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Item SISTEM PENDUKUNG KEPUTUSAN MENENTUKAN JURUSAN SISWA SMA MENGGUNAKAN METODE SIMPEL MULTI ATTRIBUTE RATING TECHNIQUE (SMART) BERBASIS WEB(wahyu sari yeni, 2019-01-10) Barus, Yennita Dwi Freadly; Fatayat, FatayatThe selection of majors by students is done by select majors alternative that meet the requirement based on the specified criteria. In the selection of majors so far it has been done manually, so that decision making is still not objective. In this study used the criteria of test results, average report card, student interest and recommendation from parents/guardians. This study uses the smart method. The steps in designing this system is by designing use case diagram, activity diagram, class diagram and sequence diagram. This system was developed using PHP, HTML programming languages and using MySQL as a database. Based on the results of the research conducted on studens, the final results obtained with the utility value of the departement Science 0.437, Social 0.538 and Language 0.538. So that it can provide appropriate recommendations and can assist determining the majors of high school students.Item IMPLEMENTASI RATIONAL UNIFIED PROCESS DALAM PERANCANGAN SISTEM INFORMASI PRESTASI MAHASISWA FMIPA UNIVERSITAS RIAU(wahyu sari yeni, 2019-01-14) Wibowo, Herry; Elfizar, ElfizarThe information system of students' achievements of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of the University of Riau is a web-based information system that was built to provide information about the achievements that have been achieved by the students of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Riau. The achievement information system is built using the PHP and MySQL programming languages. The system buildment method used is the Rational Unified Process (RUP) which is divided into three phases, namely inception, elaboration and construction. Each stage has several processes carried out starting from business modeling, requirements, design, implementation, and testing. The process carried out in the inception phase are the stages of business modeling and requirements, then in the elaboration phase the design and construction phases are carried out in the implementation and testing phases. Software product testing is done using black box testingItem KLASIFIKASI PENJUALAN SEPEDA MOTOR HONDA MENGGUNAKAN METODE K-NEAREST NEIGHBOR(wahyu sari yeni, 2019-01-31) Aprilia, Elsia; Astried, AstriedThis research aims to classify of motorcycle sales at CV HONDA MAS dealer using the K-nearest neigbor (KNN) classification methods. In the classification process, the atributes used are the type and sale of motorcycles, and the data used is the last six months, from July to December in 2017, six types of motorcycle using as training data and four types of motorcycle as testing that they will get the classification result that the type of motorcycle that is very sellable is the type of BEAT STREET and VARIO 150 CBS. The results obtained from the study are the accuracy of the classification 100% and error 0%, using coufusion matrixItem SISTEM PAKAR DIAGNOSA KERUSAKAN HARDWARE KOMPUTER BERBASIS WEB MENGGUNAKAN METODE FORWARD CHAINING(wahyu sari yeni, 2019-01-31) Irawan, Ade; Salambue, RoniComputer is an electric device to process the data, and then produce information. There are diverse of damage of hardware component, easy or serious. Sometimes, there is a mistake in analyzing the damage that can make disadvantage for users. To give solution for this problem, we need expert system. The reason above makes the researcher make a research title “Web-Based Expert System To Diagnose Computer Hardware Damage Using Forward Chaining Method”. This research aims to make easy in knowing PC problems when the hardware broken. This system covers some information like students’ data information, PC damage data, and e-learning. The design of this system can make students operate the computer easilyItem PENENTUAN POLA BELI KONSUMEN MENGGUNAKAN ALGORITMA APRIORI DENGAN MARKET BASKET ANALYSIS PADA INDOMARET CABANG DURI(wahyu sari yeni, 2019-01-31) Sitorus, Shabadtini Yuliana; Risanto, JokoAt this time, data can not be separated from our daily life and are the one of the most valueable resources. Sales transaction data of Indomaret are very large, so there is a pile of data that are left out. Even though, the transaction data can produce the important information for Indomaret. Then data mining is used with market basket analysis method to process the transaction data so that it can determine consumer buying patterns. Consumer buying patterns can be used as a reference for marketing strategies. Analysis is using apriori algorithm. From the research result on transaction data of Indomaret Jalan Pertanian Duri from September to November 2018 with minimum support value of 1% and minimum confidence value of 20% resulting four association rules with item combination up to 2-itemset.Item DETEKSI KOMENTAR SPAM PADA MEDIA SOSIAL INSTAGRAM MENGGUNAKAN METODE NAÏVE BAYES(wahyu sari yeni, 2019-01-31) Andriani, Sela; Salambue, RoniText Mining is the process of finding new information or trends that were previously not revealed by processing and analyzing large amounts of data. In this thesis text mining is used to classify comments on Instagram social media. This technique aims to distinguish spam and not spam comments. One of the algorithms used in the classification is Naïve Bayes Classifier (NBC). In the NBC method, there are two stages, they are Training stage and the Testing Phase. Before the classification is done first the data will go through the Preprocessing stage, in which there are casefolding, stopcharacter removal, stopword, stemming and weighting. Evaluation to measure accuracy using Confussion Matrix which produces 93% Accuracy, 92% Precision, Recall 93.87% and Error Rate 7%.Item PENENTUAN CALON PENERIMA BEASISWA PENINGKATAN PRESTASI AKADEMIK (PPA) MENGGUNAKAN ALGORITMA C4.5 BERBASIS WEB(wahyu sari yeni, 2019-01-31) Hariyati, Sarmira; Alfirman, AlfirmanFaculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) University of Riau provides PPA scholarship to help the students who are incapable economically and have good academic potential. The problem of scholarship funds distribution is selection process still done manually and need a long time, So that is a needs to create a system for determining Scholarship candidates using web-based C4.5 algorithm. System developed using UML modeling language, PHP programming language and MySQL database. The result testing of 20 students obtained accuration level value is 82,19Item SISTEM PENDUKUNG KEPUTUSAN SPASIAL PEMILIHAN SEKOLAH MENENGAH KEJURUAN TEKNIK KOMPUTER DAN JARINGAN MENGGUNAKAN METODE PROFILE MATCHING(wahyu sari yeni, 2019-01-31) Setiawati, Yolanda; Elfizar, ElfizarThe purpose of Spatial DSS (Decision Support Systems) in this research is to give school recommendation for user in choosing school according to the criteria that desired by user. Criteria that used for decision process are education development donation, accreditation, number of computer laboratories, school facilities / school infrastructures, and the distance from student house to school location that calculated using Google map. System developed using UML modeling language, PHP programming language, and MariaDB database. The system results school recommendation rank, and spatial information such as distance and travel route from student house to school location using Google map. The result testing of 26 schools was SMK Taruna Satria Pekanbaru have the highest profile matching total, that is 4,85Item SISTEM PENDUKUNG KEPUTUSAN PENENTUAN PENERIMAAN PROPOSAL USULAN KEGIATAN DESA MENGGUNAKAN METODE TOPSIS BERBASIS WEB(wahyu sari yeni, 2019-01-31) Nurhazizah, Nurhazizah; Sukamto, SukamtoThe use of computers has evolved from just processing data or supplying information, to being able to provide choices as decision makers that can be made. At the Wali Nagari Simpang Office there are activities for submitting proposals with funds allocated for each activity that is feasible to be funded. The evaluation process of the proposal was carried out by the verification team directly in the field and was still done manually. Due to that condition it is possible to make a decision support system for determining to acceptance of village activities proposals using web based topsis method. The system created by using UML diagrams, applying the PHP programming language and MariaDB database. The resulting system is able to process the timetable for receiving proposals, processing proposal data to be calculated and reports on the number of proposals received and rejected and making it easier for proposers to submit their proposals online. The final result of the topsis calculation using five experimental data on the system is a ranking sorted by the preference value of each alternative from the largest to the smallest value, where there are three proposals received that have the highest value and two proposals rejected because they have the lowest value. The resulting preference value depends on the complete requirements submittedItem SISTEM INFORMASI GEOGRAFIS MENCARI RUTE SEKOLAH TERPENDEK DENGAN ALGORITMA FLOYD-WARSHALL BERBASIS MOBILE(wahyu sari yeni, 2019-01-31) Harman, Robby Dio; Astried, AstriedHigh population development in Pekanbaru has caused rapid growth of the school that spreads out even for private senior high school (SMA) and vocational high school (SMK). It is also affected the distance students cover daily to and from school. To solve this problem, it is often necessary to calculate the shortest path through geographic information based on android. One of the practical methods is using the mobile-based Floyd-Warshall algorithm, which is created by applying UML diagrams, Android programming language and MySQL database. The application then recommends the shortest and quickest route to the destination.Item SISTEM INFORMASI GEOGRAFIS PEMETAAN LOKASI TEMPAT PEMBUANGAN SAMPAH SEMENTARA KOTA PEKANBARU MENGGUNAKAN METODE PROMETHEE(wahyu sari yeni, 2019-01-31) Desriana, Ria; Fatayat, FatayatThe clean environment is a very desirable needs in maintaining human survival. The environmental problem that always happens is the problem of garbage. To build a temporary landfill, need to observe several criteria such as easy access, land area, distance from settlement, distance from clean water, distance from river, distance from airport. Currently, determining the location of temporary landfill in Pekanbaru city is still done manually. This takes a long time enough, then it needed an web-based geographic information system to determines the location of temporary landfill in Pekanbaru city using promethee method. Geographic information system mapping the location of temporary landfill that produced are capable to processing sub-district data, processing location of temporary landfill data, and display location map of temporary landfill in Pekanbaru city, and make it easier for Authorities of Environmental and Sanitary in Pekanbaru city to determining the best location for temporary landfill. The final result of promethee calculation is a ranking based on the preference value of each alternative. The alternative that has the highest value is the best location to be used as a temporary landfillItem SISTEM INFORMASI PELAYANAN TERPADU BERBASIS WEB MENGGUNAKAN METODE SCRUM DI KANTOR KECAMATAN TAMPAN KOTA PEKANBARU(wahyu sari yeni, 2019-01-31) Santana, Tito; Fitriansyah, AidilThe implementation of services at the sub-district office of Tampan Pekanbaru city has several problems such as data management less than the maximum. Then it needed an integrated service information system capable to performing data management of services digitally. Web-based integrated service information system developed by scrum agile software development method. The results obtained are integrated service information system capable to processing service data and display reports in the graph. Then the development of information systems using scrum agile software development method proved to easily overcome the changing requirements, because it gets feedback periodically. And from result of focus factor got the final value is 0,73 or 73%, so it can be said the percentage level of the focus workmanship in manufacture integrated service information system is 73%.Item DIAGNOSA AUTISME PADA ANAK MENGGUNAKAN METODE BACKWARD CHAINING BERBASIS WEB(wahyu sari yeni, 2019-04-30) Sucitawarni, Sucitawarni; Alfirman, AlfirmanAutism is defined as a complex developmental disorder involving communication, social interaction and imagination activity. With expert system can be created that can help diagnose autism spectrum for children. The reasoning process in this expert system use a backward chaining method that will prove the assumption of the disease suffered by tracing back to the symptoms experienced to obtain a treatment solution. This expert system design use UML (Unified Modeling Language). This research produced an expert system diagnosis autism for children use web-based OOP (Oriented Object Programming). The testing in this research are Black Box Testing and User Acceptance Testing. The results of the Black Box Testing are valid which indicates that the system functionality is running well. Whereas from User Acceptance Testing, users feel helped which this expert systemItem PREDIKSI KELULUSAN MAHASISWA BERDASARKAN JALUR MASUK MENGGUNAKAN METODE NAIVE BAYES(wahyu sari yeni, 2019-04-30) Mandasari, AlistinThe assessment acreditation of college are conducted by the National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education (Badan Akreditasi Nasional Perguruan Tinggi BAN-PT). The graduation rates become a core element of accreditation process and it is necessary to be predicted. The aim of this paper is to present a web-based intelligent system for predicting student's graduation to help in enhancing the quality of education system. The stages in this study include the process of data mining using the Naive Bayes method and system design using flowcharts, context diagrams, hierarchy chart, data flow diagrams, and entity relational diagrams. The sample data used in this research is alumni data from Diploma III Informatics Management students in Riau University. The result of this research was the web-based system that can be predict graduation of students based on the entrance selection types using Naive Bayes methodItem ANALISIS PENGUKURAN KUALITAS LAYANAN JARINGAN INTERNET JURUSAN ILMU KOMPUTER UNIVERSITAS RIAU MENGGUNAKAN METODE QoS DAN RMA(wahyu sari yeni, 2019-04-30) Arianto, Yogi; Salambue, RoniInternet networks are very important in this era of globalization. The University of Riau's Department of Computer Science is one of the departments that uses internet networks to support the effectiveness of work, access the information needed, and access social media applications to communicate. The internet network used by the University of Riau's Computer Science Department is internet service from Telkom. Quality measurement needs to be done in order to find out the level of quality of the internet that has been provided given the importance of the current role of the internet. The method used to measure the quality of the internet network is QoS and RMA. In this method, NetTools and PRTG software is needed. For Bandwidth the highest average value on staff accounts is 2.791.264 bit / s with an average Delay of 4 m / s with the category "Very Good" and the average Packet Loss of 3.29% with the category "Good". For the RMA method the value of the Availibility uptime and downtime method gets the highest value on the first day reaching 169.14%.Item KLASIFIKASI KEMATANGAN TANDAN BUAH SEGAR (TBS) KELAPA SAWIT DENGAN BIO SPECKLE IMAGING MENGGUNAKAN METODE K-MEANS CLUSTERING(wahyu sari yeni, 2019-04-30) Fahlawi, Ahmad Reza; Salambue, RoniThis study was focused to identify the ripeness level of oil palm Fresh Fruit Bunch (FFB) using image processing. Laser Speckle imaging (LSI) is used as an optical method to find out bio-speckle activity. Image acquisition was obtained by laser illuminating the fruit and the light beam of the fruit would be recorded. Digital image feature extraction produced an average value, standard deviation and contrast from image pixel. The contrast value was obtained from the comparison between the standard deviation and the mean value. Data would be classified using the k-means algorithm based on contrast value into 3 clusters that is unripe, ripe, and overripe. The results of the research had shown that in the second experiment with 90 sample data with various levels of ripeness it produces 71% accuracy, with 64 sample data identified correctly. In the third experiment with 64 sample data with relevant contrast values resulting 100% accuracy which means all data was identified correctlyItem SISTEM PENDUKUNG KEPUTUSAN DENGAN METODE MOORA UNTUK PENENTUAN GOLONGAN UKT DI UNIVERSITAS RIAU(wahyu sari yeni, 2019-07-22) Risqi, Muhammad; Risanto, JokoEducation is a very important for the nation’s progress, because of the progress and development of a nation can be measured by the quality of education and human resources (HR). At 2013 the government began to effort fair distribution of education at the country university by implementing a new payment system that was adjusted to the level of the student's economic ability, called the Single Tuition(UKT). The purpose of this research was to make an application as a supporter of the decision to classify UKT at the University of Riau using Multi-Objective Optimization by Ratio Analysis (MOORA) method. MOORA method has good selectivity in determining goals from conflicting criteria between cost and benefits. Based on the research results, from 80 data input obtained the results of the classification by comparison between the results of classification system with the real data as much as 50 similarity data or 62.5% from all of real data.Item ANALISIS PENERIMAAN PENGGUNA SISTEM AKADEMIK ONLINE DI UNIVERSITAS RIAU MENGGUNAKAN METODE UTAUT(2019-07-22) Rahmayuli, Ranni; Elfizar, ElfizarAcademic information systems is one of the emerging technologies in the field of education that is increasingly needed today. Academic information systems have various service features, one of them is study plan cards. The research aims to describe te acceptance and use of online KRS with several variables, such as Performance Expectancy, Effort Expectancy, Facilitating Conditions and Behavioral Intention. Data were colleted through questionnaire using Likert scale from 191 online KRS users. The research result obtained using multiple linier regression analysis. The results show that there is a correlation among the Performance Expectancy, Effort Expectancy and Facilitating Conditions of Behavioral Intention with strong tendency (0,758). Furthermore Performance Expectancy, Effort Expectancy and Facilitating Conditions have a significant effect on Behavioral Intention of online KRS accounting to 57,4%.Item SISTEM PENDUKUNG KEPUTUSAN REKOMENDASI TEMPAT WISATA DI SUMATERA BARAT MENGGUNAKAN METODE ELECTRE(wahyu sari yeni, 2019-07-22) Rarasti, Romi; Mahdiyah, EvfiWest Sumatra Province is one of the tourist destinations in Indonesia which is visited by many local and foreign tourists. The number of tourist visits to West Sumatra has increased with the number of domestic tourists amounting to 6.00% from 7,343,282 people in 2016 to 7,783,876 people in 2017. While for foreign tourist visits increased by 13.34% from 49,686 people in 2016 to 56,313 people in 2017. The researcher created a Decision Support System (DSS) Tourist Places in West Sumatra Using the ELECTRE Method. This system created using the PHP programming language MySQL database and uses the UML modeling language as a system design. The researcher uses three criteria as attributes for data processing, namely, costs, facilities and infrastructure. This system uses six categories of tourist destination choices in West Sumatra, namely, historical tourism, beach tourism, lake tourism, mountain tourism, nature tourism and waterfall tourism. This research produces a web application that provides information on tourist attractions recommendations to visitors in accordance with input criteria made by visitorsItem SISTEM PAKAR PENDETEKSI KERUSAKAN PADA SEPEDA MOTOR MATIC INJEKSI MENGGUNAKAN METODE FORWARD CHAINING BERBASIS WEB(wahyu sari yeni, 2019-08-15) Sitanggang, Dikha Friasi; Alfirman, AlfirmanThe development of the automatic injection motorcycle industry in Indonesia has experienced significant development. With the many users of automatic injection motorcycles make problems that is not all users of automatic injection motorcycles have the ability to know the damage and solutions to repair the damage. So that is needs to create a expert system to detect the damage to automatic injection motorcycle using forward chaining method based on web. The system created, designed using UML diagrams, makes the system using the PHP programming language and MariaDB database. The results of this research are expert systems for detecting damage to automatic injection motorcycles using forward chaining method based on web, which can be used to help people determine the damage and solutions to motorcycle injection