Analisis Tingkat Kualitas Pelayanan Pengangkutan Sampah Di Kelurahan Tangkerang Utara Pada Pelanggan CV Trijaya Sea Mandiri Pekanbaru

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The research was conducted in order to determine how far the CV. Trijaya Sea Mandiri is able to meet the expectations of customers in terms of quality of service of transporting waste. Who were respondents in the study was 92 existing customers in the Village of North Tangkerang, chosen by purposive sampling.Teknik data was analyzed by analysis of the level of compliance and quadrant analysis. The results showed that there are some aspects of quality of service needs to be improved and upgraded immediately are: official attitude when taking out the trash, the attitude of officers when consulted by the customer, freight clerk attitude in receiving customer complaints, the attitude of officers in answering questions and requests for information from customers , punctuality in trash pick-up, the readiness of companies in response to complaints, the company's willingness to help customers, hauling trash's sake, as well as the officers consistently polite to customers. In general, the degree of fit between customers' expectations with perceived performance actually fit, or in other words, customers are satisfied with the quality of service from the company. The advice can be given to the company is to be able to conduct training for personnel transport, not only in training how to behave and act in front of the customer, in order to maintain the good name of the company, and of course to give satisfaction to the customer.



Kualitas Pelayanan, SERVQUAL

