Indonesian Literary Education
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Item Hubungan Antara Minat Dan Hasil Belajar Bahasa Indonesia Siswa Kelas Xi Sma Negeri 1 Teluk Belitung Kecamatan Merbau Kabupaten Meranti(2013-01-05) Avga Mayu, Dwi WulanThis research-based classroom research. Issues discussed is the relationship between interest and learning outcomes Indonesian. Interest is one of the factors that affect learning. A student who tends to be of high interest is serious about paying attention. Interest is basically not inborn but rather is influenced by internal and external factors. Internal factors include yourself. Meanwhile, external factors are the influence of environment, friends, family, or the surrounding media. Interested in the author analyzes the problems of how to interest students learn Indonesian language class Senior High School first XI Bay of Islands Country District Merbau Meranti, how the students learn Indonesian language class Senior High School first XI Bay of Islands County District Merbau Meranti, and significant relationship between interest in learning and the students learn Indonesian language class Senior High School first XI Bay of Islands County District Merbau Meranti using quantitative descriptive correlational method. The population in this study amounted to 153 ie all students kels XI. While the samples taken was 53 students. Data and data sources in a research study and the results are of interest to learn Indonesian language class XI students SMA Negeri 1 Bay of Islands District Merbau. The data was collected using a questionnaire consisting of 25 statements and each statement has a sequence 5 answer choices. Using statistical techniques to process the data of interest to learn and learning outcomes as well as technical documentation used to record data was obtainedfromlearning outcomes. Further analyze the data through data analysis techniques. The results of this study are categorized students' interest in being interested by an average of 75.5, the students learn Indonesian results are categorized by an average of 78.9, and the relationship between interest and learning outcomes of students learning Indonesian. Of-moment analysis produck koelasi direct technique is ry1 = 0.23. Having tested the relationship is not significant or 0:23 with 0.95 confidence level and (n-2) is 51 then the price obtained by t = 1.687. Thus, -1684 <1687> +1684. Therefore, Ho is rejected. In conclusion, the relationship turned out to be significant by 1,687.Item Kemampuan Membaca Pemahaman Wacana Arab Melayu Mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Dan Sastra Indonesia FKIP Universitas Riau(2013-01-16) Hermanda, R.KEMAMPUAN MEMBACA PEMAHAMAN WACANA ARAB MELAYU MAHASISWA PROGRAM STUDI PENDIDIKAN BAHASA DAN SASTRA INDONESIA FKIP UNIVERSITAS RIAU Riky Hermanda Hasnah Faizah AR Mangatur Sinaga Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia FKIP Universitas Riau Pekanbaru ABSTRACT Backed up a sense of concern and responsibility towards the problem and the lack of language skills mastery motivation and interest in learning Arabic Malay students who studied only once during the lecture, the author was motivated to conduct research about one of the skills associated with language learning Malay Arabic language reading skills discourse of Malay Arabic. As for the problem of this research is how the ability to understanding read the discourse of Malay students of Arabic Language and Literature Studies Education Indonesia FKIP Riau University. Authors restrict the ability of reading comprehension, the ability to determine the four aspects of reading comprehension (basic ideas, ideas explanatory, trustee/messages, and conclusion) contained in Malay Arab discourse. This study aims to identify and describe the ability to read Arabic Malay discourse fourth aspect of the reading comprehension. The method used in this research is descriptive method to sample as many as 41 students of fourth semester of Education Studies Program Language and Literature Indonesia FKIP Riau University Academic Year 2011/2012. Sampling is known as the full sample or 100% of the total study population. Data collection techniques used in this study is the technique of objective tests (multiple choice). Data analysis techniques by collecting test results, provide an assessment in accordance with the scoring guidelines, find the percentage for each aspect of reading comprehension, and calculate the average. The results concluded that the ability to understanding read Malay diverse Arab discourse, namely (1) the ability to define the notion of the principal categories of low to average 58.05, (2) the ability to define the notion of explanatory category of low to average of 25.37, (3) the ability to specify the message/messages categorized as high with a rate of 94.63, and (4) the ability to determine low-inference category with a mean 55.12. Overall, the ability to understanding read the discourse of Malay students of Arabic Language and Literature Studies Education University of Riau Indonesia FKIP category of low to average of 58.29.Item Roman Gelombang Sunyi karya Taufik Ikram Jamil Suatu Tinjauan Ekspresif(2013-01-16) Ependy, R.Roman Gelombang Sunyi karya Taufik Ikram Jamil Suatu Tinjauan Ekspresif Oleh Rindarti Ependy Elmustian Abdul Jalil Abstract The research conducted in Pekanbaru Riau from May until December 2012. This research is a Qualitative Descriptive Research Method. It analyzed a literature from the author point of view, that is why it is using an expresive approach. The method used in this research is a descriptive method. To do the research, the researcher did a data collection method through a literature study and interview. First off all, the researcher analyzed the structure of the Roman Gelombang Sunyi and then did an interview with the author, mr. Taufik Ikram Jamil, to find out his background, thoughts, and experiences. From this interview, the researcher try to connect the structure of the Roman Gelombang Sunyi with the author’s life experiences. After doing the research, the researcher find that there is a relationship between the Roman Gelombang Sunyi and the author experiences. There are so many similarity between the author real life and its literary work. It defines that a literary works as an expression and utterance of the experience and the feelings of the author.Item Pendidikan Karakter dalam Teks Drama Nyonya-Nyonya Karya Wisran Hadi(2013-01-18) Fatimah, R.P.S.NRezki Puteri Syahrani Nurul Fatimah Abdul Jalil Hadi Rumadi Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia FKIP Universitas Riau Pekanbaru ABSTRACT Rezki Puteri Syahrani Nurul Fatimah. 2013. Character Education in Drama Text Nyonya-Nyonya by Wisran Hadi. Skripsi Program Educational Studies Language and Literature University of Riau Indonesia. This research gets character education title in drama text Nyonya-Nyonya by Wisran Hadi. Aspect that is analyzed gets bearing with character education that exists in drama text Nyonya-Nyonya. Meanwhile theory that is utilized which is theory Zubaedi that bastioned by cognitive Ramly. Structuralism approaching and behaviorism is utilized in this research. Method that is utilized is qualitativedescriptive method. Stemmed observational data of dialogue that exist in drama text Nyonya-Nyonya. Tech that is utilized in data collecting is tech documentation, hereafter data already being found identified and at classification corresponds to character education type. Observational result can be concluded that character education in drama text Nyonya-Nyonya just is found nine character educations, which is inquiring taste, on the level, hard-earned, accountability, independent, religious, creative, democratic, and social care.Item Derivasi dalam Roman Di Bawah Lindungan Ka’bah Karya Hamka(2013-01-18) Pramita, PABSTRACT Puri Pramita, 2013, Derivation in a Romance Di Bawah Lindungan Ka’bah by Hamka , ”Thesis”, Educational Studies Program Language and Literature University of Riau Indonesia. This research works through about derivation in novel Under Somebody's Wing Ka ’ Hamka's opus deluge. Aspect that is assessed in this research it is shaped whatever origin that experience derivation and whatever word class that molded after experiences affixation. The purpose of this research is to describe the root or base form that utilizes derivation and what word classes that formed after utilize affixation. The research methodology is descriptive analysis. The technique of data collection is by reading all content of the Romance Di Bawah Lindungan Ka’bah, mark all words that derivate, classify the root, and a word that can be formed after the affixation. The result of the research is it can be concluded that the base form or the root form that derived in the romance Di Bawah Lindungan Ka’bah classified into nominal, verbal, and adjectival. The nominal class can form the verbal and adjectival. Therefore it can be called as denominal verbal and the de nominal adjectival. Then, the verbal class can only form the nominal class, so it can be called as nominal deverba. And the last is the adjectival class. It can form the nominal and verbal word class. So that it can be said as nominal deadjectiva and verbal deadjectivaItem Citraan Dalam Kumpulan Sajak Hai-Ti Karya Ibrahim Sattah(2013-01-21) Hasibuan R. ACITRAAN DALAM KUMPULAN SAJAK HAI-TI KARYA IBRAHIM SATTAH Rudi Anwar Hasibuan Syafrial Elmustian Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia FKIP Universitas Riau Pekanbaru ABSTRACT Form of contemporary poem tend to be overruled by the readers because assumed difficult to be interpreted, more than anything else poem owning supertitous formula pattern. This is background of this research. In period of his, Ibrahim Sattah wrote three the collection of poems, that is: collection of poems Dandandid, Ibrahim and Hai-Ti. Writer chose the Hai-Tis’ collection of poems masterpiece of Ibrahim Sattah as the research object because the collection of poems were the last of his. The Hai-Tis’ collection of poems masterpiece of Ibrahim Sattah have 26 poems and all of that become sampel for this research or sampel full from number of all populations. Data collecting technique that used is documentation technique, that is read the books that relate to the problems of this research. Data analyse technique that used is read the poems in Hai-Tis’ collection of poems masterpiece of Ibrahim Sattah, then identfied the data according to problems researched, classifying data marking image, then determined dominant image and determined aspect which tend to be discussed in that collection of poems. Writer wants to know how the image that there are in the collection of poems. This research purpose to laying open, saying out and analysing the image that there are in Hai-Tis’ collection of poems masterpiece of Ibrahim Sattah. After that, determined dominant image and determined aspect which tend to be discussed in that collection of poems. Based on research had did, conclude that in Hai-Tis’ collection of poems masterpiece of Ibrahim Sattah there is visual images which dominant and poem has more images is Ibrahim poem. FromItem Kemampuan Menentukan Unsur Intrinsik Cerita Pendek Siswa Kelas Ix Smp Islam Ylpi Kota Pekanbaru(2013-01-22) Trinovismi, MutiaKEMAMPUAN MENENTUKAN UNSUR INTRINSIK CERITA PENDEK SISWA KELAS IX SMP ISLAM YLPI KOTA PEKANBARU Muthia Trinovismi Dudung Burhanudin Elmustian ABSTRACT Firstly this research is come from the problem of low degree of ability the students to determine the elemen of instrinsik short story student’s of IX grade of SMP Islam YLPI Pekanbaru, so that the writer should like to make the research ”How to the Determine the Elemen Instrinsik for Short Story Students IX Grade of SMP Islam YLPI Pekanbaru”. As for it meaning this research explain how to degree of ability the elemen instrinsik students of IX grade SMP Islam YLPI Pekanbaru. And this research useful for documentation and to repear the result learning of students of SMP Islam YLPI Pekanbaru. Founded this research in constitute to reaseach of quantitative, because the reseach of quantitative reaseach that provided data with numeral or figure and the writer take place for the reaseach at SMP Islam YLPI Pekanbaru, with the population are 178 students for the sample 91 students from the data this reaseach is result from test of ability the determine elemen instrinsik short story of students of IX grade SMP Islam YLPI Pekanbaru. So, the technics to bring together the data with the test technics to analisis of the data the writer make the average formula. And make the criteria of competency. And after reaseach the writer find the ability to determine the elemen of instrinsik for short story of IX grade SMP Islam YLPI Pekanbaru for the Tema aspect find the average 9,6 with the high category so that hipotesis is reject. The ability for elemen instrinsik the short story of IX grade SMP Islam YLPI Pekanbaru for the Alur find the average 8,29 with the high category so the hipotesis is reject. And the ability for elemen instrinsik short story of the IX grade SMP Islam YLPI Pekanbaru for the Latar aspect find the average 9,28 with the high category so that hipotesis is reject. The ability for elemen instrinsik for short story of the IX grade SMP Islam YLPI Pekanbaru for the Sudut Pandang aspect find the average 6,75 with the low category so the hipotesis is reject. The ability for elemen instrinsik short story students of SMP Islam YLPI Pekanbaru for the Amanat find the average 6,20 with the low category so the hipotesis is reject. The ability for elemen instrinsik short story of students SMP Islam YLPI Pekanbaru for the Perwatakan find the average 5,76 with low category the hipotesis is reject. The ability for elemen isntrinsik short story of SMP Islam YLPI Pekanbaru for the Gaya BahasaItem Fonem Diftong Segmental Bahasa Melayu Riau Subdialek Kuok(2013-01-29) Resiana, A.Fonem Diftong Segmental Bahasa Melayu Riau Subdialek Kuok Azlin Resiana Hasnah Faizah A.R Mangatur Sinaga Abstract The Indonesian nation is a nation that is rich vernacular of every ethnic groups in Indonesia. One of them is Malay. As a language, of course, has units of language that distinguishes it from other languages. Each language has its own characteristics and uniqueness. Research on segmental phonemes diphthong is one element of the language. This study aims to determine the diphthong phonemes, and the distribution of word classes that contain diphthongs in Malay Riau language Subdialek Kuok. The study was categorized as qualitative research. The method used is descriptive. The data were analyzed and grouped by found aspects studied. Based on the results of research by the author found that ten phonemic diphthongs / ai /, / au /, / he /, / ie /, / co /, / ua /, / ue /, / ui /, / uo /, and / u ∂ /. Diphthong phonemes are distributed in the middle and at the end of the word. The class of words that contain diphthongs phonemes contained in the word class of verbs, adjective, noun, adverb, numeralia, pronouns and particles. Words belonging to the category interogativa, demonstrativa, artikula, preposition, conjunction, and interjection phatic category not found data. The results of this study indicate a diphthong phonemes in Malay language Subdialek Kuok. The results are expected to have contributed to the development of science in particular Kuok Malay language. Also for the younger generation should enhance and preserve its own language.Item Perwujudan Sikap Sabar Tokoh Utama Dalam Novel 9 Matahari Karya Adenita(2013-01-29) Rohmah, R.APERWUJUDAN SIKAP SABAR TOKOH UTAMA DALAM NOVEL 9 MATAHARI KARYA ADENITA Rina Ari Rohmah Elmustian Hadi Rumadi Abstract Patience is a condition of human psychology that would accept willingly whatever the results, trying to fix or improve it. Conditions relating to human psychology means that a character trait or attitude found in humans. Impatient attitude is also present in the novel embodied by figures. Research on the embodiment of patience the main character in the novel 9 Matahari Adenita work is a form of research which uses psychology approach to literature. This research tries to uncover the psychology of the main character about to patience. The purpose of this research is to know that patience is not surrender or give up that identical with oppression. However, patience means being able to resist the lust with accept wathever the results, trying to improve and enhance it. Therefore, the patient should be: hard working, diligent, active, progressive, optimistic, and creative. The study was categorized as qualitative research using descriptive analysis. The data was analyzed and found to be grouped according to the theory with respect to the embodiment of patience. Based on the results of research by author found 125 data about embodiment of patience the main character, that is: 15 data for hard working behaviour, 4 data for diligence, found 6 data for active, 52 data for progressive, found 41 data for optimistic, and 7 data for creative. The results of this study indicate that patience is the essence of the struggle to find a solution, not to wait or surrender to the state. The results of this study are expected to have contributed to the development of literature in particular in researching psychology figures. In addition, this research can be used to guide or motivate the reader to always instill positive qualities in themselves.Item Mantra Pengobatan Pada Masyarakat Pangean Rantau Kuantan(2013-02-15) M Mayang, SariThe research based on the study of literature. The problem of this research is the form and uses of the medicinal spell in Pangean‟s society. The study about form and uses of the medicinal spell is assumed so interesting, because till this time Malay Pangean‟s society still use spell which is used by witch-doctor as the medicinal although there are many doctors, though the Malay Pangean‟s society still assume that there are things which can‟t be reach by doctors. The form of medicinal which can‟t be reach by doctors are such as the medicinal for the people who entered by the mysterious creature, keteguran, recuperation of eager, to chase away the evil and averse evil. Structure is the way in which something is arranged or organized. The structure in this research means the way in which spell is arranged based on the spell composition are the opening, the content, and the closing of the spell. The writer focus on the study about the form and uses spell in this research. The spell medicinal in Malay Pangean‟s society consist of keteguran spell, biring spell, penjemput benih spell, cure of tooth spell, the bulged stomach spell, polong spell, the sprinkling of fire spell, kelilipan spell, eyeache spell, spell for ability, draught spell, bimbang malikat spell, stomachache spell, headachespell, and cure of the poison spell. The sources of the data in this research is got from the witch-doctors or handlers who exist in Pangean regency and they are always come by the Pangean‟s society when they need to cure. The number of the witch-doctors are 8 (eight) peoples, they are Ilyas who has 62 years old, Jamuhur who has 60 years old, Dawit who has 50 years old, Sihen who has 40 years old, Agisman who has 59 years old, Lupi who has 71 years old, Agusman who has 69 years old, and Pendi who has 59 years old. The way in collecting data is done by observation technique, interview, and recording which is got by witch-doctor about the spell itself. The data is analyzed by using the collecting data technique. The result of the research find that there are 10 spells which form in quatrain, 2 spells which form karmina, 2 spells which form poem, and 2 spells which form syair,that exist in Malay Pangean‟s society. The use or the role of spell in Malay Pangean‟s society is as a protection and medicine when they are sick. Key words : Witch-Doctor, Spell.Item Analisis Semiotik Mantra Pengobatan Anak-anak Masyarakat Melayu Kenegerian Kari(2013-02-15) ImerisnaThe research was based on the study of literature. Issues discussed on Semiotic Analysis the savior of medicine for children of Malay community in Kari. Semiotics Analysis Study on Treatment of Children chosen because it is very interesting, despite the increasingly sophisticated and modern times with the health centers as clinics but still in Kari of Malay community use spells shaman or diviner used as a treatment. Semiotics is the science of signs which are icons, indices, and symbols. Savior treatment of children in Kari is analyzed using Semiotic Analysis. Savior treatment of children in Kari of Malay community consists of resistant blood spells, sore eyes spells, yellowish red spells, gloves stomach spells, coughing spells, spells fear and pain spells bloat. Issues of interest to the author of analysis are icons, indices, and symbols which found on the savior treatment of children in Kari. Sources of data in this study get from shamans or handler in Kari is often visited by the Malay community if they want doing treatment for their children who are sick. Data sources got from shamans or handler named Sukri, age 72 years who lives in Kari. Data collection was conducted by interview, records and documentation obtained from the shaman or the spell handler. The data is then analyzed through data analysis techniques. The results of this study stated that the spell icon located on the treatment of children who are 8 spells totaling 22 icons. Index contained in the savior treatment of children who are 8 spells is 8 indexes. Symbol on the savior treatment of children who are 8 spells amount to 33 symbols.Item Eksistensi Tokoh Dalam Novel Sampar Karya Habiburrahman El Shirazy (Terjemahan N.H. Dini)(2013-02-15) Selvia, RitaPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan eksistensi masing-masing tokoh yang terdapat di dalam novel Sampar karya Albert Camus. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teori mimetis novel dengan pendekatan filsafat eksistesialisme yang dikemukakan oleh Soren Aabye Kierkegraargd. Teori pendekatan filsafat eksistensi untuk mengungkapkan eksistensi masing-masing tokoh dalam novel Sampar yang terdiri dari tiga tahapan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif, yaitu mengutamakan pendalaman penghayatan terhadap interaksi antar konsep yang tengah dianalisis. Jenis kualitatif yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah studi kepustakaan. Analisis data dilakukan terhadap tahap-tahap eksistensi pada seluruh tokoh pada novel Sampar karya Albert Camus. Tahap-tahap eksistensi yang dikaji dalam penelitian ini ialah eksistensi tahap estetis, eksistensi tahap etis dan eksistensi tahap religius. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa masing-masing tokoh memiliki tahapan eksistensi yang berbeda-beda tergantung pada kemampuan dan cara mereka menyikapi suatu permasalahan dalam keadaan kehidupan mereka. Mereka telah memilih jalannya sendiri untuk tetap mampu bertahan pada siasi sulit. Mereka lebih banyak memilih hidup pada tahap estetis dimana mereka bisa hidup tanpa adanya aturan. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan manfaat bagi pembaca untuk memahami eksistensi manusia baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung. Hal tersebut dilakukan untuk menambah kekayaan batin pembaca dalam mengapresiasikan karyas sastra khususnya novel.Item Ungkapan Kasar Masyarakat Sedanau Kecamatan Bunguran Barat Kabupaten Natuna(2013-03-18) Agianti, GinaThis research investigates the use of curse utterance at SedanauVillage in West Bunguran of Natuna Regency. The data collection technique is implemented by interviewing, recording, and note taking of the utterances done by informants. The data is analyzed to reveal the use of curse utterance in terms of form, reference, and use. The finding of this research shows that the classification of curse words used by Sedanau society in term of form is divided into word, phrase, and clause. Based on the reference, it is distinguished into situation, animal, evil, thing, part of the body, and profession. At last, the use of curse utterance by Sedanau people of West Bunguran is classified situation, the situation is divided into serious and relax.Item Kemampuan Menulis Pantun Siswa Kelas Vii Mts Diniyah Puteri Pekanbaru(2013-03-18) Alvinur, YessiThis study entitled a study on the ability of the second year students' of MTS Diniyah Puteri Pekanbaru in writing pantun. The problems in this study focus on: (1) The ability in writing the content based on the first two lines of a pantun, (2) The ability in writing the first two lines of a pantun based on content, (3) The ability in writing a complete pantun. This study aimed to know the students ability in writing the pantun content based on the first two lines of a pantun, the students' ability in writing the first two lines based on content, and the students ability in writing a complete pantun. This study was descriptive study. The data collected by using tests. The population subjects of study were 71 students and the sample of study also 71 students which used as the total sample. In analyzing the data, the writer used mean formula which included competence criteria of achievement. The data analysis of this study was about: (1) 249 pantun couplet in writing pantun content ability based on the first two lines of a pantun, (2) 240 pantun couplet in writing the first two lines of a pantun ability based on pantun content, (3) 126 pantun couplet in writing a complete pantun ability. The findings of this study indicated that (1) The ability in writing the content based on the first two lines of a pantun was in the high level, (2) The ability in writing the first two lines of a pantun based on content was in the medium level, and (3) The ability in writing a complete pantun was in the medium level.Item Estetika Teks Nyanyian Anak-Anak Di Pulau Kundur Kabupaten Karimun(2013-03-20) Dede Irawati, SartiniChildren songs have a beautiful aesthetic language value and aesthetic contents that are interested to be heard and listened. Apart from the contents of the song, children songs also have a structured rhyme. This structured rhyme froms the high dictions and describe the local culture. Nowadays, modern children songs are more interesting than traditional children songs. However, there are still children traditional songs lovers, especially the children from Kundur District, Karimun Regency. The data collection technique used are by listening, recording, writing, and interviewing, than reporting in text. The data analysis technique used are by transcripting the children songs before clarifying the arrays which mark the aesthetic, moving into analyzing the data which contains the aesthetic which describe the aesthetic found, and finally, summarizing the element of the aesthetic in the children songs in Kundur district, Karimun regency. This research is aimed to express, describe, and analyze the aesthetic which are in the children songs in Kundur District, Karimun Regency. Based on the research done, the researcher concluded that the most dominant aesthetic in Kundur districk, Karimun regency in children songs is the efoni melody. The most dominant songs from the children game songs in Kundur districk are Pom pom pong/Pong pong pong. From the analysis of the children song in Kundur district, Karimun regency, the researcher found that the aesthetic of sound are build from the combinations of harmonious dictions.Item Sufiks Bahasa Batak Toba(2013-03-20) Marantika, LisbetThis research is titled Batak Toba Language Suffix. The problems that have been studied related to this research (1) type of suffix in Batak Toba language, (2 ) function of suffix in Batak Toba language, (3) significance of suffix in BatakToba language. The purpose of this research is to describe types, function and significance of suffix in Batak Toba language. The method that has been used is descriptive research which is based on the existing fact or the evolving empiric phenomenon in society speaking Batak Toba language and all of the data will be delivered as what it is. Source of data is ten informants and Batak Toba language text. Batak Toba language suffix consists of six types (a) –hon, (b) –kon, (c) –an, (d)-i, (e) –on, (f) –na. Function of Batak Toba language suffix is to form verb, number and adjective. Significance that is supported in Batak Toba language is to state to become more, causative, to cause something or to make something, to state place, to state to be done something, to state to be-, to state to be an object, to state unit number, to state comparison, to do things repeatedly, to state an act, to state period or time, to state possesion, to state form of description.Item Tuturan Imperatif dalam Iklan di Stasiun Televisi(2013-03-20) Ulfah, LilikPenelitian ini membahas tentang tuturan imperatif yang terdapat di dalam iklan di stasiun televisi. Secara umum, masalah yang diteliti dalam penelitian ini mengenai bentuk tuturan imperatif, makna tuturan imperatif, dan fungsi tuturan imperatif dalam iklan di stasiun televisi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif, hal ini disebabkan data-data dalam penelitian ini berupa tuturan. Teknik yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teknik rekam catat. Data dalam penelitian ini berupa tuturan imperatif yang terdapat dari beberapa stasiun televisi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan terdapat 5 bentuk tuturan imperatif yang berjumlah 17 data, pada makna terdapat 11 makna dari 17 makna yang ada dalam bahasa Indonesia yang berjumlah 34 data, fungsi terbagi menjadi dua yaitu, fungsi melarang terdapat 5 data. Keseluruhan data yang penulis peroleh berjumlah 34 data. Berdasarkan penelitian yang penulis lakukan mengenai tuturan imperatif dalam iklan di stasiun televisi dapat disimpulkan bahwa tidak semua tuturan imperatif dalam bahasa Indonesia terdapat dalam iklan di stasiun televisi.Item Amanat Dalam Kumpulan Cerpen Emak Ingin Naik Haji Karya Asma Nadia(2013-03-20) Novelmi Putri, SriAmanat dalam cerpen merupakan penyampaian pesan oleh pengarang kepada pembaca melalui karya yang mereka buat. Kumpulan cerpen Emak Ingin Naik Haji karya Asma Nadia sebagai sumber penelitian adalah didasarkan atas kemunculan dan kesuksesan cerpen tersebut. Kumpulan cerpen Emak Ingin Naik Haji karya Asma Nadia merupakan cerpen Bestseller yang mengangkat nilai kehidupan, kegigihan, ketulusan, kasih sayang, semangat berbagi, berserah diri dan berbagai nilai indah lainnya sehingga banyak terdapat amanat dalam cerpen karya Asma Nadia tersebut. Penelitian ini merupakan bagian dari langkah untuk memahami amanat berdasarkan cara penyampaiannya. Penelitian ini dilakukan bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan amanat dalam kumpulan cerpen Emak Ingin Naik Haji Karya Asma Nadia. Data penelitian ini berupa penggalan teks dalam kumpulan cerpen Emak Ingin Naik Haji karya Asma Nadia yang berisi amanat. Penelitian ini dikategorikan sebagai penelitian kualitatif. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif. Data yang ditemukan dianalisis dan diinterprestasikan yang berkaitan dengan amanat. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian pada kumpulan cerpen Emak Ingin Naik Haji ditemukan adanya amanat agar menyayangi orang tua dan keluarga, tabah dalam menghadapi cobaan, taat dan patuhlah kepada Allah, dan jangan pantang menyerah mencapai keinginan yang disampaikan secara implisit dan eksplisit. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan amanat agar menyayangi orang tua adalah amanat yang paling banyak terdapat dalam kumpulan cerpen Emak Ingin Naik Haji karya Asma Nadia yang disampaikan secara implisit dan eksplisit oleh pengarang dalam karyanya. Penelitian ini dapat digunakan sebagai pengembangan bahan ajar di dunia pendidikan terutama di bidang bahasa dan sastra khususnya cerpen.Item Tindak Tutur Dalam Interaksi Mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Dan Sastra Indonesia(2013-03-20) Silfia Dani, MayaPenelitian ini berjudul tindak tutur dalam interaksi mahasiswa program studi pendidikan bahasa dan sastra indonesia. Masalah yang diteliti berkaitan dengan penelitian ini adalah bentuk tindak tutur lokusi, bentuk tindak tutur ilokusi, dan bentuk tindak tutur perlokusi. Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini ini untuk mengetahui bentuk tindak tindak lokusi, tindak ilokusi, dan bentuk tindak perlokusi yang digunakan mahasiswa program studi pendidikan bahasa dan sastra indonesia. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif dan metode identifikasi. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini mengunakan teknik simak, teknik rekam, dan teknik catat. Untuk menganalisis data penelitian pada tindak tutur mahasiswa ini menggunakan analisis pragmatik yaitu berdasarkan pada sudut pandang pragmatik. Analisis ini berupaya menentukan maksud penutur baik secara diekspresikan secara tersurat maupun secara tersirat dibalik tuturan. Hasil dari penelitaian ini menunjukkan bahwa banyak tuturan mahasiswa yang terdapat tindak tutur lokusi, tindak tutur ilokusi, dan tindak tutur perlokusi. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan manfaat bagi pembaca untuk memahami tindak tutur lokusi, ilokusi, dan perlokusi. Hal tersebut dilakukan untuk menambah kekayaan pembaca dalam bahasa.Item Penggunaan Eufemisme dalam Tajuk Rencana Koran Kompas(2013-03-20) Farida, NurThis Research study about euphemism that use in editorial of Kompas newspaper. There are 3 aspects that is axamined (1) form of euphemism, (2) the function of euphemism, and (3) the meaning of euphemism. The purpose of this study is to describe (1) form of euphemism, (2) the function of euphemism, and (3) the meaning of euphemism in editorial of Kompas newspaper. This study use descriptive method. This research use the qualitative data. The data consist of word and the form of word that using eufemism, while data source is obtained from rubric opinion of January edition until June 2012 amounting to 47 editorial of Kompas newspaper. Result of this research shall be as follows. Form of the euphemism (1) figurative expressions, (2) flippancy, (3) circumlocution, (4) acronym, (5 )one for one substation, and (6) hyperbole; euphemism function (1) greeting and naming, (2) expressing the way of euphemism used, and (3) expressing situation; and meaning used in analysing is denotation and konotasi.
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