Analisis Kinerja Kelompok Pemasaran Bersama Bahan Olahan Karet Rakyat (Bokar) Di Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi

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The research was conducted in Kuantan Singingi Regency that aims to analyze the marketing chain, the ability of the group and the collective marketing group performance in order to market the processed-rubber materials owned by the local people. The methode of data analysis in analyzing the marketing chain in the group is by calculating the marketing margins, marketing costs, share and marketing efficiency, which were tested by using mean difference test of independent samples and F test. The group capability was analyzed from the ability to plan, organize, implement, develop leadership, control and reporting with Likert’s scale analysis Summated Rating (SLR). Performance analysis of the group in order to market the processed-rubber materials was analyzed by its effectiveness, efficiency and the sustainability of the group’s business. The results have shown that the marketing group adopting the auction system is the most efficient marketing channels. This is indicated in auction system, the cost in marketing the processed-rubber material is smaller hence the farmers are able to earn greater profit. The low rate of marketing cost due to the absence of trancportation costs to the plant by farmers or groups, other than that the group has the role in order to take the policy in determining the selling price, so the prices are no longer controlled unilaterally by the trader. The analysis result upon the group capability in marketing is also contained in the auction system it is shown that the group has been able to run the group functions well. The best group performance is in auction system, as it seen from the increasing level of income and welfare of the group members, increasing the number of members, as well as the group’s business that is also growing.



marketing, capability, performance, group

