The Society Perception to PT. Pertamina (Persero) EP Asset Lirik Field
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PT. Pertamina EP Asset Link F1eld is one of company that implements Coomun1tv Development in Lirik
Subdistrict lndraoiri Hulu Reqencv Riau Provrnce Indonesia. hoped in order that the society
development fund is used effectively and efficiently The corpcration relat1on (Pertaminal- communitv,
needs rdentlflcat1on effort of mst1tut1on and mdrv1dual. 1n order to dec1de form and character of relation
between corporatior-community and one of rs beinq able to be explained by lookinq soc1etv perception
to PT. Pertamina. The problem that 1s faced PT. Pertamina EP Asset Lirik Field 1n its relation w1th
commun1ty recently 1s (1 ). How the society perception is to actrv1ty that 1s done by PT. Pertamina. (2)
How the condition of society's soc1al-economy and social-culture 1n Desa Gucana Batu The research
subrect is soc1etv who are dom1c1led in act1v1tv r1na area 1 of PT Pertamna (Persero) EP Li rik Field
[Oesa Gudana Batu) that consists of 8 heads of household, society fiau re (2 Governance Chiefs. 2
reliq1on liqures, 2 custom fiqures, 2 women fiqures 2 youth fiqures and 2 teachers) who are in Desa
Gudanq Batu. total 20 people The soc1etv perception to PT. Pertamina is a bio company that moves in
production operation field of oil and aas. Sc far PT. Pertamina qrovis Vi ith society and enVIronment. bv
doing efficiency to society, in order to open access 1n economy wealth increase, envrronment
prepetuatron and hurnan resource caooc1tv mcrease. PT. Pertamrna has a1ven more helP. both rnonl
and materiil, and not onlvin operational area of PT. Pertamina, but al so out of operational area included
reqion qovernment. The education level. One of culture social environment qual1tv parameter IS human
resource potentron based on education level. The hrqher education level wv.ill influence human
resource qualitv and Viill be aood for soc1al enw onment qual1tv. The society 10b in oil and qas industry
activitv environment of PT Pertamina Lirik, the inhabitant economy social enVIronment cond1t1on bases
on Inhabitant job. The major1ty of inhabitant works as farmer