Analisis Kinerja Pelayanan Pada Unit Pelaksana Teknis Pendapatan Pekanbaru Selatan Tahun 2012

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The Issues raised in this study is service delivery of BBNKB and service strategies of BBNKB in UPT Pekanbaru Selatan. There are two types of services, namely BBNKB-1 and BBNKB-2. BBNKB-1 is for new vehicles and BBNKB-2 for used vehicles or change owners. The foundations for BBNKB is the Law on Local Taxes and Levies The foundations for BBNKB is the Law on Local Taxes and Levies and Riau Provincial Regulation No. 12 year 2011 about BBNKB. The procedure starts from the counter service registration, cashier and Counters taking registration / SKPD and TNKB. Requirements based on the Instruction of the Minister of Defence and Security, the Minister of Home Affairs and the Minister of Finance Nomor Ins/X/1999; 6/IMK.014/1999 dan 29 tahun 1999 about Implementation of one-stop unified administrative system in publishing STNK, STCK, TNKB, collection of PKB, BBNKB and SWDKLLJ. The results showed BBNKB services affected by the coordination of Police (reg publishers, vehicle registration, and TNKB) UPT South Pekanbaru (publisher SKPD) and Services Prog (publisher swdkllj) because BBNKB attached reg serviced, vehicle registration and TNKB the police authority, the limits penyelesaianan maximum time is based on the completion of the replacement / modification / publishing reg requiring completion time for 14 days of work, while publishing SKPD, vehicle registration and tnkb generally completed within 1-3 days. BBNKB-1 rate is 10% of the sale value of motor vehicles (NJKB) and BBNKB-2 rate is 1% of NJKB.



Services of BBNKB, legal basis, procedures, requirements, turnaround
