Browsing by Author "Arief, Hazmi"
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Item Analisis Faktor-faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Pembangunan Perikanan Propinsi Riau(2015-04-22) Hamid, Hamdi; Tripanti, Melysa; Yulinda, Eni; Arief, Hazmi; Bathara, LamunThis research aims to construct a model of fisheries development in Riau Province. This research focuses specifically on: 1.Analyze the competitiveness and determine the bases sector/non fishery bases in Riau Province. 2. Analyze factors that influence development of fisheries in Riau Province . Based on the LQ analysis, fisheries became the basis sectors in Rokan Hilir, Bengkalis, Dumai, Siak, Indragiri Hilir, Indragiri Hulu and Meranti Islands whereas aquaculture has been the basis sector for the District of Kampar , Pelalawan, Rokan Hulu, Kuansing and Pekanbaru . Based on analysis of competitiveness (shift share) indicates that the fisheries sector Bengkalis, Siak, Indragiri Hilir, Pelalawan, Kampar, Indragiri Hulu, and Pekanbaru is reside in quadrant I, which means that growth is rapid but not relative competitiveness, while Rokan Hilir, Dumai, Rokan Hulu, Kuansing and Meranti Islands reside in quadrant III, which means that the growth of the fisheries sector is relatively slow and not competitive, so it takes effort to improve the provision of supporting the development of fisheries infrastructure. The results of the econometric model analysis, fishing production influenced by wide of public territorial water and existence of TPI and PPI, whereas aquaculture product influenced by amount of aquaculture household and fish seed production have an effect on to fishery product so that required government support for the provision and support society for aquaculture.Item Analisis Kelembagaan Pemasaran dan Margin Tataniaga Perikanan di Kabupaten Kampar Propinsi Riau(2013-04-17) Ramli, Muhammad; Yulinda, Eni; Bathara, Lamun; Arief, HazmiThis study aims to analyze the marketing agencies and marketing margins kelemak fish are kept in cages. The method used in this study is a survey method. Determination of the respondents in this study conducted a census. From the results it is known that marketing agencies are involved in fish marketing kelemak are local traders and outside the region, local retailers and retailers outside the area. The pattern of coordination between marketing agencies with fish farmers established business cooperation. Made by cash payment system for traders fi-om outside the region and in installments for local collectors. The results of the analysis at each institution obtamed kelemak fish marketing fish that margin trading system kelemak highest obtained traders outside the goal area Jambi Rp.22.000/kg and the smallest traders and retailers Kampar regency Rp. 4000/kg. Marketing margin percentage of fish marketing channels Naumbai kelemak from village to each destination marketing is 23.52% for the purpose of Kampar, 29.72% Pekanbaru purposes, 42.22% and 52.72% Tembilahan purpose Jambi purpose. Benefits received by each institution is Rp 3.060/kg marketing to collectors Kampar, Rp 4.660/kg collecting purposes Pekanbaru, Rp 9.500/kg for collector purposes Tembilahan, Rp18.000 collecting purposes Jambi, Rp 3.567/kg retailers Kampar, Rp 4,500 / kg Pekanbaru retailers, retailers 6.575/kg Rp 6.443/kg retailers Tembilahan and JambiItem Analysis and Strategy Business Development Mariculture (Keramba Cage) in the Sialang Pasung Village West Rangsang District Kepulauan Meranti Regency(2016-03-31) Yulinda, Eni; Arief, HazmiThe main objective of this research to analize the development of maintenance strategy for the marineculture efforts at Sialang Pasung Village, Kepulauan Meranti Regency. This research in particular has purpose to: Know contribution of fishery culture in Sialang Pasung Village, West Rangsang Subdistrict, Kepulauan Meranti Regency. Analize marine culture efforts and the management of fishery efforts in Kepulauan Meranti Regency. Analize congruent development of the potential, opportunity and the constraint of fishery culture in Kepulauan Meranti Regency. The analysis was descriptive to the condition of marine culture in Sialang Pasung Village that dominate by aquaculture association’s (KONSIP) White Scout Fish (Lates calcarifer). White Scout Fish (Lates calcarifer) takes about 6-7 months to produce. In each production, 1 fish have weight about 1 kg – 0,7 kg. The average of White Scout Fish Production in Sialang Pasung Village is about 8.687,2 kg/harvest.Based of macro economy analysis, fishery are basic sector that give important influence for Kepulauan Meranti Regency economics matter. It was shown by value of LQ>1 from the last 3 years and Kelupauan Meranti Regency fishery that support this sector developed to become main district economic sector. In compliance with analysis of the fishery development priority and analysis fishery as the most potential developed sector. Therefore, need some policy combination to develop product/superior sector in the regency to reach prosperous economic. Internal factor in marine aquaculture efforts development in Kepulauan Meranti Regency is productive human resources, fishery culture product raising, handmade materials, Government policy. External factor is market and economy.Item Mapping Daerah/Desa Miskin di Sekitar Areal PTPN V(2013-05-28) Hamid, Hamdi; Bathara, Lamun; Arief, HazmiPersoalan kemiskinan di Provinsi Riau juga tidak terlepas dari mata pencaharian masyarakat Riau. Bappeda Provinsi Riau (2009), tercatat pada tahun 2009 sebanyak 48,80% masyarakat Riau bermatapencaharian dii sektor pertanian. Hal ini menggambarkan bahwa sebagian besar masyarakat Riau menggantungkan hidup pada sektor pertanian yang pada umumnya sektor pertanian di daerah pedesaan termasuk disekitar wilayah PTPN-V, sedangkan data BPS Provinsi Riau dalam Komara (2010) menyatakan bahwa lebih dari 70% penduduk miskin Riau berada di pedesaan termasuk di wilayah PTPN-V Kemiskinan adalah suatu situasi di mana pendapatan tahunan individu di suatu kawasan (daerah/desa) tidak dapat memenuhi standar pengeluaran minimum yang dibutuhkan individu untuk dapat hidup layak di kawasan (daerah/desa) tersebut. Individu yang hidup di bawah standar pengeluaran minimum tersebut tergolong miskin. Ketika perekonomian berkembang di suatu daerah/desa, terdapat lebih banyak pendapatan untuk dibelanjakan, yang jika terdistribusi dengan baik di antara penduduk daerah/desa tersebut akan mengurangi kemiskinan. Dengan kata lain, secara teoritis, pertumbuhan ekonomi memainkan peranan penting dalam mengatasi masalah penurunan kemiskinan. Suatu daerah/desa dapat dikatakan miskin atau hidup dalam kemiskinan jika pendapatan atau aksesnya terhadap barang dan jasa relatif rendah dibandingkan rata-rata daerah/desa lain dalam perekonomian tersebut. Secara absolut, daerah/desa dinyatakan miskin apabila tingkat pendapatan atau standar hidup masyarakatnya secara absolut berada di bawah tingkat subsisten. Ukuran subsistensi tersebut dapat diprediksi dengan garis kemiskinan.Item Strategi Pengembangan Wisata Alam Hutan Mangrovedi Kabupaten Kepulauan Meranti Provinsi Riau(wahyu sari yeni, 2017-07-22) Yulinda, Eni; Arief, Hazmi; Hendri, RidarKabupaten kepulauan meranti adalah kawasan yang berdekatan dengan Negara tetangga singapura dan Malaysia.sebagai wilayah pesisir kabupaten ini memeiliki mangrove (bakau) yang potensial. Sekitar 19 persen dari total luas 3.708km2 kabupaten itu merupakan hutan mangrove.karena itu poteni dapat dikembangkan untuk wiasata alam dengan tujuan untuk menentukan bagaimana mengembangkan strategi yang tepat . aga rnana str<1teg1 penger:.banga 1 \•.1sat;:i alam hutan mangrove d1 Kabupaten KepulaL•an ~.1erant: . Studi ;n; didt':Sdill seoaga1 penellt1an surv::i1. lnformas1 yang dih1mpur. ada'a'1 ~eterangan yang beda~'lrl<