Parents Against Execution Attitudes in Early Childhood Education Quantum Kid’s Tampan District of Pekanbaru. Thesis
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This study aims to find out the attitude of the parents towards the implementation of
early childhood education in Quantum Kid’s District of Tampan. It used a descriptive
research with quantitative approach. Remember breadth coverage problem, then the
researcher gaveof limitation of the problem will be researched is attitude Parents
Against toward implementation in early childhood aducation Quantum Kid’s D istrict
of Tampan. Now the problem formulation in this study is “ How does the attitude of
the parents towards the implementation of early childhood education in Quantum
Kid’s District of Tampan”. As for the data collection techniques used in this research
is to use A survey or questionnaire that is abaut 90 people. Sample in this research
taken by random used the formula of Taro Yamane in Ridwan (2005:65) amounting to
a total of 47 people. Variabels in this study consists of a variabel that is the attitude of
the parents. While the indicators used to find out the attitude of the parents towards
the implementation of early childhood education in Quantum Kid’s District of
Tampan will be reviewed from the aspects of cagnition, and konasi afeksi. Based on
the results of data processing, it can be concluded as follows: In general the attitude
of parents towerds the implementation of early childhood education in Quntum Kid’s
District of Tampan influenced by aspects of cognition, and afeksi konasi. Generally
seen konasi aspects have a higher percentage than any other aspect. Means that the
attitude of the perants towards the implementation of early childhood largely based on
the activities the parents towords the implementation of early childhood largely based
on the activities that induce psychic and active efforts relating to the implementation
of a purpose. But if seen in the classical no significant differences on the attitude of
the parents towards the implementation of early childhood education in Quantum
Kid’s District of Tampan on there aspects of cagnition, and afeksi konasi
Parents Against Execution Attitudes in Early Childhood Education Quantum Kid’s Tampan District of Pekanbaru. Thesis
parents attitudes,, childhood education