Economic Development


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    Prospects Business Development Eating Rice Ramas Rumble 6000 In the city of Pekanbaru
    (2013-08-29) A l f e t, F e b r i
    Development of small industries in the national economy has a role in trying to ensure equal distribution of opportunities, and equal employment expansion and increased revenue. One of the small industries that experienced considerable improvement in the city of Pekanbaru Riau Province is home Eat Rice Industry Ramas Rumble 6000. Based on the background of the existing formulation of the problem and this research aims to mengetahuiprospek of development Eating Rice Ramas Rumble 6000. The population in this study is the 6000 all-round restaurant in the city of Pekanbaru, at which time the study was recorded 15 units usahadengan total sample of 15 business units. The data was collected using interviews and observations in the field. The data obtained were used to determine the feasibility of the 6000 all-ramas rice to be developed in the city of Pekanbaru. The results explain that the restaurant business all-round rice ramas 6000 is eligible to be developed in the city of Pekanbaru to absorb labor in order to reduce unemployment in the city of Pekanbaru., Growth or an increase in the restaurant business all-round rice ramas 6000 driven by the availability of raw materials in market and price stability dipasaran.Faktor that influence the development of eating rice ramas home business 6000 is the all-round development of the city of Pekanbaru in various aspects of development. In terms of revenue contribution, ramas rice restaurant business department was able to obtain Net 6000 B / C ratio above 1 and able to provide employment for people in the city of Pekanbaru. Meanwhile, the problems faced was the unavailability of support tools for the average transportation employers use the services of a car rental for the purposes of deliveries for events.
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    (2013-05-06) Andika, Leo
    This research had done in Faculty of Economic University of Riau at December in 2012 until March 2013. The aimed of this research is to known some factors which influenced Acer notebook demand in Faculty of Economic University of Riau students environment. The data used in this research is primary data and secondary data with analysis of data method had done by descriptive quantitative analysis. The population in this research is all of students in Faculty of Economic University of Riau whice used Acer notebook, and the sample number of 98 students from the population with used Slovin formula. From the result of this research know that the factors which influenced Acer notebook demand in Faculty of Economic University of Riau students environment is it’s price, specification and brand loyality which intensed of demand especially acer notebook information technology. Hopefully to PT. Acer must be hard in pay attention and used the principal factors above in order to the consuments get satisfy be possessed the quality notebook with achieved relative price and have brand image in consuments circle.
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    (2013-04-30) Chandra, Rico
    This research conducted] in Town Pekanbaru area, the selecting of this location because representing country town mother as governance centre of activities and also settlement place to resident amount and society from year to year experience of growth which high to enough become one of [the] supplementary factor the happening of new house development which use roof type. This research use quantitative descriptive data analysis. To check price variable influence, earnings of resident perkapita, and also the amount of resident hence used by model equation of doubled linear regresi. Result of research indicate that variable tile roof price have an effect on to request of Town Pekanbaru house roof. Hereinafter Price Roof Zinc have an effect on to request of house roof in Town Pekanbaru. Amount of resident do not have an effect on to request of house roof in Town Pekanbaru. Earnings of Perkapita have an effect on to request of house roof in Town Pekanbaru. Analysis Elasticity tile roof price from request of roof have the character of elastic in, because tile increase of price will result degradation request of roof with percentage which smaller than tile increase of price percentage. Hereinafter analyse zinc roof price elasticity have the character of elasticly, because zinc increase of price will result degradation request of roof with persentasepenurunan which smaller than zinc increase of price percentage. Elasticity analysis of is amount of resident from request have the character of elasticly, because growth of is amount of resident will add request of roof with percentage growth of larger ones compared to growth percentage of is amount of resident. Elasticity earnings analysis from request have the character of elastic in, because growth of earnings of resident result percentage growth of request of higher level roof from at percentage growth of earnings of resident.
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    Analisis Perkembangan Kesehatan Bank Syariah Mandiri Berdasarkan Rasio Camel Di Indonesia
    (2013-04-30) Muslim, T.Lizatul
    This research is done at PT.Bank Syariah Independent,but researcher not face to face to observational object office but researcher takes data already be at Internet via website www. syariahmandiri. co. id and This research intent to know bank health developing PT. Syariah is Independent up to period 2001 2010. This observational result expected get as been utilized information source or get as been used secondary data and as material as thinking contribution about role and banking function, notably deep one of function which is know Bank health developing. This research constitute descriptive research. Data that is utilized is secondary data that as financial statement of acquired firm of Indonesian Bank publication financial statement via's sites and of official sites of www. syariahmandiri. co. id . In this research utilizes analisis time series (Time series Analysis), where does that analysis do by compares data that got by researcher of year 2001 until with year 2010. Analisis is data is done by use of analisis Camel's ratio that consisting of Capital Adequancy Ratio (CAR),Productive Asset quality (KAP), Productive Asset Appropriation deletion (PPAP), Net Profit is Margin (NPM), Return On is Revaluation (ROA),Operational charges and Propertied Operational (BOPO),Cash Ratio (CR) and Financing To Is Ratio's Deposit (FDR). And Data Collecting tech that is utilized is through observation utilize existing data of Internet. Of developing result can be concluded that PT.Bank Syariah Independent of year 2001 until year 2010 healthy berpredikat, which is as it were that according to health point default bank gets predikat healthy with credit point 81.
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    (2013-04-30) Suhermawan, Herdi
    The research was conducted in the District Rimba Melintang. The purpose of this study to find out more as where prospects for the furniture industry and find out how much benefit you'll get the furniture industry. This research is expected to benefit as study materials and information for researchers the next. related to the same issue and can be expected to increase the knowledge of the author, and can also be input to the government in their policy towards the furniture industry. The population in this study is the furniture industry in the district, amounting to 19 Rimba Melintang Furniture industry. The technique of collecting data through questionnaire method, the method of interview and observation method. The method of analysis used descriptive analysis. From the research results can be obtained that the furniture industry in the district has a Rimba Melintang good prospects in terms of feasibility analysis, using the calculation of benefit cost ratio, net present value, internal rate of return.
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    (2013-04-30) Setiawan, Anugrah
    This study aims to analyze the demand generated by several variables that consumer tastes associated with the brand, packaging and labeling, quality, expectations of the public, display, and prices of goods and the prices of other goods. This study uses the likers then selected 100 samples, the method used analist This qualitative descriptive and analysis method. From the results of testing that has been done, using all the independent variables have a significant effect terhadapa quality with a score of 2010, a component of consumer tastes affect demand, while the price with a score of 696 and the price of other items with a score of 1404 also affected, is affecting the display of the variable with the score 664 of variable consumer preferences towards product incandescent bulbs, it can be concluded that all variables have categories mampengaruhi almost entirely after the views of the highest score by a line continuum can be concluded that most affect the demand for incandescent lamps Philips brand is quality and product label incandescent Philips.
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    (2013-04-30) SITINDAON, EDWARD
    This research was held because of the great number of palm shell waste produced in Riau Province that may cause many of environmental damages. This research is aimed to know the potency of palm shell waste as actived charcoal in Riau Province and to reduce the environmental damages because of palm shell waste. The data in this research is secondary data. The method and data analysis were quantitative descriptive by using statistical formula with geometric method. The number of palm shell waste for one ton of fresh fruit bunches (TBS) was 6.5%. if using actived charcoal yield of 80% of the waste palm shell,the actived charcoal productivity in 2006 was 234.619,23 tons. In 2015 productivity of activated charcoal will be increased to 477,237.79 tons. if the price of actived charcoal Rp.4000 per kg, the price for all actived charcoal of the palm shell in Riau Province in 2015 can reach Rp.1,908 trillion.
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    (2013-04-30) SARI, YUNI MAYA
    This research is aimed to know the potential of palm oil (crude palm oil) when used as biodiesel in Riau province in the future. Biodiesel is an alternative fuel that can be produced from crude palm oil through transesterification process. The data used in this research is a secondary data including data from 2006 - 2010. Methods an data analysis is descriptive quantitative growth formula by using of growth with the linear methods. According to data from the Department of Oil Palm Plantations number (CPO) produced from one tonne of FFB is 25-26% palm oil which can be developed for the manufacture of biodiesel as an alternative fuel for diesel engines primarily. From the observation it was found that in 2010 the amount of palm oil as much as 6,4 million tons to produce 5,5 million liters of biodiesel or when converted into dollars around Rp.304 billion in 2015 and estimated potential of palm oil can be use as biodiesel for 9 million tons to produce 8 million liters of biodiesel and by Rp.443 billion to fulfill or replace the need for diesel fuel in the province of Riau.
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    (2013-04-30) Riardy, Eka Mutiara Cipta
    Research was conducted in the city of pekanbaru, this location was chosen because it is one of the areas experiencing rapid economic growth and populating growth over time has increased and this study aimed to analyze Influence of wages and employment in the formal sector of the city migration pekanbaru. Research using secondary data is data that has been processed by agency/ agencies in this research is the central agency pekanbaru city statistics, data analysis is a multiple linear regression analysis. The result of multiple linear regression analysis in this study showed a variable effect on the wages shown interest in the city of pekanbaru migration Based on the results of the multiple regression analysis use research shows the value of tcount X1 is 2,613 and ttable is 2,160. thus the value of tcount X1 (2,613) > ttable (2,160) and the mean regression coefficient if wages increase X1 is 0,32, it will cause migration of 0,32 % to the city and vice versa pekanbaru declining wages of Rp 1 will lead to decreased migration of 0,32% . While the employment variables no effect migration interest in pekanbaru city . The result showed the value of tcount X2 is -0,841 and ttable is 2,160 . Thus the value of tcount X2 (-1,182) > ttable (-.2,776) and the mean regression coefficient X2 is -0,55 if employment opportunities in the formal sector dropped by 1% then it will lead to in migration fell by -0,55% and conversely increased opportunities for formal sector of 1% will lead to increased migration of 0,55%.
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    (2013-04-30) Desmawani
    The research was conducted at the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) Branch of pekanbaru and Bank Indonesia (BI) in the period April 2009 - September 2011. This research was conducted to determine the effect of interest rates and inflation expectations against the LQ45 index. This is done to determine the size of the average stock the LQ45 in the Indonesia Stock Exchange per quarter. The data used are secondary data is quarterly from each pariabel used. The secondary data is taken from Bank Indonesia (BI) and the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) Pekanbaru. The method of data analysis used in this study is that Quantitative Methods Data were obtained and processed using methods and retrieval tools. In this model the independent variable used is the interest rate and inflation expectations, while the dependent variable is the LQ45 index. From the results of the study by t test with a one-sided test that variable interest rates have a significant effect the LQ45 index. While inflation expectations variable partially no effect on the LQ45. And the value of R ^ 2 of 0.615 or by 61.5 percent, meaning that a change of 61.5 percent LQ45 index is influenced by interest rates inflation expectations. And R of 0.784 means the density or the degree of relationship between the independent variables (the Interest Rate and Inflation Expectations) with the dependent variable (LQ45 index) is very strong.
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    (2013-04-30) Nurhasanah
    This research is executed at Pekanbaru's City year 2012 to know big affecting distribution channels, promotion and condom contraceptive head count to see dammed hell first condom contraceptive in programs family planning at Pekanbaru's City. Samples taking tech which be utilized is cluster sampling, which is as much 99 condom contraceptive respondents which get male gender at Pekanbaru's City. Data that is utilized in this research is primary data and secondary data with analisis's method data is descriptive quantitative. Of analisis's result quantitative, koefesien's number of contraceptive distribution channel variable condom (X 1 ) as big as 0,481, promotion (X 2 ) as big as 0,201. Point t computing for variable x 1 (6,386) > t table (1,985) point out that h 0 refused, that contraceptive distribution channel matter signifikan's influential condom to see dammed hell first condom contraceptive in proram KB at Pekanbaru's City. For variable x 2 point t computing (2,390) > t table (1,985) point out that h 0 refused, one that contraceptive promotion matter signifikan's influential condom to see dammed hell first condom contraceptive in programs KB at Pekanbaru's City. Then of yielding observational can also know simultan's ala examination (F computing) point out available influence that signifikan, which is (28,820) > F table (2,699) where is distribution channel and condom contraceptive promotion have influence to see dammed hell first condom contraceptive in programs KB at Pekanbaru's City. Its outgrows affecting one be evoked (R2 ) by both of its variable ala goes together to bonded variable be 38,5%, meanwhile 61,5% regarded by other factors that don't be worked through deep observational it. Of analisis's result descriptive about condom contraceptive head count (X3) in KB's program proves that condoms contraceptive head count influential to see dammed hell first condom contraceptive at Pekanbaru's City, where if happening increasing condoms contraceptive head count in kurun time a year as big as 240 members therefore requisitions to condom contraceptive increases 878 pcs.
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    (2013-04-30) Hidayat, Giri Dwi
    Via this research we will get to know Technical Executor Unit contribution Drinking Water to Region original Income (PAD) and Unit Development Strategy Drinkings Water Technical Executor Dumai's City. This research utilize literature method, namely utilize secondary data of a variety source which concerning. Analisi is data that is utilized is analisis descriptive by use of tool analisis SWOT. Master data source that is utilized is PAD Dumai's City year 2005 2009 and Technical Executor Unit datas Dumai's City Drinking Water Years 2005 2009. This research gets to point out that Technical Executor Unit Contribution Dumai's City Drinking Water to Regions Original Income which is base research result and descriptive analisis gets to be worded that each happening it revenue enhancement of region retribution, Technical executor unit Drinking Water experiences influence or get contribution to region original revenue enhancement. Meanwhile Unit development Strategy Drinkings Water Technical Executor Dumai's City that utilize analisis SWOT's tool words that has to be done in develop Technical Executor unit Dumai's city Drinking Water is: Investment for added transmission network and water distribution, Long range plan collation (corporate plan), increasing water gage pump quality, increasing clerk quality, well educationally and also training, giving consciousness to society and abreast back up Technical Executor Unit program Drinking Water, increase to wield more ahead and new technology deep fresh water management and also economical fuel, fix and optimizes existing network, following up denunciating and water theft.
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    (2013-04-30) Rais, Muhammad
    The research was conducted in sub district Pangkalan Kerinci based on the increasing the number of motorcycles, it will provide a potential market opportunities and prospects for business washing motorcycles. The purpose of this study to know about prospects business washing motorcycles, also to know about the business conditions and driving factors the increase and barriers. Population and samples in this study were 40 people business owners of the business washing motorcycles. The technique of collecting data through questionnaire method, the interview method and observation method. Methods of analysis using the feasibility analysis Net Present Velue (NPV), Benefit Cost Ratio (B/C), dan Internal Rate of Return (IRR). The results of this study the business washing motorcycles in sub district Pangkalan Kerinci, has the prospect with increasing number of motorcycles. Constraints of faced by motorcycle washing business is weather and competitors. The climate is change often such as rain. and increased competition then this will make the motorcycle washing business revenue to be down.
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    Analisis Permintaan Sepeda Motor Matic Merek Yamaha Mio Di Kota Dumai
    (2013-04-30) Prihartini, Rina
    This research destination for knowing factors which affect request of matic motorcycle brand Yamaha Mio In Dumai Town. Method of data analysis used in this research is multiple linear regression analysis with help programmer SPSS version 17.0. From the results of research retrieved equatian request of matic motorcycle brand Yamaha Mio as follows Y = -5773,158 – 0,00029X1 + 0,012X2 + 0,001X3 .Results t-test obtained factor which request affect is price.while from result F-test know that simultan variable price,amount of resident,revenue affect request .Coefficient value multiple determination equal to 97,5%.That show affect free variable that simultan to variable teid is 97,5% and level of others variable of affect outset research is 97,5% (100%-97,5%).Elasticity Value request to price equal to -5,8% of show increase price equal to 1% will cause degradation request matic motorcycle equal to 5%.
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    (2013-04-30) Ranisyah
    This research is implemented in Pekanbaru,it has purpose to know development and obstackle service business Gymnasiumin Pekanbaru, in the future ,while benefit of this research are increase knowledge,input data for other research,information for government,investor and other stakeholder in order to arrange development program especially service business industry in Pekanbaru. The data collection methods which is used are quisioner,observation,and interview.The sample withdrawal method is census.they are 35 service business Gymnasium of the total population.They are descriptive and quantitative as data analiysis. The result of prospect service business Gymnasium research Pekanbaru is Net Present Value 56.243.200 > 0 it is fit and fulfill of criteria business while Benefit Cost Ratio 1.281 > 1, it means service business Gymnasium in Pekanbaru is prospective and gives profit.value from Internal Rate Of Return 46,8% ,it is higher than means service business Gymnasium good for implemented.
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    (2013-04-19) HANDOKO, BOBBY
    The research was conducted in the District Bagan Sinembah Regency Rokan Hilir in April 2012. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors that influence the level of poverty in District Bagan Sinembah Regency Rokan Hilir. The method of analysis used by the authors in this study is descriptive and uses primary data that collected directly from the respondents of the poor people in District Bagan Sinembah Regency Rokan Hilir. The population in this study is the poor households in the district Bagan Sinembah by the number 8036 households. Samples were taken using cluster random sampling method that is by grouping populations according livelihoods in District Bagan Sinembah where samples were taken of 100 people headed households. From the results of research it is known that the factors affecting poverty in District Bagan Sinembah are the income factors, educational factors and the number of family members. So it can be said that governments in District Bagan Sinembah should pay more attention again on the education issue. Because of the level of education is affecting the level of social welfare
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    (2013-04-19) SARI, NOVITA
    This study aims to determine the factors associated with the selection of informal sector employment by married women in Kuntu with see age, education level, number of dependents, household income level, employment husband and husband's employment sector. The informal sector employment in the study were divided into two groups of two. Agriculture groups and groups of other fields. So is the education level variables are divided into junior high school and high school to the bottom upwards, the number of dependents in the dependents divided ≤ 2 and ≥ 3, husband divided jobs in agriculture and other sectors of employment while husband shared formal and informal sectors. As for the variable age and level of household income grouped by values ranging from groups of lowest to highest value. In determining the sample size of this study using purposive sampling method Slovin and then selected a sample of 80 people. The analytical method used is the method of univariate analysis (descriptive) and bivariate analysis methods with chi-square test with α = 0.05. From the results of fieldwork conducted, it was found that the factors of age, education level, number of dependents and employment sectors husband did not have a significant relationship to the selection of informal sector employment by married women in Kuntu district Kampar. As for household income and factor employment husbands are significantly related to the selection of informal sector employment by married women in Kuntu district Kampar
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    Agriculture Base Sector Analyses In Kabupaten Tanah Datar
    (2013-04-19) Rozi, Fahrul
    This research is located in Kabupaten Tanah Datar. Economic activity in this place is dominated by natural resources based sector, which are in the field of agriculture, forestry, plantation and fishery. These sectors are the main element of PDRB progress. The aim of this research is to find out agriculture sector which have the biggest contribution in KabupatenTnahDatar. In this research, writer used Location Question (LQ) approach. Measuring technique is done to find out the concentration of such economic activity in an area by comparing economic situation in the province in the same field. Data used is secondary data, gotten from BadanPusatStatistik (BPS) office kota Padang and Tanah Datar. Based on data processing, writer found out that economic sector which is potential to be base sector is agriculture, specifically, food supply. Meanwhile, plantation, animal husbandary, fishery, forestry are also potential, but cannot be base sector yet. The production data in food supply plantation can be seen as follow: in 2008, 3.246128. in 2009, 3.214058. in 2010, 3.310476. in 2011, 3.193278. all data are in million. Writer hope that local government can give stimulation for economic developing in Kabupaten Tanah Datar.
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    (2013-03-13) UMAR
    The research was done because people dilemma will used coconut shell charcoal and 3 kg LPG gas for household cooking fuel in Enok subdistrict Indragiri Hilir. So the purpose of this study is to find out which one is more efficient use of coconut shell charcoal or 3 kg LPG gas for household cooking fuel. This study used non-probability sampling technique in which members of the selected sample, taked base on rashness discover respondents who needed, such as easy to find or reach and obtained 100 respondents from the sampling technique Slovin formula. The analysis method used is descriptive research that discuss set of problems research with describing and explain based on that result by the interpreted with the relevant theoriessoacanadescribeatheasituation. From result of the research had done concluded that more efficient use of 3 kg LPG gas for household cooking fuel compared with using coconut shell charcoal because people in Enok subdistrict Indragiri hilir felt the price of coconut shell charcoal more enough expensive. However, there are a lot of people who still use coconut shell charcoal for several reasons of descend culture.
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    (2013-03-13) A.S, SUMARIO
    The research was conducted in Pekanbaru city which took place in December 2012 to January 2013. The purpose of this study was to determine how much influence the capital, labor and machinery for industrial production trellis that is in Pekanbaru city. While the benefits of this research is to add insight and knowledge to become an input for industrial entrepreneurs in developing trellis industrial. This study used quantitative descriptive data analysis. The model is a quantitative data analysis of multiple linear regression. Data collection was performed by collecting primary data from trellis employers in Pekanbaru city. The results based on test F is known that F count > F table (56.982> 2.724944) then Ho is rejected and Ha accepted means of capital, labor and machine together has a significant effect on the production of a trellis. By t test (t-test) showed that the variable X1 (capital) obtained t count > T Table (2.077> 1.991673). In conclusion Ho is rejected, it means that a significant effect on the production of capital trellis. For variable X2 (labor) obtained t count > T Table (3.840 > 1.991673). In conclusion Ho is rejected, it means that the workforce significantly influence the production of trellis. For variable X3 (engine) obtained t value 2.963 thus t count > T Table (2.963 > 1.991673). In conclusion Ho is rejected, it means that a significant effect on the production machine trellis. based on the calculation of multiple linear regression coefficient of determination (R square) is 0.692 means that capital, labor, and machinery affects the production of the trellis by 69.2%, while 30.8% influenced by other factors beyond the model used in this study