Browsing by Author "Nurrachmi, Irvina"
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Item Concentration and Distribution of Heavy Metals Pb, Cu and Zn in Seawater, Sediment and Snail Telescopium telescopium Around Shipyards in Batam(2016-03-22) Amin, Bintal; Nurrachmi, Irvina; Kennedy, LeoA study on the concentration and distribution of heavy metals Pb, Cu and Zn in seawater, sediment and Snail Telescopium telescopium from coastal waters around shipyards in Batam has been conducted. Samples were taken from four stations and heavy metal analysis was carried out by using AAS Perkin Elmer 3110 in Marine Chemistry Laboratory Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science University of Riau. The mean concentrations of Pb, Cu and Zn were 0.424; 0.057; 0.057 mg/L in seawater, 45.392; 129.688; 181.325 μg/g in sediment and 49.271; 87.663; 138.900 μg/g in T. telescopium, respectively. Higher concentration of Pb in T. telescopium than in sediment and seawater was found, whereas Cu and Zn were higher in sediment than in snail and seawater. Concentrations of Pb, Cu and Zn in seawater were possitively correlated with those in both sediment and snail and concentrations of those metals in sediment were also possitively correlated with those in snail. In general, the concentrations of Pb, Cu and Zn in coastal water around shipyard in Batam was higher than in coastal waters with no shipyard industry and they were still generally comparable to those reported values in regional studies. Mean concentration of Pb in sediment was nearly reach the ERL values whereas Cu and Zn already exceeded the ERL but still lower than ERM values. Continuous environment monitoring programs should be Batam coastal waters since rapid developments in many infrastructure and industry sectors is taking placeItem DISTRIBUSI SPASIAL HIDROKARBON DAN KELIMPAHAN DIATOM DI PERAIRAN PANTAI SEKITAR KAWASAN INDUSTRI PERMINYAKAN(2013-05-30) Amin, Bintal; Nurrachmi, Irvina; Damanik, FinriA survey on the oil content and diatom abundance has been conducted in the coastal water around oil industry activities. Two locations (Sungai Pakning and Selat Lalang) with three s tations each were selected for the sampling. Oil content analysis and identification of diatom were carried out in Marine Chemistry Laboratory and Marine Biology Laboratory , Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, University of Riau. The results showed that all water quality parameters measured in the present study were still in the range of tolerable levels for the survival of marine organisms. The mean oil content varies from 0.35 to 0.37ppm and diatom abundance ranged from 1433.33 – 1566.67cel/L consisted of 10 species in Sungai Pakning whilst oil content in Selat Lalang ranged from 0.34 to 0.54 ppm and diatom abundance 1813.33 – 2200.00 cel/L with 7 spesies. Oil contents found at the stations closed to oil industry were generally higher than that at the stations far from any oil-related activities. In both locations, the oil contens were measured to be higher during high tide when compared to low tide. The increase of oil content in the waters was followed by the decrease in diatom abundance. Simple linear regression analysis indicates negative correlation between oil content and diatom abundance (Y = 2620 – 3000X; r = 0.4878and Y = 3546 – 5885X; r = 0.9110 in Sungai Pakning and Y = 3098 – 1947X; r = 0.7113 and Y = 2775 – 2152X; r = 0.3347 in Selat Lalang respectively ) during high and low tides.Item EVALUASI DAMPAK AKTIVITAS ANTROPOGENIK TERHADAP PENCEMARAN LOGAM BERAT DIPERAIRAN DUMAI DENGAN METODE SEQUENTIAL EXTRACTION TECHNIQUE(2013-02-07) Nurrachmi, IrvinaPenelitian ini dilaksanakan dari bulan September sampai dengan Desembar r, 2007 dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui konsentrasi logam berat Cd, Cu, Pb dan Zn dalam sedimen dan bahan organik sedimen serta untuk mengevaluasi status dan tingkat pencemaran logam berat di perairan Dumai. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan gambaran mengenai kondisi perairan tersebut dan dapat digunakan sebagai data awal dalam upaya memonitor kualitas perairan, terutama dari konsentrasi logam beratnya, yang bertujuan untuk menangani masalah pengembangan serta pengelolaan sumberdaya perairan di kawasan tersebut. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode survei terhadap sepuluh stasiun disepanjang perairan pantai Dumai yang masing-masing terdiri dari 3 titik sampling. Stasiun pertama adalah di sekitar wilayah Pelintung dan mengarah ke barat hingga ke wilayah Basilam Baru. Pembagian wilayah tersebut menjadi sepuluh stasiun dan kemudian dibagi menjadi tiga kawasan (Dumai bagian Timur, Dumai bagian Tengah dan Dumai bagian Barat) didasarkan pada perkiraan perbedaan aktivitas yang terjadi di sekitar wilayah pesisir dan pantai Dumai. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi logam berat tersebut lebih tinggi di stasiun yang dekat dengan Kota Dumai dimana aktivitas antropogeniknya lebih tinggi yang meliputi pesatnya pembangunan berbagai indusrri maupun pemukiman penduduk, adanya aktivitas indusrri kelapa sawit, kilang minyak, dan pelabuhan. Konsentrasi logam Cd (1,70 ug/g) tertinggi terdapat di stasiun Pelabuhan, Cu dan Zn (10,55 dan 75,26 ug/g) di Pelintung dan Pb (46,58 ug/g) in Guntung. Sedangkan konsentrasi terendah Cd (0,60 ug/g), Cu (3,56 ug/g) dan Zn (39,57 ug/g) terdapat di stasiun Basilam Baru serta Pb (23,68 ug/g) di stasiun Purnama.Item EVALUASI TINGKAT PENCEMARAN LOGAM BERAT DI PERAIRAN DUMAI DENGAN PENDEKATAN INDEKS PENCEMARAN DAN STANDARD QUALITY GUIDELINES(2013-04-30) Amin, Bintal; Galib, Musrifin; Nurrachmi, IrvinaMetode yang digunakan adalah metode survei terhadap sepuluh stasiun di perairan pantai Dumai yang kemudian dikelompokkan menjadi dua kawasan. Kawasan pertama adalah di sekitar wilayah Guntung dan mengarah ke barat hingga ke wilayah Kota Dumai (Dumai bagian Timur) dan kawasan kedua di sekitar wilayah Bangsal Aceh hingga ke Basilam Baru (Dumai bagian Barat). Pembagian kawasan tersebut didasarkan pada perkiraan perbedaan aktivitas anthropogenik yang terjadi di sekitar wilayah pesisir dan pantai Dumai. Konsentrasi logam berat dalam air laut tidak begitu jauh berbeda antara stasiun yang satu dengan stasiun lainnya. Konsentrasi rata-rata logam Cd, Cu, Pb dan Zn di kawasan Dumai bagian Timur hanya sedikit lebih tinggi dari pada di kawasan bagian Barat. Konsentrasi logam Pb secara umum lebih tinggi dibandingkan konsentrasi logam yang lain. Rata-rata konsentrasi logam berat pada padatan tersuspensi di kawasan perairan Dumai bagian Timur lebih tinggi dari pada kawasan perairan Dumai bagian Barat. Konsentrasi tertinggi logam Cd dan Cu terdapat di stasiun Pelindo, Pb di Dockyard sedangkan Zn di Sungai Dumai. Namun demikian secara umum konsentrasi tersebut masih sebanding dengan konsentrasi logam pada padatan tersuspensi dari perairan yang tidak tercemar.Item Heavy Metals In Edible Intertidal Molluscs From The Middle East Coast Of Sumatera In Regard Of Its Distribution And Safe Human Consumption(2016-04-02) Amin, Bintal; Nurrachmi, Irvina; Zulkifli; Abdi, Septian JanuarDetermination of Pb, Cu and Zn concentrations in the soft tissues of edible intertidal molluscs collected from six locations in the midle east coast of Sumatera has been carried out in order to evaluate its concentration, pollution level and safe limit for human consumption. Heavy metals content analysis was carried out by using AAS Perkin Elmer 3110 in Marine Chemistry Laboratory Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, University of Riau. The results of the study showed that samples collected from the station with more anthropogenic and industrial activities exhibited higher concentration of metals than those from areas with less anthropogenic activities. The lowest metal concentrations were detected in Anadara granosa from Karimun waters whilst the highest concentrations were found in Strombus canarium from Batam waters. The PTWI limits would only be reached when people consumed more than 4.893; 4.590 dan 5.071 kg /week of blood cockle from Bagansiapiapi, Asahan and Karimun and 1.302 and 3.092 kg/week for Strombus canarium from Batam and Geloina coaxan from Selat Panjang waters respectively. Therefore the consumption of blood cockle from those areas was considered to be safe and there would be no risk for human consumption.