Analisi Tingkat Partisipasi Anggota Kelompok Wanita Tani (Kwt) Dalam Program Model Kawasan Rumah Pangan Lestari (m-krpl) Di Kabupaten Siak

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M-KRPL program is a program of the Government, involving the participation of members of the Group of Women Farmers (KWT) in the development ofthe program. To help household food security, by utilizing the yard area to produced food which quality and varies. The purpose of this study is lo analyzing the level of participation KWT members in M-KRPL program in Siak Regency. The survey method has been used in the study. The number of participants were 42 samples, taken with proportional random sampling method The samples was taken of the KWT Matahari and KWT Cendana Wangi members who followed M-KRPL program in Siak regency. Analysis oflevel of participation KWT members in this study with descriptive method Measured of level of participation in planning, implementation, use of the results and evaluation, with scale of Liker's Summated Rating (LSR). The showed level of participation KWT members was categorized "high level" with score 3,87. The level of participation was categorized high be supported with high score of participation in planning, implementation. use participation and evaluation. The problems faced by members namely, problems of production facilities and water.



Participation, household food security

