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Item AKUNTABILITAS PEMERINTAH DESA DALAM PELAKSANAAN ALOKASI DANA DESA(ADD) DI DESA BANGUN PURBA KECAMATAN BANGUN PURBA KABUPATEN ROKAN HULU(2013-08-27) Sap, ZulpisarThis study was given the title of the Government Accountability Implementation Fund Allocation In Rural Villages (ADD) In the village of Purba Build Build District Purba Rokan Hulu. This study aimed to determine the Government Accountability Implementation Fund Allocation In Rural Villages (ADD) Wake up early in the Village and the obstacles faced by the village government in the implementation of the Village Fund Allocation. form of government concern towards the development of rural areas can be seen with the development budget specifically set forth in the Revenue and Expenditure (Budget) for the development of rural areas, namely in the form of allocation of village funds (ADD). . Allocation Fund Village is part of the center and the balance funds intended for rural areas in implementing government services, community development. Therefore, the management should be guided by the values of good governance. Village guided by the Law No. 32 Year 2004 on Regional Government, is: "the unity of the legal community who have boundaries that are authorized to manage and take care of the interests of local communities based on the origin and local customs that are recognized and respected in the system of administration of the State Unitary Republic of Indonesia ". This study aims to determine the Government Accountability Implementation Fund Allocation In Rural Villages (ADD) in the village of Purba Build Build District Purba Rokan Hulu and Hambata- Hambatanpemerintah to determine the allocation of village funds. Using resources through informants. While the techniques of data collection consisted of observations and interviews with the source data consists of primary data and secondary data. The results showed that the Government Accountability Implementation Fund Allocation In Rural Villages (ADD) in the village of Purba Build Build District Purba Rokan Hulu has not been good and maximum. The factors that influence in the Government Accountability Implementation Fund Allocation In Rural Villages (ADD) in the village of Purba Build Build District Purba Rokan Hulu consists of human resource factors, community participation, and poor coordination.Item AKUNTABILITAS PENGGUNAAN APBD 2010 DI KOTA PEKANBARU (STUDI KASUS: URUSAN PENDIDIKAN)(2013-07-11) Sihombing, Tio MinarAPBD is accountability instrument to public fund management and programme application that is paid by public. Simply, it can be said that public budget described economy condition from organization that includes information about outcome, budget, and activity. The researcher used key informants. The researcher used Pekanbaru Head of Education Department as key informants in this study. From key informants are going to be received the continuation of informants: they are consist of education department staff that is in charge of budget authorities and DPRD members in budget. The reseacher used snowball sampling method. In this research is known the factors that influenced the APBD accountability Pekanbaru are lacking the highest loyality in doing the main task and function and perception factors among the public is not going wellItem ALOKASI PEDAGANG KAKI LIMA DI JL. HR. SOEBRANTAS PANAM PEKANBARU(2013-03-07) SiswantoA development is an effort to gain the more and the better life. There are 4 indicators in gaining the development; they are economic change, human resources, social inhibition and the high of life needed. A development in the development country likes Indonesia; generally more consider the development of economic sector in the hope of much progressed in production of job vacancy. There are two kinds of economic activities; they are from formal sector and informal one. Formal sector is a sector of educated people inside. However, the high of migrations in this decade create uncontrolled urbanization thus the uneducated people can be in at the formal sector. In the hope of changing their destiny, people tend to choose the informal sector as a good choice. Because of there are a need of a product and merit, this sector is still exist. The considerable study of informal sector has been done by many experts in Indonesia. A Retailer is one of informal sector side. It is a phenomenon that we faced often in Indonesia. The existence of retailers can show a positive effect for them that need their merit. However, retailers also can create negative effect for them that consider retailers are bothering the urban development. This research utilizes a judgment sampling technique. In this method, the sample is taken with a specific criterion which shows significant relation to the population criteria. Purposive sampling consists of some methods, but the researcher just take the proportional quota sampling, is the size of sampling taken for each categories suit to the proportion of real populations for each categories. Finally, researcher chooses 9 respondents. The analysis technique used is distribution of descriptive analysis technique. The data needed is primer data and second data got form the interview even instance.Item ANALISA PERTUKARAN SOSIAL MENGENAI POLA BEKERJA PEMULUNG DI TPA MUARA FAJAR KECAMATAN RUMBAI KOTA PEKANBRAU(2012-11-07) Susanti, RinaScavenge is a group or employee in informal sector who live from collecting trash on TPA. For many of scavenges, a heap of trash in TPA are the place for work to fulfillment the family’s need. Because that TPA is important for scavenge, in the last survey, it has gotten 144 scavenges who listed in TPA Muara Fajar, that have been operaterd since 1983. The activities of scavenge in TPA are has been created working pattern such the as setting of time working, time, the way, and the starting time and also combination of the family member in collecting trash. With all the impediment of working in TPA, the amount of income that gotten by scavenges are decided by their working pattern in TPA. The problem are: How is the impact of scavenge’s working pattern to the income? And, what is the impediment which scavenge faced? The kind of this research is survey research whit quantitative curse. The need of data, including the primer data which gotten by qusioner and skunder data. The amount of population are 144 scavenges with 59 scavenges become sample. Data-processing devided to quantitative which refind mathematical by using Uji Regresi and the description. The result of research showed that there is an impact between working pattern and level of scavenge’s income with an equation Y = 0,260 X -1,140, where in each 1 augmentation of the scavenge’s working pattern in TPA, it means that the level of their income will be increased 0,260. As for in scavenge’s activities in TPA, the scavenge faced by some impediments in working such as shy, the bad view from society and less of family’s support.Item ANALISA TENTANG PERPECAHAN PASANGAN BUPATI DAN WAKIL BUPATI PERIODE 2003 – 2008 DI KABUPATEN INDRAGIRI HILIR(2013-01-17) Wahyuni Wildah, SriAbstract Analysis titled Couple split on Regent and Vice Regent Period 2003 - 2008 in the District of Indragiri Hilir was written to determine the cause of the separation of couples local leaders in the district. Inhil in Election 2008 with the research took place in the district Inhil. In the era of regional autonomy, Regional Head elections ( Pilkada ) have are conducted directly. And government leaders often encountered couples split even compete at the end of the period of his leadership. This is a problem in this study. This research used theory dank rule on conflicts hadari nawawi . conflicts occur due to personal incompatibility differences in value systems, unclear boundaries - boundaries of authority and responsibility, and so forth. Making the elite in government involved in a conflict which will only weaken the position of the government. In this study authors used qualitative research methods who intend to seek the facts much - much to then be concluded. The type of data used in this study primary data obtained from interviews with informants who are considered to know a lot about the problems in care. There are also secondary data obtained from agencies involved in the research. Based on the findings in the district. Inhil, partner government leaders split up due to personal incompatibility, differences in value systems, differences in leadership style, and triggering political marketing competition evident in the 2008 elections. It can be seen that on Based Direct Election, General, Free, Confidential, Honest and Fair ( LUBER ) according to article 56 paragraph 1 of Law no. 32 of 2004, which involves the entire community, between the two heads of government (Regional Head and Deputy Head) Compete for the position of the previous period the Regional Head. so family unity government leaders can create an individual - each party can unite a mismatch between them. The competition between the incumbent partner often occur at this time. By using the theory of power (Deliar Noer) and conflict (Hadari Nawawi), This study is expected to be a suggestion or paradigm in choosing a partner government leaders that implementation of the administration to run as expected and integrity of the partner government leaders can stay awake.Item Analisia Aspek aspek Pengembangan Pariwisata di Kabupaten Rokan Hulu.(2013-01-03) syafitri, ArmianAbstrak: each local government are working hard to improve their own economi,including to improve the number of dosmetic income (PAD). one effort to increasel local revenue as buy optimizing the potential in the tourism sector. The link between industrial tourism and local revenues throngh dosmetik income (PAD) and shared tax / no tax. Succsessing development of tourism sector, means thant will enhance its role in locsl income, where tourism is the mein compenent by taking into accont the factor that influence it. Keyword : development, tourism, aspect, and strategy.Item ANALISIS DISIPLIN KERJA PNS SEBAGAI BENTUK LOYALITAS PROFESI (STUDI KASUS GURU-GURU SMAN 12 PEKANBARU)(2013-08-28) HasminarThe Analysis Of Civil Servants’ Disciplines As A Profession Loyalty (Teachers’ Cases Of Sman 12 Pekanbaru). This research is written to analyze the disciplines of civil servants as a loyalties’ profession in SMAN 12 Pekanbaru. This research focus on how to analyze them and what factors that influence theirs’ disciplines. This research is using on the quantitative description method. The result of this research will show that how good the civil servants’ disciplines and the factors that influence it, such as individually, environment, strict rules, unrewarding and non-punishment, also facilitiesItem ANALISIS DUKUNGAN PARTAI GOLONGAN KARYA (GOLKAR) DAN PARTAI KEADILAN SEJAHTERA (PKS) TERHADAP CALON BUPATI PADA PEMILIHAN UMUM KEPALA DAERAH (PEMILUKADA) KABUPATEN SIAK TAHUN 2011(2013-04-29) MARZAL, ARIFALThis study wanted to see the process of political recruitment by Golkar and PKS on election in Siak. The important study that happened in the election in 2011 is an advanced Syamsuar a district candidate ever lost when the election of 2006. Syamsuar coming back other candidates, namely Regent OK.Fauzi Jamil who is the vice regent 2011-2016 period. Looking at the issue of political parties in determining district candidate promoted, this study used qualitative methods. This study uses object informan as aimied to achieve mastery in getting information. The types of data used in this study is primary data and secondary data obtained through in-depth interviews and the collection of documentation associated with the study. Analysis of the data in this study using data analysis desktiptif. Based on the analysist, This study found the following: first, that the pattern of recruitment by Golkar and the PKS is very different where the Golkar Party and networking will open Regent Candidate while opened the registration, simply open the lines of communication with party officials. Second, the similarity between the two parties is a bearer party Syamsuar as regent candidate in the 2006 election and still woke up with communication Syamsuar though he has lost the election in 2006. The factors that cause Syamsuar finally back carried by Golkar and PKS There are two factors of internal factors and external factors. The internal factor is the level of popularity and electability higher comparing other candidates, Syamsuar have gained the support of other political parties, Syamsuar get a lot of supporting from the community, Syamsuar willing to finance the operations of the campaign and witnesses in TPS (polling) and communications are still established since the 2006 election. Then the external factor is the support of the Siak regent Arwin as Syamsuar,Opinion Democrats and PDIP who think the advance Syamsuar the election of the party Golkar and PKS Syamsuar due to meet party especially financially.Then Syamsuar has considerable experience bureaucracy and has the vision, mission and programs Siak quite revolutionaryItem ANALISIS EFEKTIFITAS PELAYANAN PADA BADAN PERPUSTAKAAN, ARSIP DAN DOKUMENTASI PROVINSI RIAU(2012-11-07) MAULANA, IQBALThe services provided by the Library, Archives and Documentation Riau Province in accordance with the Standard Operating membership includes administrative services, lending services and service return library materials library materials. Services are assessed based on five variables that are tangible, empathy, reliability, responsiveness and assurance which research using qualitative methods. The results of the five variables which services performed of Library, Archives and Documentation has not been implemented optimally. Limiting factors due to the limited human resources, the existing technology and the limited number of visitors or users of the library who can not maintain the confidence of the damage library materials such as ripping, cross out even eliminate library materials .Item ANALISIS EFEKTIVITAS PENGGUNAAN MODAL KERJA PADA PT. SENTOSA di BATAM(2013-07-05) Simbolon, LindungThe purpose of this study was to measure the level of liquidity ratios, activity ratios measure, measure the effectiveness of working capital and the measure has been effective or not the use of working capital. The trouble there on PT. Sentosa is: one, the extent of liquidity ratio, two, the extent of activity ratios, three, the extent of the effectiveness of the use of working capital, four, whether it is an effective use of capital working.In this study are expected to be useful for the company PT. Sentosa, the writer and the education world.objek studied the effectiveness of the use of working capital. Data collection method used is documentation, interviews. The method used is descriptive method to the analysis of liquidity ratios, activity ratios. Analytical results obtained were compared with the measurement standards that have been set. Based on the analysis of liquidity ratios and activity ratios can be concluded that the level of effectiveness of the use of working capital PT.Sentosa batam when compared with a predetermined standard measurements indicate that the current ratio of 2009 in a position ilikuid, in 2010 the ratio of illiquid positions, and in 2011 also still position liquid, although the decline from the previous year. And quick ratio in 2009 for the position of this ratio is in a position overlikuid, in 2010 his position was overlikuid, and in 2011 the ratio of fast PT. Sentosa overlikuid well positioned. activity ratio shows that accounts receivable turnover in 2009-2010 was effective, whereas in 2010-2011 was effective. Inventory turnover in 2009-2011 was not effective. And for working capital turnover in 2009-2011 was not effective, and for asset tottal turover PT. Sentosa batam dalah effective in 2009-2010 and in 2010-2011 was not efektif.Above the results suggested that the working capital management of PT. Sentosa Batam renewal held in working capital management is to improve the effectiveness of the collection of accounts receivable, primarily accounts receivable that have been delinquent or past due, the holding business expansion, purchase equipment or machinery repair, and others.Item ANALISIS EFEKTIVITAS PENYALURAN RASKIN DI DESA SELATBARU KECAMATAN BANTAN KABUPATEN BENGKALIS(2014-05-06) DewiThe purpose of this study is to know, how about effectiveness distribution of the raskin and know the factors which influence Raskin distribution in Selatbaru village. This study trade on interview result between research with informan deliberately researches determine in accordance with the needs of the required information. Later observations for viewing and analyzing events in the field. The result shown the distribution of Raskin still founding some matter which not suitable with the result Raskin indicator on achieve the 6T (right apporiate, quantity, price, time, quality and administration) target with the result that can influence the distribution process of Raskin.Item ANALISIS FAKTOR-FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI KEPUASAN KERJA PERAWAT(2012-11-07) Widiya Ramadani, EkaPerformance of a good nurse can reflect how they get satisfaction in performing his or her job and vice versa. Thus, this research aims to identify and analyze the factors that influence job satisfaction of nurses in Islam Ibnu Sina hospital Pekanbaru. The research was done by descriptive analysis method, which aims to determine the factors that influence nurse job satisfaction. Subjects were all nurses working in the inpatient hospital Islam Ibnu Sina Pekanbaru the total sample of 70 people. The findings suggest that the factors that influence job satisfaction is the salary of nurses (67.2%), promotion (68.6%), factor control (50%), relationships with co-workers (75.8%) and working conditions (52, 9%). This suggests that factors relationships with co-workers that influence job satisfaction of hospital nurses Pekanbaru Islam Ibnu Sina. Job satisfaction of nurses is expected to be a concern for the interests of nurse management, the organization and ensure the survival of the hospital.Item Analisis Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Keputusan Pembelian Produk Suzuki pada PT. Buanamobil Sentral Trada Cabang Pekanbaru(2013-05-15) Sidauruk, CandraThe purpose of this study to identify and analyze the factors that influence consumer decisions in buying Suzuki car in PT. Trada Central Buanamobil Pekanbaru Branch and to know the efforts made to improve the decision of buying a car Suzuki on PT. Trada Central Buanamobil Pekanbaru branch. The population is around 378 customers in 2011 is the customer who bought the car Suzuki on PT. Trada Sental Buanamobil Pekanbaru Branch. Sampling method with accidental sampling method, using Slovin formula so obtained a sample of 79 people, analysis of data using multiple regression models. The results simultaneously-F count> F-table (27.640> 2.495) means that simultaneous cultural, social, personal and psychological factors and a significant positive influence on consumer decisions in purchasing the car brand Suzuki APV in Central Buanamobil PT Trada Pekanbaru. The better the socio-cultural factors, personal and psychological consumer's decision in purchasing the car brand Suzuki APV in Central Buanamobil PT Trada Pekanbaru will increase. Partial test results (t test) cultural, social, personal and psychological significantly influence consumer decisions in the purchase of a car brand Suzuki APV in Central Buanamobil PT Trada Pekanbaru. Independent variables are the most dominant influence on consumer decisions are psikolgis variable (X4) of 0.256. then social variables (X2) of 0.184. Consumer's decision to purchase a car brand Suzuki APV at PT Trada Buanamobil Central Branch Pekanbaru most consumers expressed agree.Item ANALISIS FAKTOR-FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI PRODUKTIVITAS KERJA KARYAWAN BAGIAN PRODUKSI PADA PT.SIAK RAYA TIMBER KABUPATEN SIAK(2013-08-26) SARI, RATNA JUWITAPlywood industry is one of the non-oil export commodities were developed at this time, which can help the government and increase the country's foreign exchange business. Besides, the timber industry, including the use of capital intensive but labor is relatively quite a lot, so the industry needs to be maintained in order to accommodate the addition of a number of labor force each year. Among the timber industry in Indonesia and in the Riau Province in particular one of them is PT.Siak Raya Timber, yag is one company that is engaged in processing of logs (log) into plywood (plywood). The company was founded in order to support the government's program to increase non-oil exports and also meet the government's invitation to establish an integrated industry in the form of plywood industry (Material so) that aims to divert export business activity logs (raw materials), as well as increase foreign exchange. Productivity of employees at PT. Siak Raya Timber is a measure of the success or failure of the company to carry out the process aktivitasnyadalam roundwood (logs) into plywood (plywood). The success of this venture dilihatpada optimal success in producing maximum profit. Production activities are highly dependent on the employee's performance. Excitement spirit of an employee in carrying out his work heavily influenced by the work motivation pushed. Strictly speaking, every employee needs a strong motivation to be willing to carry out his work in vibrant, passionate and dedicated.Item ANALISIS FASILITAS WISATAWAN DI TAMAN NASIONAL BUKIT TIGAPULUH KABUPATEN INDRAGIRI HULU(2013-08-26) Pratiwi, AricaThe purpose of this research is to know the tourism facilities in Bukit Tiga Puluh National Park, Indragiri Hulu. This research has some objectives. They are ( 1 ) To know every kind of the facilities in Bukit Tiga Puluh National Park. ( 2 ) To know the constraints in tourism facilities management in Bukit Tiga Puluh National Park. There are 95 people as the sample of this research. This research use descriptive method to get the data of the research. The result of the research shows that the tourism facility in Bukit Tiga Puluh National Park is unfavorable. We also know from the research that there are some constraints in preparing or maintaining the facilities in Bukit Tiga Puluh National Park. They are: ( 1 ) less of care from all sides especially the local government.; (2) the main facilities which are old and unfavorable. If both of the constraint can be solved, Bukit Tiga Puluh National Park can be an interesting tourism center.Item ANALISIS FUNGSI BADAN PERMUSYAWARATAN KEPENGHULUAN (BPK) DI KEPENGHULUAN PARIT AMAN KECAMATAN BANGKO KABUPATEN ROKAN HILIR(2013-03-05) RAYMANDA, OTO YANOKOThe organization is an arrangement that seems logical from the parts that are dependent on establishing an overall bersatupadu by which power and control can be implemented with the aim of reaching a particular purpose. Furthermore, the organization Kepenghuluan Consultative Body (BPK) is one element of the implementation of the Government, made up of community leaders who serve nurturing existing customs, make regulations, accommodate and channel the aspirations of the people and to supervise the implementation of the Government. So far the CPC in Kepenghuluan Trenches Aman District Bangko lacking in discharging its functions. Samapai current CPC presence in Kepenghuluan Trenches Aman has not revealed its function as a check and balance between the government and society in Kepenghuluan Kepenghuluan Safe Trenches. Should the government and the CPC in Kepenghuluan Kepenghuluan Safe Trenches memperjuangkaqn can act and serve and accommodate the interests of society and function as protector of society, setting rules, monitoring, and receiving and distributing aspirations. The purpose of the study by the research problem is to know How Kepenghuluan Consultative Body Functions in Sub Safe Trenches Kepenghuluan Bangko Rokan Hilir. The concept of the theory is the theory of functions of CPC used by Drs. HAW. Widjaja. The indicators in this study such as guardianship, legislation, pengawasana and channeling the aspirations of the people. This study uses descriptive qualitative research study sites Kepenghuluan Safe Trenches Bangko Rokan Hilir district and the key informant was Penghulu, Secretary Penghulu, officials Kepenghuluan (Chairman of Government Affairs, Public Affairs Chairman, Chairman of Development Affairs, Chairman of the Peace and Order Affairs , Village Head), Chairman of the CPC, CPC Member, RW, and RT. From the research, it can be concluded that the implementation of the results of research by the author regarding the functioning of the Consultative Kepenghuluan in Kepenghuluan Trenches Safer Bangko Rokan Hilir district, yet that should lead to a good fit with the function of CPC is nurturing, legislation, oversight, and accommodate the aspirations society as the Regional Regulation No.. 4 Year 2009 on Kepenghuluan Consultative Body. Suggestions from this study in order to function in Kepenghuluan Kepenghuluan Consultative Body 2 Safe Trenches Bangko Rokan Hilir District agara done better, especially in the rulemaking, the more favor to the community.Item ANALISIS HUBUNGAN PATRON-KLIEN PADA PEMILIHAN UMUM KEPALA DAERAH (PEMILUKADA) DI KABUPATEN KUANTAN SINGINGI TAHUN 2011(2013-05-10) JedriBased on Law Number 32 Year 2004 on Regional Government Article 56, paragraph 1, that the Regional Head and Deputy Head of been in a couple of candidates that democratic management based on the principles direct, general, free, confidential, honest and fair. Patron-client relations in the political phenomenon of the regional head elections (elections), H. Sukarmis as Patron (someone who has the power, authority, and influence) and ethnic leaders Java as a client (subordinate). Patron-client relations relationship on the election in Kuantan Singingi regency wake patterns of mutual benefit, H. Sukarmis provide security protection, economic aid and intensify the development of the ethnic Javanese. The next stage of ethnic Javanese give loyalty in support of voting rights, loyalty to a team's success and respect deeply against H. Sukarmis the regional head elections (election) is. The reality on the political phenomenon of the election in the Kuantan Singingi , regency H. Sukarmis noise above 70 percent gain the loyalty of a given ethnic support Java. The conclusion of this study is the existence of social or emotional relationships between the characters with ethnic Javanese H. Sukarmis the Regional Head Election (Election) in the Kuantan Singingi regency, where the relationship is created because of them together and give each other require-received (reciprocal basis), so do the efforts to preserve, maintain and nurture those relationships. Patron-client relationships that happen areas the majority ethnic Javanese in Kuantan Singingi regency been many influences of patron-client relationships are. Where its influence is a relationship of interdependence, reciprocity and mutual needs of both parties that the patron and the client. Therefore, it is flexible relationship that leads to a lot of interest, so causing this relationship is difficult to be decided.Item ANALISIS IMPLEMENTASI BAURAN PEMASARAN JASA AKOMODASI PADA HOTEL NEW HOLIE PEKANBARU(2013-08-27) Saputra, RioThe growth of hotels business in Indonesia which sparked increasing tight competition, through the implementation of marketing mix is expected to be a force to contend with similar hotels. This study aims to determine the implementation of the marketing mix accommodation services performed by New Holie Hotel Pekanbaru. The study involved 99 respondents. Data were collected using questionnaires and interviews. The results prove that the implementation of the marketing mix hotel accommodation in New Holie Pekanbaru has done well.Item Analisis implementasi bauran pemasaran jasa pada hotel bumi asih pekanbaru(2013-05-30) Narsikunthis research aims to know the implementation services as well as marketing mix factors restricting implementation support and services marketing mix on the Bumi Asih Hotel Pekanbaru. The population in this research is the number of the sales room Bumi Asih Hotel Pekanbaru in 2012 which reached 9.084 assumed a rooms rooms for one person. Sampling uses the Slovin's formula so that it brings as many as 100 people sample respondents. This Research analyzes the data by using a descriptive method. The research concluded that the implementation of the marketing mix services Hotel Bumi Asih Soweto implemented already. However there are still flaws in the product that is a variable that does not comply with the standard variable rate 2-star, the room rates offered more expensive when compared to competitors, namely promotion of variable information about hotels that are hard to come by for the people that are outside of the city, the location variable parking is inadequate, the variable that employees who sometimes speak the word irreverent and less friendly to guests and the variable physical evidence that comfort and the hotel decor is still less well.Item ANALISIS IMPLEMENTASI KEBIJAKAN PROGRAM RINTISAN SEKOLAH BERTARAF INTERNASIONAL DI KOTA PEKANBARU TAHUN 2012(2014-05-03) Wijaya, Fitra KusumaThis research aims to understand: (a). Implementation between curicullum used in schools in Pekanbaru to the standard criteria for RSBI. (b). Curriculum development integration model in RSBI’s school in Pekanbaru. (c). Implementation of the program in RSBI’s schools in Pekanbaru. (d). problem encountered in the implementation of the program. (e). Factors that influence the implementation process of RSBI program. (F). The solutions of RSBI schools in overcoming that problem. This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach. The data were collected from observation, interview and documentation. The findings of the data obtained as follows: (a). In general, the purpose, content, strategy and organization of RSBI program in accordance with international standards that adapted. (b). implementation of the program is targeted students, as an object that the implementation of the policy, teachers and the implementation of policies and institutionsor schools, as a means to promote learning in preparing and facilitating all the needs of teachers and students in the learning process. (c). In the preparation and implementation of the program RSBI many problems one of which is the lack of willingness of policymakers in facilitating policy. (d). The solution is carried out by the principle of coaching / development and training for teachers, principals so the program can be run as a hard and fast rule that the answer is found in accordance with the theory of policy implementation that is used in this program from the beginning through to post judgment pulp by the constitution lawcourt.