Analisis Kelembagaan Pemasaran dan Margin Tataniaga Perikanan di Kabupaten Kampar Propinsi Riau
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This study aims to analyze the marketing agencies and marketing margins kelemak fish are
kept in cages. The method used in this study is a survey method. Determination of the
respondents in this study conducted a census. From the results it is known that marketing
agencies are involved in fish marketing kelemak are local traders and outside the region, local
retailers and retailers outside the area. The pattern of coordination between marketing
agencies with fish farmers established business cooperation. Made by cash payment system
for traders fi-om outside the region and in installments for local collectors.
The results of the analysis at each institution obtamed kelemak fish marketing fish that
margin trading system kelemak highest obtained traders outside the goal area Jambi
Rp.22.000/kg and the smallest traders and retailers Kampar regency Rp. 4000/kg. Marketing
margin percentage of fish marketing channels Naumbai kelemak from village to each
destination marketing is 23.52% for the purpose of Kampar, 29.72% Pekanbaru purposes,
42.22% and 52.72% Tembilahan purpose Jambi purpose. Benefits received by each
institution is Rp 3.060/kg marketing to collectors Kampar, Rp 4.660/kg collecting purposes
Pekanbaru, Rp 9.500/kg for collector purposes Tembilahan, Rp18.000 collecting purposes
Jambi, Rp 3.567/kg retailers Kampar, Rp 4,500 / kg Pekanbaru retailers, retailers 6.575/kg Rp 6.443/kg retailers Tembilahan and Jambi
Marketing, Price, Margin, Institutional, Advantage, Fish Kelemak