Diplomacy Model of Riau Malay Kingdoms
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This paper rs based on research whrch conducted in 2012. The research is a part of drplomacv study
that focused on diplomacy htstorv of Riau Malay Krnqdoms The main o~ ective of this research is
traced diplomacy mocel wich had been practrced rn Riau Malay Krngdoms srnce 14th century until 19th
centurv. The studv area rs Rrau Provrnce wrth samPle locatrons are Pekanbaru Crtv. Kampar.
Pelalawan, and Stak Sri lnderapura. Thts research rs based on documents and in-depth interviews on
several key informan·s from the sample locations who are well versed about Riau Malay Krnqdoms
historv. Result of this research shows that diplomacy model whrch developed in Riau Kinqdoms are not
based on treatv with other countries. but tenc more to diplomatical contact based on p oliti c a ~se curitv.
ecconomrc or trade, and culturalrnte rest. Thrs drplomatic model than push Riau Malay Kingdoms in to
cooperative, accomodative, and conflict relationship wrth other countries surounding them