Analisis Kelembagaan Ued-Sp di Desa Pematang Kecamatan Batang Peranap Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu

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The purpose of this reseach to analyze the task of each institution have a role, and then determine the role of institution have a role, and then determine the role of institution and know the problems of each institution on UED-SP new hope Desa Pematang Kecamatan Batang Peranap Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu. The method used in this research is survey metohod. The institutional sampling UED-SP with purposive sampling method. Respondents in this study is all UED-SP, where the number of respondents in the research is 183, the total of sampels taken at representative is 30 beneficiaries are already harnessing over 2 years and 10 processar, respectively 16% and 100% of the population, the total number of respondents 40 people. Resul of this research indicate broadly speaking institutional UED-SP knowing their task. Because they have worket almost 6 years, them had attendet training, and they also have technical manual book as a guide, and the number benificiaries who do not know about institutional task. The role of institutional views of benificiaries about each role intitutional star from socialization, preparing, implementation, manage, revoluing, constructs, empowerment and verification, constructs, RKTL, empowerment, and verification, get an average score with good category. Beneficiaries incorrectly us the loan funds. Collateral does not cover custemer demant, exceeds the available funds, dificult to determine the co-villagers who are poor and implented empowerment.




Role institutional UED-SP empowerment

