Fonem Diftong Segmental Bahasa Melayu Riau Subdialek Kuok

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Fonem Diftong Segmental Bahasa Melayu Riau Subdialek Kuok Azlin Resiana Hasnah Faizah A.R Mangatur Sinaga Abstract The Indonesian nation is a nation that is rich vernacular of every ethnic groups in Indonesia. One of them is Malay. As a language, of course, has units of language that distinguishes it from other languages. Each language has its own characteristics and uniqueness. Research on segmental phonemes diphthong is one element of the language. This study aims to determine the diphthong phonemes, and the distribution of word classes that contain diphthongs in Malay Riau language Subdialek Kuok. The study was categorized as qualitative research. The method used is descriptive. The data were analyzed and grouped by found aspects studied. Based on the results of research by the author found that ten phonemic diphthongs / ai /, / au /, / he /, / ie /, / co /, / ua /, / ue /, / ui /, / uo /, and / u ∂ /. Diphthong phonemes are distributed in the middle and at the end of the word. The class of words that contain diphthongs phonemes contained in the word class of verbs, adjective, noun, adverb, numeralia, pronouns and particles. Words belonging to the category interogativa, demonstrativa, artikula, preposition, conjunction, and interjection phatic category not found data. The results of this study indicate a diphthong phonemes in Malay language Subdialek Kuok. The results are expected to have contributed to the development of science in particular Kuok Malay language. Also for the younger generation should enhance and preserve its own language.


Fonem Diftong Segmental Bahasa Melayu Riau Subdialek Kuok


Phoneme Diphthong Segmental and Riau Malay Subdialek Kuok
