Strategi Pemasaran Agroindustri Rengginang Ubi Jemaja Indah Di Kelurahan Rejosari Kecamatan Tenayan Raya Pekanbaru

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This research aim to know internal factor and ek-temal at marketing and formulate strategy marketing of cassava agro rengginang Jemaja Indah in the Village Beautiful Rejosari Tenayan Raya Pekanbam City District. Research of case study method used at cassava agro rengginang Jemaja Indah. Data Primary collected from interview to kuisioner entrepreneur of cassava agro rengginang Jemaja Indah while data of sekunder obtained from related institution and literature. Result of research obtained internal factor marketing cassava agro rengginang Jemaja Indah available especial raw material enough, owning legality, price sell product reached, factor of eksternal marketing cover request of market which high enough, existence of attention of Disperindag, to the number of competitor of same product. Strategy marketing • Cassava of rengginang agroindustri in Jemaja Indah is (1) Improving amount result of production to fulfill request of market, (2) Developping processing technology to cassava of rengginang, (3) Exploiting promotion media to extend market segmentation.



Marketing Strategies, product, SWOT

