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    Pemilihan Kriteria Seleksi Untuk Perakitan Cabai (Capsicum annuum L) di Lahan Gambut
    (2014-02-18) Harry, Sugestiadi; Nurbaiti; Deviona
    The objective of the research was to determine about information the choice of selection criteria on chile varieties assembly in peatland. The research used Randomized Block Design (RBD) consisted of 20 treatments with three replications. The treatment consisted of 20 genotypes of chili that is genotype C2, C120, C51, C111, C105, C117, C118, C157, C159, F5110005-91-13-5, F5110005-91-13-12, F8002005-2-9-12-1, C140, C5, C18, C19, C143, F512005-5-11-1, C145 and C160. The data were analyzed by analysis of variance, further test DNMRT at 5% level and Pearson’s correlation. Parameters observed were: the age of flower appearance, height dichotomous, plant height, stem diameter, canopy width, leaf length, leaf width, age of harvest, fruit length, fruit stalk length, fruit diameter, weight per fruit and weight of fruit per plant. The results showed that there is a positive correlation between the parameters of weight per fruit, fruit length, fruit stalk length, leaf width and leaf length to weight of fruit per plant.C143 is a genotype that has the highest value of weight per fruit. Genotype C111 has the highest value of fruit lenght and fruit stalk length. Genotype C51 has the highest value of leaf width and genotype F5110005-91-13-12 has the highest value of leaf length.
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    Granting Of Empty oil palm bunches of Compost Second Rotation and Grow Natural Subtastances towards growth regulator Seed Oil Palm (Elaeis Guinensis Jacq) In Medium Sub Soil Ultisol
    (2014-02-18) Hadi, kusuma; Nelvia; Al Ikhsan Amri
    This research aim to study the effects application ofEmpty oil palm bunches of Compost second rotation and naturalSubtastances towards growth regulator in medium Sub Soil Ultisol on growth palm oil (Elaeis Guineensis Jacq). This research was conducted ingreen houseof agricultural faculty, Universitas Riau,Pekanbaru.From december 2012 - april 2013. Sub soil ultisol was taken from kulim region Pekanbaru City. Soil chemical properties of Ultisol material was analized at soil laboratory of soil research Bogor.This research used split plot design as the main plot is natural Subtastances towards growth regulator and subplot is Empty oil palm bunches of compost consits of 3 replication main plot and 4 replication subplot. Natural Subtastances towards growth regulator : Z 0 =without Natural Subtastances towards growth regulator, Z 1 = Natural Subtastances towards growth regulator by excreseense of banana, Z 2 = Natural Subtastances towards growth regulator by bamboo shoots, main while subplot, empty oil palm bunches of Compost: To = without Empty oil palm bunches of Compost T 1 = 20 tons Empty oil palm bunches of Compost / ha T2 = 30 tons Empty oil palm bunches of Compost / ha,T3 = 40 tons Empty oil palm bunches of Compost / ha. The result this reseach effect application of Empty oil palm bunches of Compost20 tons / ha, without or withnaturalSubtastances towards growth regulator can increase aplant height, number of leavesand diameter hump.
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    Efektivitas Perpanjangan Media Diperoleh Hawaiian Pepaya (Carica papaya L) Petani di Rumbai Bukit Kecamatan Rumbai Kabupaten Kota Kota Pekanbaru
    (2014-02-18) Franki; Roza Yulida
    There are some types of ekstension media that are used by the farmers for running their business. Nevertheless, the type of the most effective media which is very effective to be used is still being questioned. This research about the effectiveness of media was carried out in Rumbai Bukit sub-district Rumbai District Pekanbaru City. The location was chosen under these considerations, in Rumbai Bukit sub-district there are some Hawaiian Papaya culture which are being developed and also some existing media information used by the farmers. Sampling method used in this research is Simple Random Sampling by the number of respondents consist of 30 people. To measure attitudes, opinions, and perceptions of a person or a group of social phenomenon questionnaire was used in line with Likert scale method. With the Likert scale, the variables to be measured are translated into an indicator variable. Variables that are measured in this study are the variables of the information media effectiveness used upon the Hawaiian papaya farmers in Rumbai Bukit Sub-district Pekanbaru City. From the conducted research, there are three types of ekstension media that were obtained, namely: 1) Agricultural Extension (PPL); 2) Peasant Organizations and 3) Books, where the Agricultural Extension (PPL) is regarded as the effective information media for the Hawaiian papaya farmers in Rumbai Bukit sub-district, Rumbai district, Pekanbaru city. This is because the field of agricultural extension information media (PPL) is easily found and is sensitive to the problems of farmers. Having seen from the obtained facts and matters, the Agricultural Extension (PPL) as the media should be more active in terms of updating the information for farming activities. Furthermore, the Agricultural Extension Workers (PPL) should provide other information such as current agricultural situation continuously, due to farmers' lack of interest in reading. Media information in the form of Peasant Organization should further increase the seriousness and intensity of activity with the all problems of farmers. Therefore farmers are able to find solutions to fix their problems related to their business.
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    Pengaruh Perbedaan Konsentrasi Zpt Dan Sistem Pembibitan Terhadap Pertumbuhan Bibit Buah Naga (Hylocereus costaricensis)
    (2014-02-13) Andi, Hermansyah; Armaini; Erlida Ariani
    Dragon fruit is a horticultural plant species originating from America and introduced to Indonesia in 2000. Dragon fruit cultivation continues to be done because it is very profitable and has a great chance to developed. These opportunities must be balanced with the provision of seed. PGRs concentration and seeding system is a factor that must be considered in the nursery because it will affect the growth of seedlings in the field. The research was conducted at dragon fruit plantation Tameran village Bengkalis regency. The time used in this research lasted from August to December 2012. The design used was a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) 4 x 2 factorial with 3 replication. The first factor is the PGRs concentration, which is 0 g/10 ml, 6 g/10 ml, 9 g/10 ml and 12 g/10 ml length cuttings. While the second factor is the seeding system, which is indirect seeding system and direct seeding system. The parameters measured were the time appeared shoot, shoot length, number of shoots, root length, number of roots, root volume, seedling fresh weight gain and dry weight of seedlings. Data were analyzed statistically using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and further tested by further testing (DNMRT) level of 5%. Results shows of the best dragon fruit seedlings growing on a combination between 6g/10 ml PGRs concentration with direct seeding system.
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    Perubahan Penggunaan Lahan Hutan Alam Menjadi Hutan Tanaman Industri Acacia crassicarpa Terhadap Beberapa Sifat Fisika Tanah Gambut
    (2014-02-13) Ade, Noviria; Wawan; Ikhsan
    The purpose of this research was determine how the effect of lands use change from natural forest to plantation forest Acacia crassicarpa on some physical properties of peat soil.The research wasconducted by survey method, with purposive sampling. Data was analysed by descriptive and graphics model. The parameters were particle size distribution, bulk density, particle density and porosity. The result of research show that land use change from natural forest to plantation forest Acacia crassicarpa was increasing total of smalles particle, bulk density, and particle density, while the porosity decreases. The longer time of land use change was increasing the decomposition of the peat soil, which improves the physical peat soil.
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    Uji Beberapa Konsentrasi Ekstrak Akar Tuba (Derris elliptica Benth) untuk Mengendalikan Hama Kutu Daun (Aphis craccivora Koch) pada Tanaman Kacang Panjang (Vigna sinensis L.)
    (2014-02-01) Rahadiyan, Aristya; Salbiah, Desita; Sutikno, Agus
    Aphis craccivora is a major pest of bean plants that cause a loss of production of between 65.87% and reached more than 90% as a viral vector. Using the tuba root extract as an insecticide is expected to reduce the risk of crop loss by Aphis craccivora. This research aimed to obtain the appropriate concentration of tuba root extract (Derris elliptica Benth) to control Aphis craccivora on long bean. Research conducted experiments using a completely randomized design (CRD) with 6 treatments and 4 replications. Data were statistically analyzed using analysis of variance and further tested by (Duncan’s New Multiple Range Test) DNMRT at a rate of 5%. The results showed that the concentration of 2.5 g/l of water extract of tuba root effective for controlling Aphis craccivora with amortality rate of about 92.50%, while mortality beginning approximately 1.25 hours and 11.25 hours LT50.
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    Efektifitas Media Penyuluhan Yang Diberikan Kepada Petani Pepaya Hawai (Carica papaya L.) di Kelurahan Rumbai Bukit Kecamatan Rumbai Kota Pekanbaru
    (2013-08-27) Franki; Yulida,Roza; Eliza
    There are some types of ekstension media that are used by the farmers for running their business. Nevertheless, the type of the most effective media which is very effective to be used is still being questioned. This research about the effectiveness of media was carried out in Rumbai Bukit sub-district Rumbai District Pekanbaru City. The location was chosen under these considerations, in Rumbai Bukit sub-district there are some Hawaiian Papaya culture which are being developed and also some existing media information used by the farmers. Sampling method used in this research is Simple Random Sampling by the number of respondents consist of 30 people. To measure attitudes, opinions, and perceptions of a person or a group of social phenomenon questionnaire was used in line with Likert scale method. With the Likert scale, the variables to be measured are translated into an indicator variable. Variables that are measured in this study are the variables of the information media effectiveness used upon the Hawaiian papaya farmers in Rumbai Bukit Sub-district Pekanbaru City. From the conducted research, there are three types of ekstension media that were obtained, namely: 1) Agricultural Extension (PPL); 2) Peasant Organizations and 3) Books, where the Agricultural Extension (PPL) is regarded as the effective information media for the Hawaiian papaya farmers in Rumbai Bukit sub-district, Rumbai district, Pekanbaru city. This is because the field of agricultural extension information media (PPL) is easily found and is sensitive to the problems of farmers. Having seen from the obtained facts and matters, the Agricultural Extension (PPL) as the media should be more active in terms of updating the information for farming activities. Furthermore, the Agricultural Extension Workers (PPL) should provide other information such as current agricultural situation continuously, due to farmers' lack of interest in reading. Media information in the form of Peasant Organization should further increase the seriousness and intensity of activity with the all problems of farmers. Therefore farmers are able to find solutions to fix their problems related to their business.
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    Pola Pewarisan Sifat-Sifat Agronomis dan (Glycine max L. Merril) Mutu Biji Pada Populasi Tanaman Kedelai
    (2013-08-27) Saragih, Ade Saputra; Rasyad,Aslim; Nurbaiti
    This study was intended to determine variability, genetic variance component, and heritability of several agronomic characters in a population consisting of eight soybean genotypes. A field experiment had been conducted in the experimental station of Faculty of Agriculture, University of Riau from July 2012 to October 2012. The eight genotypes was planted in the field experiment and arranged in randomized block design with three replications. The genotypes were Malabar, Willis, Kipas Putih, KM-11 AB, KM-13 ED, KM-14 DD, KM-19 BE, and KM-25 EC. Traits observed were plant height, time to flowering,time to harvest, 100-grain weight, grain yield m-2, oil content and protein content in the seed. Result indicated significant genetic variability for plant height,time to harvest, 100-grain weight, grain yield m-2, oil content and protein content in the seed, but not for time to flowering, filled pod percentage, and seed weight per plant. Heritability ranging from o.25 to 0.94 being significantly different from zero for plant height, time to harvest, 100-grain weight, yield m-2, oil and protein content in the seed but not for time to flowering,filled pod percentage, and seed weight per plant.
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    Pengaruh Pupuk Anorganik Pada Tanah Gambut Terhadap Produksi Cabai Merah (Capsicum annum L)
    (2013-08-27) Sapito, Andri; Gusmawartati; Amri,Al Ikhsan
    Chili is a horticultural crop that is in demand by most of the people of Indonesia, is widely used for household and industry so that the chili demand continues to increase every year. Parallel to the decreasing availability of arable land, the expansion of the agricultural area is directed to the peat, as peat soil organic matter content is high enough (Suryadinata, 2009). Many organic materials containing cellulose decomposed difficult. Additionally peat soil fertility is low, which is classified as very acidic soil pH (4.3) with N-total (0.04%) and KB (7.13%) is very low, while the CEC (38 me/100g) is high. Elements of P in the soil is around the criteria were (23.63 me/100g) and low K elements (0.231 me/100g) (Suryadinata, 2009). From the results of the study shows that inorganic fertilizers on peat soil on the production of red chili significant effect on all the parameters the observation
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    Analisis Karakteristik Lahan Gambut di Bawah Tegakan Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit di Provinsi Riau
    (2013-07-31) Fahrozi, Oksariwan; Idwar; Besri,Nasrul
    The relationship of palmoil plantations development with peatland characteristic until now has not been known. One reason why not a lot of available information concerning the relationship is due to the lack of studies that examine the changes in forest vegetation for palm oil plantations. This study aims to identify the characteristics of peat (physics, chemistry and biology) and evaluate the changes after undertaking as palm oil plantations in Riau Province. This study was conducted in August-October 2011 in Bengkalis and Siak Sri Indrapura Regency. The research method was survey andparameters of peatland characteristics identified are: permeability, colour, bulk density, particle density, total pore space, water levels, subsidence, peat thickness, peat maturity, depth of ground water level, pH H2O, pH KCl, C-Organic, N-Total, P available, P-Total, cation exchange capacity, Ca, Mg, K, Na , Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn, base saturation, respiration and total population of soil macrofauna. The results showed that the characteristics of peatlands as the changes after undertaking as palm oil plantations are: thickness of the peat, the rate of subsidence, the depth of ground water level, pH of soil and nutrient content in the soil.
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    Pertumbuhan Bibit Kakao (Theobroma cacao L.) Dengan Aplikasi Trichoderma Sp dan Pupuk Majemuk
    (2013-07-31) Nasution, Nurmahanis; Islan; Saputra,Sukemi Indra
    This study aimed to obtain the interaction of Trichoderma sp and compound fertilizers, and to determine the effect of Trichoderma sp and compound fertilizer in cacao seedlings (Theobroma cacao L). The research was carried out for 4 months starting from January to April 2013. The research was conducted at the experimental farm of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Riau Jl. Bina Widya Baru Desa Simpang Kecamatan Tampan, Pekanbaru. Method using a completely randomized design (CRD) with factorial treatment. The first factor: Trichoderma sp. (T) consists of 4 levels that is without Trichoderma sp (T0), Trichoderma sp 25 g/polybag (T1); Trichoderma sp 50 g/polybag (T2) and 75 g/polybag (T3). The second factor: without compound fertilizer (M0), compound fertilizer 1 g/polybag (M1), compound fertilizer 2 g/polybag (M2); compound fertilizer 3 g/polybag (M3). Data were analyzed using ANOVA and continued with further DNMRT test at the 5% level. The parameters measured is high seed (cm), stem diameter (mm), number of leaves (pieces), and leaf area (cm2). The results showed that the interaction of Trichoderma sp give a dose of 75 g/polybag and compound fertilizer dose of 2 g/polybag well give more influence to the parameters plant height and stem diameter. Giving Trichoderma sp no real effect on all treatments. Compound fertilizers dose of 2 g/polybag gives a better effect on parameter plant height, stem diameter and number of leaves.
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    Perubahan Penggunaan Lahan Hutan Alam Menjadi Hutan Tanaman Industri (Hti) Acacia crassicarpa Terhadap Beberapa Sifat Kimia Tanah Gambut
    (2013-07-31) Khotimah, Khusnul; Wawan; Wardati
    The increasing of material timber industrial will lead to extension of plantation forest area in peat soil. In natural peat land forest, condition of soil is always reductive and moist, soil reaction (pH) is very acid and content of nutrient N, P, K, Ca, Mg, K, Na is very low. Some activity in plantation forest will changes some chemical properties in peat soil. The purpose of this research was to know lands use change from natural forest to plantation forest Acacia crassicarpa on some chemical properties in peat soil. Method in this research was survey, with purposive sampling. Data was analysed by descriptive and graphics model. The parameters were pH, organic carbon, total nitrogen, total phosphor and base cations K, Ca, Mg, Na. The result of research show that land use change from natural forest to plantation forest Acacia crassicarpa will increasing some chemical properties in peat soil. The longer time of land use change will increasing some chemical properties in peat soil. The increasing is fluctuative, as pH, total nitrogen, total phosphor, and base cations K, Ca, Mg, Na, whereas for organic carbon increase is linierly.
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    Penularan Cendawan Entomopatogen Dari Larva Oryctes rhinoceros L (Coleptera : Scarabaedae) Yang Dilumuri Metarhizium anisopliae (Metch) Sorokin Ke Larva Sehat Pada Media Ampas Tebu di Lapangan
    (2013-07-31) Aprito, Zam; Laoh ,J. Hennie; Rustam ,Rusli
    Oryctes rhinoceros (Coleptera: Scarabaedae) is one of the important pests which attack Palm oil (Elaeis guineenssis Jacq), especially in palm oil plantations which in the newly opened planted on peat. O. rhinoceros can cause physical damage directly up to 69%. To control this pest undertaken by farmers is the use of chemical pesticides that can cause damage to the environment, injuries the health of other living organism, pest resistance and pest resurgence. Therefore need another tecknologi to control this pest is the use of Metarizhium anisopliae which save for environment. The research was conducted at the Technical Implementation Unit, Experimental Field, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Riau from February 2013 until April 2013. The research carried out by using of Randomized Block Design with 3 treatments and 4 blocks. The treatment is using 1 of larva O. rhinoceros besmeared M. anisopliae, 2 of larvae O. rhinoceros besmeared M. anisopliae, and 3 of larvae O. rhinoceros besmeared M. anisopliae. The result showed that the treatment 3 of larvae O. rhinoceros besmeared M. anisopliae is suitable to Infect healthy larvae O. rhinoceros because can cause 65% larvae infected. The percentage of larvae mortality is 55%.
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    Uji Beberapa Konsentrasi Ekstrak Rimpang Jeringau (Acorus calamus L.) Untuk Mengendalikan Hama Kutu Daun Myzus persicae Sulzer Pada Tanaman Cabai (Capcicum annum L.)
    (2013-07-31) M. Al-Hafiz; Rustam,Rusli; Salbiah, Desita
    Myzus persicae Sulzer is a major pest in pepper. Therefore, it is needed the alternative control that is safer and environmentally friendly. One of them is botanical insecticide with sweet flag rhizomes. This study aimed to obtain the right concentration of sweet flag rhizome extract (Acorus calamus L.) to control the pests of peach aphids M. persicae Sulzer in pepper plant. This research was conducted at the Laboratory of Plant Pest and Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) Experimental Farm Faculty of Agriculture, University of Riau for 3 months, from February to April 2012. This study has been conducted using a completely randomized design consisted of 6 treatments (some concentration of sweet flag rhizome extract) and 4 replications in order to obtain 24 experimental units. Each trial consisted of 30 individuals M. persicae Sulzer. Data obtained from the observations were statistically analyzed using analysis of variance, followed by Duncan's New Multiple Range Test (DNMRT). The results of some concentrations of sweet flag rhizome extracts (Acorus calamus L.) test towards the aphids M. persicae Sulzer showed that concentrations 50 g/l water of sweet flag rhizome extract (5%) is an appropriate concentration which is in the range of lethal concentration (LC) 95 that is 4,84-20,72% with total mortality 90,83%.
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    Penggunaan Kalium Permanganat Untuk Memperpanjang Umur Simpan Buah Pepaya (Carica papaya L.,)
    (2013-07-31) budiman, Heri; efendi, Raswen; Sribudiani,Evi
    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of potassium permanganate in extending the shelf life of papaya fruit. Research using complete randomized design with 4 treatments and 4 replications. Treatment consists of P0: control (without oxidising ethylene), P1: 60 g ethylene oxidising agents (KMnO4 + zeolite), P2: 75 g ethylene oxidising agents (KMnO4 + zeolite), P3: 90 g ethylene oxidising agents (KMnO4 + zeolite). Storage is done at room temperature (27-300C) for 12 days. Data were analyzed statistically using the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), followed by using a Duncan New Multiple Range Test (DNMRT) at the level of 5%. The use of zeolites mixed with KMnO4 as oxidizing ethylene to maintain total dissolved solids, total acid tertitrasi, hardness, weight loss and color of the papaya fruit. The best treatment is P3, which 90 g of oxidizing ethylene.
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    Pengaruh Penambahan Ameliorian Dregs Pada Kompos Tkks dan Zpt Alami Terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Produksi Padi (Oryza sativa L) di Lahan Gambut
    (2013-07-30) Mulyono, Bambang; Nelvia; Amri,Al Ikhsan
    The research aims to determine the effect of addition ameliorant dregs to the empty bunched of oil palm compost (EBOPC) and natural plant growth regulation for rice growth and production on peatland. The research was conducted on Tanjung Air Hitam village, Kerumutan, Pelalawan-Riau from August 2012–February 2013. The research was arranged in split plot design as environmently design and completely randomized design as the experimentally design. The main plot was consist with 3 levels of plant growth regulation extract of Z1 (banana stump), Z2(bamboo shoots), and Z3 (mixture of both).The subplots were dosage of ameliorant dregs consists of 3 levels F1 (1.25tonnes), F2 (2.5tonnes)and F3 (5tonnes)perhectare. The results showed that the addition of 1.25 tonnes of ameliorant dregs per hectare combined with banana stump tends has tend to increaseof plant height, number of maximum tillers, number of productive tillers, percentage of pithygrain, thousand grain weight and increase pithydry milled grain weight perhectare.
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    Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanamanselada (lactuca sativa l.) Dengan Pemberian Kompos Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit
    (2013-07-30) Yurlis, Andi; Wardati; Rosmimi
    This study aims to look at the growth and yield of lettuce (Lactuca sativa. L) with the administration of multiple doses of composts empty fruit bunches of oil palm. The research was done experimentally by usingcompletely randomized design, which consists of 5 treatments. Each treatment was repeated 4 times to obtain 20 units of the experiment, one experimental plot contained 25 plants, as well as samples taken 4 plants. The results showed that administration of compost TKKS significant effect on all parameters except leaf width. TKKS composting showed significantly different results or the effect of the parameters of plant height, leaf number, root volume, and plant fresh weight. TKKS composting at treatment doses of 1.5 kg / plot gives the best results for all of the parameters that increase plant height, leaf number, leaf width, root volume and fresh weight of lettuce plants. Observations on leaf width parameters showed different results is not real, it is influenced by the spacing is less efficient, so berdanpak the amount of solar radiation absorbed by plants, plant spacing also affects the initial growth phase, determining leaf width sufficient to absorb maximum sunlight .
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    Emisi Gas Co2, Ch4 Dan Pertumbuhan Serta Produksi Tanaman Padi di Lahan Gambut Akibat Pemberian Berbagai Rasio Amelioran dan Zpt Alami
    (2013-07-30) Alatas, Ali; Nelvia; Khoiri,Amrul
    This research aimed to learned the capability some of amelioran ratio and application natural PGR on the rice crop in peatlands to increased the growth and production and also pressed emision gas CO2 and CH4. This research has done in peatlands in Tanjung Air Hitam village, Pelalawan, from August 2012 until February 2013. This research has done experimentally used split plot design. The main plot was natural PGR from banana stump (Z1) and bamboo shoot (Z2). The subplot was amelioran ratio {dregs and compost of Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunch (OPEFB)}, with 3 level treatment, there are 1:4 (dregs 1,25 ton/ha : 5 ton/ha OPEFB compost); 1:2 (dregs 2,5 ton/ha : 5 ton/ ha OPEFB compost) and 1:1 (dregs 5 ton/ ha : 5 ton/ ha OPEFB compost). In this research was got 6 combination with 3 replication. The result showed commonly application amelioran ratio 1:4 with PGR from banana stump inclined produced the result of maximum tillers, productive tillers, volume root, dry weight straw and the highest production and the highest emision gas CO2 and CH4, either vegetative and generative phase. The lowest emision gas CO2 and CH4 were in application 1:1 amelioran ratio with PGR from bamboo shoot, either vegetative and generative phase.
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    Aplikasi Kompos Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit (Elaeis guineensis Jacq) Terhadap Pertumbuhan Bibit Kelapa Sawit di Pembibitan Utama
    (2013-07-30) Pakpahan, Herwin; Manurung, Gulat; Yulia, Arnis En
    This study aimed to examine the effect of empty fruit bunches of oil palm compost on the growth of oil palm seedlings and get a dose that provides good growth in oil palm seedlings. Research conducted experiments using a completely randomized design (CRD) Non Factorial consisting of 6 treatments and 3 replicates, so it can be 18 units in the trial. As each treatment is K0 = Without compost (0 tons / ha), K1 = TKKS Compost 5 tons / ha, (25 g / polybag), K2 = TKKS compost 10 tons / ha (50 g / polybag ), K3 = TKKS compost 15 tons / ha (75 g / polybag), K4 = TKKS compost 20 tonnes / ha (100 g / polybag), and K5 = TKKS compost 30 tons / ha (150 g / polybag). Units of the experiment consists of four oil palm seedlings, so it takes 72 seeds. Parameters were observed among other plants gain height, increase the number of leaves, increase tuber diameter, root volume, relative growth rate, the ratio of crown roots, seedling dry weight. Based on the research that has been done can be concluded that the provision of compost TKKS with various doses of the oil palm seedlings provide a noticeable effect on the parameters of leaves, but not significantly different in the high parameter seed, tuber diameter, root volume, relative growth rate, dry weight, and the ratio of the root crown.
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    Pertumbuhan Dan Produksi Tanaman Caisim (Brassica chinensis) Dengan Pemberian Trichokompos Jerami Padi dan Pupuk Urea
    (2013-07-27) F. H. Manase D; Yetti,Husna; Ardian
    The purpose of this study is to obtain the interaction rice straw trichokompos with urea fertilizer that gives the best impact on the growth and the production of caisim. The research was conducted at the experimental farm of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Riau in October to November 2012. Experimental research conducted in the field by using a completely randomized design (CRD), which consists of two factors, the first factor that is rice straw trichokompos (0 ton/ha, 10 ton/ha, 20 ton/ha) and the second factor, namely urea fertilizer (27.5 kg/ha, 55 kg / ha, 82.5 kg / ha). Each unit of experiment was repeated 3 times to obtain 27 units of the experiment. The data obtained were analyzed using Analysis Of varience (ANOVA) and further tested using DNMRT test (Duncan's New Multiple Range Test) at the level of 5%. The parameters measured were plant height, leaf area, number of leaves, harvest, plant fresh weight, decent weight of consumable and root volume. These results indicate that the interaction of treatment administration rice straw trichokompos and urea fertilizers applied to crops can increase production of caisim crop. The leaf area, harvest, plant fresh weight, decent weight of consumable, and best root volume found in rice straw treatment trichokompos 20 ton/ha with urea fertilizer 82.5 kg/ha.