Analisis Potensi Erosi Daerah Aliran Sungai Galugur Kecamatan Kapur Ix Berbasis Sistem Informasi Geografis

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Galugur Kapur IX Sub district watershed is one of the upper watersheds in the Kotopanjang hydropower reservoir which has the potential to trigger a reservoir sedimentation rate increasement due to land clearing for plantations so that it will speed up the filling of dead bin of reservoir significantly which will have an impact on the reduction of the planned service life of the reservoir. The research objective is to analyze the potential for erosion in the Galugur watershed using Geographic Information System (GIS) as an information of a watershed management policy. The research approach method for erosion estimation is the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) method. The USLE method is influenced by four factors: rain erosivity factor (R), soil erodibility factor (K), downhill length and slope factor (LS), and land utilization factor (CP). These erosion estimation factors are then converted into four thematic maps, namely rain erosivity map (R), soil erodibility map (K), downhill slope and length map (LS), land cover and management map (CP). All thematic maps that have been generated are overlaid and will produce an erosion distribution map. The main results of the study proved that erosion that occurred in the Galugur watershed based on GIS was dominated by low category erosion approximately 43% of the total area of 5787,123 ha. Confirmed by the results of research that states that the Galugur watershed erosion product will blend with the water flow from the upstream to the reservoir, so that the sediment in the reservoirs will occur in large scale quantities. The reservoir sedimentations have the potential to be a threat to the reduction in the service life of the Kotopanjang hydropower reservoir which is designed to operate for 100 years.



erosion, sedimentation, watershed (DAS), Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) method, geographic information system (SIG), geographic information system (SIG)
