Environmental Ethics in Tunjuk Ajar Melayu (Malay Proverbs)

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Humans utiltze land and tis natural resources to fulfil their needs. The over exaloltat1on of nature have damaqed both nature and human. Therefore, humans should have standards of conduct which function to distinqUish riqht and wronq in utilizmq nature and its natural resou rces. The standars of conducts in util1z1nq nature and enwonmental are called as enwonmental ethics. Riqht and wronq are determined by moral va lues believed in certa1n societies. Malays have local erNironmental ethics in view1ng nature and envi ronment This research aims to find out environmental ethics 1n Tunj uk AJar Melayu (Malay proverbs) Bv analvzinq the text of Tunjuk AJar Melayu, it is found that Malay have stronq environmental eth1cs. The principles of environmental ethics 1n Tunjuk /'jar Melayu are based on customs. minds. morals. inheritance and rel1qion. These eth1cs suggest people to use land and 1ts natural resources based on certain nght behavior and attitudes



Environmental Ethics, Culture, Tunjuk AJar Melayu
