HUbungan tingkat pengetahuan dengan sikap ibu menyusui dalam mengatasi bendungan asi
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The purpose of this study was to know knowledge storey level, attitude and also relation of knowledge with mother attitude suckle in overcoming barrage of ASI. The research was conducted by analytical research methods to the design of the study was conducted in Cross Sectional This Research was conducted to 61 mother people suckle on work region of Puskesmas Sentajo, Countryside of Geringging Baru. Measuring instrument the used is quesioner. Data analysis used univariate bivariate analysis was using Chi-Square test. Result of research with univariate analysis the39 people (63.9%) have high knowledge, while 22 people (36.1%) have low knowledge in overcoming barrage of ASI. From 61 responder people, 32 people (52.5%) have positive attitude, while 29 people ( 47.5%) have negative attitude in overcoming barrage of ASI. Analisa bivariat menunjukkan adanya hubungan yang signifikan terhadap tingkat pengetahuan dengan sikap ibu menyusui dalam mengatasi bendungan ASI dengan nilai p value = 0,00 < α 0,05.
Keyword: mount knowledge, attitude, barrage of ASI
knowledge, attitude, barrage of ASI