Pengaruh Pupuk Controlled Release Terhadap Pertumbuhan Vegetatif Dan Serapan Hara Bibit Kelapa Sawit (Elaeis gueneensis Jacq.) Pada Dua Perbedaan Volume Medium Tanam Di Pre Nursery

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The aim of this study is to determine the effect of application of controlled release fertilizer, adoption of planting medium and the interaction between controlled release fertilizer with planting medium to the vegetative growth and nutrient uptake of oil palm seedlings in pre nursery. Field trials lasted from January to March 2013, while the nutrient analysis in the laboratory in April until May 2013. Design of the study used a randomized block designed (RBD) 2 Factorial, the first factor was the difference in the volume of growing medium (M), namely M1: hyplug medium, M2 : polybag medium. The second factor was the application of Controlled release fertilizer/Crf (P), P1 : Crf NPKMg 20-6-14-3, P2 : Crf NPKMg 17-8-9-3. Data results of variance followed by DNMRT test at level 5 %. Moreover, the parameter of observation was observed between the other parameters of the vegetative growth of seedlings plant height, number of leaves, leaf color, stem diameter, leaf dry weight, root dry weight, the ratio of leaf to root dry weight, root volume and nutrient uptake parameters of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium. The results of this study concluded that the use of the medium polybag, Crf NPKMg 17-8-9-3 fertilizer application and the interaction between the planting medium polybag with fertilizer Crf NPKMg 17-8-9-3 be the best combination for the treatment and vegetative growth parameters and nutrient uptake oil palm seedlings.



controlled release, medium, vegetative, nutrient uptake
