Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Think Pair Share Meningkatkan Kemampuan Menulis Fiksi Siswa Kelas V SD Negeri 004 Teluk Merbau Kecamatan Kubu Kabupaten Rokan Hilir

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The research objective is to increase the activity of students in classroom learning Indonesian Merbau Gulf SDN 004 using learning model Think Pair Share (TPS). The research was motivated by the low ability students in learning writing seen from the results of students 'learning, students' writing skills do not meet the achievement standards in the assessment stage set or under KKM. Based on existing problems can be formulated problem how to increase students 'writing skills by using a learning model Think Pair Share (TPS) can improve students' writing class V SDN 004 Merbau bay. Population and the sample were students of class V Merbau Gulf SDN Academic Year 2012-2013 the number of students by 20 students. Data retrieval research by using post tests and documentation. Author gives the results of the percentage figures in each cycle, the results of activities for teachers in the first cycle by 60% the first meeting and the second meeting by 70%, then at the third meeting of Cycle II by 75% and 80% at the fourth meeting. Then for student activity can be obtained in each cycle is the first cycle of 60% the first meeting and the second meeting by 70%, then at the third meeting of Cycle II by 75% and 80% at the fourth meeting. As for the learning outcomes of students in the first cycle by 60% the first meeting and the second meeting by 70%, then at the third meeting of Cycle II by 75% and 80% at the fourth meeting. Data were also taken using the observation sheet student and teacher observation sheet. Based on these results it is concluded from the analysis of the action by using cooperative learning model think pair share can increase the ability to write fiction in the learning process. This can be seen with the learning outcomes that serve as the benchmark for the ability to write fiction fifth grade students of SDN 004 Merbau Bay.


Otang Kurniaman dan Neni Hermita


Think Pair Share, Ability to write fiction
