Analisis Pelaksanaan Surat Perintah Gubernur Riau No. 223/PP/2010 (Kasus Penertiban dan Pengamanan Kendaraan Mobil Dinas Milik Daerah di Provinsi Riau)
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Abstract: Republic of Indonesia Government Regulation No. 6 of 2006 concerning
the management of the state or local goods is the legal basis and the guidelines in this
inventory the belongings of the area that was obtained from the budget to complete
the requirements for the unit of area (SKPD) field operations, the need for officials,
as well as for the benefit of society in general. To avoid perverts-irregularities in the
management of local goods, need to review the activities in intent and affirmation out
loud to the implementation of laws and regulations that have been set by the
To find out how the management and user accountability goods area, the
writer very interested in conducting research on the police force of the Riau
provincial civil service duties and functions, from the above observations writer very
interested to do research on the issues raised in the ranks of the provincial riau , to the
authors make the thesis by choosing the title "governor's warrant execution analysis
riau 223 in 2010 (the case of the control and surveillance vehicles owned by the
official car of the area in the province of Riau.) This research is a qualitative kind the
studies, the research related to the Data form words, sentences, and pictures and data
schema in the form of numbers. sites for this research is the office of the civil service,
the police force in Riau province.
Actions, withdrawl, and region’s safety goods