The Factor That Influences Application Of Learning In The Kindergarden Of Marpoyan Damai Subdistrict In Pekanbaru

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The background of the research is seen from teacher, student, curriculum, learning method, learning media and many facilities in learning. The purpose of the research is to know the factor that influences application of learning in kindergarden of marpoyan damai subdistrict in pekanbaru. The research uses descriptive. Collecting the data is using instrumen base on 20 questionnaire. The amount of sampel in the research is 55 person. Sampel taking technique is using sampling random sampling. The result of the research in analyzing the data shows that learning in kindergarden of marpoyan damai subdistrict is 78,67% it is the highest category. In a more detail the factor that influences application of learning in the kindergarden of marpoyan damai subdistrict in pekanbaru is seen from all in dicators namely: (a). The teacher indicator is seen from application of learning aspect of 85,15%, (b). The student indicator 74,09%. (c). Curriculum indikator 73,64%. (d). Learning method indikator 82,95%. (e). Learning media indicator 75,00%. (f). Facility indicator 81,21%. Herewith it can be conluded that influences application of learning in kindergarden the Curriculum, Learning media, The student indicator.


The Factor That Influences Application Of Learning In The Kindergarden Of Marpoyan Damai Subdistrict In Pekanbaru


learning,, PAUD
