Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Inkuiri Terbimbing untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPA Siswa Kelas Vb SD Negeri 161 Pekanbaru

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The background of this research is the lack of learning result of science’s students with 69,8% of class average which have KKM as much 76 for science’s learning. From 40 student only 15 student avhieve KKM and 25 student can not achieve KKM. To solve this problem, one of learning model in crease learning result of science’s students is by using quided inguiry learning model that emphasizes on critical and analytical thinking process to seek and find their own answer award a problem raised. The purpose of this research is to increase learning result of science’s student in Vb class of SDN 161 Pekanbaru. By the research question : Does the application of quided inquiry learning model can increase learning result of science’s student in Vb SDN 161 Pekanbaru. This minor thesis presents student’s learning result which is gained from UH I cycle I, UH II cycle II and UH III cycle III. In cycle I, the average value of student’s learning result is 75,1. In cycle II, the average value of student’s learning result is 83 ang in cycle II and in cycle III the average value of student’s learning result is 92,7. So, the improvement of average value from cycle I to cycle II is 10,52% and the improvement of average value from cycle II to cycle III is 11,69%. The result of data analysis from student learning activitas in class Vb of SDN 161 Pekanbaru by using inquiri learning on cycle I by average 68,95% on enough category. The cycle II by average 80,36% on good category and the cycle III by average 94,65% on excellent category. While, teacher’s activity in fostering the learning process on cycle I by average 75,83% on good caregory, the cycle II by average 83,75% on excellent category and tehe cycle III by average 95% by excellent category. The research result in SDN 161 Pekanbaru shows that the application of guided inquiry learning model can increase the learning result of science’s students in Vb class of SDN 161 Pekanbaru


Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Inkuiri Terbimbing untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPA Siswa Kelas V


Quided Inquiry Learning Model, Learning Outcomes
