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Item ANALISA DAN RANCANG BANGUN APLIKASI TRUPROJECT MENGGUNAKAN METODE CRITICAL PATH METHOD DAN EARNED VALUE MANAGEMENT(Elfitra, 2023-07) Anshari, Muhammad Aufa Al; Andriyani, YantiImproper project planning will result in losses to the company and loss of trust. Project planning needs to consider the estimated time of implementation or scheduling and budget. This is very important because each project requires a different schedule and budget. The power house construction project is one of the projects at PT. Riau Multi Cipta Dimensi which is an infrastructure development project for electricity facilities. The main objective of this research is to obtain scheduling and critical paths as well as to perform budget analysis on power house development projects. The method used is the Critical Path Method (CPM) and Earned Value Management (EVM), namely conducting an analysis of project activity planning and budget analysis on the project. This research is broken down into several stages, namely literature study, data collection, analysis of CPM and EVM calculations, conducting system development and testing. Based on the CPM analysis, the optimal power house project is 33 weeks. The total time for this project is 7 weeks faster than sequential work. The results of the EVM analysis show that the unfinished project work is Rp 5,674,853.17 and the project value that has been done is Rp 373,499,000.00. The project is estimated to be completed with a total cost of Rp 379,173,853.17.Item ANALISA KEPUASAN PENGGUNA APLIKASI PEDULILINDUNGI MENGGUNAKAN METODE TECHNOLOGY ACCEPTANCE MODEL DAN END USER COMPUTING SATISFACTION(Elfitra, 2023-07) Saputra, Eka; Andriyani, YantiPeduliLindungi is an application developed to assist relevant government agencies in tracking to stop the spread of Covid-19. This system is expected to provide convenience for every user, therefore it is necessary to analyze user satisfaction of an application to find out whether the performance of a system is relatively good or not, whether it is in accordance with user needs or not. The method used in this study is the TAM and EUCS methods and data processing uses Smart-PLS. After processing the data, based on this research it can be concluded that user satisfaction using the TAM method is 100%, while user satisfaction using the EUCS method is 80%. Based on these two calculations, Indonesian users' satisfaction with the PeduliLindungi application has a positive effect.Item ANALISA MAHASISWA MENGIKUTI ORGANISASI BADAN EKSEKUTIF MAHASISWA TERHADAP PRESTASI AKADEMIK MENGGUNAKAN METODE K-MEANS CLUSTERING(2020-10) Rahmawati, Rika; Fatayat, FatayatBadan Eksekutif Mahasiswa (BEM) adalah salah satu organisasi yang ada di Universitas Riau. Dalam penelitian ini BEM yang dimaksud adalah BEM tingkat fakultas. Badan Eksekutif ini membawahi jurusan-jurusan di setiap fakultas nya. Salah satu faktor rendahnya minat mahasiswa terhadap organisasi adalah beredarnya sebuah asumsi keliru yaitu mahasiswa yang ikut organisasi dikhawatirkan akan mengalami penurunan prestasi akademik atau Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK), sehingga membutuhkan waktu yang lama untuk menyelesaikan masa perkuliahan dan dikhawatirkan mahasiswa sulit mendapatkan pekerjaan. Inti dari asumsi keliru ini adalah, mahasiswa yang ikut berorganisasi tidak akan bisa meraih prestasi akademis yang memuaskan. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pengaruh dari organisasi kemahasiswaan terhadap prestasi akademik mahasiswa. Dalam penelitian ini data yang digunakan adalah data akademik dan data aktivitas mahasiswa Universitas Riau angkatan 2014 yang berjumlah 8.686 data. Teknik yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data mining K-means Clustering. K-Means Clustering merupakan metode yang mampu mengelompokkan mahasiswa yang mengikuti organisasi BEM dan yang tidak mengikuti organisasi BEM dengan melihat lama studi, predikat kelulusan dan IPK mahasiswa. Tahapan dalam penelitian ini adalah preparation data, preprocessing data, proses clustering dengan K-Means, pengujian hasil clustering menggunakan silhouette coefficient dan menyimpulkan hasil. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, bahwa mahasiswa yang mengikuti organisasi BEM tidak mempengaruhi prestasi akademik mahasiswa dan Cluster dengan jumlah K=3 memiliki nilai silhouette coefficient sebesar 0,720589245894626 yang termasuk kelompok strong structureItem ANALISA MANAJEMEN RISIKO SISTEM INFORMASI RUMAH SAKIT (SIMRS) PADA RSJ TAMPAN MENGGUNAKAN ISO 31000(Elfitra, 2023-04) Yoshikawati, Lolita Britania; Andriyani, YantiThe SIMRS Installation Unit manages the application of SIMRS in the Tampan Mental Hospital to handle all the hospital's needs related to the application of technology. However, the use of technology is not independent of the presence of risks. Risk is the uncertainty that arises due to an action or failure of management. This research aims to understand the process of analyzing the sources and categories of risk and to provide suggestions that can help stakeholders minimize each risk's impact. The method in this study directly adopts the ISO 31000 framework that focuses on applying a management system. The study phases consist of communication and consultation, context setting, risk assessment, and risk treatment, using the interview and questionnaire method with the results of 25 risks divided into 9 middle-class risks and 16 low-category risks. The proposed risk treatment is risk mitigation and sharing that can be used as a reference in preserving information technology assets in the future.Item ANALISA PERBANDINGAN PERFORMA ALGORITMA CONVOLUTIONAL NEURAL NETWORK DALAM KLASIFIKASI GAMBAR ABJAD BAHASA ISYARAT INDONESIA(Elfitra, 2022-07) Kamandanu, Kamandanu; Mahdiyah, EvfiBackground clutter is a background in an image that has a lot of noise or objects, making it difficult to focus on one object. Generally, images with a cluttered background are more common than images with a green background. The purpose of this study is to see whether the background image affects the performance of the convolutional neural network algorithm in classifying the Indonesian Sign Language Alphabet (BISINDO). This deep learning model uses 2860 images of primary data for each background with a total dataset of 5720 images, the data that has been collected is divided into training, validation and testing, 3x3 filter size, and a learning rate of 0.001 and 50 epochs. of 0.983, validation of 0.823 and testing of 0.67 for model 1 (Green Background), while for model 2 (Background Clutter) the training accuracy is 0.971, validation is 0.529 and testing is 0.38. It can be concluded tha a pictures with background clutter affects the accuracy of the model.Item ANALISA PERSEPSI MASYARAKAT TERHADAP DRAF KUHP 2019 MENGGUNAKAN METODE K-NEAREST NEIGHBOR(2020-06) Ramadhan, Rizki; Mahdiyah, EvfiThe drafting of the new National Criminal Code (KUHP) for the discussion of the Criminal Law Act The legacy of the Dutch colonial government with all its amendments is one of the efforts in the development of national law. The government agreed to draft a new Penal Code, but reaped pros and cons in the community. Rejection of the design is not only done through social campaigns but also through social media Twitter so that it becomes a trending topic. The purpose of this study was to determine the number of perceptions of pros and cons on Twitter social media by using the K-Nearest Neighbor classification method. The data used are tweets containing #RKUHP and #RUUKUHP from September to October 2019. The results of this study were obtained 81% of people who had a Counter income and 19% of people who were pro, compared to the draft of the Criminal Code 2019. From the results of the study using matrix confusion, precision The highest system obtained was 77.16% which K = 1, and the highest recall value was 93.15% which K = 5 and K = 7.Item ANALISA POLA BELANJA KONSUMEN MENGGUNAKAN MOTODE ALGORITMA APRIORI BERBASIS WEB (STUDI KASUS : BISNIS KULINER SUNRICE PEKANBARU)(Elfitra, 2022-12) Junika, Renita; Fitriansyah, AidilData mining is an activity of collecting and processing large data that is used to produce useful information. The data processed in data mining uses a technique that combines data analysis methods with existing algorithms in data mining. Data processing can be used in any aspect of the field, including in the culinary field. Sunrice Pekanbaru is a culinary business that is growing and already has a lot of sales transaction data. The data can be processed using an apriori algorithm by applying the existing association rules in data mining. Existing data from the results of consumer spending patterns can be analyzed using the market basket analysis method. The results of the data processing can be used as a source of information for the marketing in the culinary business of Sunrice Pekanbaru because it can find trends in the combination of itemsets from menus that are frequently purchased by customers.Item ANALISA PORTAL SISTEM INFORMASI AKADEMIK UNIVERSITAS RIAU MENGGUNAKAN COBIT 5 (Studi Kasus :Kartu Rencana Studi)(perpustakaan UR, 2021-07) Muhammad, Mefpri Zon; Risanto, JokoOnline KRS information system is to facilitate the KRS entry system so that the information KRS generated to students is precise, accurate and students can easily enter, edit and print KRS. IT management in academic information systems (AIS) aims to assist in making decisions so that an institution can achieve its goals optimally. Therefore, IT governance is carried out implementation using the COBIT 5 framework in SIA. In this study, the domains chosen were DSS02, BAI04, BAI06, EDM01 and DSS04 with the capability level in the domains DSS02 3.31 (P), BAI04 2.78 (P), BAI06 2.81 (P), EDM01 2.86 (P) and DSS04 2,9 (P). based on these results that the level of IT capability achieved by the academic information system of the University of Riau in the case of study plan cards in the DSS02 domain at level 3, BAI04 at level 2, BAI06 at level 2, EDM01 is at level 2 and domain DSS04 is at level 2, the average capability level for the domain used is at level 2 and the DSS02 domain is at level 3.Item ANALISA SENTIMEN MASYARAKAT TERHADAP ISU LESBIAN, GAY, BISEX, DAN TRANSGENDER MENGGUNAKAN ALGORITMA SUPPORT VECTOR MACHINE(Elfitra, 2023-02) Nasution, Abduh Maghfuri; aminuddin, AlSentiment analysis is the process of analyzing data that will be classified according to the class of sentiment in an argument. The rise of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender(LGBT) talk on the Twitter application has caused people to give positive and negative sentiments. So that the sexual culture becomes very sensitive among Indonesian people. The author uses a method for classifying with several stages, namely data collection, preprocessing, labeling, Term Frequency (TF) – Inverse Document Frequency (IDF) weighting, Support Vector Machine (SVM) classification with the Cross Validation method. Based on the stages of the method that has been carried out, a Machine Learning score is obtained with an average value of 0.776. The results of Machine Learning found 220 positive sentiments and 780 negative sentimentsItem ANALISA SENTIMEN PENGGUNA TERHADAP KEBIJAKAN BARU WHATSAPP MENGGUNAKAN NAIVE BAYES CLASSIFIER DAN SUPPORT VECTOR MACHINE(Elfitra, 2021-12) Alawiyah, Nur’aini; Alfirman, AlfirmanThis study applies the Naïve Bayes Classifier (NBC) and Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithms in classifying WhatsApp user review data to determine the percentage of user sentiment towards the whatsapp’s new privacy policy and to compare the performance of the two algorithms. This study uses 760 data with the distribution of training and testing data, namely 90%:10%, 70%:30%, 50%:50%, 30%:70%, and 10%:90%. The results showed that there were 338 positive reviews and 422 negative reviews, so it can be concluded that the trend of user sentiment towards the whatsapp’s new privacy policy was negative with a percentage of 56%. The results of the confusion matrix test show that the highest accuracy value is obtained in the first test with a data ratio of 90%:10%. The NBC method has an accuracy of 92.11% while the SVM method has an accuracy of 96.05%, it can be said that the SVM method has a better performance than the NBC method in classifying whatsapp user review data.Item ANALISIS DAN OPTIMALISASI JARINGAN MENGGUNAKAN TEKNIK LOAD BALANCING (STUDI KASUS: JURUSAN MATEMATIKA)(Elfitra, 2022-01) Waryan, Bima Dwi; Alfriman, AlfrimanThe Internet is widely used in various aspects of life. Riau University as an educational institute including the Department of Mathematics, Riau University also utilizes the internet network in daily operational activities. For the smooth process of teaching and learning, an adequate and stable internet network is needed, so it is necessary to optimize the network, mathematics FMIPA University riau. This optimization can be done by Load Balancing with the PCC (Per Connection Classifier) method in this study resulted in a shorter travel time with the previous value of 113 to 111. Based on the results of tested using the QoS (Quality of Service) parameters resulted in a delay index value with a value of 4, packet loss 4, jitter 3, and throughput 4.Item ANALISIS DATA MINING UNTUK MENENTUKAN STRATEGI PENJUALAN PRODUK MENGGUNAKAN ALGORITMA FP-GROWTH (STUDI KASUS : MAZAYA OLEH-OLEH PEKANBARU)(Elfitra, 2023-11) Muliyani, Sri; Mahdiyah, EvfiMazaya Souvenir Shop Pekanbaru is a company that operates in the culinary sector to be ranked first in the largest culinary industry in Pekanbaru, starting from processing, raw materials, packaging quality and distribution activities. This shop is experiencing difficulties in determining market strategies, one of which is in arranging products purchased simultaneously. The aim of this research is to carry out data mining analysis to determine product sales patterns using the Fp-Growth algorithm. The data used to carry out calculations using the Fp-Growth algorithm must go through several stages such as preprocessing the data, determining minimum support and confidence, determining the frequent itemset header, forming an fp-tree, creating a conditional pattern base based on the fp-tree, and generating frequent itemsets. In this study, a minimum support value of 1% and a confidence value of 80% were used. The research results showed that there were five rules, two frequent itemsets that had a confidence value of ≥80%, namely the products Risol Mayo Lumer and Talam Durian, Risol Ayam and Talam Durian, Red velvet and Talam Durian, Talam Durian and Risol Ayam, Talam Durian and Risol Mayo Lumer.Item ANALISIS DATA PEMBELIAN KONSUMEN UNTUK MENENTUKAN PROMOSI PRODUK MENGGUNAKAN ALGORITMA K-MEDOIDS(Elfitra, 2022-10) Syabri, Muhammad Rodhian; Risanto, JokoProduct segmentation is one of the marketing strategies used by business units to achieve goals, which include decisions regarding target markets, product placement, and product promotion. To could perform product segmentation more effectively and efficiently, it is necessary to process sales data, by grouping product data from the level of sales. Er Coffee as the object of research, has a problem with how to group products based on the level of sales, to determine the right strategy. The sales transaction data used in this research are 27330-row records consisting of 186 product data with attributes used are the number of items and unit prices. This study uses the K-Medoids using the Minkowski Distance to group product data into 3 clusters based on high, medium, and low sales levels with the aim that each group will produce different promotional strategies for each level of sales. The product grouping analysis system in this research is web-based using the PHP programming language. The cluster results from this study were 76 items with low sales levels, 106 medium sales products, and 4 high sales products, then an evaluation of the cluster results was carried out to determine how well the accuracy level of the cluster results was. Testing the results of clustering using Silhouette Coefficient, based on this process, the k-medoids are good at grouping products with an accuracy rate of 0.570 and are included in the medium clusteringItem ANALISIS JARINGAN KOMPUTER IPV4 MENGGUNAKAN METODE QUALITY OF SERVICE (QOS) DI FAKULTAS MATEMATIKA DAN ILMU PENGETAHUAN ALAM UNIVERSITAS RIAU(2021-01) Ferdhana, Iggo Ardie; Fitriansyah, AidilInternet network is needed in the current era of globalization. Department of Computer Science, University of Riau is one of the departments that uses the internet network to support activities within the academic community that require a stable internet connection. Measuring the quality of the internet also needs to be done to determine the level of internet quality that is owned by the Department of Computer Science, University of Riau, considering how important the internet is today. The method used to measure the quality of this internet network is Quality of Service. In this method, iPerf3 and Ping software are used. For the best reliability on cable networks with an average Throughput of 100% with an index result of 4 including the category "Very Good", Delay (latency) with an average of ~ 1ms with an index result of 4 including the "Very good" category, Packet Loss with average of 0% with an index result of 4 in the "Very Good" category, and Jitter with an average of ~ 0.093 with an index of 3 in the "Good" category.Item ANALISIS KEBERHASILAN MEDIA SOSIAL SEBAGAI MEDIA PROMOSI PADA PELAKU BISNIS ONLINE MENGGUNAKAN METODE TECHNOLOGY ACCEPTANCE MODEL (TAM)(Elfitra, 2023-05) Wahyuni, Tri; Mahdiyah, EvfiThe purpose of this study was to determine the success rate of social media as a promotional medium for online business development. Research data were collected by means of literature studies and questionnaires. The questionnaire uses the online-based Google form service. The devices used are hardware and software. Data analysis was performed using multiple linear regression methods. The results of the analysis of the success rate of Instagram social media as a promotional medium for online business people using the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) method can be concluded that by taking respondents twice, where the initial respondents were taken as many as 25 people in order to find out the validity test with valid results and test Reliability with Reliable results. Then the final respondent was taken again as many as 100 respondents in order to find out the average value for each variable and it is known that 63,9% of the value indicates that Behavioral Intention in Use (BITU) is influenced by Perceived Ease of Use (PEOU), Perceived Usefulness (PU), Attitude Towards Using (ATU), while the remaining 26.1% is influenced by other factors not examined in this study.Item ANALISIS KEPUASAN PENGGUNA E-WALLET DANA MENGGUNAKAN METODE EUCS PERSPEKTIF PENGGUNA E-WALLET DANA KOTA PEKANBARU(Elfitra, 2022-10) Rizky, Mutia Donda; Mahdiyah, EvfiUser satisfaction can be said to be one of the priority factors determining the success of an e-wallet application so that e-wallet provider companies must pay attention to supporting things on the system or application that can add to user satisfaction. This study was aimed at analyzing the satisfaction of DANA e-wallet users. The purpose of this study was to find out the extent of user satisfaction, the factors that user complaints, and recommendations to the DANA e-wallet to be able to increase user satisfaction. The EUCS (End User Computing Satisfaction) method can analyze factors that affect user satisfaction based on user experience in using the system by paying attention to the dimensions of content, accuracy, format, ease of use, and timelines. The data collection technique in this study was to use a questionnaire that was distributed to 349 respondents of e-wallet users in Pekanbaru City. The analysis technique carried out in this study was using the User Satisfaction Index (IKP) and the Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) Method. The results of this study, namely the overall level of user satisfaction which can be seen from the IKP value with a percentage of 81,18%. It shows users are very satisfied with the performance of the DANA e-wallet. In addition, none of the factors that are complaints for users can be seen from quadrant I of the results of the IPA Method. This research also provided recommendations to the DANA e-wallet in accordance with the results of the IPA Method analysis.Item ANALISIS KEPUASAN PENGGUNA LAYANAN SHOPEE MENGGUNAKAN METODE E-SERVQUAL (STUDI KASUS: MAHASISWA UNIVERSITAS RIAU)(Elfitra, 2023-02) Rasmani, Rasmani; Alfirman, AlfirmanShopee is an online marketplace application that can be accessed via a smartphone, with this application making shopping and selling activities easier. Behind this convenience, of course there are more or less shortcomings that are felt by users, such as slow application responses which can affect service quality, therefore an analysis is needed to measure the extent to which the system provides services to users. The number of respondents to this study was 100 (one hundred) active students at the University of Riau in 2021. This research used the E-Servqual method, which consisted of 7 (seven) dimensions and the analysis used in this research was the Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) Matrix. Based on the results of the overall calculation, the User Satisfaction Index (IKP) was obtained at 72.79%, which means that users are quite satisfied with the services provided by the Shopee application.Item ANALISIS KUALITAS KUAT SINYAL JARINGAN INTERNET 4G DI PERAWANG DENGAN METODE DRIVE TEST DAN QOS(2020-11) Syahri, Muhammad Desky; Salambue, Roni4G LTE is successful in supporting the effectiveness and efficiency of everyone's work in carrying out work such as sending e-mails, sharing files, downloading, buying and selling online and others in Perawang, Tualang District. Drive Test and Quality of Service (QoS) are methods to measure how well the network is and to define the characteristics and properties of a service. Drive Test can be implemented more easily by using the GNet Track Pro software. This research used stages, starting from measuring signal strength (RSPR), signal quality (RSRP), average noise and interference (SINR) using GNet Track Pro software for downlink and uplink, delay and jitter, we used nPerf software on Telkomsel, Tri, XL Axiata and Smartfren providers. The results of the analysis show that 13 eNodeBs were detected on Telkomsel provider, 11 eNodeB on Tri provider, 11 eNodeB on XL Axiata provider and 12 eNodeB on Smartfren provider. Overall, in the Perawang area, Tualang District, Tri opearator was more stable than the other operators with RSRP values -87 dBm, RSRQ -14 dB, SINR 0.2 dB, Downlink 11.72 Mbps, Uplink 12.23 Mbps, 58 ms Delay and 25 ms Jitter.Item ANALISIS KUALITAS LAYANAN E-GOVERNMENT MENGGUNAKAN METODE E-GOVQUAL DAN IMPORTANCE PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS(Elfitra, 2022-01) Julian, Ahmad; Mahdiyah, EvfiThe existence of information technology in government is expected to provide optimal service quality for the society. Based on Presidential Instruction Number 3 of 2003 which explains that every government is obliged to use the system and carry out evaluations continuously to achieve good management of IT or good e-Government. Based on the presidential instruction, the Department of Communication and Information Technology of Rokan Hilir Regency took the initiative to develop public services in the form of a website to improve work procedures and management systems within the government by utilizing information technology. This study aims to analyze the service quality of the website with the domain based on the perception or point of view of its users using the e-Govqual and IPA methods, determine the factors that affect service quality based on the e-Govqual method and determine the attributes that are the priority for quality improvement. services based on the results of IPA analysis. From the 106 respondents who were used as research samples, the results of the e-Govqual analysis on the level of conformity have an average value of 83.18% and the value of the gap level has a GAP value of 0 which is -0.73, meaning that the performance of website services has not been able to meet user expectations. Furthermore, from the results of the quadrant analysis, obtained 9 attributes with the main priority, namely the attributes EU4 (configuring links with search engines), EU6 (personalization of information), FE1 (the presence of an online help form), RL3 (timely service), CA1 (complete data and information), CA3 (data relevance), CA4 (updated information), CA5 (all links are working properly), and CS5 (contact information), for service improvementItem ANALISIS MANAJEMEN RISIKO KEAMANAN SISTEM INFORMASI PENGADILAN AGAMA TELUK KUANTAN MENGGUNAKAN FRAMEWORK ISO 27001(Elfitra, 2023-10) Saputri, Meifa Rara; Risanto, JokoISO/IEC 27001:2013 is an information security management system standard in the ISO/IEC 27000 family of standards. ISO/IEC 27001:2013 provides a framework for development, implementation, operation, monitoring, review and improvement of the Information Security Management System (ISMS). The objectives to be achieved from this research are increasing trust for information system users and increasing the credibility of the Teluk Kuantan Religious Court organization from the use of invalid information systems. After analyzing information system security risk management using the ISO/IEC 27001 Framework, there are 4 clauses, namely A.9 access control, A.11 physical and environmental security, A.12 operations security and A.16 information security incident management. Of all the clauses that have been calculated, the maturity level seen from clause 9 access control has an average of 3.96 which is included in the Quantitatively Controlled category, clause 11 physical and environmental security has an average of 4.62 which is included in the Continuously Improving category (continuously improved), clause 12 operational security has an average of 3.2 which is included in the Well Defined category (well implemented) and clause 16 information security incident management has an average of 4.5 which is included in Quantitatively Controlled category (quantitatively controlled).