Relationships Speed Meter Run 50 Results In the Men's Long Jump student of SMK 5 PEKANBARU Force TSM Programs Class X 2011
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ABSTRACT Ikhwanul Khaidir, 2012: Relationships Speed Meter Run 50 Results In the Men's Long Jump student of SMK 5 PEKANBARU Force TSM Programs Class X 2011 Ikhwanul Khaidir Di bawah bimbingan Drs. Saripin, S.Pd, M.Kes, AIFO Drs. Yuherdi, S. Pd Mahasiswa Jurusan Pendidikan Olahraga (PENJASKES) Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Riau Kampus Bina Widya Km. 12,5 Simpang Baru – Pekanbaru 28293, INDONESIA Type of study is research by student population Kolerasional son SMK 5 PEKANBARU class of 2011. The sampling technique in this study using the techniques of total sampling, where the sample in this study is a population numbering around 30 people. Instrument conducted to collect data in this research is to use the tests and direct measurement of speed ran 50 yards with a long jump results. Measurements using the running speed run speed test is a test of how much the running speed and ability to jump long jump with test 3 times. This study aimed to discover how much information the relationship between running speed of 50 meters with the results of the long jump as well as to find information about the presence or absence of a meaningful relationship between the two variables. The data obtained as a result of the research is quantitative data through tests and measurements which will then be processed with statistics, normality tests done to test liliefors at level a = 0.05, to know how much relations between the two variables can be determined by using the product moment formula, while for determine the significance of these correlations can be determined by using a t-test. Based on these results, it can be concluded that there is a significant relationship between running speed of 50 meters with the results of the long jump, where the level of a = 0.05 is obtained Houng 4.32> 1.645 ttabel so Ho is rejected
Relationships Speed Meter Run 50 Results In the Men's Long Jump student of SMK 5 PEKANBARU Force TSM Programs Class X 2011
Speed Run 50 meters, Long Jump Results