Efektifitas teknik relaksasi guided imagery terhadap pemenuhan rata rata jam tidur pasien diruang rawat inap bedah

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The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of guided imagery relaxation techniques to meet the average hours of sleep patients in surgical wards. The method is a quasi experimental research, by providing a guided imagery relaxation techniques to experimental group, and without giving guided imagery techniques in the control group. The research was conducted at the Arifin Achmad Hospital in the surgery room of the 30 respondents is 15 people the experimental group and 15 control group. The sampling method is Porposive sample. Measuring instrument used was a questionnaire and observation sheet. The analysis is used univariate and bivariate analysis, using t-test, t-dependent and independent. The results showed a significant difference on average hours of sleep pre test and post test patients in the control group (p value= 0,01), and the experimental group (p value = 0.000), and significant difference post test average hours of sleep between experimental group with the control group (p value = 0.000). Is rejected meaning can be inferred guided imagery relaxation techniques affect to increase the average hours of sleep in hospitalized patients. The results of this study recommend health workers to provide guided imagery, relaxation techniques, to increase the average hours of sleep the clients.



guided imagery, the average hours of sleep, in-patient

