The Correlation of Explosive Muscle Power Sleeve Shoulder Between Long Service Forehand Results in Games Badminton of Men's Club RTV Pekanbaru

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This research comes from researcher to the field observations, that the results of forehand long service is high, it caused the explosive muscle power sleeve shoulder. The purpose of this research was to determine the correlation of explosive muscle power sleeve shoulder between the results of long service forehand. Methodology of this research is correlation research with population of Men’s Club RTV. The data in this study was of the men’s club RTV Pekanbaru, total is 8 students. The technique of collecting the data in this study is total sampling technique. The sample of this research is overall of the population, so total of the sample is 8 students. Instrument in this research is a test of explosive muscle power sleeve shoulder with the test of Hand Two Medicine Ball Put and Long Service Forehand with results of tests using the numbers. Then the data is processed by statistic, for normality test with Liliefors test at significance level α = 0.05, the hypothesis is explosive muscle power sleeve shoulder between the results of long service forehand. Based on the data processed, it can be concluded that correlation of data obtained correlation coefficient of r = 0.88 which means in the t-test was got thitung = 4.56 ttable = 1.943. So when thitung = 4.56> TTable = 1.943, it can be concluded Ho is reject and Ha is accept, then the correlation between variables X and Y in High categorized


Hubungan Daya Ledak Otot Lengan Bahu dengan Hasil Long Service Forehand dalam Permainan Bulu Tangkis Putra


Explosive Muscle Power Shouldear, Long Service Forehand
