
Internet familiar at this point, from adults to children now have access to the Internet. websites on the Internet are varied in accordance with a variety of human needs as well. One popular website is currently the website facebook.com. Facebook.com site is a social networking site that provides a very interesting applications. Applications on the website facebook.com such as chat, photos, videos, groups, games, and third-party applications that are not less interesting. These applications draw students, so that students' learning time-consuming and attitudes of students to interact. This study aims to determine the effect of using website facebook.com for attitude of the students of 1 Junior High School Pekanbaru and to determine the factors that affect students of 1 Junior High School Pekanbaru in accessing the website facebook.com. The method used in this study was a quantitative survey, collecting data using questionnaires, interviews, documentation, and observation. To determine the effect of using website facebook.com for attitudeof the students of 1 Junior High School Pekanbaru, the author uses a simple linear regression analysis. Variable X in this study is the use of facebook.com website, while the variable Y is the attitude of the students of 1 Junior High School Pekanbaru. The number of samples in the study of 65 people, the technique of taking the sample is stratified sampling. Test data processing is done by using a Statistics Program Product and Service Solution (SPSS) Windows version 16.0. The results of this study show the influence of the facebook.com website usage attitude of the students of 1 Junior High School Pekanbaru. This is based on data analysis using simple linear regression is Y = 19.30 + 0.29 X 2.069 with 2.069 t count is greater than t tables of significance levels of 1.998 and 0.043 lower compared with the α, obtained from N = 65 and α = 0.05. Therefore, Ho is rejected and Ha accepted because there is significant influence between the use of the website facebook.com for attitude of the students of 1 Junior High School Pekanbaru, as for the factors that affect students of 1 Junior High School Pekanbaru in accessing the website facebook.com is technology is very easy to reach, easy access to the internet, and environmental factors because of support from parents and friends of respondents.



Internet, facebook
