Beban Pencemaran Limbah Domestik Sungai Parit 13 Kecamatan Tembilahan Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir
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Parit River 13 is one of the rivers that crosses Tembilahan subdistrict with a relatively
high population density. The function of these rivers is used as a rain water drainage that
existence is not be separated from human activities around the watershed. Increasing
population growth has caused the Parit River 13 to experience a decline in water quality
caused by domestic waste inputs. This study aims to determine water quality and domestic
waste pollution in the Parit River 13. This research carried out sampling at three locations
that presented the upstream, middle and downstream of the river. Analysis of pollutant
load is made by multiplying the value of river water discharge with the concentration of
pollutant parameters. The results showed the highest domestic waste pollution load value
was COD of 785.635 mg/sec, BOD 510.663 mg/sec, Phosphate (PO4) 27.643 mg/sec, and
Nitrate (NO3) 1.455 mg/sec. Based on the value of concentration and pollutant load, Parit
13 River Tembilahan Subdistrict, Indragiri Hilir Regency is in a condition contaminated
with domestic waste.
domestic waste, water quality, pollution load