Uji Berbagai Dosis Kompos Lcc (Legum cover crop) Dengan Bioaktifator Orgadec Pada Pertumbuhan Bibit Okulasi Karet (Hevea brasiliensis)

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Rubber is one of the plantation in Indonesia to support the country's economy, providing jobs, as a source of foreign exchange earnings and as a source of rubber farmers. The first step that must be done in order to prepare for the development of rubber cultivation is quality seeds. Growth of seedlings was obtained when the medium used has good quality in terms of physical, biological and chemical. One of the businesses that are growing medium that can fertilize seedlings with compost fertilizer LCC (Cover Crop Legumes). This research aims to examine the use of different doses of compost LCC and determine the appropriate dose for gum grafting seedling growth conducted in the Laboratory of Plant Experimental Farm Faculty of Agriculture, University of Riau for 4 months, starting from January to April 2012. The design used was completely randomized design (CRD), which consists of 6 treatments and 3 replications. With the treatment that K0 (without compost), K1 (50 g / polybag), K2 (75 g / polybag), K3 (100 g / polybag), K4 (125 g / polybag) and K5 (150 g / polybag). From the research that has been done shows that administration of compost in nursery grafting LCC rubber grafting effect on shoot length, the number of leaves, shoot dry weight and ratio of crown root grafting. While in the bud grafting circumference added no effect. From this research the best influence on the dose of compost LCC 150 g / polybag


Dwi Indrasari. Jur. 2012


Rubber, compost and doses

