Browsing by Author "Rani, Faisyal"
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Item MODEL DIPLOMASI INDONESIA TERHADAP UNESCO DALAM MEMATENKAN BATIK SEBAGAI WARISAN BUDAYA INDONESIA PADA TAHUN 2009(2014-02-11) Rani, Faisyal; Fachri, YuliThis research explains about the Model of Indonesian Diplomacy for Unesco Paten’s Batik. It has already been fact to be forced by every nation and state. Multitrack Diplomacy Used to Foster Peace between States or Particuler interes. Its authenticity on the fact that it relies on various contributions from government and non government institutions. This Article will explain how the multitrack diplomacy work to help the Indonesian Government’s push Unesco to get paten Indonesia’s Batik.Item MODEL IMPLENTASI KEBIJAKAN PENGELOLAAN MANGROVE DALAM ASPEK KAMANAN WILAYAH PESISIR PANTAI KEPULAUAN BATAM DAN BINTAN(2016-07-14) Rani, FaisyalWilayah pantai dan pesisir memiliki nilai strategis dari aspek ekologi, sosialkeamanan dan ekonomi.Wilayah pesisir merupakan wilayah pintu gerbang bagi berbagai aktifitas pembangunan manusia dan sekaligus menjadi pintu gerbang dari berbagai dampak dari aktifitas tersebut. wilayah pesisir merupakan wilayah yang pertama kali dan paling banyak menerima tekanan dibandingkan dengan wilayah lain. Tekanan tersebut muncul dari aktivitas pembangunan seperti pembangunan permukiman dan aktivitas perdagangan karena wilayah pesisir paling rentan terhadap perubahan baik secara alami ataupun fisik sehingga terjadi penurunan kualitas lingkungan, salah satunya adalah ekosistem mangrove. Kondisi hutan mangrove di Indonesia terus mengalami kerusakan dan pengurangan luas dengan kecepatan kerusakan mencapai 530.000 ha/tahun. Sementara laju penambahan luas areal rehabilitasi mangrove yang dapat terealisasi masih jauh lebih lambat dibandingkan dengan laju kerusakannya, yaitu hanya sekitar 1.973 ha/tahun. Demikian juga kondisi hutan mangrove di Kepulauan Batam dan Bintan dalam keadaan rusak. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan berbagai upaya untuk memulihkan kembali hutan mangrove yang rusak agar dapat kembali memberikan fungsinya bagi kesejahteraan manusia dan mendukung pembangunan wilayah pesisir. Peran pemerintah dalam membuat regulasi dan implementasi sangat penting dalam mencapai upaya pengendalian kerusakan tersebut.Item Model Kebijakan Pemerintah Indonesia Dalam Mengatasi Dampak Globalisasi (Studi Kasus Masuknya Tenaga Kerja Asing Ke Kota Batam)(2016-01-07) Rani, FaisyalThis research is about how the impact of globalization in a Semi Phery-Phery State. The problems taken by the writer is trying to find the links and impacts happening of foreign investment with night club industries in Batam City. This research uses Paul R. Viotti and Mark V. Kauppi's Theory, which the distribution of power and profits, The Semi Phery-Phery States get profits less than The Core States. As a result of the dependency relationship then emerging national policy influenced the political power of the capitalist. In addition, this study also uses Marjorie Ferguson's Theory, which essentially has turned globalization into in asset that caused change or loss local identity. The most sources of data collection on this research is qualitative research methods with using the library research technique, observation and interview. This research shows the impact of capitalism , specifically relationship between foreign investment that supports the globalization of western culture in the city of Batam . The habits of the expatriates and tourists in Batam make night club industries grow fast, and the influence has received support from local residents that prostitution can not be avoided .Item PENANGGULANGAN ILLEGAL FISHING DI PERAIRAN PESISIR PROVINSI RIAU(2019-11-15) Rani, FaisyalThe study served to explain the illegal fishing in the coastal waters of the strait of malacca province of riau, and to learn how the coastal communities of the province of riau should view illegal fishing and build a model for illegal fishing in the ongoing waters of the strait of the province of malacca. The study took place in the coastal waters of the meranti district, the bengkalis district, and the downstream rokan district, where the theft of fish by foreign fishermen known as illegal fishing. The research method used was a case study with data collection techniques of conducting live interviews to informants and those responsible for our illegal counter model, unreported, unregulated (iuu) fishing in the coastal waters of the province of riau sustainable. Results have shown that social and economic problems include, not being absorbed in the local fishermen 'social interests from local government regulations, which have led to a power struggle between the tech users of a different level of technology and other factors and a lower price on the local fisheries levelItem PERLINDUNGAN TERHADAP TENAGA KERJA INDONESIA (TKI) DI MALAYSIA(2013-07-12) Saeri, Muhammad; Rani, Faisyal; Olivia, Yessi; Jamaan, AhmadFokus penelitian adalah meneliti bentuk-bentuk perlindungan yang diberikan oleh pemerintah Republik Indonesia kepada Tenaga Kerja Indonesia (TKI) yang berada di Malaysia. Dasar hukum perlindungan terhadap TKI adalah sebagai berikut: (1) UU No. 39 tahun 2004 tentang penempatan dan perlindungan tenaga kerja Indonesia di luar negeri. (2) Inpres No. 6 tahun 2006 tentang kebijakan reformasi sistem penempatan dan perlindungan TKI. (3) Permenaker No. 20 tahun 2007 tentang asuransi TKI Kewajiban untuk melindungi seluruh warga negara Indonesia (WNI) baik yang berada di dalam maupun di luar negara melibatkan beberapa instansi pemerintah maupun swasta. Instansi tersebut antara lain adalah: Kementerian Luar Negeri, Kantor Menko Polhukam dan Kantor Menko Kesra, Kementerian Dalam Negeri, Kementerian Kehakiman dan HAM, khususnya Direktorat Jenderal Imigrasi, Kementerian Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi, Kementerian Sosial, Markas Besar Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia dan Asosiasi Pengerah Tenaga Kerja Indonesia. Khusus untuk perlindungan WNI yang berada di luar negeri, tentu saja Kementerian Luar Negeri (Kemlu) beserta Kedutaan Besar Republik Indonesia (KBRI) mendapat porsi tanggung jawab yang besar. Kewajiban tersebut sesuai dengan isi UU No. 37 tahun 1999 pasal 19, 20 dan 21. Penelitian ini dibagi menjadi tiga bagian, yaitu: (1) Kebijakan Pemerintah Indonesia tentang Perlindungan Tenaga Kerja Indonesia (TKI) pada Masa Perekrutan, (2) Perlindungan TKI pada Masa Penempatan dan (3) Perlindungan Pasca Pemulangan TKI di Malaysia.Item Ratification of Regulation in Protecting the Indonesian Genetic Resources Under Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono Government in 2013(2016-11-07) Rani, FaisyalThis Study Describes the Policy Nagoya Indonesia ratified the protocol, this protocol governing access to genetic resources and equitable sharing of benefits arising from the balanced utilization on biodiversity convention, the Nagoya protocol is important for Indonesia because this protocol is an instrument to prevent the theft of genetic resources (biopiracy), Indonesia is an a country that has a wealth of genetic resources are very large. Because of the wealth of genetic resources, Indonesian dubbed “mega diversity”. Indonesia has ratified the Nagoya protocol by issuing Law No. 11 in 2013 on the ratification of the Nagoya protocol access to genetic resources and benefit sharing fair ang balanced arising from utilizatiItem Ratification of Regulation in Protecting the Indonesian Genetic Resources Under Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono Government in 2013(2015-01-29) Rani, FaisyalThis Study Describes the Policv Naqoya Indonesia ratified the protocol. this protocol qoverninq access to genetic resources and equ1table shanng of benefits ar1s1ng from the balanced utilization on biodr.~ersitv conr.~ention. the Naqova protocol 1s important for Indonesia because this protocol is an mstrument to prevent the theft of qenetic resources (biopiracvl Indonesia 1s an a countrv that has a wealth of genetic resources are very large. Because of the wea lth of genetic resources, Indonesian dubbed "meQa d1vers1ty". Indonesia has rallf1ed the Naqoya protocol by 1ssu1nq Law No. 11 1n 2013 on the ratification of the Naqova protocol access to genet1c resources and benefit sha ring fair ang balanced arising from utilizationItem STRATEGI KEBIJAKAN KEAMANAN INDONESIA TERHADAP MALAYSIA DI WILAYAH PERBATASAN PROVINSI KEPULAUAN RIAU TAHUN 2008-2013(2014-05-20) Rani, Faisyal; Fachri, Yuli; Novita, AyuThis research describes the strategy of Indonesia facing Malaysia in the boundaries conflict in Riau Archipelago province. This conflict began in 1961 when Malaysia had independence from English, and then in 2000 conflict between Indonesia and Malaysia happend again. This conflicts about the Sipadan and Ligitan, Ambalat, and conflict in Riau Archipelago waters. The writer collects data from books, encyclopedia, journal, mass media and websites to analyze the strategy of Indonesia facing Malaysia in the boundaries conflict in Riau Archipelago province. The theories applied in this research are strategy theory from John P. Lovell, Security strategy from Lawrance Ziring and national interest concept from Donald. E. Nuchterlain. The research shows that Indonesian Strategies facing Malaysia in the boundaries conflict in Riau Archipelago province are Indonesia increasing militery capabilities, making security treatise with China, and using diplomacy and negotiation ways.