Browsing by Author "Nurdin, Nurdin"
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Item Analisa Kawasan Rawan Banjir Di Kabupaten Kampar Menggunakan Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Geografis(wahyu sari yeni, 2018-09-19) Nurdin, Nurdin; Fakhri, FakhriKampar District is traversed by two large rivers and several small rivers, including Kampar River which is ± 413.5 km long with an average depth of 7.7 m, and an average width of 143 m. Referring to Central Statistics Agency Kampar Regency (2015), Kampar residents numbered 703,005 people with a growth of 2.57% that exceeded the national population growth in 2010 of 1.49%. The Kampar Kanan River has a much larger flood impact than Kampar Kiri River because the majority of the population lives along the banks of the Kampar Kanan River. Areas that are always targeted need to be mapped in the form of flood vulnerability maps within Kampar regency. To map areas susceptible to flooding in Kampar District can be done using remote sensing data based on Geographic Information System (GIS). Analysis of the overlay map results as an indicator of flooding in 4 flood vulnerability classes in Kampar regency. Overlaid maps consist of Rainfall Map, Slope Map, Land Use Map and Geological Map, which resulted in the widest area in Kampar District in the prone category of 459,977.89 ha or 42.86% of the district area. The second sequence is in the non-vulnerable category 236,082.39 ha or 22.00%. While the order of the 3rd area is in very vulnerable category that is 219.279.54 ha or 20.43%, and the smallest area is in the safe category of 157,835.01 ha or 14.71% of Kampar Regency area.Item Analisis Kawasan Rawan Banjir Sungai Rokan Dalam Kabupaten Rokan Hulu Dan Kabupaten Rokan Hilir(wahyu sari yeni, 2019-01-03) Nurdin, Nurdin; Fakhri, Fakhri; Djuniati, SriRokan Hulu and Rokan Hilir Regencies are included in the Rokan and Kubu Watersheds. In the Rokan Hulu district there are several rivers, two of which are fairly large rivers, the Rokan Kanan River and the Rokan Kiri River. Rokan Hilir Regency is also passed by the Rokan Kanan River, which is a place of union with the Rokan Kiri River. Next to these large rivers there are many tributaries that all flow into the big river. At the edge and along the river, including tributaries, is often a flood subscription during the rainy season. The purpose of this study was to identify floodprone areas, in Rokan Hulu and Rokan Hilir Regencies so as to produce maps of flood-prone areas in Rokan Hulu and Rokan Hilir Regencies. To map flood-prone areas in Rokan Hulu and Rokan Hilir Regencies, it can be done with the help of remote sensing data based on Geographic Information Systems (GIS). From the analysis based on overlay maps of soil types, slope classes, land cover and rainfall with the scores and weightings given for each parameter that influence each other to identify the level of flood vulnerability in the study area, in the safe category 14,709.48 ha or 0.9%, Non-hazardous category 921,554.03 ha or 56.33%, the dangerous category is 496,025.36 ha or 30.32% and the category is very vulnerable for flood disaster 203,790.36 ha or 12.46% respectively from the study areaItem Analisis Koefisien Regim Sungai (Krs) Di Waduk Plta Kotopanjang Menggunakan Model Hidrologi Swat(wahyu sari yeni, 2018-09-19) Nurdin, Nurdin; Suprayogi, ImamFluktuasi debit air antara musim hujan dan musim kemarau tidak terlepas dari kondisi medan 90,50% dari luas DTA Waduk PLTA Kotopanjang adalah kelas kemiringan diatas 40%, jenis tanah yang didominasi oleh Podsol merah kuning 50,76% dan Brown forest soil 32,28% dari luas DTA serta luasnya lahan terbuka atau penggundulan hutan yang dapat mempercepat aliran masuk ke waduk. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa besaran Koefisien Regim Sungai (KRS) yang terjadi berdasarkan parameter iklim, kelas lereng dan penggunaan lahan yang ada di DTA Waduk PLTA Kotopanjang. Simulasi model hidrologi SWAT yang dilkukan adalah untuk mendapatkan data karakteristik hidrologi di DTA waduk PLTA Koto Panjang berdasarkan data-data iklim (curah hujan, suhu udara, radiasi matahari, kelembaban udara, dan kecepatan angin) yang dipengaruhi oleh parameter tanah pada kondisi penggunaan lahan tahun 2011 dan 2014. Periode simulasi dilaksanakan antara tahun 2009 – 2014 dengan fase percobaan (warming-up) tahun 2009 - 2010, kalibrasi tahun 2011 – 2012, dan validasi tahun 2013 - 2014. Hubungan antara debit model SWAT dengan debit observasi menggunakan SWAT CUP SUFI II terhadap 11 parameter yang paling sensitif dan 4 parameter yang kurang sensitive ditunjukan oleh nilai koefisien determinan (R²) = 0,76 dan efisiensi NS = 0,75 yang tergolong baik. Hasil validasi memperlihatkan hubungan antara debit observasi/hasil pengukuran dan debit model/simulasi dengan koefisien determinasi (R²) dan NS masing-masing sebesar 0,64 dan 0,60 termasuk dalam kategori memuaskan. Pada penggunaan lahan tahun 2011 menghasikan debit maksimum (Qmak) dan debit minimum (Qmin) simulasi/model masing-masing 521,70 m³/dt dan 43,61 m³/dt dengan nilai KRS sebesar 11,949. Untuk tahun 2014 debit maksimum (Qmak) dan debit minimum (Qmin) simulasi/model yang dihasilkan masing-masing 532,20 m³/dt dan 42,72 m³/det dengan nilai KRS sebesar 12,212. Nilai KRS tahun 2011 dan 2014 yang masing-masing 11,949 dan 12,212 < 50 masih tergolong baik. Untuk menjaga fluktuasi antara debit maksimum dan minimum agar tidak terlalu besar diperlukan usaha pengelolaan penggunaan lahan yang cocok dan sesuai dengan kondisi/situasi di lapangan terutama dalam jenis vegetasinyaItem ANALISIS KUALITAS SUMBER-SUMBER AIR UNTUK PENGELOLAAN PEMENUHAN KEBUTUHAN AIR BERSIH DI PULAU KECIL (STUDI KASUS: PULAU MERBAU)(2019-11) Joleha, Imam Suprayogi; Bochari, Bochari; Nurdin, NurdinThis research was conducted with the aim to find out the quality of water from several raw water sources that will be used as clean water sources. Raw water sources that do not meet clean water quality standards will be used as a basis for taking alternative water treatment methods so that the quality of clean water is obtained in accordance with the standards. The selection of water sources and treatment methods is also based on the socio-economic conditions of the Merbau Island community. The results of testing several sources of raw water obtained that the overall quality of rainwater meets clean water standards only the degree of acidity (pH) of rainwater (5.6) is still below the neutral pH standard. Whereas water sources from groundwater have several elements / substances that do not meet clean water standards including zinc (Zn) dissolved, dissolved iron (Fe) and KMnO4. Surface water in the Merbau Island region is categorized as brackish / peat water and has characteristics that do not meet clean water quality including color, turbidity, DHL, pH and organic matter (KMnO4) as well as iron and manganese. From the test results it is proposed that water treatment for rainwater sources is a slow sand filtratin system. Water Treatment with an Up-flow Slow Sand Filtration System and down-flow Slow Sand Filtration System from a grond water Source. As for water that comes from surface water is also categorized as peat water which has the characteristics of color, turbidity, organic matter and high cations and has a low pH, so it is recommended to use a conventional system with several stages of the process including oxidation, adsorption process, coagulation - flocculation processes and electrocoagulation processes. By looking at the current socio-economic conditions of the Merbau Island community, it is proposed that rainwater sources use a treatment system or without treatment, rain water is suitable for use as a source of clean water.Item ANALISIS PERUBAHAN TUTUPAN LAHAN DAERAH TANGKAPAN AIR (DTA) WADUK PEMBANGKIT LISTRIK TENAGA AIR (PLTA) KOTO PANJANG(2016-07-13) Nurdin, Nurdin; Bahri, Syaiful; Sukendi, Sukendi; Zulkarnain, ZulkarnainFaktor yang paling berpengaruh dalam sistem air untuk DAS adalah perubahan tutupan lahan di suatu daerah tangkapan air (DTA). Penggundulan hutan atau lahan terbuka akan mempercepat aliran air ke waduk yang mempengaruhi tingginya tingkat erosi dan sedimentasi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mendapatkan jumlah konversi lahan yang terjadi antara tahun 2008 - 2011, 2011 - 2014, dan 2008 -2014. Metode yang digunakan adalah dengan menggunakan pendekatan teknologi Simtem Informasi Geografis (GIS) yang digunakan dalam memproses citra satelit. Antara tahun 2008 - 2014 di daerah tangkapan air dari PLTA Koto Panjang telah terjadi perubahan tutupan lahan. Tutupan lahan yang mengalami penurunan terbesar adalah kelas lahan kering pertanian dan campuran semak 24.199,28 ha (7,35%) dari total tangkapan, sedangkan penurunan terkecil adalah hutan kering sekunder 4.270,74 ha (1,30%) dari total daerah tangkapan air. tutupan lahan yang mengalami pertumbuhan terbesar adalah kelas lahan kering daerah pertanian 42.199,49 ha (12,99%) dari total daerah tangkapan, sementara pengurangan terkecil di daerah kelas hutan kering sekunder 4.270,74 ha (1,30%) dari total daerah tangkapan air. Terjadinya penambahan atau pengurangan tutupan lahan 2008 - 2014 di kelas badan air karena tinggi dan rendahnya dari level air yang mempengaruhi hamparan luas danau / sungai, serta pengaruh tutupan vegetasi di sekitar badan air saat perekaman citra satelit.Item Analisis Potensi Erosi Daerah Aliran Sungai Galugur Kecamatan Kapur Ix Berbasis Sistem Informasi Geografis(wahyu sari yeni, 2019-01-03) Nurdin, Nurdin; Suprayogi, Imam; Sujatmoko, Bambang; Suwondo, Suwondo; Mustofa, Riyadi; Anggoro, Hafiz CaturGalugur Kapur IX Sub district watershed is one of the upper watersheds in the Kotopanjang hydropower reservoir which has the potential to trigger a reservoir sedimentation rate increasement due to land clearing for plantations so that it will speed up the filling of dead bin of reservoir significantly which will have an impact on the reduction of the planned service life of the reservoir. The research objective is to analyze the potential for erosion in the Galugur watershed using Geographic Information System (GIS) as an information of a watershed management policy. The research approach method for erosion estimation is the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) method. The USLE method is influenced by four factors: rain erosivity factor (R), soil erodibility factor (K), downhill length and slope factor (LS), and land utilization factor (CP). These erosion estimation factors are then converted into four thematic maps, namely rain erosivity map (R), soil erodibility map (K), downhill slope and length map (LS), land cover and management map (CP). All thematic maps that have been generated are overlaid and will produce an erosion distribution map. The main results of the study proved that erosion that occurred in the Galugur watershed based on GIS was dominated by low category erosion approximately 43% of the total area of 5787,123 ha. Confirmed by the results of research that states that the Galugur watershed erosion product will blend with the water flow from the upstream to the reservoir, so that the sediment in the reservoirs will occur in large scale quantities. The reservoir sedimentations have the potential to be a threat to the reduction in the service life of the Kotopanjang hydropower reservoir which is designed to operate for 100 years.Item Determinan Dalam Pemberantasan Sarang Nyamuk (Psn)Aedes Aegypti Di Kelurahan Guguak Bulekkota Bukittinggi(wahyu sari yeni, 2019-01-10) Nurdin, Nurdin; Wulandari, Okta YukiMosquito eradication Aedes aegyptieffective and efisisen are generally conducted through 3M Plus, which is one method of controlling cases of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF). Based on data from Bukittinggi City Health Department in 2016 found 106 cases of dengue, IR 84.99 / 100,000 population, and there were 2 deaths with CFR of 1.8%, purpose of this study to determine the determinant in the Aedes eegypti Mosquito Nest Eradication in Village Guguak Bulek City of Bukittinggi. This type of research is descriptive analytical approach cross sectional study with a population of 1,703 inhabitants, a sample size of 95 respondents. This research was conducted in the village Guguak Bulek Bukittinggi 2018. The data collected in this study were analyzed using univariate and bivariate using chi-square statistical test and the determination of the Odds Ratio (OR). Univariate analyzes the results obtained mosquito eradication activities Aedes aegyptinot good (68.4%) of respondents, low knowledge (61.1%) of respondents, negative attitude (55.8%) of respondents and a role for less active (71.6%) of respondents. The results of the bivariate analysis are factors related to the implementation of the PSN that knowledge with p value = 0.001 and OR = 4.5, the attitude with p value = 0.01 with OR = 3.1, and factors not related, the role of the officer with p value = 0.1. The final conclusion is that knowledge, and attitudes is determinant in the implementation of the Aedes aegypti mosquito eradication.Item PENERAPAN TEKNOLOGI PENYEDIAAN AIR BERSIH BAGI MASYARAKAT DENGAN PEMANFAATAN PEMANENAN AIR HUJAN SKALA INDIVIDUAL RUMAH TANGGA DI PULAU-PULAU KECIL(2019-11) Suprayogi, Imam; Joleha, Joleha; Bochari, Bochari; Nurdin, NurdinThe purpose of this research is the application of rainwater harvesting technology as an alternative to fulfill the needs of clean water small islands in Riau province. Method of approach used for the research of the design of individual household scale in Concong Village Central Concong Sub District Indragiri Hilir as a water quantity containment effort to fulfill the needs of clean water communities in small islands. The main result is to refer to the results that there is a strong correlation between the determination of the number of tanks and the design financing of rain water tank storage harvested by the community. For the design of the tanks with a capacity of 2000 liters it takes two tanks at a cost of Rp 9.703.000, while for the design of the tanks with a capacity of 4000 liters, it takes four tanks at a cost of Rp 14.741.000 Keywords: design, tank storage, rainwater harvesting technology, small island, individual scaleItem Pengembangan Model Peramalan Inflow Waduk Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Air Kotopanjang Menggunakan Pendekatan Anfis(wahyu sari yeni, 2018-08-19) Suprayogi, Imam; Nurdin, Nurdin; Handayani, Yohanna Lilis; Utami, RiaPrediksi inflow adalah sebuah kunci dalam perencanaan komponen, desain, operasi, pengembangan dan pemeliharaan Sumber Daya Air (SDA) yang tersedia. Model prediksi inflow memiliki banyak manfaat dalam aplikasi SDA seperti pengendali banjir, mencegah kekeringan dan mengoptimalkan operasi waduk untuk keberlanjutan sistem Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Air (PLTA). Tujuan utama penelitian adalah mengembangkan model untuk memprediksi inflow rata-rata harian pada Waduk PLTA Koto Panjang serta menguji keandalan model untuk dapat diterapkan di lapangan. Metode pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini mengunakan metode yang dikembangkan oleh Roger Jang pada tahun 1993 dari Departemen Teknik Listrik dan Ilmu Komputer dari Universitas California, Amerika Serikat dengan melakukan pola penggabungan komponen Soft computing antara Fuzzy Logic dan Artificial Neural Network (ANN) yang lazim disebut algoritma Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS). Data yang dipergunakan untuk mengembangkan model prediksi inflow waduk PLTA Kotopanjang adalah data yang bersumber dari pencatatan data debit runtun waktu dari tahun 2007 – 2012 yang telah dilakukan oleh PT.PLN (Persero) KIT Sumbagut Sektor KIT Pekanbaru unit PLTA Kotopanjang. Komposisi data debit runtun waktu dari tahun 2007- 2010 sebanyak 70% untuk proses training data sedangkan 30% data debit untuk proses testing data. Selanjutnya data tahun 2011 dipergunakan untuk membangun model dan data debit runtun waktu tahun 2012 untuk proses prediksi data inflow waduk PLTA Kotopanjang. Hasil utama penelitian membuktikan bahwa hasil prediksi inflow Waduk PLTA Koto Panjang pada tahun 2012 menggunakan pendekatan algoritma ANFIS dengan nilai RMSE dan koefisien korelasi ( r ) berturut-turut sebesar 90 dan 0.64.Item SKENARIO PERENCANAN DAN PENGELOLAAN SUB DAS SEI TANDUK PADA HUTAN ADAT MASYARAKAT DESA RUMBIO MENGGUNAKAN SOIL & WATER ASSESMENT TOOL (SWAT)(2019-11) Nurdin, Nurdin; Joleha, Joleha; Bochari, Bochari; Suprayogi, ImamThe main objective of the research is to establish a recommendation for forest and land rehabilitation activities (RHL) by planting forestry tree-based community participation in Rumbio Village indigenous Forest Kampar District. Method of approach for research using SWAT Model with data input model ArcSWAT such as digital map of Earth Indonesia scale 1:25,000, geological map of Sumatra scale 1:250,000, data of rain sourced from manual rainfall measuring instruments Ombrometer from the year 2013 – 2017, daily water level (TMA) data extracted from digital measuring instruments transferred through the Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) as the basis for the stage of the hydrograph, the discharge data using the rating curve equation, manual rainfall measuring equipment Ombrometer from the years 2013 – 2017 and the image of Google Earth Sub watershed Rumbio. The main results of the research proved that the management of Sub watershed Sei Tanduk in the indigenous forest of Rumbio village use SWAT Model approach by conducting forestry tree planting based on community participation using the best pattern system dry land agriculture to be used as an agroforestry to reduce sedimentation rate within two years from 2014 to 2016 by 47.80 ha/year through the activities of Land Forest Rehabilitation Program (RHL) by Watershed and Protection Forest Management Agency (BP-DASHL) Indragiri Rokan, Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) of the Republic of Indonesia