Pelimpahan Wewenang dari Walikota Pekanbaru Kepada Camat Rumbai Pesisir Bidang Galian Golongan C Tahun 2011
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This study aims to determine the devolution of authority from the Mayor of Pekanbaru to the Head Tassel coast in the Pit Class C in 2011. The selection of this topic by reason Tassel Coastal District has great potential in the Pit Group C which could generate revenue for the City of Pekanbaru as revenue (PAD), but in fact there is potential that can not be managed and fully utilized by the district, so the potential that it never can contribute significantly to the local financial income.
Yet management and maximum utilization of Class C Excavation is seen in relation to the delegation of authority from the Mayor of Pekanbaru to the District Tassel Peisir in 2011. Delegation of authority is in fact turned out to be not independent economic and political interests of the various elements in society and government. Economic and political interests are apparently related to the question of political will in the government's policy of giving birth Pit Group C, because of the economic and political interests remain accompany devolution process in question. Following issues are related to the delegation of authority does not follow the policy on allocation of resources (natural resources and human resources) to support policy devolution.
Seen from the side of the sub who received the delegation of the authority then visible lack of institutional empowerment (units) district government especially those related directly to the handling Pit Group C by the Coastal Rumbai District Government. Lack of institutional development district was followed also by the lack of development of the human resources and the development of facilities and infrastructure that support the work of Excavation of category C. Improving the quality of human resources has not been referred to the real needs that exist, denikian also with increased facilities and infrastructure have not been based on a needs assessment of the work of supporting facilities.
Mayor of Pekanbaru, Delegation of Authority, Excavation Group C