Ministry of Education on Healthy School Canteen's Management Towards Quality of Life in Malaysia
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School canteen plays an important role and has qainec an increasino responsibility concernino the food
and nutr1ent intakes of children and young people. Because of that 1t 1s important and closely linked to
have clean and better school canteen for their comfort. qet a safe food and Increase healthy people
towards a better qualltv of life Therefore effective manaaement of school canteens and human health
wrth the enforcement. adoption leqislation. non leqislatron as well as qurdelrnes then ensure a perfect
human health to address the problem of food safetv in school canteens and cause food poisonino. For
the realization of effective and efficient management, the Ministrv of Education has taken the mitiat;ve to
publish the Healthy School Canteen's Manaqerrent Handbook as auidance and reference to all schools
in Malavsi< Da 1lv Sell-Check Report on School Canteen is one of school canteen manaqement
requ irements under the respons1bil1ty of the school canteen comm1ttee comprising school pri ncipals and
school canteen teachers. Th1s Self-check report 1s one of the Important strateg;es to ensure a
cleanliness school canteen for a better quality of food
Food Hygiene, Healthy School Canteen's Management. School Canteen