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Item The Cooperation of Malaysia and United State to Reach Malaysian Vision 2020(2016-11-07) Afrizal; Harto, SapriMalaysia is a country in Southeast Asia that has arapidrate of economic progress. Since the late 1980s until the2000s the rate of growth of Malaysia's economy nearlytripled. This achievement did not escape capacity charismatic leader of Malaysia, Mahathir Mohammad who is has launched a program of Malaysia Vision 2020. Malaysian Vision 2020 is a policy that contains a variety of economic development strategies concepts in a systematic and planned figures declared by the founder (founding father) as a condition of rational and systematic Malaysia can bring progress toward better national development. This study used descriptive equalitative methodology, in which the collected data is non-numeric. While data collection techniques used are library research. Then the theory is used to answer the formulation / identification problem is constructivism theory elaborated by policy-making capacity which is then associated with the development of the state theory. The international cooperation theory, foreign policy are realized through cooperation with the United States government. Efforts / policies implemented by the Malaysian government in realizing the agenda of Malaysia Vision2020' in collaboration with the U.S. government through the equation of understanding the vision of leaders of both countries are realized through the visit and tour of the state, is realized through the development of cooperation in the economic, political, social and cultural.Item The Cooperation of Malaysia and United State to Reach Malaysian Vision 2020(2015-01-31) Afrizal; Harto, SapriMalaysia 1s a country in Southeast Asia that has arap1drate of economic proqress. Since the late 1980s unt1l the2000s the rate of qrowth of Malavs1a's economy nearlvtripled.This achievement did not escape capacity charismatic leader of Malaysia, Mahath1r Mohammad who 1s has launched a proqram of Malaysia Vision 2020. Malaysian Vis1on 2020 is a poliCY that contains a variety of economic development strategies concepts in a systematic and planned figures declared by the Founder (foundlna Father) as a cond rtion of rational and systematic Malaysia can brina proqress to,Nard better national development.Th1s study used descriptive equa l1tative methodoloov. 1n which the collected data is nor-numer1c. While data collection techniques used are librarv research. Then the theorv is used to answer the formulation I identification problem 1s constructivism theory elaborated by policv-mak1na capacity wh1ch is then associated >.vith the development of the state theory The international coopEration theorv. foreiqn pol1cv are rea lized throuqh cooperation w1th the United States qovernment Efforts I PDI1c1es ImPlemented bv the Malavs1an aovernmenrt 1n realiz1na the aaenda 'or MalaYsia Vislon2020' 1n collaboration with the U.S. government through the equation of understanding the VISion of leaders of both counrtries are realized throuah the visit and tour of the state, is realized through the development of cooperation in the economic, political, soc1al and cultu ral.Item Implementasi Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan Asing Yang Berkelanjutan Di Riau(2016-01-05) AfrizalPemahaman bahwa setiap perusahaan baik lokal maupun perusahaan asing mempunyai tanggungjawab sosial atau yang disebut Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Permasalahannya yaitu bagaimana menuangkannya dalam bentuk sebuah program/kegiatan berkelanjtan dan cukup beragam terhadap sosial, ekonomi dan lingkungan. Hal ini bisa dilihat dari masing-masing kebijakan internal perusahaan yang dijalankan dalam mengembangkan CSR tersebut. Implementasi program CSR sebagai model tanggungjawab sosial perusahaan asing dapat dijelaskan dengan menggunakan teori kebijakan dan teori stakeholder. Model Multi StakeHolder CSR (MSH CSR), dimana perusahaan asing dituntut untuk membuat kebijakan sosial. Ekonomi dan lingkungan yang berkelanjutan dan dalam konteks yang sama juga diperlukan iktikad yang baik, komitmen yang kuat, serta partisipasi aktif para pihak (dalam hal ini pemerintah, perusahaan, dan masyarakat) yang saya sebut Multi StakeHolder CSR. Model Multi StakeHolder CSR yaitu dimana semua pihak terlibat bukan hanya perusahaan saja yang mempunyai kewajiban dalam CSR, akan tetapi semua pihak yang terkait juga berkewajiban. Pemerintah sebagai pembuat kebijakan atau peraturan terkait CSR mesti juga mengontrol perusahaan-perusahaan asing yang menjalankan program CSR tersebut dan menengakkan hukum secara efektif. Selanjutnya perusahaan-perusahaan asing mesti juga menjalankan tanggungjawab sosialnya kepada masyarakat, baik dalam hal sosial, ekonomi dan lingkungannya. Sedangkan masyarakat wajib mendapatkan kesejahteraannya dan selalu mengevaluasi perusaahaan asing itu serta juga berkewajiban menjaga lingkungan sekitar.Item KEPENTINGAN INDONESIA DALAM KERANGKA KERJASAMA HEART OF BORNEO TAHUN 2007-2011(2014-05-20) AfrizalThis research explains the interests of Indonesia in cooperation Heart of Borneo to the preservation of the Borneo jungle 2007-2011. Indonesian forest has a very broad and important role in climate change negotiations. Indonesia proposed REDD mechanism for reducing forest emissions from deforestation and degradation . bad image of Indonesia's forests create hesitate developed countries to provide financial assistance through CDM or REDD mechanism. The research’s result is importance Indonesia the cooperated heart of Borneo is to fix a bad image in the eyes of international forest management. Indonesia is known as the country with the fastest rate of deforestation in the world. cooperation became evident Heart of Borneo Indonesia's commitment in the eyes of the international community. With the Heart of Borneo Indonesia program receive financial assistance from developed countries such as Norway, Germany, Australia and other international agenciesItem KERJASAMA PEMERINTAH INDONESIA DAN SINGAPURA DALAM PENETAPAN KAWASAN SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONE DI WILAYAH BATAM BINTAN KARIMUN (BBK)(2014-05-20) Pahlawan, Indra; Afrizal; Suyastri, Cifebrima; Prayuda, RendiPenelitian ini merupakan sebuah kajian yang menganalisa mengenai kerjasama pemerintah Indonesia dan Singapura dalam penetapan kawasan Special Economic Zone di wilayah Batam Bintan dan Karimun. Secara geografis wilayah Batam, Bintan dan Karimun sangat dekat dengan Singapura yang memiliki perekonomian yang sangat maju, oleh karena itu pemerintah Indonesia menyepakati kerjasama kawasan spesial ekonomi dengan Singapura yang bertujuan untuk memajukan perekonomian wilayah perbatasan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam tulisan ini adalah metode penelitian kualitatif deskriptif yang diartikan sebagai proses pemecahan masalah yang diselidiki dengan melukiskan keadaan subyek dan obyek penelitian pada saat sekarang berdasarkan fakta-fakta yang tampak atau bagaimana adanya. Lokasi penelitian berada di wilayah Batam, Bintan dan Karimun Provinsi Kepulauan Riau. Penulis mengumpulkan data-data penelitian dari beberapa buku, ensiklopedia, jurnal, media massa beberapa situs media internet lainnya. Penelitian ini menghasilkan kesimpulan bahwa kerjasama pemerintah Indonesia dan Singapura dalam penetapan kawasan Special Economic Zone di wilayah Batam Bintan dan Karimun karena didorong untuk mengembangkan perekonomian di wilayah Batam, Bintan dan Karimun seiring dengan perekonomian Singapura. Hasil kerjasama pemerintah Indonesia dan Singapura dalam penetapan kawasan spesial ekonomi dengan Singapura adalah transfer teknologi antara Singapura dan Indonesia, bidang perdagangan berupa peningkatan angka perdagangan Indonesia dan Singapura sehingga juga berdampak pada peningkatan angka perekonomian masyarakat diwilayah perbatasan, bidang investasi berupa peningkatan nilai investasi Singapura ke Indonesia dengan jumlah 34,2% dari total seluruh investasi PMA di IndonesiaItem Optimasi Aktivasi Bentonit Lokal Riau sebagai Adsorben Proses Dehidrasi Etanol Menggunakan Rancangan Percobaan Response Surface Methode-Central Composite Design (RSM-CCD)(2016-02-25) Afrizal; Amri, Amun; SunarnoPenelitian optimasi aktivasi bentonit lokal Riau sebagai adsorben pada proses Dehidrasi Etanol telah dilakukan. Optimasi dilakukan dengan pendekatan statistik menggunakan Response Surface Methode- Central Composite Design (RSM-CCD) dengan faktor yang ditinjau adalah pengaruh konsentrasi larutan asam HNO3 (X1), suhu pemanasan (X2) dan waktu pemanasan (X3) terhadap daya jerap adsorben. Dari percobaan diperoleh model pengaruh variabel proses aktivasi terhadap respon daya jerap yaitu % Jerap = 10,652 + 1,292X1 + 1,481X2 – 0,986X1 2 + 1,596X1X3, dimana variabel suhu merupakan faktor yang paling berpengaruh terhadap daya jerap. Dari plot kontur dan respon permukaan diperoleh prediksi kondisi operasi aktivasi optimum pada konsentrasi HNO3 0,88N, Suhu 85, 23 0C dan waktu aktivasi 3 jam 20 menitItem Perbandingan Pengaruh Latihan Hurdle Jumps Dan Box Jump Terhadap Daya Ledak Otot Tungkai Pada Atlet Sekolah Sepak Bola Universitas Riau(2013-03-06) AfrizalThis study is an experimental research.Ttrials using experimental and statistical analysis to examine research done at the University of Riau Football School Athlete.Obtained through an initial test and final test before and after exercise to compare the two groups of samples with different treatments to find out which one is better training for explosive power leg muscles.This is due lack of exercise that leads to physical exercise and training programs that are less systematic and planned. The issues raised in this study is "What are the effects of increased exercise Hardle Jumps and Box Jump with explosive legs muscles power School Football Athletes Riau University" The hypothesis of this study "Comperative Effect of Exercise There Hardle Jumps and Box Jump with explosive power in the legs muscles power School Football Athletes Riau University "aims. This study for the Comparison Hardle Jumps and Box Jump with explosive power in the legs muscles. The analysis showed that there was a significant effect of increased exercise Box Jump and Hurdle Jumps (X) and explosive leg muscles power output (Y) . Based on t- test analysis results are t_hitung of 2.394 and 2.074 for t_tabel . t-count> TTable so it can be concluded that H0 is rejected and H1 accepted. Mean increase after tested by t-test showed that t-calculation is greater than t-table, exercise for 16 times Hurdle Jumps Exercise can increase leg muscle explosive power significantly.