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This study was conducted to analyze the implementation about Public Service Agency ( BLU ) at the University of Riau . University of Riau since 2010-2011 designated as the implementing full BLU , so that financial management at the University of Riau is also turned into BLU , so the writer is interested to analyze about the implementation is . The problem in this study is How BLU implementation at the University of Riau , and what are the constraints faced ?. This study is a qualitative research , the data collection techniques in this study is a descriptive analysis . This research uses documentation ( observation ) and interviews with key informants as information objects that aim to achieve the goal in order to get information in the study . Data used in this study is primary data and secondary data obtained through direct observation and interviews with key informants in this study. Under the Public Service Board Policy Analysis ( Financial Management at the University of Riau 2010-2011) , it can be concluded as follows : 1 . BLU implementation at the University of Riau started since the issuance of the Decree ( SK ) dated January 26, 2010 by the Director General of Higher Education , which officially runs BLU in financial management . 2 . Task force team struggles Public Service Agency ( BLU ) University of Riau ( UR ) finally paid off after one more year to prepare BLU proposal and make a presentation before the Ministry Minister of Finance, at the end of 2009 , the Decree of the Minister of Finance finally through Decree No. 33 / KMK.05/2010 dated January 26, 2010 UR mention BLU status has been set to Universitas Riau . 3. BLU implementation b at the University of Riau same as BLU implementation in other government institutions , namely the University of Riau given the freedom to set its own budget, which is one of the main examples to use the budget without tax revenues must be returned to the treasury of the state, but still through regulatory mechanisms that have been established by asking first advance to the center . 4 . As for some of the obstacles encountered in the implementation of BLU are problems still have to adapt to the demands BLU system should be more careful in its implementation , as well as there are some regulations that collided with the implementation of the Public Service Board , such as the regulation on the implementation of non-tax revenues and State cash management system .



BLU, University of Riau,, implementation
