the basis of biological functions, retaining intrusion and coastal protection. Transfer of benefits mangrove forests into plantations conflict. Moreover, management of mangrove ecosystems has not been done in a professional manner. Institutional governing mangrove forest in the Coast Damas experiencing good growth in personal and systems, and the latter is part of the Community Cluster Monitor. Yet still the violation is harvesting plants and conversion of land for agriculture. The decline in mangrove area and is caused by the opening of coconut plantations and agriculture, which is conducted by a group of people who in the name of the group PHBM (Pengelola Hutan Bersama Masyarakat). From the results of research is recommended to explore the local rule-making in the form of village rules that govern the organization of society to the mangrove deforestation could be reducedItem The Current Speed, Depth and Catch Per Unit Effort of Bottom Gill Net in Southern Bulukumba Coast, South Sulawesi(2016-04-02) Musbir; SudirmanThe objective of this study was to analyses catch per unit effort of bottom gill net related to current speed and water depth in southern Bulukumba coast, South Sulawesi. The study was conducted from April 2010 to November 2011. Fish catches were monitored to describe the predominant species caught. The length of gill net was 500 m and depth 5 m. Mesh size was 6 cm and shortening 45 %. Total catch was decrease with increase current speed. The highest catch was occurred in current speed 0.08 msec-1. In contras, the lowest catch was occurred in current speed 0.31 msec-1. Altogether 13 species were identified from 4 fishing efforts of bottom gill net. The average catch per unit effort per day in fishing ground with less than 20 m in depth was 21.2 kg. On the other hand, in more than 40 m in depth was 30.2 kg. Total catch was strongly related to water depth.Item An Improvement of Carcass Quality of Harvested Cage Cultured Catfish (Mystus nemurus) by Increasing Protein Level in the Diets(2016-03-31) Hasan, Bustari; Suharman, Indra; Desmelati; Iriani, DianTwo diets containing 40% protein, P/E ratio 1.30 g/kcal (high protein) and 34% protein, P/E 1.07 g/kcal (low protein), which produced the best growth at our previous experiment, were fed to Mystus catfish to determine their carcass quality. The fish ranging from 40.14 g to 42.64 g in size was grown in commercial fish cages (4x4x1.5 m) at a density of 50 fish per m3 for 90 days. The fish were fed the experimental diets at libitum twice daily, at 9.00 and 16.00. The harvested fish was evaluated for carcass quality characteristics and growth performance. Edible flash, dressing percentage and water holding capacity of harvested fish were higher for the fish fed higher protein diet than that for lower protein diet (P<0.05); but carcass waste was higher for the fish fed lower protein diet than that for higher protein diet (P<0.05). There was no significant different in hematosomatic index between the two fish groups (P>0.05). Proximate composition of the harvested fish was significantly different between fish fed higher and lower protein diet, except moisture. Protein and ash composition was higher for fish fed higher protein diet than that fed lower protein diet (P<0.05), however, fat composition was higher for the fish fed lower protein diet than for that fed higher protein diet (P<0.05). The fish fed higher protein diet consumed less feed but more protein (P<0.05); however, feed and protein efficiency as well as protein retention were not different between the two fish groups (P>0.05). Weight gain was higher for fish fed lower protein diet but protein gain was higher for fish fed higher protein diet (P>0.05).Item Sound Characteristics by Individual Terapon jorbua: The Basic of Bioacoustic Identification for Conservation Purposes(2016-03-31) Amron; Kumoro; Hanafi; Hestirianoto; JuterzenkaTerapon jorbua which is an endogenous species in Indonesia had a serious threat due to water temperature increases as the impact of global climate change. Conservation as an effort to minimize this impact requires comprehensive information regarding various aspects of fish, including biacoustic. Passive acoustic method that using hydrophone has had been used to identify the sound characteristics of three individual fishes (total length 6, 9, and 12 cm) in aquaria at the laboratory conditions. Individual Terapon jorbua was detected produced sound at frequency in a few kilohertz with a short duration, and spectral peak above -50 dB. These characteristics are as the initial information in a series of bioacoustic identification for conservation purposes.Item The Role of Women on Economic Activities and Their Contribution to Household Income of The Traditional Fisheries in West Sumatra(2016-03-31) Zein, AlfianThe objective of this study is to analyze the role of women on the household economy of the traditional fisheries in West Sumatra. The study was conducted in mid year of 2012 to the-90 respondents of women; consisting of fish products processors, traders and women workers for each 30 respondents in the 2 (two) locations of Padang Municipality and Padang Pariaman District, West Sumatra. Analyses were performed by using descriptive, qualitative and GAP analysis.The results of study indicated that women (wife of fishermen) working in the traditional fishery spent most of their time for about 5.80 hours per-day (or of about 139 hours/months). They were able to give contribution to household income on average 27.33% of the total. There are several factors that effects on the contribution to household income, namely; level education of women and working time allocation. To increase the household economic activities of the traditional fisheries in the coastal line areas, endorsement from the government and private sectors in terms of employment and other business opportunities are very important, both fishery sector and other sectors.Item Separability of Mangrove Landcover by Using RapidEye Satellite Imagery(2016-03-31) Oktorini; Jhonnerie; MiswadiRapidEye satellite imagery was used to classify two schemes of coastal landcover in Liong River, Bengkalis Island. Transformed divergence were used due to separability analysis and accuracy of convergence matrices was used kappa’s test. Two landcover classification schemes were used. The first scheme consist of 8 classes and 26 band combination of RapidEye classification result were not promised, especially when mangrove class paired with the forest and rubber plantation classes. The other scheme shownthe better solution since it has three classes (mangrove, waters body and others).Item Utilization of Freshwater Snail Meal in Paste Feed as a Protein Source for Growth and Survival Rate of Baung (Hemibagrus nemurus) Larvae(2016-03-31) Aryani, Netti; Suharman, Indra; Adelina; Sari, Mira RahmitaA research was conducted from Januaryt until March 2013 at Fish Hatchery and Breeding Laboratory, Fisheries and Marine Science Faculty Riau University. Its aim was to evaluate replacement of protein source from fish meal (FM) to freshwater snail meal (FSM) on Baung larval rearing. Combination of the diet used in this study were: P0 (0% FSM, 100% FM), P1 (25% FSM, 75% FM), P3 (50% FSM, 50% FM), P4 (75% FSM, 25%FM), and P5 (100%FSM, 0% FM). The larvae were reared in 15 litre aquarium for 40 days at stocking density 2 larvae/l. Feeding was given 3 times/day. Freshwater snail flour can be replaced fish meal as a protein source paste feed in fish larvae rearing of Baung. Replacement of freshwater snail meal to fish meal can be done up to 50-100% resulting weight growth 0.89 to 1.16 g, length growth rate 3.7 to 4.0 cm, specific growth rate 9.52 to 10.19% and survival rate 69-75%.A 100% freshwater snail meal was the the most efficient paste feed to produce 40 days green catfish larvae.Item The Characteristic of Mitochondrial Cytochrome C Oxidase 1 Gene of Kryptopterus apogon (Bleeker, 1851)(2016-03-31) Elvyra; DuryadiA study on sequence in the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase 1 gene of Kryptopterus apogon from Indragiri River of Riau Province In Indonesia has been conducted. This is a preliminary research on the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxydase 1 gene as molecular marker to obtain species diversity and and phylogenetic relationship on Kryptopterus from Indragiri River. Polymerase chain reactions (PCR) technique was applied to amplify cytochrome c oxidase 1 gene of 655 bp. The partial sequence of cytochrome c oxydase 1 gene was put on multiple alligment with other fishes in Siluriformes and Kryptopterus apogon from GenBank. Multiple alignment and analyzed using MEGA program version 3.0. Genetic distance based on nucleotide of cytochrome c oxidase 1 gene among Kryptopterus apogon (Indragiri river) and Kryptopterus apogon (GenBank) was 0.076. Their nucleotide substitutions consist of 42 nucleotide transitions and five nucleotide transversions. The phylogenetic relationship using Neighbor Joining method based on the sequence of nucleotide cytochrome c oxidase 1 gene among Kryptopterus apogon (Indragiri river) and Kryptopterus apogon (GenBank) form one phylogeny cluster with high bootstrap value.Item Environmental Implication of Dumping Waste on Marine Ecosystem(2016-03-31) Dhahiyat, YayatBased on law and government regulation of Republic of Indonesia dumping waste is prohibited. Law No. 32/2009 on the Protection and Management of Environment stated that any person prohibited from dumping deliberate wastes and/or materials to the environment without permission. However some activities on mining and exploration and production of petroleum as well as dredging of port pond activities at Indonesian marine ecosystem still conducted with permission from the Ministry of Environment. There are some potential impact of dumping wastes on marine ecosystem such as physical disturbance to sea bed, physical and chemical disturbance to water column, organism-level effects for example acute/or chronic toxicity, effects on growth and reproduction, ecological/ecosytem level responses, and human resources use for example aesthetic effects.This paper will explain the activities of mining and exploration and production of petroleum at the Indonesian sea and potential effects on marine ecosystem such as sensitive area (coral reef, sea grass bed, mangrove ecosystem), migration of mammal sea, the area of capture fisheries, and transportation lane in the sea. The specific activities of mining is tailing wastes from gold mining, while exploration and production petroleum activites is dumping of drilling cutting, drilling fluid and drilling mud on the sea.Item Wave Surface Simulation on Optimized Fishing Vessel Hullform(2016-03-31) Hutauruk, Ronald Mangasi; Rengi, ParengThis reseach discuss wave surface simulation on vessel from the optimization hullform. Principal dimension of vessel is LBP 14,0 m; B 2,8 m; H 2,4 m and T 1 m. Optimization method’s use software aplication namely Solver as provided by Microsoft Excel. The objective function is to minimize its resistant after mother vessel is modified . Hullform is formed by measure its dimension in longitudinal, tranverse and horizontal position. After the smallest resistant is found, motion of the vessel in sea water as hydrodynamics performance is made in numerical simulation by using Hullspeed. All the wave contour will be presented as a response of the vessels in facing the wave.Item Species Composition and Its Abundance of Mudskipper Fish from Dumai Coast, Riau, Indonesia(2016-03-31) Samiaji, Joko; Efriyeldi; Christina, RenyThe study to observe the species composition and its abundance on mudskipper fish was conducted in June-September 2013 in Dumai coastal waters of Riau Province, Indonesia. The study was carried out in providing the lack information on the biological aspects of the mudskipper from Indonesian seas in general, and of Riau's coasts in particular. The study used a survey method by selecting 3 different stations as the sampling sites. Fish samples were collected during the low tide. The quadrants were used in the field in facilitating the survey in fish abundance, whilst the identification was commenced in the Laboratory of Marine Biology of University of Riau. The results showed that a number of three species of mudskipper were successfully recorded, i.e. Baleophthalmus boddarti (Pall), Periopthalmodon schlosseri dan Periopthalmus variabilis (Eggert). In terms of abundance, the highest, 16 individuals /m2 was recorded in station I and the lowest, 9 individuals/m2, was found in station III. Based on the diversity index (H'), it was reported that the the Dumai coast had moderate diversity of the mudskipper. None of the fish was dominating the population since the dominance index (C) was very close to null from each station. It can be concluded that the habitats of mudskipper in Dumai coasts were in the state of unstable due to its E value in which also close to null.Item Election and Characteristics of Probiotic Bacteria Indonesia Original of Tiger Prawn (Penaeus monodon) Based on Sequens 16S rDNA Technique(2016-03-31) Feliatra; Yoswaty, Dessy; Lukystyowaty, IsyeThis research was conducted from January to July 2011 and aims to selected the species of probiotic bacteria and molecular characteristics along with to observe phylogenetic from bacteria identified based on sequens 16S rDNA technique. The bacteria were isolated from intestine of the Tiger prawn (Penaeus monodon) to got from fishfond at BBPBAP Jepara. Isolate of bacteria and PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) aplicated in the integrated Fish Health and Enviromental Laboratory at BBPBAP Jepara. The purified and sequenced of DNA were done in Charoen Pokphand Indonesia, Jakarta. The analized result of 16S rDNA shown that 3 bacterial species may be potential as probiotic. There were A Isolate was Bacillus bataviensis strain FNS09, B Isolate was Bacillus bataviensis strain FNS09. Two this isolate out of analized BLAST had homology 97% with Bacillus bataviensis strain CCGE2059 bacteria according to analyses phylogenetic the three bacteria to shown genetic relationship. C Isolate was very likely a new species Caulobacter sp with strain FNS09 and according to phylogenetic to own ancestors with Chromobacterium violaceum bacteria. These bacteria grow well at pH 2 and this indicates one of probiotic bacteria characteristic.Item Vertical Profile of Oxygen in the Lacustrine and Transition Zones, Koto Panjang Reservoir, Riau Province(2016-03-22) Simarmata, Asmika H; Sihotang, M. Siagian and COxygen concentration in the water is significantly affected by environmental condition. In this research, oxygen concentration in the lacustrine and transition zones of the Koto Panjang reservoir is studied from June to September 2013, it was coincidence with the minimum water level. A post facto survey method was applied and there were 4 sampling sites, in the Lacustrine 1 (L1), Lakustrine 2 (L2), Transition 1 (T1) and Transition 2 (T2). The vertical sampling points were decided based on the brightness of the water (in the surface, 3m, 6 m, 12 m depth and above the sediment in the bottom). The number of vertical sampling sites was depend on the depth of the water. Results shown that the DO concentration in the surface of the lacustrine zone was 6.14 to 8.26 mg/l and in the transition zone was 7.38-8.6 mg/l. In the bottom of the lacustrine zone was 0 to 0.41 mg/l and that of the transition zone was 0.41-3.29 mg/l. The vertical profile of the Dissolved Oxygen in both stations shown that the highest decrement rate of the oxygen occur from 2 secchi depth (3 m) to 4 secchi depth (6 m). In the lacustrine zone, oxygen concentration drop into critical level (< 2 mg/l) in 12 m depth and in this research, the oxic depth was 7.0 m in L1 and 8.0 m in L2. Whereas in T1: 6.2 m and 8.0 m in T2. During the minimum water level, the oxic depth decrease due to decrement of water volume that lead into increment of organic matter loaded.Item Effect of Red Seaweed (Eucheuma cottonii) Powder Administration to The Quantity and Quality of Spermatozoa of Allethrin-Exposed House Mice (Mus Musculus)(2016-03-22) Pringgenies, Delianis; Ghofur, Abdul; Azizah, Ria; Ridlo, AliAllethrin is an active chemical agent used in several variants of mosquito repellant products. When inhaled, allethrin is suspected to disrupt the quality of spermatozoa characterized by the reduction in amount, motility, and viability as well as the increase in morphological anomalies. This research is aimed to determine the effect of Eucheuma cottonii powder towards the quality and quantity of spermatozoa of house mice (Mus musculus) exposed by allethrin from electric mosquito repellant device. This research was carried out using laboratory experimental method with completely randomized design. The observation of the quality and quantity of spermatozoa were conducted right after acclimatization process (T0), at day 14 (T1), day 28 (T2), and day 42 (T3) after acclimatization process. Parameters of spermatozoa observed were the quantity, motility, morphology, and viability. Data were tested by One-way ANOVA and, if proven influential, were followed up by Tukey test information. The results showed that Eucheuma cottonii’s powder could only increase the quantity and motility spermatozoa of mice exposed to allethrin.Item Anaerobic Propane Oxidation for Biological Sulphate and Thiosulphate Reductions(2016-03-22) DiansyahThe existence of microbial populations that use short chain alkanes (ethane, propane and butane) as potential electron donors for the reduction of sulphate has been recently reported. The use of sulphur compounds in many chemical processing leads wastewaters containing high concentration of sulphate and thiosulphate. Batch experiments were studied to determine the ability of mixed sediment cultures from Aarhus and Eckernförde Baytoanaerobically reduce sulphate and thiosulphatecoupled to propane as electron donor.In the presence of propane, sulphide production from all sulphate and thiosulphate bottles was higher than the sulphide production when the propane was not added.Item Spore Discharge And Development, And Carrageenan Content Of Seaweed Kappaphycus alvarezii Illuminated With Different Light Colours(2016-03-22) Syamsuddin, RajuddinKappaphycus alvarezii is tropical seaweed, the main carrageenan producer in the global trade. Study on the Spore Discharge and Carrageenan Content of Seaweed Kappaphycus alvaerzii Illumintaed with Different Light Colours was conducted in the Wet Laboratory, the Faculty of Marine Sciences and Fisheries, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indoneisa, and in the Seawater Recirculating Installation operated by CV. Rezki Bahari, Makassar, respectively. Carrageenan content of the algae was analyzed in the Water Quality Laboratory, Faculty of Marine Sciences Hasanuddin University. The study on the spore release discharge was considered as a preliminary attempt to produce high quality of K. alvarezii seeds in the coming years, while study on the carrageen content objected to produce K. Alvarezii with high carrageenan content through Indoor culture system. All light colours tried (white, red, yellow, green, and blue) resulted the spore discharge on the fifth day of the exeperiment. However, there was none plantlet produced with the green light. Carrageenan content tend to high with white light (68.71%) as well as green light (61.47%), followed by yellow light (54.09%). The lowest were with blue and red lights. Different on carrageenan content at different light colours due to the different on energy content of each light exposed as well as different in composition of photosynthetic pigments of Kappaphycus alvarezii (Eucheuma cottoni) in response to different energi of differs incoming light colours.Item Different Activated Carbon As Adsorbent In Reducing Total Hardness: The Impact To Oxygen Consumption Rate Of Nile Tilapia Oreochromis niloticus(2016-03-22) D. Sanjayasari; N. AndriyaniThe study was to determine the effectiveness of two different activated carbons in reducing total hardnessas one of principal component in water quality and also their affect to oxygen consumption rate in Nile Tilapia. The present of Ca and Mg in water has become essential as micronutrient for aquaculture. Unfortunately it became a threat when the level was above average.Aactivated carbon from agriculture waste became one of solution to solve high hardness in the water. The treatments were P0 (control with no carbon active), P1 (coconut shell) and P2 (rice husk). The research was used Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with five replications. The result showed water quality parameters still in range with pH 6-8 and temperature of 280C. Meanwhile, the best result of total hardness reduction was expressed significantly (P<0,01) 78,9% by P2 rise husk activated carbon. The same result was expressed by P2 treatments (P<0,01) in oxygen consumption rate of Nile Tilapia. Based on the research concluded that rise husk activated carbon gave the best performance in reducing water hardness and increasing oxygen consumption efficiency of Nile Tilapia.Item Feeding Regimes Of The Small Minnow In Recirculating Water System: The Pilot Project to Culture Thai Indigenous Minnow Rasbora borapetensis for Using in The Biomedical Research(2016-03-22) Payooha, Kanjana; Lamkom, ThanatipThe National Committee for Research Animal,Thailand had launched the pilot project to study the possibility to breed and culture the Thai indigeneous minnows in recirculation water system in order to reduce the import of zebrafish from abroad to study the medical research. The feeding trial of larvae with different stages, juvenile and broodstock had been investigated including the measurement of mouth size of larvae with the age of 3-15 days. The feeding trail had been conducted in the circulating water system with acrylic tank set up on the shelf, water had been filtered using glass wool, plastic bio-ball and disinfected by ultraviolet. The mouth size of the first feeding period was around 56 micron, then on the age of 1 week the mouth size increased around six times to be around 355 micron, then at the age of 2 weeks the mouth size increased about 28 times of the first feeding size to be about 1,567 micron. The survival rate of the fry with the age of 3-10 days quite low as this was the first breeding success, the survival rate of fry fed with cholera, brachionus and powder feed were 5%, 7% and 10% respectively which was not significantly different (P>0.05). While the survival rate of the fry with the age of 11-30 days was higher than the younger one, the highest survival rate obtained from fry fed powder feed with 37% while the fry fed Moina and Artemia was not significantly different (P>0.05) in survival rate, it was 20% and 22% respectively. Both survival rate and growth performance of juvenile fed with different feeds were not significantly different among treatments (P>0.05). There were no significantly different (P>0.05) in growth rate,GSI and number of egg. Fish fed pellet feed coated with squid oil had the higher GIS than the others, while the lowest GIS was obtained from fish fed Moina.