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Item Perbaikan Tanah Lunak Di Pesisir Riau Dengan Metoda Kolom Dari Campuran Abu Terbang Dan Abu Dasar(wahyu sari yeni, 2017-07-22) Muhardi; Fatnanta, Ferry; Satibi, SyawalPosisi Propinsi Riau yang berada di daerah pesisir dan dataran rendah menyebabkan sebagian besar daerahnya mempunyai tanah dasar yang lunak, umumnya berupa endapan lumpur, lanau, lempung dan gambut dengan perilaku yang bervariasi. Selain itu, semakin terbatasnya lahan untuk pembangunan menimbulkan masalah dalam pembangunan konstruksi. Salah satu diantaranya badan jalan yang harus dibangun di atas tanah lunak. Masalah yang timbul pada badan jalan yang dibangun di atas tanah lunak diantaranya terjadi kerusakan dini pada struktur akibat kelongsoran dan penurunan pondasi (kegagalan daya dukung). Agar konstruksi yang dibangun di atas tanah lunak tidak terganggu kestabilannya, maka perlu dilakukan perbaikan. Diantara metode-metode perbaikan tanah yang sedang berkembang saat ini, salah satunya adalah dengan membuat kolom-kolom seperti tiang pancang. Metoda kolom merupakan kolom-kolom vertical dari batu atau pasir, semacam tiang-tiang pancang tetapi dari bahan-bahan lepas tanpa bahan pengikat semen atau lainnya yang dipadatkan. Saat ini penggunaan batubara di perusahaan-perusahaan besar pulp and paper di Pro[insi Riau semakin meningkat volumenya, karena harga yang relatif murah dibandingkan bahan bakar minyak untuk industri. Penggunaan batubara sebagai sumber energi pengganti BBM, disatu sisi sangat menguntungkan namun disisi yang lain menimbulkan masalah, salah satunya adalah banyak menghasilkan limbah abu batu bara yang tidak termanfaatkan. Kalangan industri hanya menimbun sisa pembakaran batubara ini dalam areal pabrik. Hal ini lama kelamaan menimbulkan masalah semakin terbatasnya lahan untuk penumbukan polutan padat tersebut. Dari hasil pengujian pembebanan pada tanah gambut, terjadi peningkatan kekuatan daya dukung tanah gambut setelah diperkuat dengan kolom fly ash dan bottom ash. Semakin besar diameter kolom yang digunakan dengan jarak spasi yang sama, daya dukung kolom tersebut semakin besar. Semakin rapat jarak antar kolom (spasi) yang diuji, daya dukung kolom tersebut semakin besar. Membandingkan hasil pengujian pola segitiga dengan pola segiempat yang digunakan, daya dukung kolom yang ditanam dengan pola segitiga lebih kecil daripada yang ditanam dengan pola segiempat. Kolom yang menggunakan pola segitiga lebih stabil daripada kolom berpola segiempat terhadap beban dinamik. Hasil pengujian kolom dari campuran fly ash dan bottom ash ini membuktikan bahwa spasi dan diameter pemasangan kolom pada tanah lunak menentukan besarnya area replacement rasio. Semakin besar spasi maka area replacement ratio akan menjadi semakin kecil, sedangkan semakin besar diameter kolom, maka area replacement ratio akan semakin besar. Semakin besar area replacement ratio maka kenaikan atau perbaikanyang terjadi pada tanah lunak semakin besar.Item PENINGKATAN PEREKONOMIAN MASYARAKAT PEDESAAN MELALUI PRODUKSI KANVAS REM BAHAN KOMPOSIT DENGAN PENGISI LIMBAH KELAPA SAWIT ( 2015)(2016-09-05) Badri, Muftil; Prayitno, Adhy; Arief, Dodi SofyanSerangkaian kegiatan yang telah dilakukan dalam penelitian Hibah Bersaing multi tahun, secara umum tujuan yangdicapai adalah pemanfaatan limbah kelapa sawit untuk pembuatan kanvas rem yang kuat, tahan aus, ramah lingkungan, mempunyai nilai ekonomis yang tinggi, dan lahirnya teknologi baru pembuatan kanvas rem yang dapat digunakan oleh dunia ilmiah dan industri. Manfaat yang akan dicapai antara lain: (1) secara ilmiah berkembangnya teknologi baru pemrosesan limbah kelapa sawit sebagai pengisi untuk digunakan sebagai kanvas rem; (2) secara komersil, usaha kecil dan menengah (UKM) sebagai mitra dapat menghasilkan produk baru sebagai komoditi baru dari limbah kelapa sawit yang melimpah; (3) memungkinkan untuk menghasilkan paten baru. Pada penelitian Tahun 1, timtelah membuat pelat komposit bahan pengisi terak limbahtandan kosong kelapa sawit yang dicampur dengan bahan aditif lain, yaitu: grafit, serat baja, alumina, dan phenolic resin. Pelat ini diuji secara fisik dan mekanik. Diharapkan komposit dengan sifat fisik dan mekanik memenuhi kriteria desain bahan kanvas rem.Hasil yang telah dicapai dalam penelitian ini, antara lain: (1) peralatan produksi pelat komposit pengisi terak limbah tandan kosong kelapa sawit untuk bahan baku kanvas rem cakram telah dibangun; (2) pelat komposit dengan massa bahan baku yang bervariasi telah diproduksi. Peralatan produksi pelat komposit bahan kanvas rem menggunakan alat bantuproduksi (jigs and fixtures) yang dibuat dari pelat baja, dilengkapi dengan elemen pemanas dan kontrol temperatur.Pelat komposit bahan kanvas rem telah dihasilkan berdasarkan variasi massa bahan penyusunnya. Selanjutnya kekuatan tekan setiap variasi komposit diuji menggunakan universal testing machine (UTM). Struktur mikro permukaan pelat komposit yang dihasilkan juga diamati menggunakan scanning electron microscope (SEM). Pengamatan struktur mikro menggunakan SEM dilakukan sebelum pengujian keausan terhadap pelat komposit. Setelah pengujian keausan, struktur mikro permukaan pelat komposit selanjutnya diamati menggunakan SEM. Hasil penelitian Tahun 1telah dipublikasikan pada seminar internasional 2nd International Conference on Ocean, Mechanical and Aerospace –scientists and engineers- (OMAse) 2015 dan telah submit Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences and Engineering) Malaysia (indexed by Scopus). Rencana tahapan lanjutan pada penelitian Tahun 2 sebagai berikut: (1) perencanaan pembuatan kanvas rem cakram model baru; (2) rekayasa proses pembuatan produk; dan (3) standarisasi produk kanvas rem. Pada penelitian Tahun 2, hasil penelitian akan dipublikasikan pada seminar dan artikel ilmiah internasional.Item Metanolisis Minyak Kelapa Dengan Menggunakan Katalis Padat (Cacos) Untuk Produksi Cocodisel(2015-04-13) Wahyuningsih, SlametIndonesia is tropical country having various plants that can be developed as alternative energy resources. Biodiesel is one of alternative energies. Biodiesel can be made from coconut oil and is referred to as cocodiesel. This research studies the optimum condition of cocodiesel production by methanolysis reaction between coconut oil and methanol using heterogen catalyst of calcium carbonate (CaCOs) is calcined for 1.5 hours at 90(fC. In order to get optimum condition, several experimental parameters are applied such as reaction time 1-3 hours, temperature 40-8(fC, catalyst concentration 1-3 %-wt and molar ratio of methanol/coconut oil 4:1-12:1. The optimum condition obtained from this experimental as follow: methanolysis reaction time was 1.5 hours, catalyst concentration was 2%, molar ratio of methanol/coconut oil was 8:1 at 6(fC, produced the higgest conversion of cocodiesel 75.02%. The cocodiesel meet the requirement of Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI) specifications, where the density was 860 kg/m , kinematic viscosity was 2.44 mm^/s, flash point was ll(fC, water content was 0,039%-v, setana number was 65.94, acid number was 0.049 mg KOH/g and iod number was 6.35 gr Iod/100 gr. Based on data analysis, the product has a qualification as diesel fuelItem Peningkatan Sifat Elastisitas Material Thermoplastic Elastomer Yang Dibuat Dam Campuran Polypropylene Dengan Karet Alam(2015-03-17) NovendriThis research has a purpose to investigate the effect of combination compositions of polypropilene (PP) with natural rubber (NR) and of sulfur composition at property and morphology of NR/PP blending by means of dynamic vulcanization.Making of mastication and compound rubber can be done by helping of roll mill equipment at room temperature with a speed of 18 rpm.the Blending o f PP/NR was done in an internal mixer in the NR/PP mass ratio of 40/60,50/50,60/40. As a curative agent for dynamic vulcanization in the NR, the sulfur composition made were of 1 and 3 phr ( per hundred rubber ). The blending was done at temperature of 180° C and a speed of 60 rpm. The properties analysed here were tensile strength of blending matters which were tested by means o f universal testing machine in regard with ISO 527-3-5 as a standard. The blending morphology was analysed with an equipment of Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM).From this research it can be concluded that the more compositions of NR has a higher elongation at break and a lower tensile strength. In the contrary,the more dominant PP compositions blending has a higher tensile strength and a lower elongation at break. From morfology analyse can be concluded that the crosslinkage of vulcanized rubber is more complete at higher compositions of sulfur.In addition, rubber phase distribution in the matrices of PP is more complete as well as the sulfur compositions are made higher. This can be viewed from the scanned photograph in which the higher sulfur compositions of blending has a narrower distance of molecules.Item Kinerja Membran Reverse Osmosis Terhadap Rejeksi Kandungan Garam Air Payau Sintetis(2015-03-07) Meifresia, LisaThe technology of reverse osmosis (RO) membrane is one of the desalinization methods that are environmentally friendly, with lower energy consumption and it does not need a large area to build which makes this technology suitable to applied and competitive to applicative. This research studies the alternative of desalinization of brackish water, the performances of reverse osmosis membrane and the influence of operation pressures and concentration to the membrane mechanism. Samples used in this study are synthetic (NaCl with a concentration of 10, 20, 50 and 100 ppm). The operation pressure of the membrane used in this research is between 0,5 and 7 bar. The Filmtec USA model TW30-1817-75 RO membrane is utilized. The measured parameters are fluxes and TDS. It can be conducted, from the results, that operation pressure, the concentration of NaCl and TDS baits influence flux of the reverse osmosis membrane in the desalinization of the synthetic brackish water. The increase operation pressures increase the flux. The increase of NaCl and TDS concentration decreases the flux. The maximum flux of synthetic sample of NaCl was 52,5547 L/ m^. jam with the sample of NaCl concentration used 10 ppm, operation pressure was 7 bar.Item KINERJ A BETON BERSERAT KARET PASCA KEBAKARAN(2015-02-26) Dessy, Wulan Sari; Fairi, Ariefvanto; Hendra, GunawanSelain menjadi salak satu komponen penting pada suatu kendaraan, ban karet juga merupakan salah satu bahan tambah pilihan dalam pembuatan campuran beton, hal ini disebabkan karena sifatnya yangjleksibel sehingga dapat meningkatkan daktilitas beton. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji kekuatan beton berserat karet setelah terkena panas tinggi. Penggunaan bahan tambah ban karet ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kekuatan beton setelah mengalami kebakaran. Selain itu akan berguna untuk memberikan nilai tambah limbah yang belum dimanfaatkan secara optimal khususnya sebagai bahan bangunan (ramah lingkungan). Metode yang digunakan adalah pembuatan kubus beton berukuran 5x5x5 cm dengan variasi penambahan ban karet 0%, 3%, 5%, 8% dari berat semen sebanyak 20 sampel Pengujian sampel berupa uji bakar dan uji tekan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa beton dengan tambahan ban karet mernpunyai nilai kuat tekan yang lebih tinggi. Pemakaian ban karet sebesar 5% dari berat semen menaikkan nilai kuat tekan beton sebesar 51,7%. Pada umur 28 hari kekuatan beton menjadi 473,44 kg/cm^ apabila dibandingkan terhadap beton normal tanpa bahan tambah. Berdasarkan penelitian ini disimpulkan penambahan serat karet dapat mengganti kehilangan air pada beton akibat panas tinggi sehingga dapat meningkatkan kekuatan beton.Item KINERJA MEMBRAN REVERSE OSMOSIS TERHADAP REJEKSI KANDUNGAN GARAM AIR PAYAU SINTETIS(2014-11-25) LISA MEIFRESIAThe technology of reverse osmosis (RO) membrane is one of the desalinization methods that are environmentally friendly, with lower energy consumption and it does not need a large area to build which makes this technology suitable to applied and competitive to applicative. This research studies the alternative of desalinization of brackish water, the performances of reverse osmosis membrane and the influence of operation pressures and concentration to the membrane mechanism. Samples used in this study are synthetic (NaCl with a concentration of 10, 20, 50 and 100 ppm). The operation pressure of the membrane used in this research is between 0,5 and 7 bar. The Filmtec USA model TW30-1817-75 RO membrane is utilized. The measured parameters are fluxes and TDS. It can be conducted, from the results, that operation pressure, the concentration of NaCl and TDS baits influence flux of the reverse osmosis membrane in the desalinization of the synthetic brackish water. The increase operation pressures increase the flux. The increase of NaCl and TDS concentration decreases the flux. The maximum flux of synthetic sample of NaCl was 52,5547 L/ m^. jam with the sample of NaCl concentration used 10 ppm, operation pressure was 7 bar.Item PEMBUATAN SODIUM LIGNOSULFONAT DARI PELEPAH SAWIT SEBAGAI BAHAN PENGUAT BETON(2014-11-25) Juni, WardaStem palm is one of the solid waste from palm oil industry. It contains high level of lignin because of lignin we can process stem palm becomes sodium iignosulphonates (SLS) which will be used as water reducing agent to improve concrete quality. Lignosulphonates is made by lignin isolation through pulping sulphite. Natrium sulphite solution and powder o f stem palm are entered into reactor for I hour until the temperature reaches 160"C and then maintains it for 3 hours. After pulping sulphite process finish, the next step is filtration, then adds ethyl acetate into black liquor which has been filtered and then mixs it measure the pH solution i f pH is more than 5 so do the titration with HCl till the pH under 5. Furthermore, drying it at lOO't then do titration with NaOH and dry it again at 100"C. This process will produce lignosulphonate which is mixed into concrete mixture the result of research is the optimum condition lies at 1.4 N concentration and the ratio of solid lignin is about ) :5. Lignosulphonate is used water reducing agent, means by addition lignosulphonate so the need o f water in concrete mixture can be reduced. iItem FITOREMEDIASI A IR TERCEMAR KLOROFENOL MENGGUNAKAN ENCENG GONDOK(2014-11-25) HERIYANTIPhytoremediation is a method that uses living plants to remediate contaminated soil, sludges, sediments or ground water. In this research, water hyacinth was chosen as targeted plant to remediate water contaminated with chlorophenol compounds. The experiment was carried out in 4 different fiber glass reactors at room temperature. All of 4 reactors were put under 15 watt TL light. This study was conducted with different kind of treatments. Firstly, reactor contamed only with chlorophenol at 10 mg/L and reseach was run until more than 24 hoiu-s. The others, treatments were conducted with addition of nutrient, aeration and combination between nutrient and aeration. Temporary result indicated that water hyacinth can reduced the concentration of 10 mg/L o-chlorophenol up to 46.67 % after 24 hours contact time for no treatment condition. At the same contact time and same initial concentration of sample, the reduction of o-chlorophenol reached to 51.51%, 63.6 % and 66.67 % with the addition of aeration, nutrient, and combmation between aeration and nutrient, respectively. Keywords: phytoremediation, water hyacinth, chlorophenolItem Pretreatment Tandan Kosong Sawit Sebagai Bahan Baku Untuk Produksi Bioetanol(2014-11-25) EVI, NURHAYATICrude oil is a nonrenewable and limited supply of energy with an increasing demand. Therefore, it is necessary to find alternative energies to fulfill this demand. Bioethanol is one of renewable alternative energy. Its main raw material is glucose. Glucose can be obtained by hydrolyzing biomass. Biomass used for this research was empty pahn stem. The objection of the research was measuring concentration decomposition of hemi cellulose sugar of empty palm stem. The glucose in hydolisat was analyzed with Nelson-Somogyi reagent, and spectrophotometry visible. The variable of this research were particle size (bigger aiid smaller than 10 mesh) and solvent concentration (H2SO4 and NaOH, 0 %, 1% and 1.5%). The tune of prehydrolysis was 30, 60 and 120 minute at the boiling point solution. The research showed that the biggest concentration of glucose was 4.30393 |j.g/ml for particle smaller than 10 mesh and 2.5198 ug/ml for particle bigger than 10 mesh with the concentration of H2SO4 solvent 1 % at the time 60 minute. For the concentration on NaOH 1 %, the biggest glucose concehtratiori was also obtained wdth 5.0711 ug/ml for for particle size smaller than 10 mesh and the time of prehydrolysis was 60 minute. 2.859 ug/ml particle size bigger than 10 mesh and the time of prehydrolysis was 30 niihute. Keyword : Bioethanol, empty palm stem, glucose, spectrophotometry visible