Pengaruh Pemakaian Biofilter dengan Media Tempurung Kelapa Sawit Terhadap Penurunan Polutan Organik di dalam Air Limbah Tempe
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The objective of this study is to assess the influence of palm shell biofilter
apliication in degrading organic pollutant in fermented soybean cake waste industry
at aerobic system. This study was carried out in fermented soybean cake industry at
Tampan region, Pekanbaru. The total amount of wastewater that produced ftom
one small industry fermented soybean cake is around 2 m^/day, and now is
collected in wastewater drainage. Wastewater treatment of aerobic system.
Basically this wastewater treatment relies on bacteria in degrading pollutants. The
use of palm shell is to increase specific surface of media for attaching bacteria. The
system consist of one reactor that is made of 5 mm glass, and the volume reactor
140 liter. The reactor was equipped with one circulating pump and blower in the
aerobic zone. It took 30 days for seeding micoorganism. The reactor were run in
four different resident time, namely 4 hours, 3 hours, 2 hours and 1 hour. The raw
water used in this experiment is waste water from tofli and fermented soybean cake
industries that have organic compound around 594.08 - 1276.64 mg/1. The water
for physical and chemical analysis is sampled daily. It took from raw water and
aerobic colum of reactor. The results fix)m 192 physical and chemical parameters
from 24 water samples showed that the palm shell biofilter gives a little influence
to degrade organic pollutant. The efficiency process in decreasing organic
compund value around 6.47 - 16.48%, TSS 32.47 - 97.19%, TDS 7.89 - 19.25%,
ammonia 0.66 - 2.75%, total phosphate 1.76 - 5.13%, and nitrate 3.24 - 6.99%.
Biofilter, Biofilm, Waste of Tofu and Fermented Soybean Cake Industry, arobic reactor, aerobic reactor, Wastewater Treatment